Geotextile can be worth their cost in pavement

Geotextiles have been successfully used for reinforcement of soils to improve the bearing capacity. In this study geotextile as a tensional material have been used for reinforcement of granular soils. Laboratory California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests were performed to investigate the load-penetration behavior of reinforced soils with geotextile. Samples of granular soil are selected and tested without reinforcement. Then CBR tests were performed by placing geotextile in one or two layers at various depths in soil sample. The effect of the number of geotextile on the increase in bearing capacity of reinforced granular soil is discussed.


Traditional health practices concerning pregnancy, bırth, and the postpartum period of women giving birth in the hospital

Objective: This study was conducted to investigate traditional beliefs and practices of women regarding care of the mother and the infant during pregnancy, in childbirth, and in the postpartum period. Methods: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted at a public hospital in Istanbul. The data collected consisted of socio-demographic and obstetric characteristics, and responses to questions about some traditional customs regarding pregnancy, delivery, and the postpartum period. Results: In our research, some non-harmful cultural practices were found, such as the belief that to have a clever and beautiful baby the mother should eat fruit; that to have a healthy and peaceful pregnancy, the mother should not look upon ugly things; the mother should indulge her food cravings; and to have an easy birth, the mother should walk and focus on prayers. On the other hand, we also found beliefs that could be harmful, such as wiping the mouth of a baby with a date before breastfeeding, and practices believed to be protective that could cause harm, such as putting a knife under the baby’s bed, fastening a safety pin to the baby’s clothes, and for the mother and child to remain at home for 40 days. Conclusion: While non-harmful and beneficial practices related to maternal and infant health should be accepted and supported as a part of our cultural richness, practices that could be harmful should be prevented in pregnancy classes or with training upon hospital discharge

Reyhan Aydin Doğan Reyhan aydin doğan

Study on compensation, organizational commitment, and work motivation for employee retention at a local hospital

Human resource management is critical for hospitals but is frequently disturbed by employee retention issues. This research aims to determine the influence of compensation, organizational commitment, and work motivation on employee retention at Malahayati Medan. The research method applied is quantitative research by collecting data through questionnaires distributed from July to October 2022. The sampling method used is purposive sampling, with 78 employees as the sample. The data analysis method used is descriptive statistics, coefficient determination, multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis testing with t-test and F-test. The results of the t-test are compensation, organizational commitment, and work motivation partially influence employee retention. The results of the F test showed that all independent variables simultaneously influence employee retention and 61.1% of employee retention is influenced by compensation, organizational commitment, and work motivation. It is recommended for companies in similar industries pay attention to the results of this research.

Lila Maria Kaban Lila maria kaban

Antiemetic and anti-inflammatory activity of leaves and flower extracts of luffa cylindrica (l.) roem

Ethanol and hexane extracts of the leaves and male flowers of Luffa cylindrica were evaluated for antiemetic and anti-inflammatory effects using chick emesis model and carrageenan-induced rat paw oedema. The antiemetic effect was observed at 150 mg/kg body weight, whereas the anti-inflammatory effect was observed at doses of 500,750 and 1000 mg/kg body weight orally. Chlorpromazine 150 mg/kg and indomethacin 10mg/kg orally were used as standard antiemetic and anti-inflammatory drugs. The antiemetic effect was determined by calculating the mean decrease in the number of retching compared to the control group after 10 minutes of copper sulfate (50 mg/kg orally) administration. The degree of paw oedema of all the groups was measured using a plethysmometer at the 5th hour of carrageenan (1% w/v) administration. All extracts except hexane extract of leaves exhibited statistically significant (P<0.001) antiemetic and except hexane extract of flower, all extracts exhibited statistically significant (P<0.05) anti-inflammatory effects.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Ai is transforming education technology and education system in india

