Pengembangan bahan ajar tematik berbasis nilai-nilai keislaman kelas vi madrasah ibtidaiyah

Development of thematic teaching materials based on Islamic values, especially those related to the contents of the verses of the Alqur'an and / or hadith as the basis of all science. In the available books, there are no thematic teaching materials that are integrated with the Al-Quran and Hadith, as well as Islamic values ??that are able to implement the core competencies of the 2013 curriculum, namely the competence of spiritual attitudes in thematic learning. The formulation of this research is: (1) producing thematic teaching materials based on Islamic values ??theme 7 (Leadership) class 6 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 2 Jember. (2) to determine the effectiveness of thematic teaching materials based on Islamic values ??in learning. This study uses a research and development research type, the Borg and Gall model which is divided into 10 steps, namely: (1) research and data collection (2) planning, (3) product draft development, (4) initial field trials, ( 5) revising the results of trials, (6) field trials, (7) improving products from field tests, (8) conducting field trials, (9) improving product results, and (10) disseminating and implementing. The testing technique was carried out by comparing the pre-test and post-test values. The data was calculated using the t-test and processed using the SPSS application to determine the effectiveness of teaching materials. The results of this study indicate: the validation test produces an average of 88.79% with the criteria that the book is very suitable for use in learning. In terms of attractiveness, this book is very interesting to use for students, this is based on the results of the questionnaire data given to students with an average of 88.24% with very attractive qualifications. Meanwhile, from the results of the pre-test and post-test based on the t count which shows that it is greater than the t table, it means that the book is effective for use in learning. Pengembangan bahan ajar tematik berbasis nilai keislaman, terutama yang terkait dengan isi ayat Alqur'an dan/atau hadits sebagai dasar dari semua sains. Dalam buku yang telah tersedia tidak ada bahan ajar tematik yang terintegrasi dengan Al-Quran, dan Hadits, serta nilai-nilai Islam yang mampu mengimplementasikan kompetensi inti dari kurikulum 2013 yaitu kompetensi sikap spiritual dalam pembelajaran tematik. Perumusan penelitian ini yaitu: (1) menghasilkan bahan ajar tematik berbasis nilai keislaman tema 7 (Kepemimpinan) kelas 6 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 2 Jember. (2) mengetahui efektifitas bahan ajar tematik berbasis nilai-nilai keislaman dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian pengembangan Research and Development, model Borg and Gall yang terbagi menjadi 10 langkah, yaitu: (1) penelitian dan pengumpulan data (2) perencanaan, (3) pengembangan draf produk, (4) uji coba lapangan awal, (5) merevisi hasil uji coba, (6) uji coba lapangan, (7) penyempurnaan produk hasil uji lapangan, (8) uji pelaksanaan lapangan, (9) penyempurnaan produk hasil, dan (10) diseminasi dan implementasi. Teknik uji coba dilakukan dengan membandingkan nilai pre-test dan post-test. Data dihitung dengan uji-t dan diolah menggunakan aplikasi SPSS untuk mengetahui efektifitas bahan ajar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: uji validasi tersebut rata-rata menghasilkan 88,79 % dengan kriteria bahwa buku tersebut sangat layak untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Dari segi kemenarikan, buku ini sangat menarik untuk digunakan pada siswa, hal ini berdasarkan dari hasil data angket yang diberikan kepada siswa dengan rata-rata 88,24% dengan kualifikasi sangat menarik. Sedangkan dari hasil pre-test dan pos-test berdasarkan uji t hitung yang menunjukan lebih besar dari t tabel, berarti buku tersebut efektif untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

A toxicological study of ecballium elaterium plant in mice

Ecbalium elaterium has a very violent effect on the body and has little use in modern herbalism. Little is known about the acute and chronic toxicities of ecbalium elaterium in human. This study aims to determine the acute toxicity (LD50) of fruit extract and another aerial part extract of the ecballium elaterium in experimental animals. Thus, male albino mice were divided into different groups each group consists of six mice receiving 40, 46, 52, 61, and 69 mg/kg of fruit extract of ecballium elaterium, respectively. Other groups were given 1000, 1412, 1995, 2818, and 3981 mg/kg of the areal part of ecballium elaterium extract, respectively. The LD50 in both treatments was determined by using the Spearman-Karber method. The LD50 of the fruit and aerial parts of ecballium were 55 mg/kg and 2112.5 mg/kg, respectively. The present findings showed significant weight loss after one month of treatment with 1400 mg/kg and 40 mg/Kg of fruit and aerial part extracts, respectively. The results indicated that the fruit extract is highly toxic as compared to the extract of the aerial parts.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Hepatoprotective activity of glinus lotodies linn against paracetamol induced liver damage in albino rats

