Fate of e-waste in households in enugu west senatorial district of enugu state, southeast nigeria

Background: E-waste, is the waste generated from used electrical and electronic devices that are no longer fit for their original intended use. Currently e-waste comprises more than 5% of total municipal waste flow, equivalent to 20-50 million tonnes annually worldwide. In 2014, Nigeria generated about 219 kilo tonnes of e-waste. The study aimed to increase public awareness on the need for proper management of e-waste because of its hazardous nature. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in Enugu West Senatorial District of Enugu State comprising Oji-River, Ezeagu, Udi, Awgu and Aninri Local Government Areas with a population of 980,988. An adaptation of the UNEP, EMPA and Basel convention questionnaire, administered to 400 households was used for data collection. Results: The potential e-waste generation in the study area was 0.05 kg per inhabitant. 76% of the households were aware of the hazards of e-waste. 64% were willing to give out their e-waste to waste collectors. Only 26% of the e-waste were collected with the general waste. The correlation between awareness of the hazards of e-waste and willingness of the households to give out their e-waste was positive, moderate, and insignificant (r= 0.43, p=0.47). Conclusions: Although 76 per cent of the households were aware of the hazards of e-waste, with 64% willing to give out their e-waste, only 26% of the e-waste were eventually collected together with the general waste. There is a need to create a separate e-waste collection system.

Emmanuel umegbolu

Improving public hospital efficiency and fiscal space implications: the case of mauritius

Background General Government Health Expenditure (GGHE) in Mauritius accounted for only 10% of General Government Expenditure for the fiscal year 2018. This is less than the pledge taken under the Abuja 2001 Declaration to allocate at least 15% of national budget to the health sector. The latest National Health Accounts also urged for an expansion in the fiscal space for health. As public hospitals in Mauritius absorb 70% of GGHE, maximising returns of hospitals is essential to achieve Universal Health Coverage. More so, as Mauritius is bracing for its worst recession in 40 years in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic public health financing will be heavily impacted. A thorough assessment of hospital efficiency and its implications on effective public health financing and fiscal space creation is, therefore, vital to inform ongoing health reform agenda. Objectives This paper aims to examine the trend in hospital technical efficiency over the period 2001–2017, to measure the elasticity of hospital output to changes in inputs variables and to assess the impact of improved hospital technical efficiency in terms of fiscal space creation. Methods Annual health statistics released by the Ministry of Health and Wellness and national budget of the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development were the principal sources of data. Applying Stochastic Frontier Analysis, technical efficiency of public regional hospitals was estimated under Cobb–Douglas, Translog and Multi-output distance functions, using STATA 11. Hospital beds, doctors, nurses and non-medical staff were used as input variables. Output variable combined inpatients and outpatients seen at Accident Emergency, Sorted and Unsorted departments. Efficiency scores were used to determine potential efficiency savings and fiscal space creation. Findings Mean technical efficiency scores, using the Cobb Douglas, Translog and Multi-output functions, were estimated at 0.83, 0.84 and 0.89, respectively. Nurses and beds are the most important factors in hospital production, as a 1% increase in the number of beds and nurses, result in an increase in hospital outputs by 0.73 and 0.51%, respectively. If hospitals are to increase their inputs by 1%, their outputs will increase by 1.16%. Hospital output process has an increasing return to scale. With technical efficiencies improving to scores of 0.95 and 1.0 in 2021–2022, potential savings and fiscal space creation at hospital level, would amount to MUR 633 million (US$ 16.2 million) and MUR 1161 million (US$ 29.6 million), respectively. Conclusion Fiscal space creation through full technical efficiency, is estimated to represent 8.9 and 9.2% of GGHE in fiscal year 2021–2022 and 2022–2023, respectively. This will allow without any restrictions the funding of the national response for HIV, vaccine preventable diseases as well as building a resilient health system to mitigate impact of emerging infectious diseases as experienced with COVID-19.