Scholars who apply artificial intelligence to political questions seek, most generally, to expand the scope and relevance of political model analysis. By incorporating the effects of variable human notions, traditions, and meanings, they seek to humanize political models. Most early applications of artificial intelligence in political science research address substantive issues pertaining to political decision making. Most of these works apply production-system technology to construct choice models in for eign-policy decision contexts. In recent years, political applications have begun to diver sify. Today, lively research efforts flourish in widely varied application areas, such as computational text analysis, logic programming, computer learning, and conflict sim ulation. The works reviewed here constitute the early steps of a nascent program of study. Much remains to be accomplished. Nevertheless, the efforts conducted thus far suggest many potentially fruitful research avenues. Youth are the most essential and promising segment of every country’s population. India has a larger advantage over other countries in terms of becoming a global leader because we effectively tap into the youth’s potential. Quality education is the only way to achieve this. With artificial intelligence’s potential growth in India, now is the ideal time to incorporate AI in education to reap its benefits and prepare India’s young for the future. Artificial intelligence has great potential in India. India’s AI technology has the potential to make it a world leader in artificial intelligence. In India, AI technology is used effectively in nearly every area, including agriculture, healthcare, education, infrastructure, transportation, retail, manufacturing, and

Dr Gedam Kamalakar Dr gedam kamalakar

The impact of medical tourism on women's health

Health tourism is a visit made to different regions in order to improve the physical well-being of the person. Medical tourism, on the other hand, is the sub-branch of health tourism and it is a form of travel that is used for medical treatment and also the tourism activities of the country visited. Under the name of medical tourism in women's health; cosmetic surgery, reproduction, birth, IVF, gynecological treatments, abortion, abortion and newborn care travels are included. It has been observed that many women travel around the world and in Turkey for these reasons and medical tourism has an important place in terms of women's health. The purpose of this review is to examine the impact of medical tourism on women's health in line with the literature

Reyhan Aydin Doğan Reyhan aydin doğan

A comprehensive review on emerging and re-emerging zoonotic viral diseases: a major threat to human beings

A zoonotic disease is an infectious disease caused by pathogens such as bacteria, virus, rickettsia, fungi, parasite or prion that has been transmitted from an animal, especially a vertebrate to human beings. Usually, the first infected human transmits the infectious agent to other humans very rapidly; it is one of the important concerns of zoonoses. The World Health Organization (WHO) currently list the Emerging infectious diseases (EID) of epidemic issues in their research and development blueprint as COVID-19 (Corona viruses), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Ebola and Marburg viruses (Filovirus), Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever (Nairo virus), Lassa Fever (Lassa virus), Nipah (Henipa virus ), Rift Valley fever (Phlebo virus) and Zika (Flavi virus). Due to the deadly pandemics facing by the globe, it is essential to understand the way of transmission of emerging viruses, its mode of infection and important measures to eliminate or control them from the world is essential. However, mankind overcomes so many deadly viruses with the help of scientific knowledge, through vaccination, new therapies, drugs etc. Nowadays, viral zoonoses like rabies (Lyssa virus) are 100% preventable through vaccination and medication even though, humans face lots of new threats especially emerging zoonosis diseases like Covid19. This review summarized the major zoonotic viruses affecting human beings, their source, pathogenicity and its important ways to overcome the transmission of microbes from animal to humankind.

Dr. SARANYA DEVI K Dr. saranya devi k

Project risk and procurement management - procurement

Purchasing is one of the key managerial activities in every organisation, its significance having been identified during the 19th century. According to Kasilingham (2012, p.57), the period shortly before the Second World War marked the discovery of the fact that a firm’s success was not so much dependent upon what it was capable of selling but rather on how able organisations were to acquire necessary services together with materials from vendors. This discovery was triggered by a global shortage of virtually all fundamental materials for supporting operations, coupled with an abnormal rise in prices following the First World War. Since that time, purchasing has gained significance for the critical role it plays towards ensuring continuity of production (Hacioglu, 2019 p.265). Worth noting is that purchasing acts as “an interface between suppliers and functional areas within the buying organisation” (Crandall, Crandall & Chen, 2009 p.265). Among some of the functional areas that are influenced by purchasing are finance, marketing, production, and quality assurance (Magad & Amos, 2013 p.225). A vital deduction that can be made from this latter statement is that for the purchasing function to proceed smoothly and make the other functions- and the entire organisation- active, organisations must cultivate and maintain good relationships with suppliers and all other players in the supply chain. In addition, organisations operate in environments that are highly unpredictable; the techniques needed to perform the purchasing function become more refined almost every day due to constant changes in the market (Kasilingam, 2012 p.57). Subsequently, there is a need for managers in organisations to understand and embrace the idea of sustainable procurement.

