Physical activity and physical literacy: the pharmacological benefits of exercise, a women’s perspective

The valuable effects of regular exercise for promotion of health and therapy of diseases were obviously evaluated. The notion that exercise can be considered as a medication has been hypothesized. The growing problems of obesity and non-communicable diseases have placed a great burden on public health experts to promote physical literacy and physical activity among the modern day population. Physical literacy and physical activity have become the cornerstones of women’s health. Women have certain special needs that includes reproductive health. Increased physical activity and maintaining normal body image and body weight will help a woman attain physical, mental and spiritual development. With the growing number of women with obesity and the implication of obesity as one of the main risk factors for non-communicable diseases like diabetes, hypertension, stroke and osteoarthritis, a knowledge and awareness about physical activity is essential. Thus, physical activity is a fundamental aspect of the improvement of motor skills and work performance, allowing a better healthy lifestyle. Physical exercise is effective to be measured as a drug, however, more care should be considered to the dosing and individual variations between genders.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

The role of technological innovation in the effective economic performances of enterprises

At present, numerous approaches have been verified and suggested in relation to the innovation policy formulation of the enterprise. However, less attention is paid to regions in the developing world. An attempt is made in this thesis towards that direction. I argue that from the system of innovation theory perspective, innovation policy practice for regions in the developed world is a problem solving based process, due to the path dependency of innovation policy and the development level of advanced economies. For this purpose, the article proves the possibility of every company’s making much more profit by realizing and improving effective innovative management in the developing economy. And, it will be calculated and assessed the correlation link between the costs of innovation and total revenues of the world’s most innovative companies. In the end, it will be done some conclusions and discussions of nowadays innovators practice.

Ikboljon Odashev Mashrabjonovich Ikboljon odashev mashrabjonovich

Potential role of hydrogel and its future applications in bioprinting and in-vitro organ development

Abstract: Recent studies on hydrogels have shown them as promising biomaterials for numerous applications involving tissue engineering, drug-screening, drug-delivery, and 3-D bioprinting because they show unique physicochemical properties. The ability of these structures to hold large amounts of water is because of their hydrophilic nature that provides a soft and hydrated environment like natural tissues. This makes them ideal for mimicking the extracellular matrix and supporting cell growth and proliferation. In tissue engineering, hydrogels might be used to create scaffolds that promote cell growth and facilitate tissue regeneration. Hydrogels can also be engineered in such a way that they intimate the mechanical and biochemical in vivo characteristics making them a versatile tool for applications in tissue engineering. Hydrogels are being used in drug screening, as they can be functionalized with different biochemicals in order to match the microenvironment of specific tissues. This allows researchers to study how drugs interact with cells and tissues in-vitro conditions, which can lead to more efficient strategies for drug development. For applications in drug delivery hydrogels are designed to release drugs in a sustainable and controlled way, improving the drug efficacy and reducing the toxicity of drugs. Designing can also be done in a way that they can target specific tissues and cells making them a promising tool for personalized medicine. Hydrogels are being used in 3-D bioprinting, where they serve as bio-inks that can be fabricated into complex structures with high precision. In comparison to conventional technologies, this is a promising technique that allows the construction of complex three-dimensional structures in a sequential manner by a computeraided system. One major challenge in bioprinting is finding such material that is suitable for printing and also satisfies the mechanical strength requisite for tissue engineering applications. That is where hydrogels serve as the most appropriate model and have encouraging or favorable operation potential as cell-affable materials. This technique has revolutionized tissue engineering by allowing researchers to create functional tissues and organoids and spheroids. Overall, hydrogel-based tissue engineering, drug screening, drug delivery, and 3D bioprinting are exciting areas of research with great potential to significantly impact different areas of medicine and biology.