Ajoy nundoochan

Classic and alternative disinfection practices for preventing of hospital-acquired infections: a systemic review

Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection technologies are well-known tools for microbial prevention in indoor public places which are frequently employed for disinfecting air, surfaces, and water. Such technologies have drawn a great deal of interest due to its potential application, especially in the domain of healthcare. This article discusses the shortcomings of chemical disinfectants and analyzes the current research standing on the development of various types of UV disinfection technologies for their prospective usage in the healthcare industry. Furthermore, the article provides a thorough analysis and in-depth evaluation of the current antibacterial studies using UV lamps and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for the treatment of frequently encountered pathogens associated with healthcare. According to the systematic review, UV-LEDs have shown to be a potential source for delivering disinfection which is equally efficient or more effective than traditionally used UV lamps. The findings also provide valuable considerations for potentially substituting conventional lamps with LEDs that would be less expensive, more efficient, more robust, non-fragile and safer. With greater effectiveness and advantages, UV-LEDs have shown to be the potential UV source that could fundamentally be able to transform the disinfection industry. Therefore, the study supports the employment of UV-LED technology as a better and workable approach for effective disinfection applications. The study also offers insightful information that will help to direct future studies in the domain of hygienic practices used in healthcare facilities.

Jahanzeb Jahanzeb

Effect of ephedra altissima stems extract on behaviour in the mouse

Herbal products are being paid particular attention by people around the world since they are natural, effective, and without side effects. In modern medicine, some drugs prescribed to the patients are derived from medicinal plants. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate the central nervous effects of methanol extract of Ephedra altissima stems, in Albino mice. Doses of 500, 1500, and 3000 mg/kg of the methanol extract were administered in sub-acute doses (three doses), intraperitoneally at 24, 5.0, and 1.0 hours before scoring. General locomotor behavior profile, antidepressant activity, and anxiolytic activity were studied. The results revealed that the methanol extract of Ephedra altissima at 500, 1500, and 3000 mg/kg produced central nervous system depression, a remarkable decrease in the immobility time (forced swimming maze test), no anxiolytic-like effect by using elevated plus-maze model of anxiety. These results suggest that methanol extract of Ephedra altissima exhibits a central depressant activity, antidepressant-like activity, and mild antipsychotic activity without anxiolytic-like effect in tested experimental animal models with the doses used. Therefore, it can be concluded that Ephedra altissima extract may have a central depression, antidepressant-like activity with no effect as anxiolytic-like mood.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Artificial neural network with crow search algorithm for optimal sizing of photovoltaic system

The need for renewable energy sources in addressing global energy demands is growing, especially in Nigeria where electricity demand often exceeds supply. Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems have become a viable solution, with federal universities in Nigeria, as major electricity consumers, recognizing their potential. However, determining the right size of PV systems for individual faculties within these universities is a complex task. This study attempted to simplify this process by introducing an innovative approach to size PV systems in these faculties. The research method used the Extended Kalman Artificial Neural Network (EKF-ANN) and the Crow Search Algorithm (CSA) to enhance the accuracy of PV system sizing. Data was collected on the study site, load demand, weather conditions, system components, and operational control and systems models to establish sizing criteria. The study focused on the optimal size of a solar PV system at the Faculty of Law building, University of Port-Harcourt, and how to improve its accuracy. The results showed that using global solar insolation parameters, EKF-ANN predicted values for global temperature, flock size, and maximal iteration. This optimized system could generate surplus power for effective grid supply. The study found that the optimal size of the series-connected panels for the Faculty of Law building was 96, 83, 73, and 65 units, with corresponding insolation values ranging from 3.737 to 4.368 kW/m2. It was concluded that the combination of CSA and EKF-ANN in solar PV sizing is suitable for achieving optimal outcomes for energy storage and grid supply. Nonetheless, the study recommended additional investigation into real-time and grid-connected solutions to enhance the proposed approach's effectiveness.

FXintegrity Publishing Fxintegrity publishing

Diuretic and anti-diarrheal potential of four fruit extracts of capsicum annum l

Capsicum has been an essential part of the diet for centuries and has been widely used traditionally for ailments. The objective of the present analysis was to determine the diuretic and antidiarrheal potentials of four variations of Capsicum annum L. fruits available in the local market of Karachi, Pakistan. It belongs to the family Solanaceae, and extracts were prepared in 95% ethanol and given in 200 and 400mg/kg doses. The activity correlated with commonly used diuretics and anti-diarrheal, reinforcing its conventional use. To confirm its activity, fruit extracts were evaluated for anti-diarrheal properties in castor-oil-induced diarrhoea. The diuretic activity of the 95% ethanolic extracts of Capsicum annum L. was assessed based on diuresis of 24 hr. collected through a metabolic cage. Urinary excretion of water and electrolytes (Na+ and K+) is significantly increased by the standard diuretic drug furosemide, which is comparable with the extract. The anti-diarrheal effects of 95% ethanolic extracts of Capsicum annum L. were examined by castor oil-induced diarrhoea. All varieties of Capsicum annum L. significantly inhibited the number of defecations.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

