Beyond crystallography: diffractive imaging using coherent x-ray light sources

X-ray crystallography has been central to the development of many fields of science over the past century. It has now matured to a point that as long as good-quality crystals are available, their atomic structure can be routinely determined in three dimensions. However, many samples in physics, chemistry, materials science, nanoscience, geology, and biology are noncrystalline, and thus their three-dimensional structures are not accessible by traditional x-ray crystallography. Overcoming this hurdle has required the development of new coherent imaging methods to harness new coherent x-ray light sources. Here we review the revolutionary advances that are transforming x-ray sources and imaging in the 21st century.

Nima Fahimian, MD Nima fahimian, md

Business and the business environment

Organisations may either belong to the private sector or the public sector. When they are in the private sector, they can be large, small or medium-sized depending on the annual income and the number of workers they hire. Global organisations are developing rapidly because of the need to tap into new markets and production locations. Under the organisational structure, the organisation selected was Nike. It has several functional units whose activities are interrelated. For instance, human resource units ensure that the right personnel for finance or marketing are recruited and promoted. The emergence of new markets in BRIC and the digital revolution are highly relevant to external factors that affect the organisation. As a response, Nike has used social media and the digital revolution to reach customers directly. It, however, needs to take on new markets and products to remain in business.

Zamzam Abdelazim Zamzam abdelazim

Anti-emetic effects of bioactive natural products

Emesis, also known as nausea and vomiting, are common symptoms associated with ingestion of toxicants, drug side effects, advanced terminal diseases such as cancer and postoperative procedures. Emesis is mediated through the coordinated action of central and peripheral regulatory centres that involve receptors including dopamine Type 2, serotonin, muscarinic cholinergic, histamine, cannabinoids and NK-1 receptors. Many anti-emetic drugs targeting these receptors are currently in use, but they also cause undesirable side effects such as excessive sedation, hypotension, dry mouth, dysphoria, hallucinations and extrapyramidal signs. This review highlights the pharmacological mechanism of emesis, current antiemetic drugs, and a detailed analysis of in vitro and in vivo anti-emetic bioassay models. The pharmacology of crude natural products extracts and purified anti-emetic compounds (cannabinoids, chalcones, diarylheptanoids, flavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acids, lignans, phenylpropanoids, polysaccharides, saponins, terpenes and glycosidic derivatives) are also systematically presented with their mechanism of action. The potential of natural products as sources of new clinically proven anti-emetic drugs is discussed.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Marketing management in business

There is a close relationship between a marketing strategy and its ability to realise its mission, vision, and business strategy. A case in point is the Nike brand that focuses on creating meaningful stories for its loyal fan base. It achieves this by inducing emotions into the customer base through "emotional branding" to realise its vision of expanding human potential by creating groundbreaking sports innovations. Nike's marketing campaign strategy involves building meaningful stories and tag lines using a traditional narrative of a hero who overcomes every challenge brought forth through its slogan of "Just Do It." The brand also has a distribution strategy of using subsidiaries like Converse, Jordan, and Hurley and channels like retailers, e-commerce, and supermarkets to reach out to millions of its customers (Mahdi, Abbas, Mazar, & George, 2015). To achieve its mission of bringing innovation and inspiration to every athlete globally, the brand has invested in top-notch technologies like hyper-adapt as part of a marketing strategy.

Zamzam Abdelazim Zamzam abdelazim

Sero-prevalence of salmonella typhi antibodies among adult residents of some selected rural communities of abia and enugu states, southeast nigeria: a cross-sectional study

Background: Salmonella typhi (S. typhi) antibodies may be considered as biomarkers of typhoid fever, a severe febrile systemic illness caused by an invasive Gram-negative Bacterium S. typhi. Worldwide, about 21-26.9 million cases of typhoid fever and 200 000-215 000 deaths, occur annually. Between 2003 and 2005, statistics have shown a rising trend in the incidence of typhoid fever in Abia and Enugu States. The aim of the study was to determine the sero-prevalence of S. typhi antibodies in some rural communities of Abia and Enugu States as proxy indicators of prevalence typhoid fever (TF) in the two states. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of the sero-prevalence of S. typhi antibodies in ten rural communities of Umunneochi Local Government Area (LGA) of Abia State and Ezeagu LGA of Enugu State using 421 (200 in Abia and 221 in Enugu) blood samples for the Widal test to determine the titres of these antibodies. Results: In the Abia communities the mean sero-prevalence of S. typhi antibodies was 68.2%, while in Enugu it was 87.1%. Between the two states, difference in the sero-prevalence of S. typhi antibodies was significant (p=0.03). Conclusions: The sero-prevalence of S. typhi antibodies was higher (87.1%) in the Enugu communities, compared to the Abia communities (68.2%). To reduce the incidence and prevalence of TF in the communities, access to safe domestic water, improved sanitation and good food hygiene needs to be improved. Health-seeking behaviour also needs improvement.

