Keterampilan menulis karangan persuasi siswa dalam pembelajaran think talk write dengan media poster

Writing is a complex skill and is difficult for students to master well. This study aims to determine the effect of the application of Think Talk Write learning models with poster media on the writing skills of persuasion essay from fifth grade elementary school students. This type of research is a quasi-experimental design with a pre-test post-test control group. The sample in this study was VA and V class students of SDN Rambigundam 01 Jember. Collecting data in this study using interviews, tests, and documentation. The data analysis technique of student learning outcomes uses t-test. Based on the results of the t-test on the learning outcomes of students' persuasive essay writing skills, it is known that the value of tcount> ttable, (2.208> 2.0180), so it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted that the Think Talk Write learning model through poster media influences the writing skills of persuasion writing in the fifth grade students of SDN Rambigundam Jember 1. The results of the pretest and posttest activities also showed that the increase in the value of writing skills written by students in the experimental class was higher than the increase experienced by the control class. Difference in the increase in the average value experienced by the experimental class and control class by 3,7. Menulis merupakan salah satu keterampilan yang kompleks dan sulit dikuasai siswa dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran Think Talk Writedengan media poster terhadap keterampilan menulis karangan persuasi siswa kelas V SD. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan eksperimen semu dengan desainpre-test post-test control group. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VA dan V B SDN Rambigundam 01 Jember. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara, tes, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisisdata hasil belajar siswa menggunakan uji t-test. Berdasarkan hasil uji-t terhadap hasil belajar keterampilan menulis karangan persuasif siswa, diketahui bahwa nilai thitung>ttabel, (2,208>2,0180), sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis diterima yaitu model pembelajaran Think Talk Write melalui media poster berpengaruh terhadap keterampilan menulis karangan persuasi pada siswa kelas V SDN Rambigundam 01 Jember. Hasil kegiatan pretest dan posttest juga menunjukan bahwa peningkatan nilai keterampilan menulis karangan siswa di kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dari pada peningkatan yang dialami kelas kontrol. Selisih peningkatan rata-rata nilai yang dialami kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol sebesar 3,7.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Synthesis and toxicity of graphene oxide nanoparticles: a literature review of in vitro and in vivo studies

Nanomaterials have been widely used in many fields in the last decades, including electronics, biomedicine, cosmetics, food processing, buildings, and aeronautics. The application of these nanomaterials in the medical field could improve diagnosis, treatment, and prevention techniques. Graphene oxide (GO), an oxidized derivative of graphene, is currently used in biotechnology and medicine for cancer treatment, drug delivery, and cellular imaging. Also, GO is characterized by various physicochemical properties, including nanoscale size, high surface area, and electrical charge. However, the toxic effect of GO on living cells and organs is a limiting factor that limits its use in the medical field. Recently, numerous studies have evaluated the biocompatibility and toxicity of GO in vivo and in vitro. In general, the severity of this nanomaterial’s toxic effects varies according to the administration route, the dose to be administered, the method of GO synthesis, and its physicochemical properties. This review brings together studies on the method of synthesis and structure of GO, characterization techniques, and physicochemical properties. Also, we rely on the toxicity of GO in cellular models and biological systems. Moreover, we mention the general mechanism of its toxicity.

Kamal Singh Kamal singh

Are patients on cyclophosphamide at higher risk of covid-19 complications?

Coronaviruses are closely related virus causing several types of respiratory tract infections ranging from common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). There are many other ways in which Covid-19 will impact the existing public health issues. With the rising number of covid19 cases, it has been reported that people with the weaker immune system are at higher risk. We identified the mechanism of action of cyclophosphamide and its impact on the lung. Pulmonary side effects associated with cyclophosphamide are rare and dose-related. They manifest as early-onset pneumonitis, in patients with symptoms especially like cough and dyspnea. Acrolein in cyclophosphamide is the main component linked with the toxic effect. We hypothesize that use of cyclophosphamide, an antineoplastic agent and immunosuppressive agent used in treating many cancers and autoimmune disorders (like rheumatoid arthritis and ANCA vasculitis), induces severe lung toxicity which can be one of the contributing factors for the increased risk of COVID 19 complication. These factors are to be recognized to improve prevention and control of the disease.