Deepika pal

Sedative-hypnotic effects of datura arborea linn extract in experimental animals

Datura arborea Linn is a sacred plant known for over 3000 years to have been used for magical and curative purposes. It was shown to have a central nervous system depressant effect. The active substances identified were tropane alkaloids: atropine, scopolamine, and hyosine. Therefore, we aimed to find out whether the ethanol extract of Datura arborea Linn has sedative and hypnotic activity. The extract was subjected to a thiopental sodium-induced sleep test and diazepam was used as a standard drug. The plant possesses sedative-hypnotic qualities, the findings indicate that doses of 35 mg/kg (2.70.24 min), 70 mg/kg (3.80.19 min), and 140 mg/kg (4.30.20 min) decreased the control's (9.2 min) latency to fall asleep. In comparison to the control, the length of sleep was increased by 23.46 minutes for 35 mg/kg (99.002.99 min), 70 mg/kg (132.605.53 min), and 140 mg/kg (118.606.04 min), respectively. The present study established the acute toxicity of Datura arborea Linn to be less than 600 mg/kg in mice. This study indicated that the ethanol extract of Datura arborea Linn has a sedative-hypnotic activity in the diazepam-induced sleep test. It is safe to suggest that the extract acts via either β-receptor by causing hyperpolarization or a decrease in spike activity in the cell, leading to relaxation, but these effects were not blocked by β-antagonist or α2-receptor to decrease acetylcholine release, leading to relaxation of the smooth muscle.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Using microsoft excel in formulating poultry rations by linear programming

Formulation of the least cost rations that provides the nutrient requirements of birds is an important goal in poultry production . The aim of the present study was to create an application in the Excel program for formulation of low-cost poultry diets that provide adequate nutritional requirements using linear programming based on the Solver function of the Excel program and composition of common feed ingredients used in poultry diets (yellow corn, wheat, soybean meal , barley, wheat bran, protein concentrate, limestone, table salt, di-calcium phosphate, vitamins and minerals premix ,and vegetable oil), if their default prices are 500, 450, 750, 350, 250,1750, 250, 100, 500, 4500,and 1500) Iraqi Dinar / kg, respectively. The results showed that the Solver function in - Excel can be used to solve linear programming models such as those used for formulation of least cost poultry rations. This Microsoft Excel application is ready to use and can be used to assist researchers and students in formulating poultry rations that provide the desired nutritional requirements of poultry at the lowest cost.

RAFEA MOHAMMEDTAHER KHULEL Rafea mohammedtaher khulel

Cytodifferentiation of fundic part of glandular stomach in non descript breed of indian prenatal goat

Though the anatomy and physiology of the adult caprine (Capra hircus L.) stomach have been investigated extensively, the early development of the abomasum has not yet been fully elucidated. The glandular part of abomasum plays an important role in digestion of ingested food by action of gastric juices. Very few studies have been conducted so far regarding histogenesis of goat foetal abomasum in India. In the present study, we have investigated the embryonic and early foetal development of the goat, Capra hircus L. fundic abomasum. We collected 36 developing abomasum of healthy and normal embryos/foeti of goat and assigned them into three group viz. Gr. I (0-50 days of gestation), Gr. II (51-100 days of gestation) and Gr. III (101-150 days of gestation). Small pieces of tissues were processed by routine paraffin. The wall of glandular stomach, the fundic part, was composed of epithelium, pleuripotent blastemic tissue and serosa up to 44 days of gestation. Tunica muscularis became separable at 46 days of gestation. The epithelium was stratified type up to 50 days and gradually changed to pseudo-stratified columnar to simple columnar type from 76 days of gestation. Primary and secondary abomasal folds were observed at 51 and 76 days of gestation, respectively. Gastric pit, the fore runner of gastric gland was reported first at 70 days. The gland became branched tubular type at 145 days. The cells found in the mucosa of the abomasum were surface epithelial cells, chief cells, parietal cells, mucous neck cells and undifferentiated cells. Chief and parietal cell were observed at 76 days and mucous neck cells at 82 days of gestation. Reticular, collagen and elastic fibers came into sight at 38, 76 and 100 days of gestation, respectively. The present study is expected to supplement known data and knowledge regarding histogenesis of goat fetal abomasum and help in diagnosis and treatment of related congenital anomalies.