Emmanuel umegbolu

Women entrepreneurs in india:opportunities and challenges” by in , issn-1006-7930, volume xii, issue vii, july 2020, page no:

Woman constitutes the family, which leads to the development of society and Nation. The social and economic development of women is necessary for the overall economic advancement of any society or a country. Entrepreneurship comprises venture activities that are the center of the recognition of various opportunities, creativity, and innovation in the production process and development of new business models and ventures. Entrepreneurship plays a major role in developing society of a fastdeveloping country like India. In comparison to other countries, the event of women entrepreneurship is extremely low in India, especially in rural areas. However, middle-class women aren't too eager to alter their roles because of fear of social backlash. The growth is more visible among high families in urban areas. Rural women frequently have primary responsibility for agricultural production, additionally to domestic responsibilities and childcare. In developing countries like India where the economic status of women is extremely pathetic especially in rural areas and opportunities of earning are very less. For establishing self-esteem and recognition in society, women are attracted to entrepreneurship. To sustain within the competitive market, businesses administered by women are mainly hooked into internal resources and their capabilities supported which they struggle to compete with the external environment. The present paper endeavors to study the opportunities and challenges of women entrepreneurs. The study aims to analyze the factors that encourage women entrepreneurs. This study is based on secondary data collected from previous research papers, journals given by various research scholars, blogs, and websites. This study concludes that women entrepreneurs should be provided with special training facilities to overcome challenges and for developing their skills and talents.

mamta gaur Mamta gaur

Indonesian crisis communication response after deliberate forest fires and transboundary haze

The issue of deliberate forest fires that set illegally in Indonesia by plantation companies in their slashand-burn forests to clear lands for lucrative palm oil plantations and its caused transboundary haze became a hot issue for discussion. These fires have a negative influence on Indonesia and its neighbourhood countries, especially on their financial and human resources such as environment, economy, properties, and people. Using the right strategies in responding to any crisis determines the success of its management and coping with that crisis with minimal losses. This study aimed to examine the communication crisis response by Indonesia to this crisis by using image repair theory. Also, this study examined how image repair strategies were used by Indonesia. This study analysed the content of news stories from the website of the New Straits Times newspaper. The time frame of this study was from 2015 to 2019. A total of 87 news stories have pertained to Indonesian response, and 37 stories included image repair strategies. Among the strategies of image repair theory, corrective action strategy was the most dominant with 70%, followed by 10.8% for each shift the blame and attack accuser. The least used strategies were mortification and simple denial with 5.4% and 2.7% respectively.

Mohammed Fadel Arandas Mohammed fadel arandas

Ai is transforming education technology and education system in india

Scholars who apply artificial intelligence to political questions seek, most generally, to expand the scope and relevance of political model analysis. By incorporating the effects of variable human notions, traditions, and meanings, they seek to humanize political models. Most early applications of artificial intelligence in political science research address substantive issues pertaining to political decision making. Most of these works apply production-system technology to construct choice models in for eign-policy decision contexts. In recent years, political applications have begun to diver sify. Today, lively research efforts flourish in widely varied application areas, such as computational text analysis, logic programming, computer learning, and conflict sim ulation. The works reviewed here constitute the early steps of a nascent program of study. Much remains to be accomplished. Nevertheless, the efforts conducted thus far suggest many potentially fruitful research avenues. Youth are the most essential and promising segment of every country’s population. India has a larger advantage over other countries in terms of becoming a global leader because we effectively tap into the youth’s potential. Quality education is the only way to achieve this. With artificial intelligence’s potential growth in India, now is the ideal time to incorporate AI in education to reap its benefits and prepare India’s young for the future. Artificial intelligence has great potential in India. India’s AI technology has the potential to make it a world leader in artificial intelligence. In India, AI technology is used effectively in nearly every area, including agriculture, healthcare, education, infrastructure, transportation, retail, manufacturing, and

Dr Gedam Kamalakar Dr gedam kamalakar

Peran guru dalam menanamkan karakter religius peserta didik melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler darus keliling (darling) di madrasah ibtidaiyah negeri 3 jember tahun 2019