Ankul singh

Nonstop mutation in the kisspeptin 1 receptor (kiss1r) gene causes normosmic congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

Purpose: Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) is a rare genetic disorder mostly characterized by gonadotropins release and/or action deficiencies. Both isolated (idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism) and syndromic (Kallmann) forms are identified depending on the olfactory ability. Clinical and genetic heterogeneities of CHH have been widely explored, thus improving our understanding of the disease's pathophysiology. This work aims to (1) provide a detailed clinical and hormonal description of normosmic CHH patients and (2) identify the mutation linked to the studied phenotype. Participants and methods: We investigated three affected patients with normosmic CHH, belonging to a consanguineous Tunisian family. Patients underwent an insulin-induced hypoglycemia test. We performed whole exome sequencing to identify the causal mutation. Results: At first diagnosis, a total gonadotropic deficiency was identified in all patients. The insulin-induced hypoglycemia test has also revealed a reduced cortisol secretion and complete growth hormone deficiency. At 20.8 years, one female exhibited a spontaneous recovery of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function, unlike her affected siblings who still depend on corticosteroid replacement therapy. Herein, we identified a novel homozygous nonstop mutation (c.1195T>C) in KISS1R gene in all affected subjects. This mutation led to the substitution of the physiologic stop codon by an arginine (p.X399R). Conclusions: Our study highlights the importance of the KISS1R signaling, in gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons, in the control of reproductive function. Additionally, our data suggests a complex central and peripheral metabolic control of puberty, through the hypothalamic KISS1R signaling. We suggest a mutual link between the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal, -adrenal, and -somatotropic axes.

Mariam moalla Mariam moalla

Impact of measuring pneumonia severity index (psi) in the management of community acquired pneumonia in emergency department

Community acquired pneumonia is a prevalent disease in the Emergency Department (ED). The literature reveals that clinical practice could not be related with guidelines recommendations. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of the implementation of the recommendations of the Spanish society of Emergency Medicine in the Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa (Zaragoza) ED in the management of community acquired pneumonia. Use of Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI) estimation was used to assess the adherence. This study was carried out from December, 2014 to February, 2015. Data was compared with the previous two months. The indicators management (discharge or admission decision, adequacy and anti-biotherapy) as well as the incidence of PSI estimation before and after the intervention in these parameters were evaluated. 209 patients were included, 97 before the intervention and 112 after the intervention. No significant differences were observed in the calculation of PSI. A significant decrease of admissions was observed after the intervention in the patients in whom the PSI was calculated (68.8% vs. 45.0%, p < 0.05). A greater use of the Observation Room was aimed at those patients in whom the PSI was calculated (06.3% vs. 17.5%, p < 0.05). PSI calculation significantly increased antibiotic prescription adherence (88.9% vs. 75.2%, p < 0.05). There were no modifications in the prescription after the intervention. In conclusion, PSI is a useful and effective measure to achieve a greater adherence to the recommendations. However, despite the positive trend in the use of the PSI and its interpretation, a low-intensity intervention is not sufficient to generalize its use.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Prevalence of gastrointestinal helminth parasites of local chicken slaughtered at jalingo market, taraba state, nigeria

Gastrointestinal parasites constitute a serious problem to poultry production in Africa. But often times they are usually ignored by the majority of farmers. Whereas, it is one of the major leading causes of ill-health and high mortality rates in the poultry industry. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites of chicken slaughtered at the Jalingo market. A total of 500 gastrointestinal tracts of local chicken comprising of 250 from males and 250 from females were collected from the poultry slaughtering and dressing section of the Jalingo market, and screened for gastrointestinal helminths using the saturated sodium chloride floatation techniques. An overall prevalence of 28.6% (143/500) was recorded with a prevalence of 16.8% (84/500) in males and 11.8% (59/500) females. Nine different species parasites comprising five nematodes and four cestodes, were recorded. Nematodes were the most predominant intestinal parasite with a prevalence rate of 89 (62.2%). And Ascaridia galli 45 (50.5%) was found to be the most prevalent nematode. Other nematodes observed were Capillaria annulata 13.4% (12/89), Heterakis gallinarum 2.2% (2/89), Strongyloides avium 32.5% (29/89), and Syngamus trachea 1.1% (1/89) having the lowest prevalence. Railliatina tetragona 57.4% (31/143) was the most prevalent cestode recorded. Other Cestodes were Hymenolepis carioca 27.7% (15/54), Raillietina cesticellus 12.9% (7/54), and Davainea proglottina 1.8% (1/54). No trematode was recorded in this study. This study showed that nematodes and cestodes were the common helminth parasites in local chicken. There is therefore the need for educating the farmers on the impact of gastrointestinal parasite infection in chicken and the need to institute good management practices so as to reduce their effects on productivity. Sex of the chicken had no statistically significant difference (X2 = 6.12, df = 1; P > 0.05) on the prevalence of helminths.

