Effect of transformational leadership style to job satisfaction at pt musim mas, medan

There are more and more multinational enterprises growing in Indonesia that makes foreign employees are increasing every year. Thus, it is important for local workers to understand the leadership style of expatriates from the companies’ leaders and managers. The purpose of this research is to see the effect of transformational leadership style on job satisfaction conducted at PT Musim Mas, Medan. This research uses quantitative method with simple random sampling of 36 employees working in the company. The test results show that transformational leadership style has a positive significant effect on job satisfaction at PT Musim Mas, Medan as much as 69.5%.

Lila Maria Kaban Lila maria kaban

Prevalence of acute infectious hepatitis in eastern libyan pediatrics

Viral hepatitis is one of the main public health concerns around the world. Even though infection management techniques have been implemented over the last few decades, eradication or significant reduction has remained a mystery. The purpose of this study is to look into the prevalence of acute infectious hepatitis in the East of Libya and how the type of virus, age, gender, clinical manifestations, and outcome are related. This is a hospital-based retrospective study. The data on the frequency and distribution of viral hepatitis based on age, gender, seasonal, clinical, and ultrasound findings, and the outcomes during a period of two years from January 2020 to December 2021 were collected and analyzed. Of the 0.39% (72 cases) of total hospital admissions (18340) under the age of 15 years old for acute infectious hepatitis patients, the most common age group was 5-12 years (79.6%). Winter accounted for 41.6% of all the cases. Females made up 65.3% of the cases. Jaundice was the most prevalent presentation (87.5%). Hepatomegaly was seen in 83.3% of the patients. Most of the cases have mild hyperbilirubinemia (5-9 mg/dL, 75.0%). Approximately 1/5th of the patients' serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGPT), and nearly 1/3rd of the patients' SGPT levels were in the range of 1000-2000. One patient's hepatitis C was positive, one patient's hepatitis B was positive, and 97.2% were positive for hepatitis A. 88.8% of the individuals recovered without complications, whereas 11.1% showed symptoms of hepatic failure but recovered. The present study indicates that acute hepatitis A is more prevalent, especially in the winter. Those who are females and 5-12 years of age were more affected by acute viral hepatitis in Libya.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Motherhood and switch in her leadership styles in parenting during pandemic – with special reference to child with special needs…

A leader is a person, who influences his followers. The role of leader is often associated with managerial concepts, where a leader leads a team of employees, guides them, motivates them and influences them, in such way that the organisational productivity is honed up. A lot emphasis is on the style of leadership, exhibited by the manager, in honing the productivity of the organisation. According to (Hanvey, 2002; Janus, Kopechanski, Cameron, & Hughes, 2007; Morinaka, 2012; Reio & Fornes, 2011), most parents have dreams and hopes about their children and their lives. But, parents of children with special needs, though have, such dreams and hopes, have a harder time meeting these goals. According to Hanvey (2002), these parents need to devote more time and responsibilities, when it comes to raising a child with special needs, like caring for the child’s physical requirements due to his/ her disability, helping them with their physical and social needs and also help them in developing relationships with the others, so that they get a feeling of belongingness. Families with children having special needs undergo a higher level of stress (Gottfried & McGene, 2013). Families that have children with special needs, go through enormous stress levels, at times even financially stressed are they … (Hanvey, 2002; Moriwaka, 2012). But, Current study focusses on the effective leadership role played by a mother during the Pandemic, which is helping the kids, especially the children with special needs in combating the stress, that they are undergoing. A case of a child, diagnosed with autism(a serious behavioural disorder among young children that now occurs at epidemic rates in developing countries like India), since she turned two and how her mother has been helping her adapt to the new normal of staying home for all her activities and coping up with the increased stress levels.

Nandini Nandini

Peningkatan hasil belajar pkn melalui model word square kelas 3 mis nu 2 pontianak