Aim: To evaluate the hepatoprotective activity of the chloroform extract of the selected Glinus lotodies linn plant by using Paracetamol induced hepatic injury in albino rats. Methods: The chloroform extract of Glinus lotodies linn was allowed for screening hepatoprotective activity on Paracetamol induced Albino rats and they were compared with standard and negative control. Results: The drug treatment Chloroform Extract of Glinus lotodies linn [CEGL] was carried out at two low dose levels 200mg and 400mg/ kg, both of which along the standard Silymarin 100mg/kg treated group showed a significant reduction in the elevated enzyme levels (P < 0.01). Liver section shows normal cells compared to control. Conclusion: These data suggests a dose dependent hepatoprotective activity of CEGL. At the end of this study, a strong conclusion can be drawn that the Chloroform Extract of Glinus lotoides linn possess hepatoprotective activities induced by Paracetamol in Albino rats.

Sudha Rameshwari.K Assistant Professor Sudha rameshwari.k assistant professor

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of phaseolus vulgaris l. fixed oil in rodents

The seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris are known as common beans or kidney beans. The dry seeds are eaten as pulse and are enriched with protein, fiber, starch, B vitamins (B1, B6, B9), iron, potassium and selenium. Beans also contain about 1-2 % of fixed oil. Phaseolus vulgaris is linked to anticancer, antihyperlipidemic, hypoglycemic, and antioxidant actions. The fixed oil of Phaseolus vulgaris (PVFO) seeds is extracted with hexane and used in this study to assess acute oral toxicity, analgesic (by acetic acid-induced writhing, hot plate and tail flick tests in mice) and antiinflammatory (by carrageenan-induced paw edema in rats) actions. Four groups were made (n=6): Group-I: Normal Saline Control (2ml/kg), Group-II: PVFO (2ml/kg), Group-III: PVFO (4ml/kg) and Group-IV: Standard Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA 300 mg/kg). PVFO in 2ml/kg and 4ml/kg doses demonstrated analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities, but in hot plate, results were unreliable as significant activity started after 90 minutes. A 5ml/kg dose was administered orally in mice for a toxicity test, and no toxicity symptoms were observed. Therefore, PVFO is safe for oral use up to 5ml/kg and may possess analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Virtual reality–based biofeedback and guided meditation in rheumatology: a pilot study

Objective As technology continues to improve, it plays an increasingly vital role in the practice of medicine. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of the implementation of virtual reality (VR) in a rheumatology clinic as a platform to administer guided meditation and biofeedback as a means of reducing chronic pain. Methods Twenty participants were recruited from a rheumatology clinic. These participants included adults with physician-diagnosed autoimmune disorders who were on a stable regimen of medication and had a score of at least 5 on the pain Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for a minimum of 4 days during the prior 30 days. VAS, part of most composite outcome measurements in rheumatology, is an instrument used to assess pain that consists of a straight line with the endpoints ranging from “no pain at all” and “pain as bad as it could be.” Patients were randomized into two groups that differed in the order in which they experienced the two VR modules. One module consisted of a guided meditation (GM) environment, whereas the other module consisted of a respiratory biofeedback (BFD) environment. Data on pain and anxiety levels were gathered before, during, and after the two modules. Results The three most common diagnoses among participants were rheumatoid arthiritis (RA), lupus, and fibromyalgia. There was a significant reduction in VAS scores after BFD and GM (P values = 0.01 and 0.04, respectively). There was a significant reduction in Facial Anxiety Scale after the GM compared with the BFD (P values = 0.02 and 0.08, respectively). Conclusion This novel study demonstrated that VR could be a feasible solution for the management of pain and anxiety in rheumatology patients. Further trials with varying treatment exposures and durations are required to solidify the viability of VR as a treatment option in rheumatology clinics

Ben Spielberg Ben spielberg

Experimental analysis of parabolic disc type solar still

The daily water distillation of the single basin conventional solar still is limited. In the present work, experimental analysis of a parabolic disc type solar still and conventional solar still are investigated. The solar radiation is focused to the single point to produce higher basin temperature. The water is flown continuously inside the copper receiver to utilize the incident solar radiation. The hourly readings were taken to analyze the thermal performance of the parabolic disc type solar still and conventional solar still. The water collection of parabolic disc type solar still is increased about 40% over conventional solar still.