Varsha Gupta Varsha gupta

Anticancer potential of furanocoumarins: mechanistic and therapeutic aspects

Cancer is one of the most extreme medical conditions in both developing and developed countries around the world, causing millions of deaths each year. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are critical treatment approaches, but both have numerous adverse health effects. Furthermore, the resistance of cancerous cells to anticancer medication leads to treatment failure. The rising burden of cancer overall requires novel, efficacious treatment modalities. Natural medications offer feasible alternative options against malignancy in contrast to western medicines. Furanocoumarins’ defensive and restorative impacts have been observed in leukemia, glioma, breast, lung, renal, liver, colon, cervical, ovarian, and prostate malignancies. Experimental findings have shown that furanocoumarins activate multiple signalling pathways, leading to apoptosis, autophagy, antioxidant, antimetastatic, and cell cycle arrest in malignant cells. Additionally, furanocoumarins have been shown to have chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic synergistic potential when used in combination with other anticancer drugs. Here, we address different pathways which are activated by furanocoumarins and their therapeutic efficacy in various tumors. Ideally, this review will trigger interest in furanocoumarins and their potential efficacy and safety as cancer-lessening agents.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

A human study on the effect of alhagi maurorum (camel thorn) on patients suffering from hepatitis b virus

Hepatitis B virus infection is a major health problem worldwide. More than 400 million people are suffering from this infectious disease. Alhagi Maurorum (camel thorn, CTE) is used in Libyan folk medicine for hepatitis. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of the camel thorn on the hepatitis B virus. After a pharmacological and toxicological screening of camel thorns on experimental animals in our laboratories, in an open-label study, 15 patients of either gender were chosen at random with their consent (consent form signed). The patients had no liver cirrhosis and were not alcoholics. Following clinical testing, the patients were given a low, safe dose of camel thorn powder (2.6 g soaked in boiling water for 10 minutes) three times per day for six months. The viral load was measured before treatment and three and six months after the beginning of the experiment by polymerase chain reaction. The complete blood picture, the level of transaminases, bilirubin, creatinine, blood glucose, lipid profile, thyroid function, and prothrombin were assessed before and after three months after the beginning of the experiment. Our data showed no significant changes in the complete blood picture, creatinine, blood urea, glucose level, bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, lipid profile, prothrombin, and thyroid function. The levels of viral load before, three months after, and six months after the beginning of our study were 1689 ± 289, 558 ± 160, and 271 ± 026 IU per mL, respectively. From this study, we may conclude that the camel thorn is safe and showed activity against viral hepatitis B, however, further investigations are needed by increasing the number of patients and using higher doses of plant extract to explore its mechanism of action. Finally, the mechanism of camel thorn may be related either to its antiviral effect or to the stimulation of either endogenous interferon or the immune system.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Growth of urinary calcium oxalate crystals on glass slide and their inhibition by phaseolus vulgaris l. infusion

The study was conducted on glass slides to observe the growth patterns of urinary calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals and their inhibition using 5, 10, 15 and 20 % Phaseolus lunatus seed infusion. For this purpose, a drop of gel medium (sodium metasilicate of 1.06 specific gravity and 3M acetic acid solution) at pH 5.02-5.17 was placed in the middle of a glass slide and converted into a gel. A 1 M oxalic acid drop was dropped to the left, and 1 M calcium chloride and magnesium acetate (1:1) solution was dropped to the right side of the properly formed gel. The glass slide was observed under a microscope till it was completely dried. In the case of the crystal inhibition study, a drop of Phaseolus lunatus infusion was also added to the right side after adding calcium chloride and magnesium acetate solution. The results without infusion showed detailed morphology and aggregation patterns of observed crystals such as donuts, dumbbells, needles, platy, prismatic, rosette, round edges, X-shape crystals, and loose and compact aggregates. All infusions of Phaseolus lunatus showed defective crystals. 5% infusion inhibited crystals of all morphologies with their loose and compact aggregates except X-shaped crystals and rosettes. Meanwhile, 10% and 15 % infusions decreased X-shaped and rosette crystals. 20 % infusion showed defective rosettes. The microscopic study of calcium oxalate crystal growth and its inhibition is simple and provides rapid qualitative analysis of antiurolithiatic activity.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Fesability of international trading