PKN Subject is on one of lesson implemented on SD, SMP and SMA to apply student characters and to form the student to understand and love home land also understand global life. The research background of the low student achievement on study still using lecture method, giving assignments, answer and guestion on PKN subject. The purposes of this research: 1.how student achievement on PKN subject before using word sguare model. 2. How student achievement on PKN subject after using calassroom action rescarch with quantitative approach. The sample is the students of class III MIS NU 2 Pontianak.in order to get the data, researcher using observation shett, measurement technique and documentation study.The result concluded: 1.the student achievement before using word square model the average is 53 ( good category ) with KKM > 70 as 5 or 25% and students with KKM < 70 as 15 students or 75%. 2. The student achievement after using word square on cycle 1 is 68,5 ( Better category) with KKM 55%. On the other hands, cycle 11 is 82,5 (Great category ) with KKM 90%. Mata pelajaran PKn salah satu pelajaran yang diterapkan mulai dari SD, SMP dan SMA dengan membekali karakter dan membentuk peserta didik cinta tanah air dan paham dalam kehidupan yang serba global. Rumusan penelitian ini; 1) Bagaimanan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran pendidikan kewarganegaraan sebelum menggunakan model pembelajaran word square kelas 3 MIS NU 2 Pontianak. 2) Bagaimana hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran pendidikan kewarganegaraan setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran word square kelas 3 MIS NU 2 Pontianak. Metode dan jenis penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas dengan pendekatan kuantitatif.Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas III MIS NU 2 Pontianak. Untuk mendapatkan data peneliti menggunakan lembar observasi, teknik pengukuran dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu: 1) Hasil belajar siswa pada Mata Pelajaran PKn sebelum menggunakan model pembelajaran Word Square diperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 53 (kategori cukup) dengan siswa yang tuntas mencapai nilai KKM ? 70 sebanyak 5 atau 25% dan siswa yang tidak tuntas dengan nilai KKM ? 70 sebanyak 15 siswa atau 75%. 2) Hasil belajar siswa pada Mata Pelajaran PKn setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran Word Square pada siklus I sebesar 68,5 (kategori baik) dan siswa yang mencapai KKM sebesar 55%. Sedangkan pada siklus II sebesar 82,5 (kategori sangat baik) dan siswa yang mencapai KKM sebesar 90.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

A literature review of emotional intelligence

Mano Matram Jagat; Mano Kalpitam Jagat - (“the world is as the mind sees and feels it; the world is as the mind thinks of it” (as qtd. by T.N.Sethumadhavan, 2010). So, our life is in the way we feel and perceive it. Humans are a mixture of emotions and reasons. Reasoning enables them to analyze and judge things with mathematical precision, while emotions help them to understand and empathize others that make them human. Traditionally, people with a high degree of logic and reasoning were believed to be intelligent and. The purpose of the IQ tests was designed to ascertain a person’s intelligence based on the reasoning and the logical aptitude of the person. IQ tests were found to be effective when a person is ‘not’ scared or angry or intrigue about specific things that aroused emotions. Emotions were considered disruptive in nature, which influences the process of thinking of a person (Woodworth, 1940). Mowrer (1960) opined that “emotions are of quite extraordinary importance in the total economy of living organisms and do not deserve being put into opposition with intelligence‟. The emotions are, it seems, themselves a higher order of intelligence.”

Aurora Lyrics Aurora lyrics

Smartphone based ischemic heart disease (heart attack) risk prediction using clinical data and data mining approaches

We designed a mobile application to deal with Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) (Heart Attack) An Android based mobile application has been used for coordinating clinical information taken from patients suffering from Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD). The clinical information from 787 patients has been investigated and associated with the hazard factors like Hypertension, Diabetes, Dyslipidemia (Abnormal cholesterol), Smoking, Family History, Obesity, Stress and existing clinical side effect which may propose basic non-identified IHD. The information was mined with information mining innovation and a score is produced. Effects are characterized into low, medium and high for IHD. On looking at and ordering the patients whose information is acquired for producing the score; we found there is a noteworthy relationship of having a heart occasion when low and high and medium and high class are analyzed; p=0.0001 and 0.0001 individually. Our examination is to influence straightforward way to deal with recognize the IHD to risk and careful the population to get themselves assessed by a cardiologist to maintain a strategic distance from sudden passing. As of now accessible instruments has a few confinements which makes them underutilized by populace. Our exploration item may decrease this constraint and advance hazard assessment on time.

Dr. Chandrashekhar Uppin Dr. chandrashekhar uppin

Vendors on the streets: their situation and issues (with special reference of lucknow district, uttar pradesh)