Mohamed Sorogy Mohamed sorogy

Emvd: efficient multitype vehicle detection algorithm using deep learning approach in vehicular communication network for radio resource management

Radio resource allocation in VCN is a challenging role in an intelligent transportation system due to traffic congestion. Lot of time is wasted because of traffic congestion. Due to traffic congestion, user has to miss their important work. In this paper, we propose radio resource allocation scheme so that user can utilize their time by taking the advantage of subscription plan. In this scenario, multitype vehicle identification scheme from real time traffic database is proposed, its history will match in transport database and vehicle travelling history database. Proposed method indicates 95% accuracy for multitype vehicle detection. Subscription plans are allocated to the user on the basis of resource allocation, scheduling, levelling and forecasting. This scheme is better for traffic management, vehicle tracking as well as time management.

Vartika agarwal Vartika agarwal

Global supply chain management

This paper addresses global supply chain management (GSCM). The industry used to explore this topic is the automotive industry, as it is a core industry in the world economy, both in revenue generation and inefficiency. The paper explores both the positive and negative attributes of supply chain management, explores and analyses the gap between evaluation and implementation of improvements in supply chain management and then looks into the global issues affecting supply chain management and their solution.

Mohamed Sorogy Mohamed sorogy

A toxicity study of methanolic extract of calliandra surinamensis seeds on liver functions in rodents

Medicinal plants and herbal drugs have widely been used in several diseases which contain highly active pharmacological agents. Several previous studies have mounted about the hepatotoxicity of these remedies which ranges from mild enzyme alterations to liver failure in humans and animals. This study aimed to evaluate the toxicity profile of the crude methanolic seed extract of Calliandra surinamensis on rat liver functions. An acute toxicity study was carried out using modified Lorke’s method and sub-chronic toxicity was done following the Organisation for Economic Cooperative and Development guidelines with testing chemicals 423 and 407 to assess the effect of the seed extract on liver function alongside histopathology assessment of the liver. The haematological indices revealed no significant change in red blood cells and other haematological parameters. The average organ weight of the tested rats showed no significant differences. The histopathological examinations of the rat liver revealed no observable toxic injury to the tissue after treatment with the seed extract across all concentrations. There were desirable morphological vasoactive changes of dilatation and active congestion in the organ across all the concentrations which were dose-dependent. There was induced activation of the sinusoidal kupffer cells, which signified a boost to the local immune system of the liver. The nucleoli in the hepatocyte nuclei were remarkably conspicuous which implied an increase in the production of ribonucleic acid that is deployed in protein synthesis.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Preferred learning techniques among bachelor’s level students

Learning styles describe how individuals acquire, interpret, and assimilate knowledge differently. The effective use of learning styles is essential for effective classroom education. The three most popular learning styles are kinaesthetic, auditory, and visual. This study pursued to learn more about the preferred learning modes of college students. There were 152 respondents from Baneshwor Multiple Campus, Kathmandu Nepal. The data were collected from first year students of BBS, B.Ed. and BA. The researchers used a scale of learning styles (VAK) with 28 items to accomplish the study's goal, and after confirming its validity and reliability, it was applied to the sample. The results show that there are no statistically significant differences in the types of learning patterns preferred by students. Based on these findings, the study recommends that teachers are encouraged to diversify college teaching strategies and methods to suit the preferred learning styles of their students, particularly new students, in order to motivate them to learn in the college environment and to provide the training needs and requirements necessary to enable them to take individual differences among their students into account when identifying educational goals.

Dr Dasarath Neupane Dr dasarath neupane

Financial accounting - accounting is a fundamental aspect of business operations

Accounting is a fundamental aspect of business operations because it records transactions through which businesses achieve and retain profitability. Recoding transactions is an important aspect of business because the primary goal of businesses is to maximise profitability (Tirole, 2010). Accounting lays the groundwork to manage the income, expenses, assets and cash flow of the firm, all of which are pivotal to the financial health of the business regardless of its size. This report discusses different accounting principles in practice. The first task utilises the double-entry method to record the transactions of the business in ledgers using the double-entry method. This task also includes the formulation of a trial balance using the balance off rule and illustrates to which final account each trial balance entry is attributable. The second task involves the creation of final accounts for different businesses. The legal implications of varying business structures differ, so their financial statements are different. This task also includes a discussion of the properties, purposes, and structures of different financial statements. The third task addresses bank reconciliation. Bank reconciliation resolves any discordance between the records of the business and its bank statement. The gist of the fourth task is the use of control accounts. Control accounts summarise ledger balances to ensure a match between those accounts and the accounts in the ledger of each account.