Appadurai M Appadurai m

Nonstop mutation in the kisspeptin 1 receptor (kiss1r) gene causes normosmic congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

Purpose: Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) is a rare genetic disorder mostly characterized by gonadotropins release and/or action deficiencies. Both isolated (idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism) and syndromic (Kallmann) forms are identified depending on the olfactory ability. Clinical and genetic heterogeneities of CHH have been widely explored, thus improving our understanding of the disease's pathophysiology. This work aims to (1) provide a detailed clinical and hormonal description of normosmic CHH patients and (2) identify the mutation linked to the studied phenotype. Participants and methods: We investigated three affected patients with normosmic CHH, belonging to a consanguineous Tunisian family. Patients underwent an insulin-induced hypoglycemia test. We performed whole exome sequencing to identify the causal mutation. Results: At first diagnosis, a total gonadotropic deficiency was identified in all patients. The insulin-induced hypoglycemia test has also revealed a reduced cortisol secretion and complete growth hormone deficiency. At 20.8 years, one female exhibited a spontaneous recovery of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function, unlike her affected siblings who still depend on corticosteroid replacement therapy. Herein, we identified a novel homozygous nonstop mutation (c.1195T>C) in KISS1R gene in all affected subjects. This mutation led to the substitution of the physiologic stop codon by an arginine (p.X399R). Conclusions: Our study highlights the importance of the KISS1R signaling, in gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons, in the control of reproductive function. Additionally, our data suggests a complex central and peripheral metabolic control of puberty, through the hypothalamic KISS1R signaling. We suggest a mutual link between the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal, -adrenal, and -somatotropic axes.

Mariam moalla Mariam moalla

भक्तिकालीन बाज़ारवाद और भक्ति

भारतीय मध्यकालीन समाज और संस्कृति की समझ रखने और समझने की कोशिश करने वाले हरेक अध्येता की नज़र इस ओर जाती है कि बाज़ार भक्तिकालीन कवियों के बात करने का एक ख़ास बिन्दु रहा है। जहाँ ये कवि बाज़ार को सबसे अधिक जनतांत्रिक जगह के रूप में प्रस्तुत करते रहे हैं, चाहे वे कबीर रहे हो रैदास हो या फिर तुलसी। ये कवि हमें होशियार भी करते हैं कि बाज़ार में सारी भौतिक चीजें बिक रही हैं आप उन्हें खरीद सकते हैं मगर प्रेम आप नहीं खरीद सकते। ये कवि प्रेम की लगातार वक़ालत करते है। इनके पास दुनिया को खूबसूरत बनाने का एक ही रास्ता है -प्रेम। वे बताते हैं कि कैसे ये भौतिक चीजें मनुष्य के प्रेम को ब्रह्म यानी ज्ञान या मानवता के रास्ते में रोड़ा बन जाती हैं। साथ ही कैसे भौतिक चीज़ें आज अपनी पाँव तेजी से पसारती जा रही हैं।

Manish Patel Manish patel

Globalization and higher education in india: the changing trends

The latest phase of capitalist expansion is called “globalisation”. That no state is an autarky but enjoys comparative advantage over others with certain resources and that free trade among these states would work for mutual benefit is the essence of it. Consequently, it advocates the minimization of the governmental intervention in economic affairs and encourages free play of market forces to foster economic development. The argument that this rationale is also applicable to higher education is increasingly gaining currency. But this paper attempts to problematise such a proposition and in contrary argues that this may prove inimical to national development. Education and especially higher education is considered to be one of the factors that help state to promoting national development. However, apologists of globalisation call for its commercialization and argue for the “withdrawal of the state” from this realm. This has only resulted in mystifying profound class inequalities within and without state. Higher education in India is not immune to this ideology in the guise of good economics. It is being structured in such a fashion since 1991 that it has been primarily coupled with the process of economic liberalization and privatization. International financial institutions like World Bank, IMF, GATT, GATS, etc are its votaries. Education was acknowledged as one of the key sectors to be traded. As a result, higher education as a “social good” is fast shifting to being a commodity in the market.