A review on prevention of diseases through homoeopathy

Homoeopathy is one of the latest systems of medicine discovered at the latter part of 18th century, first rose to prominence in the 19th century due to its success in treating epidemics and is currently second largely utilized system of medicine globally. Prophylaxis through Homoeopathy has been strongly promulgated by stalwarts and popular among the general public in the recent times, but still controversy revolves around it. Aim of the study is to review the available literature for analyzing the usefulness of Homoeopathy in prophylaxis of human, animal as well as plant diseases. A comprehensive search has been made in electronic database aimed to target the available literature of various levels of evidence. Examples are summarized under different areas of applicability of homeopathic medicine as prophylactic. Currently there is convincing evidence to support effectiveness of Homoeopathy in prophylaxis, though sparse. More rigorous research studies are warranted to enlarge the horizon of its application.

Dr deepthi gilla

Intersection of caste and gender based subjugation

One of the unique features of Indian society is prevalence of caste system which was originated thousands of years back to demarcate the people engaged in different occupation or jobs. Initially it was not much rigid but gradually people belonging to upper castes for their own selfish means to maintain their monopoly made this arrangement hereditary and started treating people of lower castes disgracefully. For preservation of this system, people started controlling their women to prevent inter-caste marriages and the concept of endogamy came up. This robbed away many types of freedom from women. For women belonging to lower castes, this situation is worse as they are doubly subjugated on the basis on caste as well as gender. Men belonging to their own caste treat them as secondary beings. This paper throws light on this intersection. How intersection of these two kinds of inequalities place them at the lowest position in Indian society. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar rises as their leader who all his life worked for empowerment of downtrodden section of society. He argues that education is the primary tool for evading these differences among people. He further emphasizes to adopt the concept of exogamy to break the backbone of Indian caste system and to immediately leave a religion or culture which legitimizes such system of inequality among people of the same land.

Swati sharma

Recent improvements in mrna and immunogenicity

Vaccines avoid many illnesses and save many lives every year. As a result of common vaccine use, the smallpox virus has entirely been eradicated and the occurrence of measles, polio and other childhood diseases have considerably been abridged around the world. Classical vaccine strategies, for instance inactivated pathogen, live attenuated and subunit vaccines, offer strong protection against diversity of hazardous diseases. In spite of this achievement, there remain chief obstacles to vaccine development against a diversity of infectious pathogens, part-icularly those better able to avoid the adaptive immune response. Furthermore, for most emer-ging virus vaccines, the main barrier is not the efficiency of usual approaches but the requirements for more rapid development and large-scale use. Nucleic acid therapeutics have appeared as hopeful option to classical vaccine approaches.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Exploration of drug-drug interaction in prescriptions of libyan practitioners in community pharmacies

The drug-drug interactions (DDIs) are actions or events that occur when two or more drugs administered together, may cause a clinical significance or not. There are certain factors that may affect the severity of DDIs such as age, gender, number of drugs prescribed, and physician specialists. This study aims to answer: Is there DDI in Libyan community pharmacies? In addition, to explore the factors that might be affecting DDI. Drug Interactions Checkers are used. 200 prescriptions were collected randomly from two different areas ( high and low income),100 from each one and were used to investigate the DDIs by using two different sources (Drugs.com and BNF platforms), bearing in mind, age, gender, prescribers’ specialty, and drug number (prescription size). A personal interview questionnaire with pharmacists for investigate a source of DDI knowledge was considered. The correlation test was used to analysis the findings. The randomly selected sample has 316 drug combinations. The study has revealed a minimum of three drugs (46.0%). In general, Drugs.com was the richer source of DDI than BNF (66.5% and 34.5%, respectively). It is found that 66.5% (67.0% of this is moderate DDI) of these combinations have DDI by Drugs.com. A significant correlation between DDI and gender (male > female, p = 0.035) was found. In a state of residential areas, the results are similar in both selected pharmacies. Most moderate DDIs (21.0% and 15.0%) are prescribed by orthopedics and psychiatrists, respectively. The observational interview questionnaire indicated that 100% of the participating pharmacists had no source of knowledge regarding DDI, 100% of 200 prescriptions had no chick it regarding DDI and 100% of found DDI is released to use by community pharmacies to patients. More than half of the prescribed drug combinations have DDIs (classified as moderate DDIs), and all of them are released for use by pharmacists.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Curriculum development planning in environmental education for developing environmental citizenship among primary school pupils in rivers state

