Library knowledge: the nigerian student perspective

This paper examines Nigerian students’ perception or approach to libraries. It cuts across the primary, secondary and tertiary institutions. The reason for the laxity in library real time usage is the primary driving force that led to the research. The research method adopted for this study was longitudinal method to get the right place of the actual issues without official cover-ups where necessary. Secondary data were also used to buttress the position of the research. The population approached for the longitudinal method was randomly picked at the different levels of schools. Parents were also in place at some point to drive home the true intent they have about their children and the use of libraries. Findings revealed that seeming laxity of both undergraduate and graduate students’ perception and attitude about the library is primarily because of the lacuna in their other levels of education before coming to the university. This served as a useful yard stick for the researchers developing workable recommendations that in their opinion will be of immense help to solving it. Index Terms— Library Knowledge, Nigerian Student, Primary School Library, Secondary School Library, Tertiary Library.

Emmanuel Musa Emmanuel musa

Sustainable organic farming practices

The aim of the paper is to evaluate the association of organic farming to strengthen the sustainability of organic agriculture. Organic agriculture shows abundant benefits, as it reduces many of the environmental impacts of conventional agriculture, it can increase efficiency in small farmers’ fields, and it reduces reliance on costly external inputs, and guarantees price premiums for organic products. Organic farmers also profit from farmer cooperative and the formation of social networks, which enhances good access to instruction, credit and welfare services. This paper brings out how the function of organic farming contributes for the sustainable practices and improving environment conservation, animal welfare, and product quality.


The impact of internal service quality on job satisfaction in the hotel industry

Service quality is a key factor for success in any hotel. Many researchers have conducted studies on service quality, but only a few studies have been conducted on internal service quality (ISQ) in general, and in the hotel industry in particular. Since there is no general agreement among researchers on the measurement of ISQ, many studies have used SERVQUAL instrument to measure the employees’ perceptions of ISQ. The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of ISQ on employee’s job satisfaction in five-star hotels in Jordan. The current study was carried out by measuring the data gathered through a seven-point Likert scale. The quantitative survey method was applied, and therefore the SERVQUAL instrument was used to measure ISQ, and the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) was used to measure job satisfaction. Data obtained from a sample of 238 respondents drawn from 14 five-star hotels in Jordan were analysed with the SPSS software based on descriptive statistics. The study’s findings indicated that the ISQ of five-star hotels in Jordan has a significantly positive influence on an employee’s job satisfaction. These findings support the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between ISQ in the hotel industry and industry employees’ job satisfaction.

Mukhles m. al-ababneh

Pengembangan program pembelajaran pendidikan agama islam dalam meningkatkan budaya keagamaan di sdn bletok bungatan situbondo

Pengembangan budaya keagamaan di sekolah merupakan suatu kewajiban yang harus dilaksanakan oleh sekolah dengan mendesain program pendidikan agama islam yang mengarah pada pengembangan budaya keagamaan. Fokus penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana perencanaan pengembangan program pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam meningkatkan budaya keagamaan di SDN Bletok Bungatan Situbondo? Bagaimana pelaksanaan pengembangan program pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam meningkatkan budaya keagamaan di SDN Bletok Bungatan Situbondo? dan Bagaimana pengawasan pengembangan program pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam meningkatkan budaya keagamaan di SDN Bletok Bungatan Situbondo? Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif analisis, jenis studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan model interaktif dan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan: 1) Perencanaan pengembangan program pembelajaran pendidikan agama islam dalam meningkatkan budaya keagamaan di SDN Bletok Bungatan Situbondo, yaitu: penyusunan buku pintar, Penugasan anggota membuat rancangan kegiatan, nilai-nilai karakter prioritas utama, rencana strategis pendekatan botton up, perencanaan pengembangan budaya keagamaan oleh tim agama. 2) Pelaksanaan pengembangan program pembelajaran pendidikan agama islam dalam meningkatkan budaya keagamaan di SDN Bletok Bungatan Situbondo, yaitu: Roling tanggung jawab job deskription pengembangan budaya, Quality Insurence (Jaminan Mutu) pembiasaan keagamaan, Model uswah guru, pelaksanaan Budaya keagamaan. 3) Pengawasan pengembangan program pembelajaran pendidikan agama islam dalam meningkatkan budaya keagamaan di SDN Bletok Bungatan Situbondo, yaitu: pengawasan internal kinerja anggota dan eksternal melalui pengguna layanan siswa dan orang tua, evaluasi supervisor sekolah terhadap kinerja anggota, anak berkepribadian sesuai dengan nilai-nilai agama, monitoring oleh komponen sekolah dan tim agama, monitoring siswa, monitoring tingkah laku dan pembiasaan siswa, penetapan capaian dari Quality Insurence.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Self-concept and adjustment of visually impaired students in special and inclusive school settingsself-concept, adjustment, visually impaired, special school, inclusive school

Self-concept and adjustments are important determinants of personality development of an individual and a conducive school environment can contribute building positive self-concept and making adjustment. This study attempted to investigate the level of self-concept and adjustment of visually impaired students attending special and inclusive school settings. Descriptive survey method was adopted to carry out this study and 165 visually impaired students studying in special and inclusive school settings located in Delhi and NCR participated as respondents for the study. The data gathering instruments used for this study include ‘Information Schedule’ designed by the researcher, Self-Concept Questionnaire (SCQ) by Sarswat and Adjustment Inventory for School Students (AISS) by Sinha and Singh. Data were analysed by applying statistical techniques namely– Percentage analysis, Mean, S.D. and t-test. Findings of the study indicated that visually impaired students in inclusive setting possess higher positive self-concept and demonstrate better adjustment than their counterpart in special school setting. Educational implications for different stakeholders are discussed.

