Penggunaan tehnologi pendidikan dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh bagi siswa tingkat sd/mi pada masa pandemi covid-19

Technology is very important in this day and age. There are so many fields that use technology, one of which is in the field of education. Even though Indonesia is still in a situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, education must remain number one by maximizing technology, especially in the field of communication. In this study discussed the role of technology during the distance learning process, especially for students at the SD / MI level. The formulation of the problems in this study are (1) How is the distance learning process using educational technology media for SD / MI students during the Covid-19 pandemic?; (2) What are the problems that occur in the distance learning process using educational technology media for SD / MI students during the Covid-19 pandemic?; (3) What is the solution to problems in the distance learning process by using educational technology media for SD / MI students during the Covid-19 pandemic? While the method used to answer the formulation of the problem is qualitative research with an analytic description approach, interviews and literature study, the focus of which is the role of technology and educational media for students at the SD / MI level during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results showed that the distance learning process was carried out using Zoom Cloud Meeting media, WhatsApp group and Google Classroom. The problem that occurs during the distance learning process is usually a signal problem that is not good and sometimes students feel bored when doing online learning so they are playing, lying down, and eating snacks. The solution that the teacher takes to overcome this problem is to provide weekend projects on Saturdays and Sundays. Tehnologi merupakan hal yang sangat penting di masa sekarang ini. Banyak sekali bidang yang memanfaatkan teknologi, salah satunya di bidang pendidikan. Meskipun Indonesia masih berada dalam situasi pandemi Covid-19, namun pendidikan harus tetap di nomor satukan dengan memaksimalkan teknologi khususnya bidang komunikasi. Di dalam penelitian ini dibahas mengenai peran teknologi selama proses pembelajaran jarak jauh terutama bagi peserta didik pada tingkat SD/ MI. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu (1) Bagaimana proses pembelajaran jarak jauh dengan menggunakan media teknologi pendidikan bagi Siswa SD/MI di Masa pandemi Covid-19?; (2) Apa saja permasalah-permasalahan yang terjadi dalam proses pembelajaran jarak jauh dengan menggunakan media teknologi pendidikan bagi Siswa SD/MI di Masa pandemi Covid-19?; (3) Bagaimana solusi permasalahan dalam proses pembelajaran jarak jauh dengan menggunakan media teknologi pendidikan bagi Siswa SD/MI di Masa pandemi Covid-19? Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian Kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskripsi analitik, wawancara dan studi literatur kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan (1) proses pembelajaran jarak jauh dilakukan dengan menggunakan media Zoom Cloud Meeting, Whatsapp grup dan Google Classroom. (2) Permasalahan yang terjadi pada saat proses pembelajaran jarak jauh adalah adanya kendala sinyal yang kurang bagus dan terkadang siswa merasa bosan ketika sedang melakukan pembelajaran daring sehingga mereka sambil bermain, tiduran, dan memakan cemilan. (3) Solusi yang dilakukan oleh guru untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan memberi weekend project di hari Sabtu dan Ahad.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

N-gram-based machine learning approach for bot or human detection from text messages

Social bots are computer programs created for automating general human activities like the generation of messages. The rise of bots in social network platforms has led to malicious activities such as content pollution like spammers or malware dissemination of misinformation. Most of the researchers focused on detecting bot accounts in social media platforms to avoid the damages done to the opinions of users. In this work, n-gram based approach is proposed for a bot or human detection. The content-based features of character n-grams and word n-grams are used. The character and word n-grams are successfully proved in various authorship analysis tasks to improve accuracy. A huge number of n-grams is identified after applying different pre-processing techniques. The high dimensionality of features is reduced by using a feature selection technique of the Relevant Discrimination Criterion. The text is represented as vectors by using a reduced set of features. Different term weight measures are used in the experiment to compute the weight of n-grams features in the document vector representation. Two classification algorithms, Support Vector Machine, and Random Forest are used to train the model using document vectors. The proposed approach was applied to the dataset provided in PAN 2019 competition bot detection task. The Random Forest classifier obtained the best accuracy of 0.9456 for bot/human detection.