This study investigated the level of environmental citizenship development through curriculum development planning among primary school pupils in Rivers State. Three research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The descriptive survey design was used. The population for the study was the 15,611 teachers in the 962 public primary schools in Rivers State. A stratified random sampling technique was used to draw a sample of 1,600 teachers which represents 10.2% of the population. A researchers’ designed questionnaire titled "Curriculum Development Planning in Environmental Education Questionnaire" was the instrument used for the study. The instruments were validated by three experts. Reliability coefficients of 0.88 (Curriculum Provision), 0.73 (Environmental Education Projects), and 0.79 (Challenges) were derived using Cronbach alpha. Mean and standard deviation was used to answer the research questions while the hypotheses were tested using the z-test. Findings revealed that the extent to which environmental education projects were utilized to develop environmental citizenship in pupils is low. The challenges militating against the teaching of environmental education are lack of commitment from the school management, lack of time in the lesson timetable to integrate environmental education contents in other subject areas, and teachers' inadequate knowledge of environmental education integration techniques. It was recommended amongst others that the Nigerian Education Research and Development Council should design age-appropriate curriculum contents/topics that can be integrated into various subjects.

FXintegrity Publishing Fxintegrity publishing

Role of demodex infestation in blepharitis and coconut oil as a treatment option

Purpose: To assess incidence of demodex species, correlate ocular symptomatology, evaluate efficacy of coconut oil as treatment method in all types of blepharitis. Materials and Methods: 30 patients with anterior & mixed blepharitis, meibomian gland dysfunction & non-specific irritation were enrolled for study. History taken & examined clinically. 2 lashes/lid were sampled & mounted on slides with normal saline & observed under light microscope. Number of mites counted. Patients positive for demodex were treated with coconut oil application over lid margins & reviewed after 3 weeks. Results: Incidence of demodex was 40% & it increased with age. Demodex was commonly associated with meibomian gland dysfunction, non-specific irritation, madarosis, cloudy & toothpaste like meibum quality. Burning sensation and itching were common complaints. At 3rd week, all patients were symptom-free. Mite count dropped by 52.8% but were not eliminated. Conclusion: Demodex infestation is often overlooked but it is associated with about half of blepharitis cases. Hence further evaluation should be considered. Coconut oil is an easily available mode of treatment & helps reduce symptoms and mite counts.

Kamal Singh Kamal singh

The concept of creativity: definitions and theories

Creativity is regarded as one of the most complex of human behaviors. It can be influenced by a wide array of social, developmental and educational experience that leads to creativity in different ways in a variety of fields (Runco & Sakamoto, 1999). Opinions about the origin of creativity vary, and none of them explains the creative process completely. Creativity can be seen as the following: a divine quality, serendipitous activity, ‘planned luck’, endurance and ‘method’ (Cook, 1998a: p.6). Petrowski (2000: p.305) stated that “creativity research belongs to the baby-boom generation, beginning in earnest when Guilford directed the American Psychological Association in his 1950 presidential address to focus on this important but neglected area”. The existence of creativity as a modern term emerged from the results of the pioneering efforts of Guilford (1950) and Torrance (1962, 1974). Guilford and Torrance were psychometric theorists and they attempted to measure creativity from a psychometric viewpoint (Sternberg, 2006).

Mukhles m. al-ababneh

An overview of research study designs

The choice of the study design is a major determinant of scientific quality and clinical value of a research study. To select an appropriate study design is a perplex task for novice as well as veterans in research. AYUSH systems of medicines have evidence database showing the effectiveness in a wide range of clinical conditions, yet improving the quality of trials by well- designed studies is indispensable to demonstrate widespread utility on more scientific grounds. This article describes the structured classification of research designs done on the basis of a selective literature search concerning medical research. The study design and type that can best answer the particular research question at hand must be determined not only on a scientific basis, but also in view of the available resources, ethical issues and practical feasibility of study.