Dr Gedam Kamalakar Dr gedam kamalakar

Disempowering the powerful: a critical pragmatic analysis of political discourse using brown and levinson’s face theory

Power and dominance exist everywhere and occur at the macro and micro levels. Being powerful and domineering are factors that serve as emblems for the people in the realm of politics. Power relations are overtly exercised in such discourse. But what is interesting is how power and dominance exist between or among those people who are branded as “powerful;” thus, using the Face Theory of Brown and Levinson (1978), this discourse analysis paper analyzed the power relations that transpired in a senate hearing and its relationship with the Face Threatening Acts (FTAs) used by the people involved in the discourse. A Philippine Senate hearing excerpt served as the primary corpus for analysis. Results showed that the people in the discourse were all powerful, creating tension when they projected their dominance on one another. Each member threatened and challenged their positive and negative faces. The power play evolved into a "pass-theball" effect, and no one has absolute power because it weakens once the person wielding its face is threatened. Hence, to disempower the empowered, a person must learn how to play and use FTAs such as insulting, disagreeing, disapproving, provoking, commanding, and demanding against the powerful to strike a social balance.

Darrel Ocampo Darrel ocampo

An exhaustive review on state-of-the-art techniques for anomaly detection on attributed networks

Social Network sites are one of the most prominent websites used in almost every facet of life. A social network reflects relationships among social entities, including acquaintances, co-workers, or co-authors. With the extreme success of Social networks, the misuse has also been escalated and unlocked the way for various illegal behavior and security threats. Social Network anomaly detection has become a critical topic to be explored by researchers. The nature of the input data is a significant aspect of an anomaly detection technique. In the field of anomaly detection in the social network, input networks can be classified as static or dynamic, Attributed or unattributed. The number of nodes and the connections between the nodes in static networks would not change with time. Attribute networks are pervasive in various domains and constitute a vital element of modern technological architecture, where node attributes support the topological structure in data exploration. While social networks build up over time, evaluating them as if they had been static is very beneficial. Numerous studies have been done for Anomaly detection, but to the best of our knowledge, research in static attributed anomaly detection has been very limited. This review tries to portray earlier research on detecting anomalies for social static attributed networks and thoroughly discusses state-of-the-art embedding approaches

Mohd haroon

A study of wsn and analysis of packet drop during transmission

WSN is a low-power system and are often used in numerous monitoring uses, such as healthcare, environmental, and systemic health surveillance, in addition to military surveillance. It is important to reduce network resource usage since many of these applications need to be installed in locations that are virtually inaccessible to humans. Many protocols for WSN to extend the presence of the network have been established to solve this problem. In the energy efficiency of WSN networks, routing protocols play an important role since they help minimize power usage and response time and provide sensor networks with high data density and service quality. This study also employed a Hopfield neural network and the findings from this study are presented next to each other to enable comparison. This paper also discusses how to easily and accurately capture and handle WSN collisions. Future experiments that require the usage of neural networks and so many fuzzy structures will be able to prevent a crash in these respects.

Mohd haroon

A study on biocontrol and plant growth promoting efficacy of azadirachta indica (neem) leaf endophytic bacteria