Vending on the street is a worldwide fact and the most able to be seen component of the casual economy. Street vending, like other informal sectors, is characterised by low pay, ease of entrance, self-employment, and a huge number of individuals. Millions of individuals make a livelihood selling a variety of products and services on the street in cities and towns all over the globe. Despite the popular assumption that street selling would decline as the economy improves and wealth rises, it is on the rise in many areas. Because of their poor level of education and abilities, street sellers are often individuals who are not capable to get usual employment in the remunerative recognized sector. They attempt to address their financial issues by relying on their own limited financial resources. They are primary sharing route for a wide range of the daily-use goods, such as fruits, vegetables, ready-to-wear clothes, home appliances, stationery, toys, newspapers, magazines and shoes among others. If they be removed from the urban marketplaces, it would create serious problem for vegetable and fruit growers and small-scale businesses that couldn't afford to sell their goods via the formal sector's costly distribution networks. The significance of this industry can not be overstated, particularly given the government's inability to offer employment to India's millions of jobless and underemployed citizens. Even the corporate sector can only absorb a small part of our growing workforce. Overall, employment in the official sector is decreasing, leaving the majority of Indians to fend for themselves. If governments wish to decrease unemployment and poverty in our nation, they should support people in the informal sector to develop and thrive. They play an important part in the economic development and growth of local economy. Municipal authorities see street sellers as nuisances and the encroachers on sidewalks pavements and they are unappreciative of the important services that the street vendors offer to the world's common public. Vendors on the street offer essential services to urban people while surviving on their own business, limited resources, and labour. The state government and municipal authorities have been asked to provide security for street sellers so that they may make a living without fear.

Dr. Amarjeet Singh Dr. amarjeet singh

Classification and its purpose in internet age: current trends and future direction

A study of knowledge seeking behaviour of users is essential for evolving suitable guidelines for knowledge organisation and processing. The features of knowledge organisation and its use in problem-solving and decision-making are explained. Classification plays an important role in knowledge organisation. An understanding of mental models and mental maps helps in information needs of users effectively. The schemes classification in knowledge processing is highlighted. The paper examines the scope of knowledge organisation in the modern technology and its application.

Subhash reddy b

Convergent validity assessment in pls-sem: a loadings-driven approach

Assessment of convergent validity of latent variables is one of the steps in conducting structural equation modeling via partial least squares (PLS-SEM). In this paper, we illustrate such an assessment using a loadings-driven approach. The analysis employs WarpPLS, a leading PLSSEM software tool.

Johnny Amora Johnny amora

Regards croisés sur les processus d’apprentissage/acquisition implicite des constituants linguistiques des langues par des apprenants

Cet article vise à mettre en évidence les expériences et points de vue de certains auteurs sur l’apprentissage implicite du langage humain. L’apprentissage implicite est une procédure fondamentale. Le comportement devient sensible aux caractéristiques structurales. Dans le premier point de vue, il y a eu trois expériences qui ont montré que les jeunes apprenants sont sensibles aux régularités lexicales qui n’ont pas été explicitement enseignées; la deuxième expérience portait sur l’utilisation de la répétition des lettres quant à la troisième, elle portait sur la préférence des consonnes uniques ou doublées. Les résultats de ces expériences ont montré que les jeunes apprenants sont sensibles à la fréquence de doubles consonnes, à l’identité des consonnes qui peuvent ou ne peuvent pas se répéter. Les difficultés innées à l’apprentissage de la langue ont fait l’objet du deuxième point de vue. Elles sont de deux ordres: la langue en tant qu’un ensemble de séquences sonores et les indices de découverte d’un mot dans un discours. Les enfants segmentent les mots à partir de huit mois. Les connaissances procédurales se mettent en place par la répétition mentale et pratique. Les propriétés structurelles et statistiques sont à la base de l’apprentissage de la langue.


Security issues in cloud computing and its countermeasures

Cloud computing is a technology of delivering resources such as hardware, software (virtual too) and bandwidth over the network to the consumers worldwide. All the services are requested and accessed through a web browser or web service. The main advantage that cloud is provided to the nation worldwide is that it is not so easily affordable to one and all. Multi-conglomerate companies invest a lot of money on the cloud and let people access it for a smaller cost and even free at the lowest level of the consumer chain. In this paper we address to the problems that the cloud technology faces and how it can be overcome.

Pavan m Pavan m

Early diagnosis of tuberculosis using deep learning approach for iot based healthcare applications

In the modern world, Tuberculosis (TB) is regarded as a serious health issue with a high rate of mortality. TB can be cured completely by early diagnosis. For achieving this, one tool utilized is CXR (Chest X-rays) which is used to screen active TB. An enhanced deep learning (DL) model is implemented for automatic Tuberculosis detection. This work undergoes the phases like preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction, and optimized classification. Initially, the CXR image is preprocessed and segmented using AFCM (Adaptive Fuzzy C means) clustering. Then, feature extraction and several features are extracted. Finally, these features are given to the DL classifier Deep Belief Network (DBN). To improve the classification accuracy and to optimize the DBN, a metaheuristic optimization Adaptive Monarch butterfly optimization (AMBO) algorithm is used. Here, the Deep Belief Network with Adaptive Monarch butterfly optimization (DBN-AMBO) is used for enhancing the accuracy, reducing the error function, and optimizing weighting parameters. The overall implementation is carried out on the Python platform. The overall performance evaluations of the DBN-AMBO were carried out on MC and SC datasets and compared over the other approaches on the basis of certain metrics.