Dr deepthi gilla

Ambiguities in verbal linguistic jokes and devaluation of grice’s maxims of conversation as ingredients in vice ganda’s top-grossing films

Lexical and structural levels of language abound ambiguities that are good source of humor. Consequently, violations of the maxims of conversation are leeway to induce humor in any type of discourse. Adding these two precepts and considering pragmatics as its foundation became the bases in analysing the top-grossing films of Vice Ganda. It sought to identify the verbal linguistic jokes and ambiguities present in the top-grossing films of Vice Ganda; determine on how these ambiguities create devaluation of Grice’s maxims of conversation; and determine on how the ambiguities in verbal linguistic jokes and devaluation of Grice’s maxims of conversation were used as ingredients in Vice Ganda’s top-grossing films. Discourse analysis was used in the study and the analytical framework to induce humor by Taghiyev (2018) was used in analysing the corpora. A priori coding was used to identify the recurring ambiguities and devaluation of maxims in the films. Findings show that lexical-semantic and structural-syntactic ambiguities were present in the films. It was intentionally used in order to create humorous effect in the dialogues of the films. Moreover, the devaluation of the maxims of conversation quietly and unostentatiously, opting out, coping with a clash between maxims, and flouting was deemed an effective ingredient to make the films become comical and appealing to the audience.

Darrel Ocampo Darrel ocampo

"potential antidiabetic activity of m. charantia linn. extract on alloxan induced albino wistar rats in diabetes mellitus: an in vivo approach".

The study of diabetes is not only limited to particular symptoms, but it is consequently affects the pathological and functional changes in the metabolic pathways of human body system. In those symptomatic diseases various drugs are used to treat the diabetes such as biosimilar therapy including use of insulin and insulin analogues, oral hypoglycaemic agents and various other complementary medicines. In understanding of suggested potential antidiabetic, effect of M. charaantia Linn. on fasting blood sugar levels and its biochemical analysis in alloxan- induced diabetic rats were investigated. The extracts of M. charaantia Linn. Produced a significant antidiabetic activity at normal dose levels of their lethal doses. A comparison between the action of reduction in blood glucose level in different dose forms of M. charantia extract and Std. drug were seen. An oral glucose tolerance or oral tolerance test were performed with the use of glucose strip Accu-check meter. The different extract viz. ethanol extract + water, petroleum ether + Isopropyl alcohol extract were used for further dosing purpose. The ethanol + water extract were showed significant (P<0.001) antidiabetic activity. In alloxan induced rat model blood glucose level were as, 214.5±5 mg/dLfor std.drug and 216.5±5 mg/dL in comparison with diabetic control 225.5±5 mg/dL. An ANOVA was used for the statistical analysis and p-values less than 0.01 compared to normal group and 0.05 compared to diabetic control group were considered statistically significant. The extract of M.charantia Linn. from seed at the dose of 250 mg/kg, significantly shows the better result in reduction of blood glucose level as compared to the concentration of 500 mg/kg. The increased level of glucose due to the damage of pancreas showed regeneration of pancreatic enzymes by extract of M. charaantia Linn. Which were damaged by alloxan treatment. These solvent extract also balance the body weight loss in diabetic rat, hence the present extract shows the potential to act as antidiabetic drug.

Dr. Wahul Umesh B Dr. wahul umesh b

Prevalence of gastrointestinal helminth parasites of local chicken slaughtered at jalingo market, taraba state, nigeria