Kegiatan keagamaan merupakan kegiatan yang amat penting di MI Negeri 3 Jember, mengingat masih banyak peserta didik yang membutuhkan bimbingan guru untuk memiliki karakter yang sesuai dengan tuntunan Islam, di zaman teknologi initidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa anak-anak zaman sekarang sudah mengenal yang namanya internet. Maka dari itu pendampingan orang tua dan guru sangat dibutuhkan dalam perkembangan anak-anaknya. Salah satu pendidikan yang diajarkan guru kepada peserta didiknya sejak dini adalah pengajaran tentang al-Qur’an.Oleh karena itu darus keliling (darling) merupakan kegiatan yang tepat dalam proses membelajarkan al-Qur’an dalam rangka menanamkan karakter religius kepada peserta didik. Fokus penelitian yang dikaji adalah: Bagaimana peran guru sebagai pembimbing dalam menanamkan karakter religius peserta didik melalui kegitan ekstrakurikuler darus keliling (darling) di MI Negeri 3 Jember tahun 2019? Penelitian ini memperoleh kesimpulan: Peran guru sebagai pembimbing dalam menanamkan karakter religius peserta didik melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler darus keliling di MI Negeri 3 Jember dalam hal ini adalah guru yang senantiasa membimbing anak-anak anggota darling untuk belajar al-Qur’an. Darling ini adalah sebuah wadah yang diberikan oleh guru untuk mengembangkan potensi peserta didik. Karakter religius pun terbentuk yakni sikap patuh dalam menjalankan agama Islam, misalnya membaca al-Qur’an. keliling di MI Negeri 3 Jember dalam hal ini menggunakan instrumen penilaian yang memiliki 3 aspekpenilaian yakni aktif, kurang aktif dan tidak aktif.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Dynamics of leadership

The construct of Leadership entails the process of influencing other people to accomplish specific objectives. However, like love, the construct of Leadership is a universal desire that is virtually difficult to define explicitly (Klingborg, Moore and Varea-Hammond, 2006, p.280). It is characterised by the idea of an individual charisma capable of recruiting followers towards his or her path, promoting team-based problem-solving. Conversely, the concept of Leadership is based on many factors such as; "leaders are made not born", "he was a leader since he was a kid" and "if you have the will power, you can become an effective leader" (Klingborg, Moore and Varea-Hammond, 2006, p.280). However, scholars and organisations tend to focus on Leadership and how leaders impact an organisation. The leadership process entails how an individual influences other(s) to achieve a common goal or mission.

Zamzam Abdelazim Zamzam abdelazim

Phytochemical constituent, cytotoxic activity and outcome on wheat growth parameters possessed by extracts of seaweed collected from libyan coast

Algae are used by human beings for food from ancient times, as they contain a wide range of elements. Using inexpensive, in-house bioassays for screening and monitoring of extracts where the aim of these bioassays is to provide a front-line screen that can be followed up by more specific and expensive bioassays. The phytochemical screening, assessment of toxicity and effects on growth parameters of Traticum sativum of ethanol and dichloromethane extracts of five macro-algal species (two green, two brown and one red) collected from Libyan coast were studied. The Brine shrimp lethality assay was conducted to determine the toxic effects of seaweed extracts on Artemia Salina nauplii larvae and this was to provide a front-line screen that can be backed up by specific and expensive bioassays once the active compounds have been isolated. The effect of seaweeds liquid fertilizer on growth parameters of Traticum sativum were examined using in vitro seed germination in petri dishes bioassay. Seed germination percentage, fresh and dry weight, shoots length and roots length were the parameters recorded in young seedlings post germination. Ethanolic and dichloromethane extracts of the five algae samples represented the presence of several chemical constituents. All extracts exhibited LC50 > 1000 μg per ml. In this study, all algal extracts are non-toxic according to Brine shrimp lethality assay so they may be considered as edible seaweeds. Different effects on growth parameters of Traticum sativum suggested the presence of micro-elements, macro-elements and different concentrations of plant growth hormones.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Religion and ethical standards; the nexus in nigeria's democratic system and social -entrepreneurship perspectives

Nigeria is well known as a religious country where practically the citizens belong to one form of religion or the other unfortunately, the degrees of religious practces have not transformed into quality social, political, and economic lives for the people in terms of good governance, better standard of living, high ethical standards among others. It is descriptive research done as an exploratory paper in a mixed-method approach where some research questions were answered. Since ethical standards are predicated on simply knowing and doing what is good in doing to others what you will want done to you, people who claim to be religious as Nigerians should do better in this regard and many more given their faith. The effort to achieve this social rebirth can be achieved through social- entrepreneurship efforts this paper is advocating.