Chandra sekhar sanaboina

Optimum decimation and filtering for reconfigurable sigma delta adc

The Sigma Delta Analog to Digital Converter (SD-ADC) with passive analog components is presented. The digital blocks required for creating the samples with required sample rate and word length from the 1 bit ADC output are presented. The digital filters are initially modeled in MATLAB Simulink and validated in frequency domain. Further they are synthesized to Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA technology. The synthesis results report clock speeds up to 300MHz. The simulation results are used to validate the principle and verify the performance of SD-ADC. The results demonstrate a promising technology area of realizing SD-ADC as a reconfigurable block on FPGA to meet several signal processing applications with sampling rates up to few hundreds of KHz

P.a. harsha vardhini

Hematological and histological effect of fractionated neem leaf extract in healthy wistar rats

Introduction: In recent years, the growing research towards new drugs has been targeted on plant-based drugs, and Neem (Azadirachta indica) is one of the plants that have been extensively researched for its diverse medicinal properties. The study aimed to determine the effects of neem on the hematological parameters (total white blood cells, neutrophil, monocyte and eosinophil counts) and histology of some organs of rats. Methods: Fifteen healthy male Wister rats divided into control (Nm0) and experimental groups (Nm11 and Nm22). Control group 1 (Nm0) was given 100mg/200g body weight of normal saline orally twice daily; experimental group 2 (Nm11), 100mg/200g body weight neem extract twice daily for 11 days and experimental group 3 (Nm22), 100mg/200g neem leaf extract twice daily for 22 days. Total number of white blood cells (WBC), lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes and eosinophils, packed cell volumes (PCV) and histological changes in the spleen, liver and kidneys were evaluated. Results: There were no significant differences in mean values of the hematological parameters (total WBC; PCV; neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils). We observed the central vacuolation and accumulation of lymphocytes in the spleen, hypertrophy of the central vein in the liver and shrinking of the glomeruli and accumulation of the lymphocytes in the kidney using hematoxylin and eosin staining following prolonged administration of neem extract (Nm22). Conclusion: Prolonged administration of neem affected the histology of some organs of the rats more than the hematological parameters

Emmanuel umegbolu

The effect of cigarette smoking on the oxidant–antioxidant imbalance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Background Predisposing factors for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) comprise endogenous genetic factors and exogenous factors such as positive and negative smoking, air pollution, inhalation of dust, and work-related chemicals. Because only a small percentage of smokers develop COPD, it is thought to arise as an outcome of environmental harm and a host’s response system, which boosts the tendency of the disease to arise. Objective To clarify the effect of smoking on the level of oxidant–antioxidant in patients with COPD. Patients and methods Thirty patients with COPD (20 smokers and 10 nonsmokers) and 40 healthy individuals (18 smokers and 22 nonsmokers) participated in this study. The investigations included measurement of malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, catalase (CAT) activity, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR), vitamin C, and glutathione (GSH) content. Results SOD, CAT, GPx, GSH, GR, and vitamin C were significant lower (P<0.0001) among patients with COPD (smokers and nonsmokers) than in the control group, whereas the MDA levels were elevated (P<0.0001) in patients with COPD (smokers and nonsmokers) when compared with the control group. Moreover, the values of SOD, GSH, and GPx were significantly lower (P<0.001) in smokers with COPD as compared with nonsmokers with COPD. Finally, there was no significant difference in the level of MDA between patients with COPD (smokers and nonsmokers). Conclusion There is a significant reduction in the level of some antioxidants (SOD, GSH, and GPx) in smokers with COPD compared with nonsmokers with COPD, but other antioxidants (CAT, GR, and vitamin C) did not change significantly, whereas the oxidant levels (i.e., MDA) were relatively convergent in patients with COPD (smokers and nonsmokers). This, in turn, points to the modest role of smoking in the causation of oxidant–antioxidant imbalance in this diseas

