Implementasi metode role playing pada pembelajaran tematik di madrasah ibtidaiyah darul ulum sukorambi jember tahun pelajaran 2018/2019

Kegiatan belajar mengajar siswa disekolah yang berpusat pada guru mengakibatkan siswa hanya menerima mata pelajaran secara pasif pembelajaran yang seperti ini mengakibatkan siswa kurang berminat dalam mengikuti pembelajaran tematik,proses pembelajaran yaitukurang maksimal pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran yang diterapkan sehingga peserta didik kurang menarik dengan pembelajaran dan metode yang sebelumnya, Sehingga berpengaruh kepada pemahaman siswa. Berdasarkan latar belakang Fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah 1)Bagaimana Perencanaan metode Rol Playing pada pembelajaran tematik di Madrasah IbidaiyahDarul Ulum Sukorambi Jember tahun pelajaran 2018/2019? 2)Bagaimana Pelaksanaanmetode Rol Playing pada pembelajaran tematik di Madrasah Ibidaiyah Darul Ulum Sukorambi Jember tahun pelajaran 2018/2019? 3) Bagaimna evalusai Metode Role Playingpada pembelajaran tematik di Madrasah Ibidaiyah Darul Ulum Sukorambi Jember tahun pelajaran 2018/2019? Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: Perencanaan metode Role Playing pada pembelajaran tematik di kelas IV yaitu: dengan menyusun Program tahunan, program semester, silabus dan RPP(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran) dan dikembangkan dalam RPP dengan menggunakan metode Role Playing sehingga setiap siswa dapat memahami materi yang telah dipelajarinya.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Secured data transmission in vanet using vehicular digital hash gen model

Vehicular adhoc structures (VANETs) handle the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) for their security. In any PKI structure, the check of a got message is performed by checking if the check of the sender is joined into the current CRL, Verifying the reliability of the certification and standard for the sender. In this paper, it has been propose a Vehicular Digital Hash Gen show up (VDHG) for VANETs, which replaces the dull CRL checking process by a profitable revoking checking process. The renouncing check process in VDHG uses a Private Key Infrastructure (PKI), where the key used in finding the VDHG is shared particularly between On-Board Units (OBUs). In like manner, VDHG uses a novel probabilistic key stream, which extras with OBUs to trade and revive an issue key. VDHG can on a very basic level lessen the data torment in light of the message declaration deferral pulled back and the standard assistance structures using CRL

Dr H Shaheen Dr h shaheen

Evaluation model of english teaching effect based on neural network algorithm and support vector machine

Abstract- The role of support vector machine in the evaluation of English teaching effect is very important, but there is a problem of inaccurate evaluation of results. The traditional English teaching mode cannot solve the accuracy and efficiency of the effect evaluation of students' English teaching and cannot meet the requirements of English teaching effect evaluation. Therefore, this paper proposes a neural network algorithm to innovate and optimize the analysis of support vector machines. Firstly, the relevant theories are used to construct a multi-index English teaching effect evaluation system with teachers and students as the main body, and the indicators are divided according to the data requirements of English teaching effect evaluation indicators to reduce the support vector machine in the interfering factor. Then, the neural network algorithm is used to solve the optimal solution of kernel function parameters and regularization parameters of the support vector machine, and the support vector machine scheme is formed, and the support vector machine results are carried out Comprehensive analysis. MATLAB simulation shows that the evaluation accuracy of the English teaching effect of the neural network algorithm and the support vector machine under certain evaluation criteria Optimal, short evaluation time.

LOKESH N S Lokesh n s

Implementasi program tahfidzul al-qur’an jilid 5 bagi peserta didik di madrasah ibtidaiyah muhammadiyah 02 ambulu jember