Olaosebikan Johnson Olusola (PhD) Olaosebikan johnson olusola (phd)

Evaluation of mineralized plasmatic matrix on augmentation of bone resorption

Bone resorption is created by different etiological factors, such as tumors, infections, and trauma. When defects are too large and healing is not possible in a spontaneous way, the defect is called a critical size defect, which is defined as the smallest size of an intra-osseous wound that will not heal spontaneously during the lifetime of the individual. This study was conducted to evaluate the use of a mineralized plasmatic matrix versus bone graft alone or in the augmentation of bony cavities in animals. Ten adult male dogs ranging in age from 12 months to 18 months with a mean weight of ten kilograms were used in this study. Bone cavities were made in the tibia of each animal. The upper holes were implanted with a bovine bone material substitute the medial holes were implanted with a mineralized plasmatic matrix and the lower holes were left free from any implant material acting as control. The dogs were euthanized at 2, 4, and 6 weeks and prepared for H and E stain and trichrome stain. The healing process of bone cavities implanted with mineralized plasmatic matrix was better compared to cavities filled with bone grafts and those left to heal spontaneously. Mineralized plasmatic matrix facilitates graft application, in its stabilization, and improves cell penetration into the graft.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Professional values, ethics, and professionalism of public relations practitioners

This study explores the influence of education, length of service, professionalism, and ethics on the professional values of public relations practitioners in Malaysia. A total of 427 questionnaires were distributed to public relations practitioners in Malaysia, and 322 questionnaires were returned. The study included 61% female respondents, and 39% male respondents. The study analyzed and identified the influence of professionalism and ethics on professional values of public relations practitioners. Additionally, the study examined whether education and experience influence professional values through professionalism, and code of ethics. Six hypotheses were tested to answer the research questions. The results from this study fully supported the hypotheses indicating that professionalism and ethics had an influence on professional values of public relations practitioners. The results also showed that education influenced both professionalism and ethics, and length of service influenced both professionalism and ethical practice.

Mohammed Fadel Arandas Mohammed fadel arandas

Diuretic and anti-diarrheal potential of four fruit extracts of capsicum annum l

Capsicum has been an essential part of the diet for centuries and has been widely used traditionally for ailments. The objective of the present analysis was to determine the diuretic and antidiarrheal potentials of four variations of Capsicum annum L. fruits available in the local market of Karachi, Pakistan. It belongs to the family Solanaceae, and extracts were prepared in 95% ethanol and given in 200 and 400mg/kg doses. The activity correlated with commonly used diuretics and anti-diarrheal, reinforcing its conventional use. To confirm its activity, fruit extracts were evaluated for anti-diarrheal properties in castor-oil-induced diarrhoea. The diuretic activity of the 95% ethanolic extracts of Capsicum annum L. was assessed based on diuresis of 24 hr. collected through a metabolic cage. Urinary excretion of water and electrolytes (Na+ and K+) is significantly increased by the standard diuretic drug furosemide, which is comparable with the extract. The anti-diarrheal effects of 95% ethanolic extracts of Capsicum annum L. were examined by castor oil-induced diarrhoea. All varieties of Capsicum annum L. significantly inhibited the number of defecations.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Impact of frontline demonstrations on chickpea (cicer arietinum) production, productivity and profitability in transitional plain of inland drainage zone of rajasthan

Pulses are well known richest source of vegetable protein and poor man’s food because of its essential component of diet. The frontline demonstrations of chickpea crop was carried out by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nagaur-I, Agriculture University, Jodhpur during rabi seasons from 2011-12 to 2019-20 on 178.5 ha area with 382 demonstrations in different clusters of Nagaur district of Rajasthan. The results shows that demonstrations produced on an average 18.02 q/ha grain yield of chickpea, which was 24.18 per cent higher as compared to prevailing farmers practice (14.51 q/ha). The front line demonstrations fetched more average gross returns (Rs.60161/ha), net return (Rs. 37963/ha) and B:C ratio (2.76) with slightly higher investment on cost of cultivation (Rs.1663/ha) as compared to farmers practice. The increase in gross and net returns was in the tune of Rs.11960 and Rs. 10285 per hectare with incremental benefit: cost ratio of 0.33. The average extension gap, technology gap and technology index was 350kg/ha, 608 kg/ha and 25.2 per cent, respectively. It is also observed that majority of the respondent farmers expressed high (51.83%) to the medium (32.72%) level of satisfaction regarding the performance of chickpea under demonstrations