Zamzam Abdelazim Zamzam abdelazim

Effect of occupational exposure on hematological and biochemical parameters in workers at oil and gas companies

Petroleum refineries are largest chemical industries that are responsible for emission of several pollutants into the atmosphere. Benzene and its metabolites are regarded as the most hazardous compounds that are emitted by petroleum refineries. These contribute to toxic oxidants, which cause many serious health risks to petroleum refineries workers. This study was aimed to analyze the effects of chemical exposure on hematological and biochemical parameters among workers at Zawia oil refinery and Mellituh oil and gas refinery companies. A total of 200 workers participated in this study which consisting of two equal groups (each group: n = 100). The first group consists of petroleum refineries workers and the second group consists of non-oil work civil servants serving were recruited as exposed and control subjects, respectively. The results of blood picture, liver enzymes and kidney functions were compared between the groups. Mean white blood cells counts, platelet counts, and hematocrit count were significantly higher, while the mean red blood cells count was insignificantly changed in petroleum refineries workers. While the mean hemoglobin and corpuscular hemoglobin concentration levels were significantly lower, whereas the mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin levels were insignificantly changed in petrol refineries workers. Liver enzymes and renal functions were significantly higher in petrol refineries workers. The present findings indicate that occupational exposure to benzene causes significant alterations in hematological and biochemical parameters and workers are at high risk of developing blood, hepatic or renal related disorders. Protection and frequent medical attention should be given to petroleum refineries workers.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

A comparative study of social and economic aspect of migration

India is a country of immense diversity. It is home to people of many different racial, languages, ethnic, religious, and national backgrounds. Groups of people in India differ from each other not only in physical or demographic characteristics but also in distinctive patterns of behavior and these patterns are determined by social and cultural factors like language, region, religion, and caste. Apart from behaviour, economic development, level of education and political culture of the people in various social segments differ from region to region. More you can say that economy and cultures have been enriched by the contributions of migrants from round the globe. In an increasingly globalised world, migratory movements is continuously shaping the countries all over the world. Some countries like India and Ireland, which set the example of economic development and social integration, have the positive impact of the migration by globalisation and some countries like USA, which recently witness racism, xenophobia and discrimination have the negative impact on the migrants. It does not mean India do not face fragmentation and USA do not have cohesion. USA have many stories which show successful integration process, that facilitated the lives of immigrant communities, but being a developed country it still suffers from cultural alienation. In these countries, borders are built within borders to create cultural divides that do not allow people to integrate. Recently, this problem has become more prominent due to the rise of terrorism, clash of cultures in the world, leading to the glorification of stereotypes. People are becoming less accepting towards anyone who does not belong to their region. Migration does not stop after people move from one place to another place. The main question start after that ‘now what’ they will do. That is why this topic needs to be discussed thoroughly in order to find better solutions. This paper will begin with an analysis of different approaches to Migration, discuss the target groups for integration policies, provide indicators of the current situation of migrants and proceed to an analysis of integration tools: legislation, social policies and participatory processes. It will focus not only on the impact of migration but also on social integration, mix culture like indo-western culture in a comparative basis.