The purpose of this study is to describe the planning, implementation and evaluation of the tahfidzul Al-Qur'an program for students volume 5 at MI Muhammadiyah 02 Pontang Ambulu Jember. This study uses a qualitative approach and the technique of determining data sources using purposive sampling. Collecting data through observation, interviews and documentaries. Data analysis, descriptive qualitative with data reduction steps, data presentation, conclusion drawing/verification. To check the validity of the data using triangulation of sources and techniques. The results of the research show: (1) Planning the tahfidzul Al-Qur'an program for students volume 5 at MI Muhammadiyah 02 Pontang Ambulu Jember, namely: determining the goal of memorizing 2 letters Al-Insyiqaq and Al-Muthoffifin, instilling a love of the Qur'an since early, Content of material, determine method, Determination of media, Determination of evaluation. (2) The implementation of the tahfidzul Al-Qur'an program for students volume 5 at MI Muhammadiyah 02 Pontang Ambulu Jember, namely: students memorizing letters Al-Insyiqaq and Al-Muthoffifin, reading letters according to makhraj and tajwid, Submission of material by teachers, using tilawati method by listening, imitating, reading together and repeatedly, using Juz 'Amma, Al-Qur'an and murottal media. (3) Evaluation of the tahfidzul Al-Qur'an program for students volume 5 at MI Muhammadiyah 02 Pontang Ambulu Jember, namely: evaluation of objectives, evaluation of material based on the target of memorizing letters Al-Insyiqaq and Al-Muthoffifin and not experiencing difficulties, evaluation of methods, formative evaluation at the end of each lesson and letter increase.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

“in vivo approach: potential diuretic activity of m. charantia linn. on alloxan induced albino wistar rats in diabetes mellitus”.

The screening of perfect diuretics for non-clinical utility in Diabetes mellitus is a relatively novel approach which gain inssight into underlying the pathophysiological processes. This study is aims to evaluate the diuretic effect of a crude aqueous & alcoholic extract of M.charantia Linn. using Albino Wistar Rat model. In this study, the comparative observation of Diuretic activity with standard and extracted compound were shown that the estimated 24‐hour urine contains the Na+ - 3.82 g, 3.82 g, 3.92 g and K+ - 1.35 g, 1.39 g, 1.48 g wt. for Vehicle control, Standard drug, and Extracted compound respectively. Which possess the favoring result means from the spot urine were 10.7±7.0 g/24 h and 3.9±2.1 g/24 h, respectively. Coefficients were 0.035, 0.022, 0.046 at (d±2SD = 7.07 g, 4.42 g and 8.92 g) for sodium chloride and 0.068, 0.031, 0.046 at (d±2SD =4.92 g, 2.31 g, and 3.34 g) for potassium chloride. The Na+ and K+ results can be deduced by conversion (1 g NaCl=0.4 g Na+, 1 g KCl≈0.5 g K+). The present study guide formulation of non clinical trials with statistical study to further measuring the claimed efficacy of M. charantia as a natural remedy for diabetes mellitus.

Wahul UMESH Wahul umesh

Knowledge and attitudes regarding topical misuse of corticosteroids in libya

Prescription drug misuse has emerged as a significant problem over the past decade, particularly topical corticosteroids for skin lightening. This study aimed to assess the misuse of topical corticosteroids among the female population in southern Libya; to determine prevalence, awareness, attitude, and practice regarding this drug misuse. A descriptive, cross-sectional questionnaire was distributed on January 2022 to females aged between 16-45 years old in southern Libya. Out of 200 distributed questionnaires, 155 were returned with a response rate of 77.5%. The majority of the participants were aged 16-25 years (n=138, 89.0%) and over two-thirds of participants, said they obtained lightening products containing cortisone from pharmacies (n=107, 69.0%) while 36 participants indicated they obtained these products from cosmetic shops (23.2%). More than three-quarters of the participants said they were aware that they should read product ingredients (n=120, 77.4%). Just over one-quarter of respondents indicated they used the product on their face almost daily (n=41, 26.5%) while 28 participants denied using it (18.1%). The most common source of information about topical corticosteroids among participants was the Internet (n=51, 32.9%), followed by dermatologists (n=41, 26.5%), and pharmacists (n=31, 20.0%). Almost half of respondents were aware that topical corticosteroids can cause harmful effects (n=75, 48.4%). The most common indications reported for using topical corticosteroids were whitening (23.3%), and acne treatment (54.2%). Over two-thirds of participants, declared they would not use topical lightening products if they contained corticosteroids (n=107, 69.0%). In a similar attitude, nearly a third of participants stated that they would never use corticosteroid medications again if they knew about the negative effects of whitening (n=51, 32.9%). The majority of females, (87.7%), concur that only pharmacies should be able to sell and prescribe topical corticosteroid medications. The study's findings indicate that topical corticosteroids are frequently misused and that to lessen contraindications, especially for prolonged use, it is imperative to provide basic care to females who continue using topical corticosteroids in public or unlicensed marketing settings.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Globally used antiurolithiatic plants of family asteraceae: historical background, mechanism of action, therapeutic spectrum, formulations with doses