DR. BABU LAL JAT Dr. babu lal jat

Application of realia media in improving student learning outcomes at madrasah ibtidaiyah

Using realia media in learning activities will provide an interesting learning experience for students so that they are more active in participating in learning. This discussion aims to describe and analyze the application of realia media in improving student learning outcomes at MIMA 35 Nurul Ulum Jember. The research approach uses qualitative and case study research types. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. Analysis of the data used in this study using the Miles and Huberman model consisting of data condensation, data presentation, and concluding. The validity of the data was tested by using triangulation of sources and techniques. The results of this study indicate (1) Realia media planning in improving student learning outcomes at MIMA 35 Nurul Ulum Jember, namely: Identifying the needs and characteristics of students, formulating learning objectives, summarizing material, writing instructional media scripts, conducting tests and revisions. (2) The implementation of realia media in improving student learning outcomes at MIMA 35 Nurul Ulum Jember, namely: the teacher learns the instructions for using the media, and all equipment must be in a state of readiness so as not to be disturbed by technical matters, and keep students steady. conducive for learning activities to take place. (3) Evaluation of realia media in improving student learning outcomes at MIMA 35 Nurul Ulum Jember, namely: learning media according to KD and indicators, learning media according to the estimated time and assignments in the Buena book, learning media can attract students' attention, media learning is in accordance with the times/updated, thematic assessment criteria are spiritual, social, knowledge, and skillful.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Herbal drug interaction: mechanistic details through the pharmacokinetic portfolio

Background: Many individuals today use herbs as a drug alongside medicine and non-physician-recommended medications, as herbs are thought to be natural and safe. However, many herbs can potentially interact with other drugs, causing hazardous effects and diminished therapeutic effects of different prescriptions. Objective: It ought to be comprehended that herbal drugs contain multiple active compounds in different percentages, which can change the enzymatic frameworks, transporters, and physiological processes. Methods: Data on pharmacokinetic drug interactions with herbal products were searched using different search engines, such as Google Scholar, Scopus, and ScienceDirect. Results: This worldwide increment in herbal drug popularity has risen concerning HDIs. These PD or PK interactions are particularly significant for medications. Assessment of herbal drug interactions is complex because of inconsistency in herbal drug composition and frequently meagre information on active constituent pharmacokinetics. These restrictions are further bewildered by the differing points of view concerning herbal product regulation. Conclusion: It is concluded that a basic assessment of certain pharmacokinetic HDI is needed to settle on educated choices regarding patient safety. The expanding comprehension of HDPKI will direct more attention to potential interactions.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Serum uric acid as an adjunct in the assessment of psychiatric disorders: an overview

Oxidative stress is due to altered levels of prooxidants and anti-oxidants in the body. This can lead to tissue damage especially the central nervous system. Oxidative damage has been implicated in several disorders including some psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and major depressive disorder. Uric acid is an anti-oxidant which prevents tissue damage caused by oxidative stress. In this review, the reduced levels of serum uric acid in schizophrenia and depression are discussed. The effect of treatment in these disorders leading to increased serum uric acid levels are also reviewed.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Prevalence of hypothyroidism among libyan pregnant women in benghazi

Hypothyroidism is a common endocrine disorder resulting from deficiency of thyroid hormone or its effects on peripheral tissues. Previous hospital based study have revealed high prevalence of hypothyroidism in pregnant women. Also, studies with small sample size indicated a rising trend of prevalence of hypothyroidism during pregnancy. Moreover, pregnancy is seen as a risk factor in the occurrence of thyroid dysfunctions. Thus, the aim of was to assess and analyze prevalence of hypothyroidism among Libyan pregnant women in Benghazi city in to study its relation and risk in pregnancy. The study was conducted on a sample size of 177 Libyan pregnant women in Benghazi city in Libya during 2018. A cross-sectional observational study was conducted in clinics located in Benghazi city. Responses to the question was coded and analyzed. The prevalence of hypothyroidism among the pregnant women was found to be 10.2% (n = 18) and no significant relation between age and hypothyroidism among women. Only nine percent of the pregnant women had medical conditions (as diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure). 28% of the hypothyroidism pregnant women are of the first gestation and 72% are of the second or more. 83% of the hypothyroidism pregnant women had no thyroidectomy. Thus, this study concludes that there is a high prevalence of hypothyroidism during pregnancy period in Benghazi and a national screening is necessary for hypothyroidism in Libya.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

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