Dr. mahmood a. al-azzawi

Tunisian maturity-onset diabetes of the young: a short review and a new molecular and clinical investigation

Introduction/aims: Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) is a monogenic non-autoimmune diabetes with 14 different genetic forms. MODY-related mutations are rarely found in the Tunisian population. Here, we explored MODY related genes sequences among seventeen unrelated Tunisian probands qualifying the MODY clinical criteria. Materials and methods: The GCK and HNF1A genes were systematically analyzed by direct sequencing in all probands. Then, clinical exome sequencing of 4,813 genes was performed on three unrelated patients. Among them, 130 genes have been reported to be involved in the regulation of glucose metabolism, β-cell development, differentiation and function. All identified variants were analyzed according to their frequencies in the GnomAD database and validated by direct sequencing. Results: We identified the previously reported GCK mutation (rs1085307455) in one patient. The clinical features of the MODY2 proband were similar to previous reports. In this study, we revealed rare and novel alterations in GCK (rs780806456) and ABCC8 (rs201499958) genes with uncertain significance. We also found two likely benign alterations in HNF1A (rs1800574) and KLF11 (rs35927125) genes with minor allele frequencies similar to those depicted in public databases. No pathogenic variants have been identified through clinical exome analysis. Conclusions: The most appropriate patients were selected, following a strict clinical screening approach, for genetic testing. However, the known MODY1-13 genes could not explain most of the Tunisian MODY cases, suggesting the involvement of unidentified genes in the majority of Tunisian affected families.

Mariam moalla Mariam moalla

"ageing and trem2 neuronal signaling in phyllanthus emblicas".

“Phyllanthus emblica” known to be amla has role in the skin aging influences the changes in skin, including skin dryness, wrinkle, and irregular pigmentation. Initially the 6 day observation has been taken for the ageing activity to be track to study the TREM2 pathway of “Phyllanthus emblica”. Cellular observation and pathway consideration: The environmental impact of pH, Temperature, Humidity and stability of amla fruits is important for the ageing of cells in neuronal cascade of TREM2 Pathway, while studying the fruits cell cycle. The melanin suppression through inhibition of tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related protein-2 activities, the strong antioxidant, and the potent matrix metalloproteinase-2 in cellular observation of tyrosinase pathway. The study aimed to evaluate the anti-skin aging efficacy of amla.

Dr. Wahul Umesh B Dr. wahul umesh b

Globally used antiurolithiatic plants of family apiaceae

Urolithiasis has been a common problem for centuries and has a high recurrence. This review covers the forty-two (42) antiurolithiatic plants of the family Apiaceae used in 18 different countries. Hopefully, this review will not only be helpful for the general public but also attract the scientific world for antiurolithiatic drug discovery.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Comparative growth of jipe tilapia, oreochromis jipe and nile tilapia, oreochromis niloticus using regression modeling

Regression modeling analyses the relationship between two or more variables and can be used to predict the response variable from one or more independent variables. The present study uses linear regression analysis to evaluate the growth in the two fish species of genus Oreochromis, Nile tilapia and Jipe tilapia, under aquaculture conditions. The models were fitted using a collection of functions in the R-software library. The final models were selected using the goodness of fit criteria based on the coefficient of differentiation, the model p- values and Akaike information criteria. The significance of the linear relationship between predictor variables and the mean response was tested by comparing the computed standardized parameter estimates, whereas the confidence intervals were constructed to assess the uncertainty of predicting the response variable and determine outliers in the model. Generally, both species exhibited good condition during growth and all the measured water quality variables significantly afffected growth (p<0.05). However, only temperature and dissolved oxygen produced the most important linear relationship with fish weight. The study recommends that data from a controlled experiment should be used the determine the interactions between the two growth variables.

