A toxicity study of methanolic extract of calliandra surinamensis seeds on liver functions in rodents

Medicinal plants and herbal drugs have widely been used in several diseases which contain highly active pharmacological agents. Several previous studies have mounted about the hepatotoxicity of these remedies which ranges from mild enzyme alterations to liver failure in humans and animals. This study aimed to evaluate the toxicity profile of the crude methanolic seed extract of Calliandra surinamensis on rat liver functions. An acute toxicity study was carried out using modified Lorke’s method and sub-chronic toxicity was done following the Organisation for Economic Cooperative and Development guidelines with testing chemicals 423 and 407 to assess the effect of the seed extract on liver function alongside histopathology assessment of the liver. The haematological indices revealed no significant change in red blood cells and other haematological parameters. The average organ weight of the tested rats showed no significant differences. The histopathological examinations of the rat liver revealed no observable toxic injury to the tissue after treatment with the seed extract across all concentrations. There were desirable morphological vasoactive changes of dilatation and active congestion in the organ across all the concentrations which were dose-dependent. There was induced activation of the sinusoidal kupffer cells, which signified a boost to the local immune system of the liver. The nucleoli in the hepatocyte nuclei were remarkably conspicuous which implied an increase in the production of ribonucleic acid that is deployed in protein synthesis.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Acoustical performance of a double-expansion chamber muffler: design and evaluation

Background: Exhaust noise is known to be a major pollutant in the environment and workplaces due to the development of industry and transportation. Exhaust noise can be reduced to normal levels by mufflers or silencers. A reactive muffler efficiently dampens noise at low frequencies by reflecting sound waves. Therefore, muffler design is of great importance in exhaust noise reduction. Transmission loss (TL) is an essential characteristic of mufflers, demonstrating their acoustical properties. Any acoustical appliance is selected based on its damping performance and reliability. Predicting TL through experimentation is different from theoretical calculations. Methods: In the present study, a double-expansion chamber muffler was designed as a reflective muffler on a laboratory scale by equations. Next, TL was evaluated by an impedance tube applying a 4-microphone technique to determine the acoustical performance of the designed muffler. Results: Findings revealed that the TL of the muffler at 312 Hz frequency obtained 27.5 dB agreement with the required TL of the muffler of 25 dB. In addition, the TL of the muffler against frequency attenuates noise in broadband frequencies. Conclusions: These results indicated that the built muffler provides desired TL for exhaust chambers. Therefore, equations can be used as a precise method for muffler design. Furthermore, multi-expansion chamber mufflers are useful for reducing noise at a wide range of frequencies.


Deprivation in education amidst covid-19 pandemic crisis

The education sector is one of the most affected areas by the pandemic. It caused a huge chasm that could affect the teaching-learning industry in the future. Although it is possible to have deprivation in education, the concept must not be embraced. Instead, HEI should focus on developing new and innovative ways of delivering education constructively. This paper focuses on the importance of both research and teaching in education. The two areas are identified and analyzed respectively to adopt innovative methodologies to enhance productivity in a higher learning institute. This paper intends to propose relevant teaching and learning methods to benefit the students, the university, and society. This paper utilizes several factors involved in the pandemic crisis and suggests ways to use several methods to regenerate the learning environment without hassle.

Santosh kumar Santosh kumar

Internalisasi nilai-nilai nasionalisme dalam pembelajaran ppkn di madrasah ibtidaiyah maarif condro jember

Nilai-nilai Nasionalisme yang diterapkan peserta didik dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Maarif Condro Jember seringkali terkesan dikesampingkan. Hal ini dilihat dari kurangnya kesadaran peserta didik terhadap nilai moral dan Nasionalisme, seperti tidak mentaati peraturan sekolah, tidak menghargai teman, membolos, tidak mampu menghafal sila pancasila serta lagu Indonesia raya. Masih dijumpai peserta didik berperilaku dan bersikap belum baik atau masih rendah terhadap nilai-nilai nasionalisme. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: 1) Strategi internalisasi nilai nasionalisme pada pembelajaran PPKN di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Maarif Condro Jember. 2) Penerapan nilai karakter nasionalisme yang dilakukan pada pembelajaran PPKN di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Maarif Condro Jember. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Strategi internalisasi nilai-nilai nasionalisme dalam pembelajaran PPKN ini adalah mamasukkan nilai-nilai nasionalisme dalam pembelajaran PPKN melalui pendekatan-pendekatan yang mampu diterima oleh peserta didik agar peserta didik bisa menjadi warga negara yang baik dan bisa memberikan kontribusi dalam memajukan bangsanya dimasa depan. 2) Penerapan nilai karakter nasionalisme dalam pembelajaran PPKN melalui mediator keteladanan guru dan kegiatan praktik langsung melalui pengalaman belajar seperti model pembelajaran, metode pembelajaran, bahan ajar, dan evaluasi pembelajaran. Perilaku berkarakter nasionalis yang diaktualisasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di sekolah oleh siswa yaitu disiplin, cinta tanah air, semangat kebangsaan, cinta damai, peduli lingkungan, menghargai prestasi, dan toleransi.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Hepatoprotective activity of glinus lotodies linn against paracetamol induced liver damage in albino rats