Gastrointestinal parasites constitute a serious problem to poultry production in Africa. But often times they are usually ignored by the majority of farmers. Whereas, it is one of the major leading causes of ill-health and high mortality rates in the poultry industry. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites of chicken slaughtered at the Jalingo market. A total of 500 gastrointestinal tracts of local chicken comprising of 250 from males and 250 from females were collected from the poultry slaughtering and dressing section of the Jalingo market, and screened for gastrointestinal helminths using the saturated sodium chloride floatation techniques. An overall prevalence of 28.6% (143/500) was recorded with a prevalence of 16.8% (84/500) in males and 11.8% (59/500) females. Nine different species parasites comprising five nematodes and four cestodes, were recorded. Nematodes were the most predominant intestinal parasite with a prevalence rate of 89 (62.2%). And Ascaridia galli 45 (50.5%) was found to be the most prevalent nematode. Other nematodes observed were Capillaria annulata 13.4% (12/89), Heterakis gallinarum 2.2% (2/89), Strongyloides avium 32.5% (29/89), and Syngamus trachea 1.1% (1/89) having the lowest prevalence. Railliatina tetragona 57.4% (31/143) was the most prevalent cestode recorded. Other Cestodes were Hymenolepis carioca 27.7% (15/54), Raillietina cesticellus 12.9% (7/54), and Davainea proglottina 1.8% (1/54). No trematode was recorded in this study. This study showed that nematodes and cestodes were the common helminth parasites in local chicken. There is therefore the need for educating the farmers on the impact of gastrointestinal parasite infection in chicken and the need to institute good management practices so as to reduce their effects on productivity. Sex of the chicken had no statistically significant difference (X2 = 6.12, df = 1; P > 0.05) on the prevalence of helminths.

Bitrus Inuwa Bitrus inuwa

Focus groups

A focus group is an investigative tool for social research based on a structured and focused discussion with a small group of people, run by a facilitator (moderator) to generate qualitative data through a set of open-ended questions. The focus group technique is a qualitative research methodology popularly used in social research in a wide range of sectors. A researcher uses a set of open-ended questions on a specific topic to generate qualitative data. The focus group is an efficient way of gathering data about particular opinions or attitudes by covering a large number of people in the same group. This entry explores the methodology and processes of focus groups as well as the analysis of data from focus group research.

Mukhles m. al-ababneh

Insecurity in a democratic state: towards reformulating roles of traditional institutions for enhanced national security in nigeria

The main focus of this paper is to examine the relationship between insecurity in Nigeria and how traditional institutions such as traditional monarchical system can be used as veritable tool to curtail increasing insecurity in a democratic system such as Nigeria. The pervasive nature of insecurity,though,not an entirely Nigerian problem, has been trending of late, andhence, become a huge source of worry for scholars,experts,public commentators and the international community at large.The menace of insecurity finds expression in wanton killings, kidnapping,farmers-herders conflicts, rape, communal clashes, militia activities, ethnic secessionist agitations and many other strands of violence. The multiplier effects of all these challenges have been very devastating in terms of the recent attacks witnessed all over the country in recent times. This study observes that most of the people engaged in some of these atrocities might be well known to traditional rulers in the communities where they come from. This is because traditional rulers are closest to the people. The work is an exploratory study and relies solely on literature and works of experts in the broader field of security studies for investigation. The paper sums up a conclusion and recommends that there is a need for the adoption of both vertical and horizontal approaches to tackle the menace of insecurity, particularly, using the instrumentality of traditional institutions as a point of departure.

Canice Erunke Canice erunke

Implementasi quantum teaching pada pembelajaran tematik kelas v mi mambaul ulum kandangrejo

The Quantum Teaching learning model is a modification of the various interactions that exist in and around the moment in learning. This study aims to find out more about how to apply Quantum Teaching in measuring students' abilities including cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. This research method uses qualitative research methods with the type of research field research. Data collection techniques using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. While the data analysis is a qualitative analysis model of Miles and Huberman and Saldana which consists of data collection, data condensation, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study are: (1) Implementation of Quantum Teaching in Class V Thematic Learning at MI Mambaul Ulum Kandangrejo cognitive aspects, namely students are able to think more critically and broadly, students are able to do assignments or exercises and can understand learning well, students able to provide questions and answers properly and appropriately. (2) Implementation of Quantum Teaching in Class V Thematic Learning at MI Mambaul Ulum Kandangrejo aspects in the affective aspect, namely: the curiosity of students increases, students become more focused, students' attitudes become more confident and courageous. (3) Implementation of Quantum Teaching in Class V Thematic Learning at MI Mambaul Ulum Kandangrejo psychomotor aspects, namely: students are able to practice well the learning media is provided, students are able to name the names and parts of the circulatory organs, students are able to show the circulatory organs blood using the medium.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

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