
Influence of non-puddled transplanting and residues of previous mustard on rice (oryza sativa l.)

  • Authors Details :  
  • Mohammad Mobarak Hossain,  
  • Mahfuza Begum,  
  • Md. Moshiur Rahman,  
  • Abul Hashem,  
  • Richard W. Bell And Enamul Haque

Journal title : International Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Technology

Publisher : SvedbergOpen

Online ISSN : 2710-3366

Page Number : 8-14

Journal volume : 1

Journal issue : 1

322 Views Research reports

On-farm research was conducted at Gouripur sub-district under Mymensingh district of Bangladesh during the boro (mid November-June) season in 2013-14 and 2014-15 to evaluate the performance of non-puddled rice cultivation with and without crop residue retention. The rice var. BRRI dhan28 was transplanted by two tillage practices, viz., puddled conventional tillage (CT) and non-puddled strip tillage (ST) and at two levels of mustard residues, i.e., no-residue (R0) and 50% residue (R50). The experiment was designed in a randomized complete block design with four replications. There were no significant yield differences between tillage practices and residue levels in 2013-14. But in the following year, ST yielded 9% more grain compared to CT leading to 22% higher Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR). Retention of 50% residue increased yield by 3% compared to no-residue, which contributed to 10% higher BCR. The ST combined with 50% residue retention yielded the highest grain yield (5.81 t ha-1) which contributed to fetch the highest BCR (1.06).

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