Aim: To evaluate the hepatoprotective activity of the chloroform extract of the selected Glinus lotodies linn plant by using Paracetamol induced hepatic injury in albino rats. Methods: The chloroform extract of Glinus lotodies linn was allowed for screening hepatoprotective activity on Paracetamol induced Albino rats and they were compared with standard and negative control. Results: The drug treatment Chloroform Extract of Glinus lotodies linn [CEGL] was carried out at two low dose levels 200mg and 400mg/ kg, both of which along the standard Silymarin 100mg/kg treated group showed a significant reduction in the elevated enzyme levels (P < 0.01). Liver section shows normal cells compared to control. Conclusion: These data suggests a dose dependent hepatoprotective activity of CEGL. At the end of this study, a strong conclusion can be drawn that the Chloroform Extract of Glinus lotoides linn possess hepatoprotective activities induced by Paracetamol in Albino rats.

Sudha Rameshwari.K Assistant Professor Sudha rameshwari.k assistant professor

A study on work life balance of teaching faculities working in arts and science colleges

Work life balance of employees has become an important issue which discusses mainly about their carrer development and the family care, it is necessary to know how the employees balance the demand for their profession and also their domestic compulsions. Professional life is hat the aim to grow and earn respect in the workplace and the society they live-in. Personal life means taking care of family, spouse, children, health and spending the available leisure time effectively. According to work foundation, the term work-life balance is about individuals having a measure of control over when, where and how they work, leading them to be able to enjoy an optimal quality of life. It is defined as establishing a successful balance between working obligations and personal commitments. Work – life balance for teaching professional has become a challenge in recent years. Teachers work load demands their time both in the institution and also extends to their home. Teaching professionals need to focus on soft skills and life skills so that they should aim at producing good citizens for the country.


Customer satisfaction towards banking services with reference to corporation bank

The Banking sector influences the economic growth and development of the country both in terms of quality and quantity, there by adopting the various strategies for economic growth. Technological advancements and new initiatives of government have helped banks to provide efficient services to its customers all over the country. The study has been conducted to know the extent of problems faced by the bank customers, and their level of satisfaction towards the banking services provided by the Corporation Bank, Kodialbail Branch, Mangalore. 100 customers of the bank, who are the employees of Besant Institutions, are contacted and data was collected through questionnaire. Study revealed that 66% of respondents have faced problems in operating their bank accounts. 63% of the respondents have availed net banking facilities. Only 18% of the respondents are satisfied and 32% of respondents are neutral about the services of the bank. Some of the respondents provided valuable suggestions to improve the banking services.

Thara S Shetty Thara s shetty

Growth of urate (gouty and urinary) crystals on glass slide: a simple and inexpensive in vitro model to evaluate natural antiurolithiatic and anti-gout drugs

Noncommunicable diseases, also known as chronic diseases, tend to last long and result from genetic, physiological, environmental, and behavioural factors. Uric acid nephrolithiasis, arthritis and gout come under noncommunicable diseases related with Monosodium urate monohydrate (MSUM ) crystals. MSUM crystals are deposited in peripheral joints, causing gout and eliciting an intense localized inflammatory attack. In contrast, in collecting ducts and medullary interstitium, it is a urinary calculi which causes dysuria, nausea and hematuria. The study aims to explore the possible morphological features of monosodium urate monohydrate crystals. The study was carried out on a glass slide under a microscope to observe the growth patterns of MSUM crystals. For this purpose, a drop of gel medium (sodium meta silicate solution + 0.2M sodium hydroxide + 2N acetic acid) at pH 5.02 - 5.17 was placed in the middle of a glass slide and converted into a gel. A 0.07 M uric acid drop was added to the adequately formed gel. The glass slide was observed under a microscope till it was completely dried. Monosodium urate monohydrate was formed as spherical ring banded spherulites, dumbbell and composite spherulites. The current study provides different phases of MSUM crystallization on a glass slide for the first time. It may also be used as a model to evaluate prophylactic management against gouty and renal stones through in vitro assessment of crystal growth and aggregation inhibition and modulation of developing or developed crystals by using different natural products.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Toenail fungal infection: a case report