Background and Objective: Endophytic bacteria can protect host plants by producing secondary metabolites and also improve host plant growth by various mechanisms. This unique character makes a special role in, using endophytic bacteria in sustainable agriculture. The study aims to isolate endophytic bacteria from Azadirachta indica (neem) leaf and screened for their biocontrol and plant growth-promoting properties. Materials and Methods: Totally 13 endophytic bacteria isolated from neem leaf and it was tested for their in-vitro antifungal activities against Rhizoctonia solani. A total of 3 isolates (N1B, N4B and N5B) were selected on the broad antifungal activity (50%, 56%, 75% mycelial inhibition). Among different solvents used for the extraction of secondary metabolites from endophytic bacteria, only ethyl acetate extract of N5B showed maximum zone of inhibition in well diffusion method against fungal pathogen. Results: The GC-MS analysis of ethyl acetate extracts of N5B exhibited 14 compounds with antifungal activity, such as Dimethoxyglycerol docosyl ether, Pentadecanoic acid, Oleic acid etc. Selected 3 endophytic isolates were identified up to molecular level using 16S rRNA sequencing and it was identified as Bacillus haynesii, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The identified isolates were used for nursery experiments based on their strong in-vitro antifungal and PGP activities such as P, K, and Zn solubilization, N fixation, IAA, HCN and EPS production. Conclusion: The tested bacterial isolates significantly decreased disease severity in rice, infected with R. solani and increased plant biomass when compared with un-inoculated control. Our findings suggested above mentioned 3 bacterial species may be promising candidates as a biocontrol agent to confer resistance to sheath blight disease of rice.

Dr. SARANYA DEVI K Dr. saranya devi k

Tithonia diversifolia (hemsl.) a. gray: ethnopharmacology, biological and phytochemical investigation

The purpose of the presented monograph is to provide scientific information on the botanical features, traditional uses, active or major chemical constituents and pharmacology of Tithonia diversifolia. Studies on purified principles, mechanism of action and structure-activity relationship are relatively few and warrant further attention as traditional literature assures Tithonia diversifolia for the discovery of novel therapeutic agent(s). The safety, efficacy, quality control/quality assurance, clinical applications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, potential adverse reactions, and posology is not the part as very little data is available regarding the discussed plant. However, it helps in facilitating information exchange among practitioners Of orthodox and traditional medicine, pharmacists, and other health professionals, manufacturers of herbal products and research scientists and assist in developing their monographs or formularies.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Privacy and security implementation in existing cloud based electronic health records - a detailed review

Over the recent years, cloud computing has emerged as a powerful means for providing automated healthcare facilities. Cloud helps in massive sharing of information between doctors and hospitals using Electronic Health Records. This major transformation has changed the way doctors and hospitals deliver quality and effective service to their patients. Using Cloud storage inhealthcare services has revolution- ized health industry, making it more efficient. Apart from the primary driving factors of cloud like flexibil- ity in cost of maintenance, infrastructure and development, on-demand scalability of storage centers and pay on use schemes are proven to be most effective. More and more digitalization of data causes breech of security and privacy.Because healthcare information is a highly sensitive data which cannot be com- promised,the future of healthcare relies in providing secure and trustworthy sharing of data by safe- guarding privacy and trust. This paper gives an extensive review of the existing security mechanisms for Cloud based healthcare systems.


Selection of potential isolates of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (pgpr) in conferring salt tolerance under in vitro

Salinity is a major environmental stress which has been studied extensively and has its impact on agriculture in the past, present and future. The global importance of salt affected soils can be explained by their wide distribution on all continents covering about 10% of the total land surface. At present, there are nearly 954 million ha of saline soils on earth’s surface. It is extremely difficult to quantify the social and economic costs of salt prone land and water resources. Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) is a group of bacteria that actively colonize plant roots and increase plant growth and yield. They play an important role within the interaction between soil and plant. As plants grow on marginal soils such as saline soils, the importance of the rhizobacteria increases as they mobilize nutrients and provide tolerance ability to the plants. In the present study, an attempt was made and isolated 51 PGPR isolates (Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria–18; Azotobacter spp.-16 and Azospirillum spp.-17) from different salt affected areas in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. All the isolates were screened for their efficacy against different sodium salts namely sodium chloride, sodium citrate and sodium sulphate. It was observed that the absorbance of the culture broth grown in salt stress to sodium chloride decreased with increasing concentration of the salt. Similarly decrease in growth pattern in terms of the absorbance was also observed in salt stress to sodium citrate and sodium sulphate.