Omweno job Omweno job

Post-merger profitability of selected banks in india

The present study aims to shed some light on the gains from consolidation exercise in terms of profitability of banks. Through the application of paired t-test, we arrived at the result that the consolidation of banks did improve the profitability of banks in India. The increase in profitability of banks under study is due to an increase in employee turnover and the subsequent reduction in operating expenses. Merger and acquisition programmes in Indian banks cannot be regarded as a false step if the benefits of it accrue to all stakeholders.

Akhil Antony Akhil antony

Liposomes as carriers in skin ageing

Ageing is an inevitable phenomenon. Similar to other organs, skin is also subject to an intrinsic ageing process. Additionally, skin ageing is also influenced by various environmental factors. Existing conventional formulations have limited efficacy because skin serves as a rate limiting barrier for percutaneous absorption of drugs. This has led to the evolution of various novel drug delivery systems. Among these liposomes have received considerable attention due to the numerous advantages they offer. Liposomes, submicroscopic spherical vesicles, were discovered in 1960’s. Since then, they have gained popularity as potential carriers for drugs, diagnostics, nutrients, vaccines and other bioactive agents. Liposomes find applications in pharmaceutical, cosmetics and other industrial fields. Various topical actives that have been found to be efficacious in delaying the signs of ageing have been formulated as liposomes resulting in enhanced delivery, biocompatibility, and reduced toxicity. This review focusses on therapeutic use of liposomes in skin ageing.

Aparajita Varshney Aparajita varshney

Faktor-faktor kesulitan belajar matematika siswa madrasah ibtidaiyah da’watul falah kecamatan tegaldlimo kabupaten banyuwangi

Salah satu mata pelajaran yang dianggap sulit oleh siswa adalah matematika. Sehingga pelajaran ini kurang diminati siswa. Permasalahan inilah yang menyebabkan banyak siswa mengalami kesulitan belajar matematika. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu: Kesulitan Belajar Matematika Siswa MI Da’watul Falah Kecamatan Tegaldlimo Kabupaten Banyuwangi Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019? Sedangkan tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kesulitan belajar matematika siswa MI Da’watul Falah Kecamatan Tegaldlimo Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian fenomenologi. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan analisis data menggunakan model analisis Miles, Huberman dan Saldana yaitu data Condensation, data Display, serta Conclusion drawing/verivication. Adapun pengecekan keabsahan data yang digunakan adalah triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kesulitan belajar matematika siswa disebabkan salahnya mindset yang dibangun dari awal oleh siswa, sehingga mereka kesulitan dalam memahami materi yang diajarkan di kelas. Adapun faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kesulitan belajar terdiri dari faktor internal dan faktor eksternal.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Using interactive web-based animations to help students to find the optimal algorithms of river crossing puzzles

To acquire algorithmic thinking is a long process that has a few steps. The most basic level of algorithmic thinking is when students recognize the algorithms and various problems that can be solved with algorithms. At the second level, students can execute the given algorithms. At the third level of algorithmic thinking, students can analyze the algorithms, they recognize which steps are executed in sequences, conditions or loops. At the fourth level, students can create their algorithms. The last three levels of algorithmic thinking are: the implementation of the algorithms in a programming language, modifying and improving the algorithms, and creating complex algorithms. In preliminary research related to algorithmic thinking, we investigated how first-year undergraduate computer science students of J. Selye University can solve problems associated with the second, third and fourth level of algorithmic thinking. We chose these levels because these levels do not require to know any programming language. The tasks that students had to solve were for example: what will be the route of a robot when it executes the given instructions, how many times we need to cross a river to carry everyone to another river-bank. To solve these types of tasks requires only good algorithmic thinking. The results showed that students reached 81.4% average score on tasks related to the execution of given algorithms, 72.3% average score on tasks where they needed to analyze algorithms, and 66.2% average score on tasks where students needed to create algorithms. The latter type of tasks were mostly various river-crossing problems. Even though, that students reached a 66.2% average score on these tasks, if we had accepted only solutions with the optimal algorithms (minimal number of river crossing), they would have reached only a 21.3% average score, which is very low. To help students find the optimal algorithms of river crossing puzzles, we developed several interactive web-based animations. In the last part of this paper, we describe these animations, we summarize how they were created and how they can be used in education. Finally, we conclude and briefly mention our plans related to our future research.