With the projected growth of the global electric vehicle market that is estimated to double in the next decade, the expansion of the battery manufacturing capacity will primarily depend on the auto market’s electrification. Moreover, the market growth puts new requirements on the end-of-life phase and the recycling components. Therefore, the report provides a feasibility research study aimed at investigating the international initiative. It identifies the production and exportation of Lithium-Ion Batteries to the Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers and consumers as a business opportunity and discusses the gaps in the current market. The research also includes a look at the cost estimates that are bound to affect the company. Additionally, the report also includes recommendations for the company to ensure that it understands the policy frameworks and market systems for electric cars adoption. By doing so, the report discusses several aspects of the entire Lithium-Ion Battery business, justifying the business idea.

Mohamed Sorogy Mohamed sorogy

Make in india: how much is the lion’s share in fdi inflow?

The present study focused on analysing the impact of ‘Make in India’ campaign on FDI inflows in country. The research period is divided in two parts one is pre ‘MII’ & another is post ‘MII’ period. The analysis of ‘Make in India’ campaign is done to identify the scope of the campaign & methodology of working of various allied departments monitoring campaign. The present research work also attempted to take overview of various policy reforms initiated by Government of India to promote the FDI as well domestic investment in 25 sectors shortlisted under MII. The FDI inflows statistics reveals that, the post MII period is showing the highest growth in FDI equity inflows as compare to same period i.e. 2009- 2014. The MII initiative is one of the reason for the jump in FDI inflows. The overview of policy reforms shows that GOI through DIPP attempted to open almost all sectors for 100% FDI through automatic route. Government has provided multiple incentives for Foreign Investors to establish their manufacturing facilities in country but very negligible response has been seen in the nature of FDI equity inflows in the same period. Further results of study reveals that multiple ‘MOU’s have been signed by States & Central Governments, but they yet not converted in actual investments. The major reasons behind the same is lack of SWOT analysis through Governments before inviting the foreign investors. As well lack of basic infrastructure, land, lack of skilled manpower, cheap & un interrupted power supply to MIDC’s & SEZ’s is yet not successfully provided, lower rankings in Ease Of Doing Business (EODB), Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index (GMCI) is also cause of concern & tumbling block in the success of MII mission..

ANSHUMAN VIJAY MAGAR Anshuman vijay magar

Effective communication is the key for healthcare professionals

During COVID-19 pandemic health professional need to develop good communication skills. Good communication skills will lead to professionalism. The information that are given to patients, their families and the community has to be transparent, true and scientifically relevant. The awareness one creates about the pandemic includes mode of infection, transmission, symptoms, vaccines, vaccination, viral heterogeneity and mutations. Such transmission of true information requires proper training of health personnel including the social media in developing good communication skills

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Application of hofstede’s model to study the role of indian culture for sustenance during covid-19”

The COVID-19 crisis has impacted all dimensions of our lives say it as the public health, the labour system, the social interaction, the political debate, the use of public spaces, the economy, the environment, and last but not the least it has proved to be a major contributor to the cultural value system of the individual living in society. This research paper is to analyse and understand the changes enforced by this pandemic on Indian culture and individual of the society. It also analyses the context of COVID-19 scenario with special reference to Indian culture and Hofstede’s theory of cultural dimension. This research paper is an attempt to emphasize the changes in culture and value system during the COVID-19 pandemic faced by India. India is enriched enough in cultural dimensions to combat COVID-19. The Hofstede’s model analysed in depth also leads to this finding that it also fits well in the present context. Thus, it is hereby summed up that as India is enriched in its cultural values it has posed itself as a fighter for this pandemic

mamta gaur Mamta gaur

Characteristics-centered cryptography with cloud revocation authority and its applications