Medicinal plants are the gift of nature and play an important role as a part of our diet to maintain health. They also serve as a versatile weapon to combat several diseases. Every civilization has its own experience and knowledge of the therapeutic uses of plants. The belief and observations regarding traditionally used medicinal plants increase people's interest in using them against urolithiasis. Urolithiasis is a common problem that has been afflicted for centuries and has a high recurrence. Of the world's population, about 12% suffer from urolithiasis. All over the world, in different countries and cultures, people use plants to prevent and cure kidney stones according to their ethnopharmacological information. These formulations are very effective. That's why they have been used for hundreds of years. This review covers the eighty (80) medicinal plants of the most cited family Asteraceae against urolithiasis and their historical antiurolithiatc background shared in well-known books of Dioscorides, Pliny the Elder, Al Razi and Ibn Sina. This information was extracted to compose antiurolithiatic plants with their parts and formulations used in 21 countries such as Algeria, America, Australia, China, India, Iran, Italy, Jordan, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippine, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey and Uzbekistan. Scientifically proven pharmacological activities of the same part of the plant have direct (litholytic) and direct pharmacological effects like analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, astringent, demulcent, diuretic, litholytic, lithotriptic, antiurolithiatic, antispasmodic, ACE inhibition and Phospholipase A2 inhibition also shared as a plausible mechanism of action. The route of administration is oral in all cases. Hopefully, this book will be useful for the general public and attract the scientific world for antiurolithiatic drug discovery. This valuable ethnopharmacological information will provide opportunities for the future research and development of new natural antiurolithiatic compounds.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Stress among banking employee- a literature review

For banking employees around the globe, stress on the job can be a challenge; stress can be sometimes positive and sometimes negative. Positive stress leads to productivity and negative stress leads to loss for the organization. There is already a certain level of stress in Banking employees work life and then encounter even more stress arising from the work pressure that Banking employees face on the job. Many employees cannot cope with such rapid changes taking place in the jobs. Role conflict, Service for customer, contribution, rapid technological change, lack of customer response is the great transaction of stress for the banking workers. The aim of this research is to understand roots and outcomes of job stress on the employee performance in banking sector.

Dr MANJUNATHA M K Dr manjunatha m k

Pembelajaran edutainment dalam penanaman karakter cinta tanah air pada anak usia dini di sekolah dasar

Konsep edutainment mencoba memadukan antara pendidikan dan hiburan, yang didalam konsep edutainment tersebut terdapat beberapa pendekatan yang lebih kita kenal sebagai SAVI (Somatik, Auditori, Visual dan Intelektual). Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian Library research, yaitu jenis penelitian yang dilakukan dan difokuskan pada penelaahan, pengkajian dan pembahasan literature-literatur, baik klasik maupun modern. Literature berbahsa arab, inggris, Indonesia dan sebagainya yang ada kaitannya dengan persoalan ini. Penelitian ini bersifat analisis deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian ini yaitu: Sumber primer dari pemikiran Beby De Poter. Sumber skunder meliputi: buku, artikel atau esai yang membahas konsep edutainment, dan buku yang berkenaan dengan konsep psikologi belajar anak, serta buku pendidikan karakter, terutama karakter cinta tanah air. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: (1) Pembelajaran Edutainment Dalam Penanaman Karakter Cinta Tanah Air Bagi Anak Usia Dini Di Sekolah Dasar, yaitu: menumbuhkan karakter cinta tanah air, memunculkan emosi minat anak seperti rasa senang dan gembira dalam pembelajaran, guru dalam menyampaikan pembelajaran di kelas harus menunjukkan sikap kepedulian terhadap peserta didik. (2) Proses Penanaman Karakter Cinta Tanah Air Bagi Anak Usia Dini Di Sekolah Dasar, yaitu: proses pembelajaran interaksi antara siswa dan guru terbangun suasana menyenangkan, fleksibiltas guru dalam menyampaikan materi menyesuaikan dengan emosi peserta didik, hubungan keakraban dan persahabatan sebagaimana teman sendiri, dan guru memberikan kebabasan berexspresi kepada perserta didik pada saat proses pembelajaran.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiemetic activities of cleome scaposa dc