Fungal infection of the nails (onychomycosis) is a common condition that is hard to cure. The fungus hidden in the nail is difficult to treat with antifungal medications, and infected nails take months to heal. Antifungal nail polish can occasionally be used to treat mild cases, but blood-stream-permeable medications are required to treat more serious infections. We need something better because even these are not always successful and can have negative side effects like skin rash or liver issues. Additionally, onycholysis (the separation of the nail plate) creates a moist environment that can encourage the growth of fungi. Moreover, immunosuppressive medication use may worsen onychomycosis. In this example, the diseased entity's clinical presentation in an adult patient was described.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Cytodifferentiation of fundic part of glandular stomach in non descript breed of indian prenatal goat

Though the anatomy and physiology of the adult caprine (Capra hircus L.) stomach have been investigated extensively, the early development of the abomasum has not yet been fully elucidated. The glandular part of abomasum plays an important role in digestion of ingested food by action of gastric juices. Very few studies have been conducted so far regarding histogenesis of goat foetal abomasum in India. In the present study, we have investigated the embryonic and early foetal development of the goat, Capra hircus L. fundic abomasum. We collected 36 developing abomasum of healthy and normal embryos/foeti of goat and assigned them into three group viz. Gr. I (0-50 days of gestation), Gr. II (51-100 days of gestation) and Gr. III (101-150 days of gestation). Small pieces of tissues were processed by routine paraffin. The wall of glandular stomach, the fundic part, was composed of epithelium, pleuripotent blastemic tissue and serosa up to 44 days of gestation. Tunica muscularis became separable at 46 days of gestation. The epithelium was stratified type up to 50 days and gradually changed to pseudo-stratified columnar to simple columnar type from 76 days of gestation. Primary and secondary abomasal folds were observed at 51 and 76 days of gestation, respectively. Gastric pit, the fore runner of gastric gland was reported first at 70 days. The gland became branched tubular type at 145 days. The cells found in the mucosa of the abomasum were surface epithelial cells, chief cells, parietal cells, mucous neck cells and undifferentiated cells. Chief and parietal cell were observed at 76 days and mucous neck cells at 82 days of gestation. Reticular, collagen and elastic fibers came into sight at 38, 76 and 100 days of gestation, respectively. The present study is expected to supplement known data and knowledge regarding histogenesis of goat fetal abomasum and help in diagnosis and treatment of related congenital anomalies.

Varsha Gupta Varsha gupta

In vitro microscopic study of mono sodium urate monohydrate crystals growth pattern

The study aims to explore the possible morphological features of monosodium urate monohydrate crystals. The study was carried out on a glass slide under a microscope to observe the growth patterns. As a result, three types of spherical ring-banded, dumbbell, and composite spherulites were observed. This study gives detailed information about the morphology and aggregation patterns of mono sodium urate monohydrate crystals.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Signage and information and communication technology (ict) facilities as correlate to utilisation of information resources in federal universities’ libraries in south-south zone of nigeria

This study was aimed at investigating the extent to which signage and ICT facilities correlate to the utilisation of information resources in federal university libraries in South-South zone of Nigeria. The correlational research design was adopted for the study. Three research questions were answered while three hypotheses were tested. The population of the study comprised 32,190 registered library users for the 2017/2018 academic session and 776 library staff from six federal university libraries in south-south zones of Nigeria. The sample size for the study was 3,219 registered library users and 310 library staff representing 10% and 40% of the population respectively. A two-stage sampling technique of stratified and simple sampling techniques was used to select the sample size. Two Sets of instruments titled; “Signage and Information and Communication Technology Facilities Questionnaire (SICTFQ)” for the students and “Utilization of Information Resources Questionnaire (UIRQ)”were used for data collection. Face and content validity was ensured by three experts. The two instruments yielded reliability coefficients of 0.81 and 0.87 respectively with the use of Cronbach Alpha. Mean was used in answering research questions while Regression was used in testing the null hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level. It was found that to a great extent signage relates to the utilisation of information resources while information and communication technology facilities is the vice versa. Based on the findings, it was concluded that jointly, signage and ICT facilities are significant correlate to the utilisation of information resources in federal university libraries in South–South zone of Nigeria. It was therefore recommended among others that library management should improve on the provision of signage by ensuring that well-designed signage suitable for the 21st century is placed at strategic location to guide library users on the utilisation of information resources in federal universities libraries in South-South zone of Nigeria.