Identity-based encryption (IBE) is a public key cryptosystem and eliminates the demands of public key infrastructure (PKI) and certificate administration in conventional public key settings. Because of the absence of PKI, the revocation drawback could be a crucial issue in IBE settings. Many rescindable IBE schemes are planned relating to this issue. Quite recently, by embedding associate outsourcing computation technique into IBE, Li et al. planned a rescindable IBE theme with a key-update cloud service supplier (KU-CSP). However, their theme has 2 shortcomings. One is that the computation and communication prices are above previous rescindable IBE schemes. The opposite disadvantage is lack of measurability within the sense that the KU-CSP should keep a secret worth for every user. Within the article, we have a tendency to propose a replacement rescindable IBE theme with a cloud revocation authority (CRA) to resolve the 2 shortcomings, namely, the performance is significantly improved and the CRA holds only a system secret for all the users. For security analysis, we demonstrate that the proposed scheme is semantically secure under the Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) assumption. Finally, we have a tendency to extend the planned rescindable IBE theme to gift a CRA-aided authentication theme with period-limited privileges for managing an outsized range of varied cloud services.

Dr H Shaheen Dr h shaheen

Classic and alternative disinfection practices for preventing of hospital-acquired infections: a systemic review

Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection technologies are well-known tools for microbial prevention in indoor public places which are frequently employed for disinfecting air, surfaces, and water. Such technologies have drawn a great deal of interest due to its potential application, especially in the domain of healthcare. This article discusses the shortcomings of chemical disinfectants and analyzes the current research standing on the development of various types of UV disinfection technologies for their prospective usage in the healthcare industry. Furthermore, the article provides a thorough analysis and in-depth evaluation of the current antibacterial studies using UV lamps and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for the treatment of frequently encountered pathogens associated with healthcare. According to the systematic review, UV-LEDs have shown to be a potential source for delivering disinfection which is equally efficient or more effective than traditionally used UV lamps. The findings also provide valuable considerations for potentially substituting conventional lamps with LEDs that would be less expensive, more efficient, more robust, non-fragile and safer. With greater effectiveness and advantages, UV-LEDs have shown to be the potential UV source that could fundamentally be able to transform the disinfection industry. Therefore, the study supports the employment of UV-LED technology as a better and workable approach for effective disinfection applications. The study also offers insightful information that will help to direct future studies in the domain of hygienic practices used in healthcare facilities.

Jahanzeb Jahanzeb

Hr analytics: a study on training and development of it employees with special reference to chennai city

The Training and Development is considered as most important task to reach organizational goals. HR Analytics in Training of employees helps to understand better what is required among their Employees to increase Motivation and Skills which ultimately improves the employee Performance. HR Analytics is a method used to measure and organize information related to employee that give clean insights about the requirement of an employee. It also helps the Organisations to maintain record and analyse information of specific employee with specific skill sets, this helps in motivating, gaining efficiency and improving talent quality. For every organization, their employees are very precious asset. Thus, it is extremely essential to analyse, assess, and predict employee requirements. In this competitive world where new innovations come as a hurdle, it is very important to implement the new technology in organisation. This paper highlights the importance of providing training to the employees in organisation and its influence on employee’s better performance, organisational achievement and employees satisfaction.


Analysis on digital implementation of sigma-delta adc with passive analog components

Sigma-Delta (SD) analog to digital converters (ADCs) have several advantages over the nyquist rate type ADCs. The linearity over high dynamic range makes the SD ADCs an ideal choice for voice and precise instrumentation applications. The SD-ADC architecture is well established and analyzed [5, 6]. It is heavily based on digital processing and provides a high resolution, low noise output with very low analog implementation effort. The technique of sigma delta ADC is in practice from several decades. The feature of digital dominated design of SD-ADC makes it different from other types of ADCs. As the technologies are evolving, new realization methodologies are emerging for realizing SD-ADC. The conventional approach of realizing an ADC as a separate ASIC and providing the interface to digital IC (either Microprocessor or FPGA) for providing mixed signal processing platform has following limitations.