Cleome scaposa DC. has long been used in traditional herbal medicine for the treatment of pain and inflammation. The present investigation is an attempt to evaluate the antiemetic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of Cleome scaposa leaves methanolic extract by using the chick emesis model (oral treatment), analgesia meter test (intraperitoneal treatment) in rats and carrageenan-induced rat paw oedema (oral treatment) respectively. The antiemetic activity (150 mg/kg b.w. of extract) was carried out by using chlorpromazine (150mg/kg) as a standard antiemetic drug. The analgesic activity (250 mg/kg b.w., of extract) was performed by using diclofenac sodium (50mg/kg) as a standard analgesic drug whereas, anti-inflammatory activity (500mg/kg b.w., of extract) was done and indomethacin (10mg/kg) was taken as a standard anti-inflammatory drug. The results showed significant antiemetic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

A comparative financial study on selected companies in automobile industry in india

India’s automobile industry is the fourth largest automobile industry in the world. The researcher selected the automobile companies of 2 and 3 wheelers based on group A companies listed in the Bombay Stock Exchange. The selected automobile companies are Bajaj Auto ltd, Eicher Motors ltd, Hero MotoCorp ltd and TVS Motor Company ltd. The main target of this analysis is to compare the financial positions of the selected automobile companies for the time of a long time from 2016-2020. This study proved that financial position of Eicher Motors ltd financial position is superior to other selected automobile companies. Current ratio, quick ratio, debt-equity ratio, net profit ratio, return on assets ratio of Eicher Motors ltd is better than other selected automobile companies.

Dr. Jeyalakshmi P Dr. jeyalakshmi p

Formulation design and evaluation of mucoadhesive buccal patch of ketorolac for the treatment of periodontitis

Ketorolac tromethamine, the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, was formulated into mucoadhesive films to overcome the limitations in the currently available dosage and routes of administration which in sequence will increase patients’ compliance. Films were cast from organic and aqueous solvents using various bioadhesive polymers namely: HPMC E-15, Eudragit RLPO, Eudragit RSPO, Carbopol 934P. The prepared films were subjected to investigation for their physical and mechanical properties, swelling behaviors, in vitro bioadhesion, drug permeation via bovine buccal mucosa, and in vitro drug release. These properties were found to vary significantly depending on the preparation methods, the type of the polymers, and the ratio of addition of both plasticizers (i.e. polyethylene glycol and film forming agent. Formulation F4 is selected for best formulation because it shows the 98.85% drug release at time 6 hr. In addition, this film was subjected to in vitro and in vivo release. The obtained results indicate that the concentration of ketorolac in the oral cavity was maintained above 4.0 µg/ml for a period of at least 6 h. This film shows promising results for using the ketorolac mucoadhesive route of administration topically and systemically, and thus it will be subjected to clinical evaluation in future work.

Kuldeep vinchurkar

Penilaian autentik pada pembelajaran tematik kelas iv di madrasah ibtidaiyah darussalam 01 bagon puger jember

Penilaian autentik ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengetahuan guru serta menggambarkantugas-tugas riil bagi siswa untuk menghasilkan pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan wawancara. Focus penelitian ini (1) bagaimana penilaian kompetensi sikap pada pembelajaran tematik di MI Darussalam 01 Bagon Puger Jember? (2) bagaimana penilaian kompetensi pengetahuan pada pembelajaran tematik di MI Darussalam 01Bagon Puger Jember?, (3) bagaimana penilaian kompetensi keterampilan pada pembelajaran tematik di MI Darussalam 01 Bagon Puger Jember? Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan: (a) penilaian kompetensi sikap meliputi sikap jujur dan disiplin, dimana mudah didalam teori, namun sulit untuk menerapkannya. Tergantung dari guru favorit masing-masing, proses pembelajaran tergantung pada materi pelajarannya, dan juga berkaitan dengan nilai atau norma. (b) Penilaian kompetensi pengetahuan, meliputi: tes tulis, tes lisan, dan penugasan, baik penugasan terstruktur dan tidak terstruktur. (c) Penilaian kompetensi keterampilan meliputi: penilaian kinerja, penilaian proyek, dan penilaian portofolio.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Vitamin c and human diseases: an overview