Bitrus Inuwa Bitrus inuwa

Precision medicine: recent progress in cancer therapy

This review was aimed to describe a new approach of healthcare performance strategy based on individual genetic variants. Personalized medicine is a model for health care which is a combination of preventive, personalized, participatory and predictive measures. It is an approach for a better treatment by identifying the disease causing genomics makeup of an individual. This work features key advancements in the improvement of empowering advances that further the objective of customized and precision medication and the remaining difficulties that, when tended to, may produce phenomenal abilities in acknowledging genuinely individualized patient consideration. Customized treatment for patients determined to have strong tumors has brought about a few advances as of late. To improve a multi-drug approach ready to coordinate DNA and RNA adjustment, proteomics and metabolomics will be essential. The execution of translational examinations dependent on fluid biopsy and organoids or xenografts to assess molecular changes because of clonal weight produced because of the utilization of target specialists or tumor heterogeneity would help in the recognition of systems of opposition, proposing opportunities for novel mixes. The investigation of massive data in oncology can profit altogether from being engaged by artificial intelligence and machine learning strategies.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Regards croisés sur les processus d’apprentissage/acquisition implicite des constituants linguistiques des langues par des apprenants

Cet article vise à mettre en évidence les expériences et points de vue de certains auteurs sur l’apprentissage implicite du langage humain. L’apprentissage implicite est une procédure fondamentale. Le comportement devient sensible aux caractéristiques structurales. Dans le premier point de vue, il y a eu trois expériences qui ont montré que les jeunes apprenants sont sensibles aux régularités lexicales qui n’ont pas été explicitement enseignées; la deuxième expérience portait sur l’utilisation de la répétition des lettres quant à la troisième, elle portait sur la préférence des consonnes uniques ou doublées. Les résultats de ces expériences ont montré que les jeunes apprenants sont sensibles à la fréquence de doubles consonnes, à l’identité des consonnes qui peuvent ou ne peuvent pas se répéter. Les difficultés innées à l’apprentissage de la langue ont fait l’objet du deuxième point de vue. Elles sont de deux ordres: la langue en tant qu’un ensemble de séquences sonores et les indices de découverte d’un mot dans un discours. Les enfants segmentent les mots à partir de huit mois. Les connaissances procédurales se mettent en place par la répétition mentale et pratique. Les propriétés structurelles et statistiques sont à la base de l’apprentissage de la langue.


Iot based smart transport management system

Currently, vehicle to vehicle communication is an important application and thrust area of research. In this paper the author highlighted the workings, executions, implementations and the application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in transport management and vehicle to vehicle communication systems. The main advantage of this Industry 4.0 based IoT technology is that it helps us to reduce road traffic and accidents. The limitations of GPS like accuracy, precision, effective analysis, etc. has led to the evolution of Mobile based V2V communication which is more effective, error proof, result oriented and smart. For proper analysis of traffic vehicle to vehicle communication is established. Random Data from vehicles taken by numerous sensors. Any car coming in its variety could effortlessly share the data by either of two cars nearby. With the help of vehicle to vehicle communication we can provide a path of emergency vehicles to reach the destination quickly. Based on the V2V application, Red and Green signals can be marked on the path as per traffic density and the emergency vehicle can take the shortest, fastest and low density route. Similar such examples are elaborated in the current research manuscript that will help the researcher in effectively finding the research gap for further advancement, analysis, innovation and optimization.

Vartika agarwal Vartika agarwal

Natural antiemetics: an overview

Emesis encompasses the forceful expulsion of the stomach's contents via the mouth or sometimes the nose. The adverse effects of currently available anti-emetic agents potentiate the natural product researchers to explore natural anti-emetics with fewer side effects. The presented communication reviews the anti-emetic effect of two hundred and forty-five plants belonging to seventy-eight families in different parts of the world. It also outlined the anti-emetic effect of plant extracts and isolated secondary metabolites studied through a variety of animal models of emesis. The reported anti-emetic plants in different countries and cultures and the scientific studies on extracts may help in the identification of promising single chemical compound(s) that may be used as potential leads for developing safe anti-emetic agents in future. Moreover, the reported secondary metabolites having the same effect may open the door for the search for the same secondary metabolites from other natural sources. This review will provide useful information for discovering natural anti-emetic compounds and fill the gaps in knowledge.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Faktor-faktor kesulitan belajar matematika siswa madrasah ibtidaiyah da’watul falah kecamatan tegaldlimo kabupaten banyuwangi