FXintegrity Publishing Fxintegrity publishing

Development and validation of stability indicating analytical method for simultaneous estimation of miconazole and ornidazole in their combined marketed dosage form

A simple, precise, accurate, sensitive, specific and reliable stability indicating RP-HPLC method was developed for the simultaneous estimation of Miconazole (MIC) and Ornidazole (ORN) in pharmaceutical dosage form. The method was developed with mobile phase containing buffer (0.05M potassium dihydrogen ortho phosphate, ph3.5): Methanol in the ratio of 25:75, C18 (250 x 4.6mm, 5µm) as a stationary phase and flow rate was 1 ml/min. Detection was carried out at 236nm in UV-2000 detector. The selected chromatographic conditions were found effectively to separate Miconazole and Ornidazole at 6.58 and 3.26 min respectively. The proposed method has been validated for precision, accuracy, robustness. Thus, the statistical analysis confirms that developed methods were successfully used for analysis of formulation and thereby can be used for routine analysis of drugs in Quality Control laboratories.

Prachi Barbhaiya Prachi barbhaiya

Indonesian crisis communication response after deliberate forest fires and transboundary haze

The issue of deliberate forest fires that set illegally in Indonesia by plantation companies in their slashand-burn forests to clear lands for lucrative palm oil plantations and its caused transboundary haze became a hot issue for discussion. These fires have a negative influence on Indonesia and its neighbourhood countries, especially on their financial and human resources such as environment, economy, properties, and people. Using the right strategies in responding to any crisis determines the success of its management and coping with that crisis with minimal losses. This study aimed to examine the communication crisis response by Indonesia to this crisis by using image repair theory. Also, this study examined how image repair strategies were used by Indonesia. This study analysed the content of news stories from the website of the New Straits Times newspaper. The time frame of this study was from 2015 to 2019. A total of 87 news stories have pertained to Indonesian response, and 37 stories included image repair strategies. Among the strategies of image repair theory, corrective action strategy was the most dominant with 70%, followed by 10.8% for each shift the blame and attack accuser. The least used strategies were mortification and simple denial with 5.4% and 2.7% respectively.

Mohammed Fadel Arandas Mohammed fadel arandas

Financial accounting - accounting is a fundamental aspect of business operations

Accounting is a fundamental aspect of business operations because it records transactions through which businesses achieve and retain profitability. Recoding transactions is an important aspect of business because the primary goal of businesses is to maximise profitability (Tirole, 2010). Accounting lays the groundwork to manage the income, expenses, assets and cash flow of the firm, all of which are pivotal to the financial health of the business regardless of its size. This report discusses different accounting principles in practice. The first task utilises the double-entry method to record the transactions of the business in ledgers using the double-entry method. This task also includes the formulation of a trial balance using the balance off rule and illustrates to which final account each trial balance entry is attributable. The second task involves the creation of final accounts for different businesses. The legal implications of varying business structures differ, so their financial statements are different. This task also includes a discussion of the properties, purposes, and structures of different financial statements. The third task addresses bank reconciliation. Bank reconciliation resolves any discordance between the records of the business and its bank statement. The gist of the fourth task is the use of control accounts. Control accounts summarise ledger balances to ensure a match between those accounts and the accounts in the ledger of each account.

Zamzam Abdelazim Zamzam abdelazim

Management qualities in resolving collective conflicts arisen during a global pandemic

One of the most common situations in the management process is problematic situations or conflicts, where each complex situation or conflict has unique consequences, and neglect to find the best way out of such situations put the leader in a more difficult situation. Especially at a time while COVID-19 is putting the world community in a very difficult situation, difficult to resolve conflicts, universal conflicts, the role of leaders, managers are discussed, problem solutions are proposed through management theory.

Ikboljon Odashev Mashrabjonovich Ikboljon odashev mashrabjonovich

A study to assess the effectiveness of aerobic training on exercise tolerance and functional independence in patients with multiple sclerosis – a quasi experimental study