Vitamin C is associated with history of the cause of the ancient hemorrhagic disease scurvy. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient with important antioxidant properties. It is required by the body for normal physiological function. The body cannot synthesize vitamin C, it is present in nature through foods and other natural sources and it exists as a nutritional food supplement. The antioxidant activity of vitamin C protects the body from free radical damage. Vitamin C is essential for the development and maintenance of connective tissues. It is used as therapeutic agent in many diseases and disorders. Vitamin C plays an important role in several metabolic functions, as the conversion of the amino acid, tryptophan, to the neurotransmitter, serotonin, and the conversion of cholesterol to bile acids. Vitamin C supplementation resulted in a significant increase in vitamin C levels in populations; its high intake is associated with positive effects on cardiovascular risk factors. Vitamin C protects the immune system, reduces the severity of allergic reactions and helps to fight infections. It has an important role in bone formation, wound healing and the maintenance of healthy gums. There is profound beneficial effect of vitamin C in respect to human diseases as cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease and many metal toxicities. Several vitamin C analogs have been produced as anticancer and antioxidant activity. Vitamin C is useful if it is used as adjuvant therapy for several chronic diseases. Thus, this review summarizes the importance of vitamin C in the body’s physiology and biochemistry, in addition, the different mechanisms that vitamin C is implicated to treat different acute and chronic diseases. Future exploration should pay attention to chronic disease management by vitamin C.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Nutritional background of low-income pulmonary tuberculosis patients on anti-tuberculosis therapy at infectious disease hospital, calabar, nigeria: a case-control study

Background: Poverty and malnutrition are associated with the risk of developing tuberculosis (TB). Nutritional reintegration with anti-TB therapy may improve treatment success rate. Aim: To investigate the nutritional status of low-income pulmonary TB patients in relation to the different anti-TB treatment phases. Methods: Forty five pulmonary TB patients and 40 controls aged 19-54 years, receiving treatment at Infectious Disease Hospital, Calabar, Nigeria, between September 2018 and July 2019 were studied. Serum total protein, albumin, iron and vitamin A were determined by colorimetric and HPLC methods respectively. Height and weight were measured and BMI computed, and data analysed using Student’s t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson’s correlation at P<0 P=0.001).>0.05) respectively. Albumin and iron were significantly lower in CPAT-HIV compared with CPAT patients. Albumin correlated positively and significantly with iron (r=0.405, p=0.006) in TB patients. Conclusion: Tuberculosis is associated with decreased BMI, albumin, iron and vitamin A, and higher total protein, and globulin, suggesting that malnutrition may be associated with TB risk, poor treatment compliance and outcomes

Eworo Raymond Eworo raymond

A study on corporate social responsibility – a case study with canara bank.

Creating a strong business and building a better world are not conflicting goals – they are both essential ingredients for long-term success. Canara Bank is one of the leading banks in the banking sector which is serving a lot of customers. The initiatives of the Bank under CSR have been the setting up of Trusts and Institutions which have created an impact in serving the people and society at large.Bank has been engaging employees and motivating them employees for participate in CSR activities. Bank has established a Community Development Section’ under FI Wing whose activities include organizing blood donation camps, health check up camps, career guidance and many more. The objective of this paper is to resolve the activities initiated by Canara Bank and the funds allotted in various areas.

Vidya Bhat Vidya bhat

Synthesis and toxicity of graphene oxide nanoparticles: a literature review of in vitro and in vivo studies

Nanomaterials have been widely used in many fields in the last decades, including electronics, biomedicine, cosmetics, food processing, buildings, and aeronautics. The application of these nanomaterials in the medical field could improve diagnosis, treatment, and prevention techniques. Graphene oxide (GO), an oxidized derivative of graphene, is currently used in biotechnology and medicine for cancer treatment, drug delivery, and cellular imaging. Also, GO is characterized by various physicochemical properties, including nanoscale size, high surface area, and electrical charge. However, the toxic effect of GO on living cells and organs is a limiting factor that limits its use in the medical field. Recently, numerous studies have evaluated the biocompatibility and toxicity of GO in vivo and in vitro. In general, the severity of this nanomaterial’s toxic effects varies according to the administration route, the dose to be administered, the method of GO synthesis, and its physicochemical properties. This review brings together studies on the method of synthesis and structure of GO, characterization techniques, and physicochemical properties. Also, we rely on the toxicity of GO in cellular models and biological systems. Moreover, we mention the general mechanism of its toxicity.