P.a. harsha vardhini

A challenging presentation of pyrexia and macroscopic hematuria in a kidney transplant patient

Kidney transplant kidney transplant ( KTx) recipients have increased susceptibility to a spectrum of infections including; bacterial, viral, and fungal pathogens. Many factors contribute to their infection potential risk, in terms of their immunosuppressive state, that result in suppression of their B‑and T‑lymphocyte repertoire, also to consider certain donor and recipient‑related factors, that make them at risk of specific type of infectious complications. In addition kidney transplant patients tolerate poorly infections, which may adversely affect their graft function, by inducing glomerular injury, hence early diagnosis, directed therapy, and careful dosing of antimicrobial agents is of paramount importance in reducing patient’s morbidity and mortality. We report a kidney transplant patient, who received her live related kidney graft 7 years earlier (in 2013), she has been with stable graft function in most of her follow up period, until she presented with pyrexia, dyspnea and fatigue associated with deterioration of her graft function.


A descriptive study on prescribing pattern of drugs and colon diseases at benghazi medical center in libya

Colon is part of the digestive system in the human body responsible for absorbing water and nutrients from food residues. There are many problems affecting the colon including irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, abscess, colitis and colon cancer which considered one of the most common diseases among the Libyan community. The aim of this study was to search the presence of colonic disease and the tendency of those diseases to transform into colonic cancer at Benghazi medical center in Benghazi-Libya. A survey was comprised of 15 questions concerning colon diseases, proper diagnosis and treatment type. The survey was distributed to the physician specialized in medicine at Benghazi medical center and they fill it voluntary. The initial part of the questionnaire designed to obtain demographic data concerning the physicians who diagnose the colon illness. The rest part of the questionnaire was concerning special questions to define frequency of the diagnosed disease. There were 20 participants at this study. The response to all questionnaires were collected and analyzed for drug use, patients and disease distribution. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that the correct diagnosis, prescribing the appropriate treatment for the colon disease and using the medicine properly is one of the most important things that help in treating the disease and reducing its exacerbation. In some cases, eradication procedures may be required if the medicine is not sufficient to treat the disease without the need for operations

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

The twenty-five most cited articles about adductor canal block: a bibiliometric analysis from 1980 to 2022

Introduction: Loco-regional anesthesia role is increasingly important in surgery, especially in postoperative pain control. Using ultrasound-guided techniques has made the loco-regional approach increasingly safe and manageable, guaranteeing excellent analgesic results and patient compliance. This bibliometric research aimed to identify the most influential papers on the adductor canal blocks and outline their characteristics. Methods: All articles published from 1980 to 2022 were included in the Web of Science, PubMed, and Scopus databases and found using the keywords “Adductor canal block” or “Saphenous nerve block” or “Peripheral nerve block” or “Hunter canal block” or “Subsartorial canal block” or “ACB” or “Knee” or “TKR” or “TKA” or “Analgesia” or “Arthroplasty” or “Replacement” in the title section had bibliometric analysis performed. The first 25 papers were selected and analyzed by the number of citations. The correlation between numerical variables was evaluated using the Pearson Correlation coefficient. Results: Literature screening found 252 publications. One hundred ten were only about the adductor canal block. Of these, 25 articles were selected for our bibliometric study, published in 8 different journals and with a total number of citations equal to 1.457. “Regional Anesthesia and pain medicine” journal – with 9 articles – was the one that produced the most. There was a significant strong correlation between the n. of citations and the citation rate (R = 0.84, p < 0.001). Conclusion: The purpose of this study is to be a guide on regional anesthesia and, particularly, on adductor canal block, making the most effective as well as the most cited articles available to anesthesiologists or other researchers interested in this topic.

Dario Cirillo Dario cirillo

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