Ladislav Végh Ladislav végh

Body size dependent rate of oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion and o:n ratio of fresh water bivalve, lamellidens marginalis during summer season.

The study of molluscan animals is called Malacology and the study of molluscan shell is called as conchology. The scaling of metabolic rates with body mass is one of the best known and most studied characteristics of aquatic animals. We studied here how body size is related to rate of oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion and O: N ratio in Freshwater Bivalve Mollusc Lamellidens marginalis species in an attempt to know how body size specific changes affect their metabolism. The freshwater bivalve molluscs with specific body size i.e. small (76-79 mm in shell-length) and large (90-94 mm in shell-length) were chosen for experimental work from Bhima River at Siddhatek on April and May during summer. The adult bivalve molluscs with small body size reported high value in rate of oxygen consumption and O: N ratio but rate of ammonia excretion was low value in small body sized bivalves compared to large ones. The results are discussed in the flush of metabolic processes in fresh-water bivalve molluscs.

Dr. Pritesh Ramanlal  Gugale Dr. pritesh ramanlal gugale

Sustainable organic farming practices

The aim of the paper is to evaluate the association of organic farming to strengthen the sustainability of organic agriculture. Organic agriculture shows abundant benefits, as it reduces many of the environmental impacts of conventional agriculture, it can increase efficiency in small farmers’ fields, and it reduces reliance on costly external inputs, and guarantees price premiums for organic products. Organic farmers also profit from farmer cooperative and the formation of social networks, which enhances good access to instruction, credit and welfare services. This paper brings out how the function of organic farming contributes for the sustainable practices and improving environment conservation, animal welfare, and product quality.


Identification of bioactive compounds and toxicity study of araucaria columnaris bark extract on human embryonic kidney cell line

Plants produce a diverse range of bioactive compounds making them a rich source of different types of medicines. Ornamental plants are cultivated for adornment and to enhance the appearance of houses and also for commercial purposes. However, only very few of these ornamental plant species have found to be used in medicine and only little literature exit on their chemical and biological actions. In the present study, the evaluation of antimicrobial activities and identification of bioactive compounds using TLC and GC-MS of the A. columnaris bark extract were performed. In GC-MS bioactive compounds with medicinal value were identified, such as Benzoic acid, 1H-N-Hydroxynaphth (2,3) imidazole-6,7-dicarboximide, 2-Propenoic acid, 3-(4-methoxyphenyl), 1H-N-Hydroxynaphth (2,3-d) imidazole-6,7-dicarboximi. To prove the nontoxic nature of the plant, its crude bark extract was subjected to toxicity study using human embryonic kidney cell line. It reveal that the plant is minimal toxic to the human kidney cell line so usage of appropriate level will found to be safe and also carrying out some structural modification will help in the extraction of new drugs for pharmaceutical purpose.

Dr. SARANYA DEVI K Dr. saranya devi k

A progressive review on the synthesis of atovaquone (an anti-malarial drug), empowered by the critical examination of prior-art disclosures

In this article, a systematic flow of contents was provided with regard to the synthesis of Atovaquone 1a on critical examination of the prior-arts. Several patents and study articles were published, disclosing different synthetic methods for the preparation of Atovaquone 1a at various scales. Based on the starting materials used, there are a few one-step, two-step and multi-step synthetic routes were reported with varied yields. In this work, we have put in our sincere effort to collect all the synthetic routes of Atovaquone 1a in detail with distinct and elaborate reaction schemes for a better and collective process clarity. From this review, global researchers will get a platform to re-design or re-work on the synthetic approach of Atovaquone 1a with better atom economy and purity. In addition, the drug commercialization angle could also be looked in during the design stage itself alongside green chemistry concepts. We have done the chronic analysis of study articles to highlight the commercial feasibility of the disclosed synthetic methods. A special emphasis was given to the synthetic routes with process development initiatives towards, recovery/reuse of costly starting materials/reagents/solvents and their feasibility for large scale manufacturing of drug Atovaquone 1a.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