Ekta Meena Ekta meena

Implementasi strategi cooperative learning tipe jigsaw dalam pembelajaran akidah akhlak kelas v min bangka belitung pontianak

Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya permasalahan yang terjadi pada MIN Bangka Belitung Pontianak seperti guru kurang melibatkan siswa dalam materi pembelajaran, guru cenderung menyampaikan materi dengan menggunakan metode ceramah tanpa adanya variasi sehingga menyebabkan kejenuhan dalam belajar, guru kurang memahami dalam tentang memilih dan menentukan strategi cooperative learning tife jigsawyang tepat sehingga berdampak pada terciptanya proses pembelajara yang lebih baik. Penelitian bertujuan untukmengetahui: perencanaan, langkah-langkah, dan evaluasi dalam pembelajaran Materi Aqidah dengan Strategi Cooperative Tipe Jigsaw dalam pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak Materi Sikap pada guru di Kelas V MIN Bangka Belitung Pontianak Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Perencanaan Strategi Cooperative Learning Tipe Jigsawdalam Pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak Pada Materi Akhlak Tercela di Kelas V MIN Bangka Belitung Pontianak dengan lebih baik dan siswa lebih aktif dalam proses pembelajaran; langkah-langkah strategi cooperative learning tipe jigsaw dalam materi sikap siswa di sekolahdi kelas V MIN dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok, setiap kelompok diksih materi pembelajaran, dan siswa mendiskusikan dengan materi tersebut; Pelaksanaan evaluasi proses dan hasil kegiatan pembelajaran yang menggunakan langkah strategi cooperative learning tipe jigsaw dalam materi sikap siswa di sekolahdi kelas V MIN Negeri Bangka Belitung Pontianak adalah menggunakan tes tertulis dan tes lisan juga mengunakan penilain proses dari observasi siswa saat proses pembelajaran atau setelah mata kuliah selesai.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Implementation of corporate social responsibility initiatives for tanzania corporations and not-for-profit organizations

The purpose of this study is to evaluate activities of the corporate citizens in Tanzania and find the best way of aligning CSR initiatives to attain mutual benefits between the organizations and general public. A total of 45 organizations, both for profit and not for profit, were engaged in this study from four different industries. The study used semi-structured interview guide to collect data and a focused group discussion was organized. Contents analysis was used to categorize the responses into five major themes, as discussed in the main document. The findings reveal that CSR is still at its initial stage and much has to be done for the corporations to draw the best out it. Keywords Strategic CSR Value Organization and Society

DR. OMARY SWALLEHE Dr. omary swallehe

Finance for decision makers

In their different ownership structures, business enterprises pursue different strategies towards accomplishing their owners’ needs and interests. At the heart of these accomplishments is the generation of sufficient financial returns to cover obligations as they become due and residual incomes for the owners. It is doubtless that without a grip of financial stability, the survivability of for-profit organizations becomes bleak. Financial management plays and instrumental role in this case. The generation of sufficient information for decision making for the business and investors alike is integrally critical in shaping the progression of the business enterprise. While businesses provide financial statements according to prevailing laws and accounting standards to the public for their consumption in decision making, they are further needed to be accountable to them regarding their performance and investors’ engagements, especially considering that investors are foundational sources of capital for organizational operations.

Zamzam Abdelazim Zamzam abdelazim

Therapeutic potential of marine peptides in malignant melanoma

Malignant melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. It is becoming more common globally and is increasingly resistant to treatment options. Despite extensive research into its pathophysiology, there are still no proven cures for metastatic melanoma. Unfortunately, current treatments are frequently ineffective, costly, and have several adverse effects. Natural substances have been extensively researched for their anti-MM capabilities. Chemoprevention and adjuvant therapy with natural products is an emerging strategy to prevent, cure or treat melanoma. Numerous prospective drugs are found in aquatic species, providing a plentiful supply of lead cytotoxic chemicals for cancer treatment. Anticancer peptides are less harmful to healthy cells and cure cancer through several methods, such as altered cell viability, apoptosis, angiogenesis/metastasis suppression, microtubule balance disturbances and targeting lipid composition of the cancer cell membrane. This review addresses marine peptides as effective and safe treatments for MM and details their molecular mechanisms of action.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Management qualities in resolving collective conflicts arisen during a global pandemic

One of the most common situations in the management process is problematic situations or conflicts, where each complex situation or conflict has unique consequences, and neglect to find the best way out of such situations put the leader in a more difficult situation. Especially at a time while COVID-19 is putting the world community in a very difficult situation, difficult to resolve conflicts, universal conflicts, the role of leaders, managers are discussed, problem solutions are proposed through management theory.

Ikboljon Odashev Mashrabjonovich Ikboljon odashev mashrabjonovich

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