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic neurological condition characterized by an interruption of action potentials in the brain and spinal cord due to areas of inflammation, demyelination and axonal degeneration. Most people with Multiple Sclerosis (PWMS) complain of physical activity limitations due to fatigue and reduced Exercise Tolerance that leads to reduction in Functional Independence. Till date, there is a limited published evidence of the efficacy of aerobic training on Exercise Tolerance and Functional Independence in individuals with Multiple Sclerosis, although some studies that incorporate aerobic training into rehabilitation programs report positive outcomes with no harmful effects. This was an effort to study the effect of aerobic training on exercise tolerance and functional independence in patients with Multiple Sclerosis. 12 Subjects were selected for the study on the basis of convenient Sampling method. Subjects who were independently mobile with Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score between 2 and 6.5 and medically stable were included for the study. The parameters of Exercise Tolerance and Functional Independence were assessed with six min walk test distance (6MWTD) and FIMTM+FAM respectively as Pre test measurement. All the subjects were given Aerobic training(AT) with Elliptical trainer and the intensity of the exercise was individualized according to their tolerance with initial stage incline of 0 (no incline) and a resistance of 1 (lowest possible resistance) was fixed. Training was done in a well ventilated training setup and subject was provided with cool water to minimize the effect of heat on activity. Subjects were monitored during the exercise training via heart rate monitor fixed to the machine; heart rate was taken every 3 minutes. The subjects were advised to perform the exercise in their own pace throughout training session for 30 min with breaks as many as they require. Progression of exercise intensity was achieved by increasing the resistance level of the Elliptical machine and/or by increasing the subject's steps per minute (stepping speed was controlled by the subject and not the elliptical machine).To ensure the progress of exercise protocol, the exercise intensity increased every 3 to 4 sessions. Totally 15 sessions were given in 6 weeks period. After 15 session of training Post test measurement for Exercise Tolerance and Functional Independence were taken. The Significance of the Pre test Post test difference were analyzed statistically using student paired “t‟ test . After 6 weeks (15 sessions) of Aerobic training with Elliptical trainer the subjects improved in Exercise Tolerance and level of Functional Independence as compared with the base line conditions. This was indicated by the changes in the Distance covered in 6 MWT and the FIMTM+ FAM score with P value <0.001. In all the subjects who were participated in this study showed greater improvement in the 6 Minute walk test distance and FIMTM+FAM scores. It implies that Aerobic training by Elliptical Trainer is effective for improving Exercise Tolerance and Functional Independence in PWMS.

Nagarjuna narayanasetti

Influence of non-puddled transplanting and residues of previous mustard on rice (oryza sativa l.)

On-farm research was conducted at Gouripur sub-district under Mymensingh district of Bangladesh during the boro (mid November-June) season in 2013-14 and 2014-15 to evaluate the performance of non-puddled rice cultivation with and without crop residue retention. The rice var. BRRI dhan28 was transplanted by two tillage practices, viz., puddled conventional tillage (CT) and non-puddled strip tillage (ST) and at two levels of mustard residues, i.e., no-residue (R0) and 50% residue (R50). The experiment was designed in a randomized complete block design with four replications. There were no significant yield differences between tillage practices and residue levels in 2013-14. But in the following year, ST yielded 9% more grain compared to CT leading to 22% higher Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR). Retention of 50% residue increased yield by 3% compared to no-residue, which contributed to 10% higher BCR. The ST combined with 50% residue retention yielded the highest grain yield (5.81 t ha-1) which contributed to fetch the highest BCR (1.06).


Awareness and knowledge about refractive errors and strabismus in south indian population

Background: To assess the awareness, knowledge about refractive errors and strabismus among the general public in southern Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Methods: A cross sectional population-based survey used a semi structured questionnaire on awareness, knowledge on refractive errors and strabismus done as part of knowledge, attitude and practices study (KAP). Stratified multistage cluster random sampling method was used with a sample size of 867 adults- ≥16 years. Having heard of refractive error and strabismus was defined as awareness and having knowledge of the type of error for which spectacles were worn, was considered as knowledge. A pilot study was conducted to validate the questions used in the main study. Statistical package SPSS (version 19) was used for analysis to calculate logistic regression and odds ratios for gender, age, education and urban-rural areas. Results: A total of 782/867 (90.1%) subjects participated in the survey with females 47.4%. 581 subjects (74.3%) were aware of refractive error. 690 subjects (88.2%) were aware of squint. With multiple logistic regression about awareness of refractive error to various variables, subjects who were educated 11th class to degree had a higher awareness (OR: 2.40; CI: 1.25-4.60). With multiple logistic regression about awareness of squint to various variables, females had a higher awareness of squint (OR: 1.98; CI: 1.19-3.31). Conclusions: Awareness of squint and refractive error was high among the general public, but the knowledge of it was limited.

srinivasa reddy pallerla Srinivasa reddy pallerla

The potential of truffle bioactive compounds for benefitting human health

Over the last few years, Libyan scientists and researchers have investigated most of the native wild plants from various regions of Libya. Since tens of years, research groups from Libyan universities, especially at Faculty of Pharmacy and Biotechnology Center, have assessed the native wild plants for their detailed biochemical and pharmacological active composition in order to identify their biologically active compounds with health and therapeutic benefits and economical values. Recent scientific reports stated that several wild Libyan plants carry various bioactive compounds which have a substantial role in treating certain human diseases such as diabetes mellitus, inflammations, microbial infections, cancer, etc

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

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