Salah satu mata pelajaran yang dianggap sulit oleh siswa adalah matematika. Sehingga pelajaran ini kurang diminati siswa. Permasalahan inilah yang menyebabkan banyak siswa mengalami kesulitan belajar matematika. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu: Kesulitan Belajar Matematika Siswa MI Da’watul Falah Kecamatan Tegaldlimo Kabupaten Banyuwangi Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019? Sedangkan tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kesulitan belajar matematika siswa MI Da’watul Falah Kecamatan Tegaldlimo Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian fenomenologi. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan analisis data menggunakan model analisis Miles, Huberman dan Saldana yaitu data Condensation, data Display, serta Conclusion drawing/verivication. Adapun pengecekan keabsahan data yang digunakan adalah triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kesulitan belajar matematika siswa disebabkan salahnya mindset yang dibangun dari awal oleh siswa, sehingga mereka kesulitan dalam memahami materi yang diajarkan di kelas. Adapun faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kesulitan belajar terdiri dari faktor internal dan faktor eksternal.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Pengembangan program pembelajaran pendidikan agama islam dalam meningkatkan budaya keagamaan di sdn bletok bungatan situbondo

Pengembangan budaya keagamaan di sekolah merupakan suatu kewajiban yang harus dilaksanakan oleh sekolah dengan mendesain program pendidikan agama islam yang mengarah pada pengembangan budaya keagamaan. Fokus penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana perencanaan pengembangan program pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam meningkatkan budaya keagamaan di SDN Bletok Bungatan Situbondo? Bagaimana pelaksanaan pengembangan program pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam meningkatkan budaya keagamaan di SDN Bletok Bungatan Situbondo? dan Bagaimana pengawasan pengembangan program pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam meningkatkan budaya keagamaan di SDN Bletok Bungatan Situbondo? Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif analisis, jenis studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan model interaktif dan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan: 1) Perencanaan pengembangan program pembelajaran pendidikan agama islam dalam meningkatkan budaya keagamaan di SDN Bletok Bungatan Situbondo, yaitu: penyusunan buku pintar, Penugasan anggota membuat rancangan kegiatan, nilai-nilai karakter prioritas utama, rencana strategis pendekatan botton up, perencanaan pengembangan budaya keagamaan oleh tim agama. 2) Pelaksanaan pengembangan program pembelajaran pendidikan agama islam dalam meningkatkan budaya keagamaan di SDN Bletok Bungatan Situbondo, yaitu: Roling tanggung jawab job deskription pengembangan budaya, Quality Insurence (Jaminan Mutu) pembiasaan keagamaan, Model uswah guru, pelaksanaan Budaya keagamaan. 3) Pengawasan pengembangan program pembelajaran pendidikan agama islam dalam meningkatkan budaya keagamaan di SDN Bletok Bungatan Situbondo, yaitu: pengawasan internal kinerja anggota dan eksternal melalui pengguna layanan siswa dan orang tua, evaluasi supervisor sekolah terhadap kinerja anggota, anak berkepribadian sesuai dengan nilai-nilai agama, monitoring oleh komponen sekolah dan tim agama, monitoring siswa, monitoring tingkah laku dan pembiasaan siswa, penetapan capaian dari Quality Insurence.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Prescribing patterns in systemic hypertension and pharmaco-economics (cost effectiveness and cost minimisation analyses) of the commonly prescribed antihypertensives in a district hospital in enugu state, southeast nigeria