Dr H Shaheen Dr h shaheen

Water mass characteristic of ambon bay based on its temperature and chlorophyll-a distribution

Ambon Bay consists of the inner Ambon Bay (IAB) and the outer Ambon Bay (OAB) and they are separated by the shallow sill (12 m) Galala-Rumah Tiga. The topography of the bay makes it unique and causes the exchange of water mass between those two parts of the bay does not follow the daily tidal cycle. The aim of this study was to analyze the vertical and horizontal temperature and chlorophyll-a distribution in order to know the water circulation in Ambon Bay. This study was carried out during the monsoon, in November 2018. The CTD was used to measure in situ temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration. The data were analyzed by using Surfer and ODV programs. The results show that the temperature of the surface water (0-5 m) of Ambon Bay was 29.2℃. In depth 15-40 m, temperature was different between the IAB (27.7-28.2℃) and OAB (29,2-28.7℃). Chlorophyll-a concentration was found higher in the IAB than in OAB in all depths. In the depth >12 m, chlorophyll-a in the IAB was 1 mg/m3 compared to its concentration in OAB only 0.3 mg/m3. As a conclusion, the sill in Ambon bay causes unique circulation of water mass between IAB and OAB based on the analysis of temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration distribution.

Irma Kesaulya Irma kesaulya

Penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan agama islam pada masa pandemi covid-19 di madrasah ibtidaiyah

The inculcation of Islamic religious values ??is an effort to shape the character of students to achieve a degree as a human being who is in accordance with norms, culture and religion. This research describes the process of internalization and the method of cultivating Islamic religious values ??in an unusual situation, namely in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. In this study, researchers used a qualitative approach, a type of case study with interview and observation data collection techniques. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of student learning in a pandemic situation is carried out in two ways, namely (1) online and (2) offline. The values ??instilled in students include (a) worship, (b) faith and (c) morals. Meanwhile, the methods used by teachers in the process of inculcating Islamic religious values ??during the pandemic were practice methods, guidance methods, and memorization methods. Penanaman nilai-nilai agama Islam merupakan sebuah upaya dalam membentuk karakter siswa untuk mencapai derajat sebagai manusia yang sesuai norma, budaya serta agama. penelitian ini mendeskripsikan proses internalisasi hingga metode penanaman nilai-nilai agama Islam di situasi yang tidak biasa yakni di era pandemi covid-19. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, jenis studi kasus dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara dan observasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran siswa dalam situasi pandemi dilakukan dengan dua cara yakni (1) daring dan (2) luring. Nilai-nilai yang ditanamkan kepada siswa meliputi (a) ibadah, (b) keimanan dan (c) akhlak. Sedangkan metode-metode yang digunakan guru dalam proses penanaman nilai-nilai agama Islam selama pandemi adalah metode praktik, metode bimbingan, dan metode hafalan.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Knowledge and preventive practices regarding dengue fever in nepal

Dengue is an acute infection disease caused by a flavi virus (species Dengue virus of the genus Flavi virus), transmitted by female mosquito aedes mosquito, infection has globally become a major public health concern since the incidence of the dengue fever has increased more than 30-fold over the last decades. The dengue fever has been a most important public health problems since many years and the various outbreak of the dengue cases has been seen time to time. One of the reasons for the increasing and time to time outbreak of the dengue may be the reason of climate change, global warming, lack of knowledge about signs, symptoms, transmission, preventive measure and lack of ignorance or lack of the preventive practice of the dengue fever. Method: Descriptive, cross-sectional study on 192 head of household's was study population residing in Kanchan RM, Rupandehi Respondent was selected using Non probability judgmental sampling techniques by face-to-face interview was used. Result shows 58.3% good knowledge and 62% good practice. Knowledge was found to be associated with Age, Types of family, Size of family, educational level and Family suffered from dengue. Preventive practice was found to be associated with the Ever heard from health professional. Study will contribute towards development of appropriate policy strategies at local level that will tackle the problem associated with the knowledge and preventive practice of DF and provide a basis for future research on this area. Inferential analysis shows that there is significant association between the level of knowledge with age, types of family, size of family, educational level and family suffered from dengue and the level of preventive practice was associated with the ever heard from health professional.