Kamal Singh Kamal singh

The theories of corporate governance and suggested solutions to its legislation completion in vietnam

Currently, there are three popular theories of corporate governance widely applied in the field of jurisprudence worldwide. They are Agency Theory, Stewardship Theory, and Stakeholder Theory. Based on these theories, the article focuses on clarifying legal issues about corporate governance, thereby suggesting solutions to the improvement of corporate governance legislation in Vietnam at present time


Artificial neural network with crow search algorithm for optimal sizing of photovoltaic system

The need for renewable energy sources in addressing global energy demands is growing, especially in Nigeria where electricity demand often exceeds supply. Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems have become a viable solution, with federal universities in Nigeria, as major electricity consumers, recognizing their potential. However, determining the right size of PV systems for individual faculties within these universities is a complex task. This study attempted to simplify this process by introducing an innovative approach to size PV systems in these faculties. The research method used the Extended Kalman Artificial Neural Network (EKF-ANN) and the Crow Search Algorithm (CSA) to enhance the accuracy of PV system sizing. Data was collected on the study site, load demand, weather conditions, system components, and operational control and systems models to establish sizing criteria. The study focused on the optimal size of a solar PV system at the Faculty of Law building, University of Port-Harcourt, and how to improve its accuracy. The results showed that using global solar insolation parameters, EKF-ANN predicted values for global temperature, flock size, and maximal iteration. This optimized system could generate surplus power for effective grid supply. The study found that the optimal size of the series-connected panels for the Faculty of Law building was 96, 83, 73, and 65 units, with corresponding insolation values ranging from 3.737 to 4.368 kW/m2. It was concluded that the combination of CSA and EKF-ANN in solar PV sizing is suitable for achieving optimal outcomes for energy storage and grid supply. Nonetheless, the study recommended additional investigation into real-time and grid-connected solutions to enhance the proposed approach's effectiveness.

FXintegrity Publishing Fxintegrity publishing

Educational intervention on knowledge of hypertension and lifestyle/dietary modification among hypertensive patients attending a tertiary health facility in nigeria

Patients’ knowledge of hypertension and treatment has been found to affect health outcomes of hypertension. This study aimed to assess the impact of therapeutic patients’ education on knowledge of hypertension and lifestyle/dietary modification among hypertensive patients in Nigeria. The study was conducted among 317 hypertensive patients randomized into controlled and intervention groups (158 vs 159, respectively) between March 2021 and February 2022. Baseline knowledge of the patients was assessed and intervention was provided for the intervention group with a structured educational program at a baseline and six months. Descriptive data were presented with a frequency table in percentage while the chi-square test and univariate logistic regression were used to determine the association between categorical variables. Out of the total number of 318 patients, 275 completed the study (response rate: 86.8%) with 136 in the control group and 139 in the intervention group. The mean age of the patients was 59.5 (±12.5) and patients > 60 years (49.5%) were the most frequent age category. The baseline knowledge score of hypertension was 9.8 (±2.6) and 9.3 (±2.6) on a scale of 16 points in the control group and intervention group, respectively (P = 0.060) while at six months 11.9 (±2.3) vs 10.8 (±2.4) (P < 0.001) and 12 months 12.6 (±2.5) vs 9.5 (±2.0) (P < 0.001), respectively. Knowledge of lifestyle/dietary modification in the control group and intervention group at baseline was 7.0 (±2.1) and 6.6 (±2.0), respectively, while at six months 7.5 (±1.5) vs 9.9 (±1.3) (P < 0.001) and at 12 months 7.2 (±1.5) vs 10.4 (±1.2), respectively. Marital status, body mass index, and family history of hypertension were associated with knowledge of hypertension and lifestyle/dietary modification (P < 0.001). The educational intervention provided was found to be associated with a significant improvement in knowledge of hypertension and lifestyle/dietary modification. The marital status of the patients, body mass index and family history of hypertension influenced patients’ level of knowledge.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

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