Background: Prescribing patterns in systemic hypertension vary from place to place. Studies have shown that cost could be one of the factors responsible for non-adherence to treatment among hypertensive patients. Nigerian pharmacoeconomics studies have not provided a general guide on cost-effective prescribing for hypertensive patients in the country. The aim of the study was to examine the prescribing patterns, do cost effectiveness and cost minimisation analyses of the commonly prescribed antihypertensives, and determine if cost is a major reason many of the hypertensive patients of the District Hospital are usually lost to follow up. Methods: 5267 adult (≥18 years) non-antenatal patients’ cards of 2016 were reviewed for hypertension. Examination of the prescriptions, cost-effectiveness and cost-minimisation analyses of the commonly prescribed antihypertensives were done. Results: 12.6% of the patients were hypertensive. 73% of these hypertensive patients were treated pharmacologically. 40.8% adhered to treatment. 73% of the adherent ones responded to treatment. Amlodipine was the most expensive prescribed antihypertensive (N22). Amiloride-hydrochlorothiazide with the largest cost effectiveness ratio (CER) (9) was the most cost effective of all the combinations. Lisinopril- hydrochlorothiazide (N17) was preferable to the triple combination of lisinopril-amlodipine-hydrochlorothiazide (N39), and amlodipine-hydrochlorothiazide (N32) in cost minimisation. Conclusions: Cost of drugs probably had played a significant role in non-adherence to treatment among hypertensive patients in the District Hospital in 2016, since moduretic with the largest CER (9) and nifedipine with the greatest BP reduction when combined with hydrochlorothiazide (56/22 mm Hg) were rarely prescribed.

Emmanuel umegbolu

Global supply chain management

This paper addresses global supply chain management (GSCM). The industry used to explore this topic is the automotive industry, as it is a core industry in the world economy, both in revenue generation and inefficiency. The paper explores both the positive and negative attributes of supply chain management, explores and analyses the gap between evaluation and implementation of improvements in supply chain management and then looks into the global issues affecting supply chain management and their solution.

Mohamed Sorogy Mohamed sorogy

A human study on the effect of alhagi maurorum (camel thorn) on patients suffering from hepatitis b virus

Hepatitis B virus infection is a major health problem worldwide. More than 400 million people are suffering from this infectious disease. Alhagi Maurorum (camel thorn, CTE) is used in Libyan folk medicine for hepatitis. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of the camel thorn on the hepatitis B virus. After a pharmacological and toxicological screening of camel thorns on experimental animals in our laboratories, in an open-label study, 15 patients of either gender were chosen at random with their consent (consent form signed). The patients had no liver cirrhosis and were not alcoholics. Following clinical testing, the patients were given a low, safe dose of camel thorn powder (2.6 g soaked in boiling water for 10 minutes) three times per day for six months. The viral load was measured before treatment and three and six months after the beginning of the experiment by polymerase chain reaction. The complete blood picture, the level of transaminases, bilirubin, creatinine, blood glucose, lipid profile, thyroid function, and prothrombin were assessed before and after three months after the beginning of the experiment. Our data showed no significant changes in the complete blood picture, creatinine, blood urea, glucose level, bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, lipid profile, prothrombin, and thyroid function. The levels of viral load before, three months after, and six months after the beginning of our study were 1689 ± 289, 558 ± 160, and 271 ± 026 IU per mL, respectively. From this study, we may conclude that the camel thorn is safe and showed activity against viral hepatitis B, however, further investigations are needed by increasing the number of patients and using higher doses of plant extract to explore its mechanism of action. Finally, the mechanism of camel thorn may be related either to its antiviral effect or to the stimulation of either endogenous interferon or the immune system.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

A memetic algorithm for the inventory routing problem

In this article, we study an Inventory Routing Problem with deterministic customer demand in a two-tier supply chain. The supply chain network consists of a supplier using a single vehicle with a given capacity to deliver a single product type to multiple customers. We are interested in population-based algorithms to solve our problem. A Memetic Algorithm (MA) is developed based on the Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Variable Neighborhood Search methods. The proposed meta-heuristics are tested on small and large reference benchmarks. The results of the MA are compared to those of the classical GA and to the optimal solutions in the literature. The comparison shows the efficiency of using MA and its ability to generate high quality solutions in a reasonable computation time.

Mohamed Salim Amri Sakhri Mohamed salim amri sakhri

Standardization of crude drugs: a precise review

Standardization of crude drugs is a code of conduct and an essential need of the time. Substitution and adulteration now become a widespread practice, which makes the global crude drug market unsafe for crude drugs depending on the world population. Moreover, crude drug evaluation is not easy because numerous influential factors affect the bio-efficacy and reproducibility of therapeutic effects. The broad spectrum of standardization ensures the correct substance in the proper amount for desired therapeutic effects. It also provides all possible careful measures taken from collection and manufacturing to drug dispensing for clinical application. The authors have tried to cover precise tools for crude drug standardization in the present review.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Analysis of prop1 gene in a cohort of tunisian patients with congenital combined pituitary hormone deficiency