Dr. SARANYA DEVI K Dr. saranya devi k

In-vitro evaluation of chromium tolerant plant growth promoting bacteria from tannery sludge sample, dindugal, tamil nadu, india

Industrial waste is one of the most essential sources of contamination in the environment. Chromium (Cr) is a toxic heavy metal, a major contaminant in tannery wastes and its accumulation in soil and water is a major environmental concern today. In the present study, an attempt was made and investigated the status of different beneficial microbes particularly plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) from tannery sludge samples collected from tannery effluent treatment plant at Dindugal, Tamil Nadu, India. Experiments were conducted and evaluated their chromium heavy metal tolerance abilities and plant growth promoting activities under in-vitro. Based on molecular analysis, the PGPRs were identified as Achromobacter xylosoxidans (LK391696), Azotobacter vinelandii (LK391702) and. The production of IAA was found to be high by Achromobacter xylosoxidans (46μg/ml) followed by Azospirillum lipoferum (30μg/ml). Phosphate solublization activity was also found to be positive in all these PGPR isolates. Significance of these results revealed that there is a possibility of using these potential PGPRs for bioremediation of chromium contaminated sites and also as good plant growth promoter.

Dr. SARANYA DEVI K Dr. saranya devi k

Optimalisasi model arcs dalam pembelajaran tematik untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar peserta didik di mi at-taqwa bondowoso

his study aims to explain the optimization of the ARCS learning model as an effort to increase the learning motivation of students, especially in thematic learning at MI At-Taqwa Bondowoso. The method used is qualitative with a descriptive qualitative approach, while the type of research used in this research is field research. The data collection techniques used interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis used was condensation, data presentation, and verification. And the validity of the data uses triangulation of sources and techniques. The results of this study indicate (1) Thematic Learning Problems at MI At-Taqwa Bondowoso, namely: Teachers are less biased in utilizing learning media, so that the only sources used are textbooks, classroom learning is only centered in the teacher, the students' lack of interest in the learning process, so that students do not pay attention to the teacher who teaches. (2) The application of the ARCS model in thematic learning at MI At-Taqwa Bondowoso, namely: The implementation of the ARCS model was carried out by teachers with several methods and strategies such as modeling the way strategy and also contextual teaching and learning, ARCS Model as an alternative solution in learning for increasing students 'learning motivation is able to stimulate students' enthusiasm in thematic learning.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

N-gram-based machine learning approach for bot or human detection from text messages

Social bots are computer programs created for automating general human activities like the generation of messages. The rise of bots in social network platforms has led to malicious activities such as content pollution like spammers or malware dissemination of misinformation. Most of the researchers focused on detecting bot accounts in social media platforms to avoid the damages done to the opinions of users. In this work, n-gram based approach is proposed for a bot or human detection. The content-based features of character n-grams and word n-grams are used. The character and word n-grams are successfully proved in various authorship analysis tasks to improve accuracy. A huge number of n-grams is identified after applying different pre-processing techniques. The high dimensionality of features is reduced by using a feature selection technique of the Relevant Discrimination Criterion. The text is represented as vectors by using a reduced set of features. Different term weight measures are used in the experiment to compute the weight of n-grams features in the document vector representation. Two classification algorithms, Support Vector Machine, and Random Forest are used to train the model using document vectors. The proposed approach was applied to the dataset provided in PAN 2019 competition bot detection task. The Random Forest classifier obtained the best accuracy of 0.9456 for bot/human detection.

Chandra sekhar sanaboina

A review of solar energy

Solar Energy is the prime important source of energy, and it has continued to gain popularity globally. As of 2018, about 486 GW of solar PV was installed worldwide. One of the key requirements for socio-economic improvement in any nation of the world is the provision of dependable electricity supply systems. Recently, there is a massive growth in access to solar electricity in several Africa countries, notably South Africa, Egypt, Morocco, and Algeria. As a result, it decreases the global population without access to electricity with an appreciable value. This paper review the present state of solar energy capacity in the world also identifies vital approaches of improving their functionality, reliability, and affordability as well as the essential method that policymakers may implement in the future. The result shows that there is a recurrent growth in solar energy annually and as at the end of 2018 Asia with the largest capacity of 56.58%, while Central America and the Caribbean have the lowest installed capacity of 0.36%. As the request for an uninterrupted supply increases in different regions, progressive builders are embracing solar photovoltaics (PV) renewable energy as an option for their customers.

Najeem Olawale Adelakun Najeem olawale adelakun

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