Raju khanal

In-vitro evaluation of chromium tolerant plant growth promoting bacteria from tannery sludge sample, dindugal, tamil nadu, india

Industrial waste is one of the most essential sources of contamination in the environment. Chromium (Cr) is a toxic heavy metal, a major contaminant in tannery wastes and its accumulation in soil and water is a major environmental concern today. In the present study, an attempt was made and investigated the status of different beneficial microbes particularly plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) from tannery sludge samples collected from tannery effluent treatment plant at Dindugal, Tamil Nadu, India. Experiments were conducted and evaluated their chromium heavy metal tolerance abilities and plant growth promoting activities under in-vitro. Based on molecular analysis, the PGPRs were identified as Achromobacter xylosoxidans (LK391696), Azotobacter vinelandii (LK391702) and. The production of IAA was found to be high by Achromobacter xylosoxidans (46μg/ml) followed by Azospirillum lipoferum (30μg/ml). Phosphate solublization activity was also found to be positive in all these PGPR isolates. Significance of these results revealed that there is a possibility of using these potential PGPRs for bioremediation of chromium contaminated sites and also as good plant growth promoter.

Dr. SARANYA DEVI K Dr. saranya devi k

Analgesic activity of leaves, flowers and fruit peel of luffa cylindrica (l.) roem.

Ethanol extracts of leaves, male flowers and fruit peel of Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem., were evaluated for analgesic effect using the analgesy meter test, a mechanically induced pain model. Extracts at 500 mg/kg, p.o., were tested and compared with diclofenac sodium 50mg/kg as a standard analgesic drug. The mechanical force was applied to the rat's paw and continuously increased. The point at which the rat can’t bear further pressure and starts to struggle to free the paw was taken as a nociceptive response. Readings were taken before and after 1, 2 and 3hr following drug administration. The analgesic response was continuously increasing till 3hrs. Tested extracts produced significant and comparable analgesic effects as with diclofenac sodium.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

India's modern educational system

The phrase, "The world is ageing, but India has youth on her side," has been a soothing phrase. The average age of the Indian population will be 29 at the conclusion of this decade. As a result of this "demographic dividend," India is expected to account for a quarter of the world's additional increase in working population by 2040. There are 430 million people in our current workforce (ages 15 to 64). India will add 480 million people to its current workforce of 430 million in the next 20 years. Education is the most important tool for converting this demographic dividend into a sustainable economic resource and unlocking human capital's hidden potential. The suggested article attempts to identify gaps and loopholes in the education system utilising the basics of the Capability Approach as a comprehensive mechanism of evaluation and strategies to solve the aforementioned problems, allowing us to take advantage of our country's large demographic dividend.

Dr. Amarjeet Singh Dr. amarjeet singh

Emotional intelligence among women employees of private sector banks, while working from home in coimbatore city

Women are multi taskers in their lives- mother, wife, daughter, sister and a lot more. And hence are exposed to a lot of emotions. A working woman is exposed to many other more roles- boss, subordinates. A working woman has to develop skills of self awareness, self management, be motivated, feelings of optimism, positivity and internality, empathy and social skills (collectively called as emotional intelligence) to perform her multiple roles, both at home and at, work place efficiently so as to meet the expectations of both the family members and their organization. Current study focuses on investigating the influence of demographic factors on the level of emotional intelligence among the respondents in Coimbatore city. These factors tested against being determined by their age, job profile, marital status.

Nandini Nandini

The mechanistic insight of polyphenols in calcium oxalate urolithiasis mitigation

About 12% of the world's population is affected by different forms of urolithiasis, of which the recurrence rate in females is 47–60% and in males is 70–80%. Standard therapeutic agents (allopurinol, citrate, cystone and thiazide diuretics) prevent and treat urolithiasis. Still, these are not universally-effective due to common kidney stone relapse and other side effects. Surgical treatment causes long-term renal damage, hypertension and stone recurrence. Polyphenols, the plant-derived bioactive molecules, have showed protection against cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis and neurodegenerative diseases, among several other ailments. The role of these phytochemicals in urolithiasis management is emerging. Hence, the present review discusses peer-reviewed published literature to date on this aspect and highlights that polyphenols could effectively inhibit the formation of calcium oxalate urinary stones (most common renal stone), correlating with their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition. Further, we have proposed the prospects and challenges in developing plant polyphenols into drugs against kidney stone prevention. This review might be a stepping stone for further investigation into the clinical implications of polyphenols in urolithiasis remediation.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

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