भक्तिकालीन बाज़ारवाद और भक्ति

भारतीय मध्यकालीन समाज और संस्कृति की समझ रखने और समझने की कोशिश करने वाले हरेक अध्येता की नज़र इस ओर जाती है कि बाज़ार भक्तिकालीन कवियों के बात करने का एक ख़ास बिन्दु रहा है। जहाँ ये कवि बाज़ार को सबसे अधिक जनतांत्रिक जगह के रूप में प्रस्तुत करते रहे हैं, चाहे वे कबीर रहे हो रैदास हो या फिर तुलसी। ये कवि हमें होशियार भी करते हैं कि बाज़ार में सारी भौतिक चीजें बिक रही हैं आप उन्हें खरीद सकते हैं मगर प्रेम आप नहीं खरीद सकते। ये कवि प्रेम की लगातार वक़ालत करते है। इनके पास दुनिया को खूबसूरत बनाने का एक ही रास्ता है -प्रेम। वे बताते हैं कि कैसे ये भौतिक चीजें मनुष्य के प्रेम को ब्रह्म यानी ज्ञान या मानवता के रास्ते में रोड़ा बन जाती हैं। साथ ही कैसे भौतिक चीज़ें आज अपनी पाँव तेजी से पसारती जा रही हैं।

Manish Patel Manish patel

Is decision-making process a mediator of the relationship between economic factor and international academic destination?

International students are the bedrocks of the global higher education market. Thus, worldwide, higher education institutions (HEIs) focus most international marketing efforts on understanding the complexities surrounding this student market. Recent studies on international higher education reveal the choices made by this student cohort and a wide variety of factors influencing such selections. This present study focuses on a student decision that is made under a set of options. Using structural equation modelling (SEM), this study aims to investigate the relationships of economic factor and decision-making process with the choice of international academic destination. Results, conclusions, and recommendations are discussed.

Johnny Amora Johnny amora

Financing ict smmes at different stages of the business life cycle

Small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) represent a vital element in our economy in terms of addressing unemployment and the gross domestic product (GDP) of our country. Improving the success rate of SMMEs would save a lot of financial resources, thus understanding the financing options that complement success at different phases of the business is very important. This research sought to examine the extent to which the financing options chosen by entrepreneurs will have an impact on business success. The investigators adopted the progression of the ventures along the business life cycle stages as a benchmark for assessing success. The study focused primarily on SMMEs in the Eastern Cape Information Communication Technologies (ICT) sector. Data was obtained using an online survey which reached 50 small business owners/ business representative within the ICT sector in the Eastern Cape Province. The research study showed the role that internal financing options, such as personal savings, family, relatives and friends' financing, retained earnings, sale of existing assets and cutting down stock levels, play in the achievement of ICT SMME success. Moreover, examined external financing options such as Broad-Based Black Economic empowerment (B-BBEE) financing, bank loans, equity financing, government grants, trade credit, to SMME success. Key results revealed that the financial support of B-BBEE and personal savings have played a key role in the success of ICT SMMEs throughout the business life cycle phases. This occurs after an ICT SMME has advanced successfully over the start-up stage and aims for success in the development phase. The finding revealed that for these SMMEs to attain success at the development stage, they should finance their business investment projects utilising credit trade, bank loans, families, relatives and friends. The abovementioned financing options are only substantially linked to good advancement from the development phase onto the expansion phase. Also, suggestions have been made to the ICT SMME management to include B-BBEE finance, personal savings, bank loans, families, relatives and friends and trade credit as suitable funding choices for the ICT SMME's life cycle

Luyolo Mahlangabeza Luyolo mahlangabeza

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