Background: Non-syndromic combined pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD) occurs due to defects in transcription factors that govern early pituitary development and the specification of hormone-producing cells. The most common mutations are in the Prophet of Pit-1 (ProP1) gene. This work aims to (1) report findings of genetic analyses of Tunisian patients with non-syndromic CPHD and (2) describe their phenotype patterns and their evolution through life. Methods: Fifteen patients from twelve unrelated families with variable clinical phenotypes were included after excluding autoimmune and acquired forms of non-syndromic CPHD. Detailed pedigree charts and auxological, hormonal, radiological, and therapeutic details were recorded. Sanger sequencing was performed, and sequences were analyzed with a specific focus on coding and splice site regions of the ProP1 gene. Retained variants were classified using several in silico pathogenicity prediction tools and the VarSome platform. Results: We identified the common p.Arg73Cys mutation in seven patients from four unrelated pedigrees. We found a novel homozygous mutation (c.340C>T) in one sporadic case. This mutation generates a truncated ProP1 protein, predicted to be non-functional, lacking the last 112 codons (p.(Gln114Ter)). We confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) the absence of large exon deletions or insertions in the remaining sporadic patients (7/8). Conclusions: We report two mutations {one newly identified [p.(Gln114Ter)] and one previously reported (p.Arg73Cys)} in five unrelated Tunisian families with non-syndromic CPHD. This work is of clinical importance as it reports the high frequency of the p.Arg73Cys mutation in Tunisian CPHD families. Our study also illuminated the involvement of novel gene(s) in the emergence of non-syndromic CPHD.

Mariam moalla Mariam moalla

Effects of rapeseed oil (rapus indicus) supplementation on omega-3 fatty acid concentration and carcass characteristics in broiler chicken

Dietary fatty acid composition in broiler influences carcass quality by altering fat deposition and fatty acid profile. Thus, the study was carried out to evaluate the effect of incorporation of rapeseed oil in broiler ration on omega-3 fatty acid concentration of carcass and its traits in broiler chicken. A total of 160 day-old straight run broilers (Vencobb 400) were randomly divided into four treatment groups (G1, G2, G3 and G4) having four replicates of ten chicks each. The basal diets (G1) were prepared to meet BIS (2007) nutrient requirements with palm oil at 1.5, 3, and 4.5 per cent in pre-starter, starter and finisher diets, respectively. The experimental diets were broiler rations prepared with rapeseed oil replacing 25, 50 and 100 per cent of palm oil in G2, G3 and G4 diets, respectively. The diets were fed ad libitum till 6 weeks of age. Six birds from each group were randomly selected and slaughtered on 42nd day to study omega-3 fatty acid concentration of carcass and its characteristics. The crude fat content of breast and thigh muscle was significantly (P<0.05) reduced in the group fed rapeseed oil included diets. However, carcass yield, processing yield and meat to bone ratio of cut up parts was not significantly affected. The colour and pH of breast and thigh muscles were similar among the treatment groups. Omega- 3 fatty acid concentration was significantly (P<0.01) increased in both breast and thigh muscle of G4 group broilers compared to G1 group. Thus, rapeseed oil inclusion in diet significantly increased omega-3 fatty acid concentration and significantly reduced crude fat concentration breast and thigh muscles with no effect on the carcass yield and its quality when included in the diet replacing palm oil at different proportion

SENTHIL MURUGAN Senthil murugan

The effect of transformational leadership and competence on employee performance with job satisfaction as intervening variable

This study aims to see and determine the effect of transformational leadership and competence of PT Waruna Shipyard Indonesia on employee performance through job satisfaction as intervening variable. This research was conducted at PT. Waruna Shipyard Indonesia, located on Bagan Deli Street, Medan Belawan District, North Sumatra. This research was conducted of the month of August 2019-January 2020. The data analysis tool by structural equation modeling (SEM) with smartpls program. The population is employees at PT. Waruna Shipyard Indonesia in 2019, namely as many as 134 employees. This study used slovin formula for the sampling, calculations sample were respondents is 100 permanent employees of PT. Waruna Shipyard Indonesia. Thus taken 30 respondents outside of the sample to validity and reliability test instrument for testing questionnaires. Based on structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis, transformational leadership and competence have positive and significant effect on employee performance with job satisfaction as intervening variable at PT. Waruna Shipyard Indonesia. The contribution of transformational leadership, competence, and job satisfaction explains the employee performance variable of 0.724 or 72.40%. The remaining 0.276 or 27.60% is effect by other independent variables not examined in this study.

Lila Maria Kaban Lila maria kaban

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