Rubul Kalita Rubul kalita

Growth of urate (gouty and urinary) crystals on glass slide: a simple and inexpensive in vitro model to evaluate natural antiurolithiatic and anti-gout drugs

Noncommunicable diseases, also known as chronic diseases, tend to last long and result from genetic, physiological, environmental, and behavioural factors. Uric acid nephrolithiasis, arthritis and gout come under noncommunicable diseases related with Monosodium urate monohydrate (MSUM ) crystals. MSUM crystals are deposited in peripheral joints, causing gout and eliciting an intense localized inflammatory attack. In contrast, in collecting ducts and medullary interstitium, it is a urinary calculi which causes dysuria, nausea and hematuria. The study aims to explore the possible morphological features of monosodium urate monohydrate crystals. The study was carried out on a glass slide under a microscope to observe the growth patterns of MSUM crystals. For this purpose, a drop of gel medium (sodium meta silicate solution + 0.2M sodium hydroxide + 2N acetic acid) at pH 5.02 - 5.17 was placed in the middle of a glass slide and converted into a gel. A 0.07 M uric acid drop was added to the adequately formed gel. The glass slide was observed under a microscope till it was completely dried. Monosodium urate monohydrate was formed as spherical ring banded spherulites, dumbbell and composite spherulites. The current study provides different phases of MSUM crystallization on a glass slide for the first time. It may also be used as a model to evaluate prophylactic management against gouty and renal stones through in vitro assessment of crystal growth and aggregation inhibition and modulation of developing or developed crystals by using different natural products.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

دراسة تأثیر ألمیثیونین المضاف إلى كسبة فول الصویا بدیلا عن المركز البروتیني في علائق فروج اللحم البادئة في بعض الصفات الإنتاجیة

This Experiment was conducted on 120 day old unsexed Ross broiler chicks to study the effect of added methionine to soybean meal as substitute for protein concentrate in the starter ration on some productive traits . The chicks were raised on floor were distributed to three treatments with four replicates each ( 10 birds) . The three experimental starter rations (1-28) day contained 2800 kcal/kg ME and 22% cp . The first supplemented with 5% protein concentrate , while the second and third were with out protein concentrate but supplemented with 0.1 and 0.2% methionine respectively . The Finisher ration (29-49) day contained 3047 kcal/kg ME and 19.19% cp. At 49 day of age 2 birds from each replicate were slaughtered for carcass traits . Statistic analysis of data showed a significant increase (P ≤ 0.05) in body weight , weight gain , feed and protein efficiency ratio for third treatment during (1-28) day , No significant difference in all studied traits during (29-49)day, and the third treatment showed best economic efficiency .

RAFEA MOHAMMEDTAHER KHULEL Rafea mohammedtaher khulel

Peran guru dalam menanamkan karakter religius peserta didik melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler darus keliling (darling) di madrasah ibtidaiyah negeri 3 jember tahun 2019

Kegiatan keagamaan merupakan kegiatan yang amat penting di MI Negeri 3 Jember, mengingat masih banyak peserta didik yang membutuhkan bimbingan guru untuk memiliki karakter yang sesuai dengan tuntunan Islam, di zaman teknologi initidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa anak-anak zaman sekarang sudah mengenal yang namanya internet. Maka dari itu pendampingan orang tua dan guru sangat dibutuhkan dalam perkembangan anak-anaknya. Salah satu pendidikan yang diajarkan guru kepada peserta didiknya sejak dini adalah pengajaran tentang al-Qur’an.Oleh karena itu darus keliling (darling) merupakan kegiatan yang tepat dalam proses membelajarkan al-Qur’an dalam rangka menanamkan karakter religius kepada peserta didik. Fokus penelitian yang dikaji adalah: Bagaimana peran guru sebagai pembimbing dalam menanamkan karakter religius peserta didik melalui kegitan ekstrakurikuler darus keliling (darling) di MI Negeri 3 Jember tahun 2019? Penelitian ini memperoleh kesimpulan: Peran guru sebagai pembimbing dalam menanamkan karakter religius peserta didik melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler darus keliling di MI Negeri 3 Jember dalam hal ini adalah guru yang senantiasa membimbing anak-anak anggota darling untuk belajar al-Qur’an. Darling ini adalah sebuah wadah yang diberikan oleh guru untuk mengembangkan potensi peserta didik. Karakter religius pun terbentuk yakni sikap patuh dalam menjalankan agama Islam, misalnya membaca al-Qur’an. keliling di MI Negeri 3 Jember dalam hal ini menggunakan instrumen penilaian yang memiliki 3 aspekpenilaian yakni aktif, kurang aktif dan tidak aktif.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

A systematic evaluation of research on social engineering attacks prevention

Social engineering is a method of information security that allows for system or network access. When victims are unaware of techniques, models, and frameworks to prevent them, social engineering attacks happen. In order to stop social engineering attacks, the current research describes user studies, constructs, assessment, concepts, frameworks, models, and techniques. Sadly, there isn't any specific prior research on mitigating social engineering attacks that thoroughly and efficiently analyzes it. Health campaigns, human security sensor frameworks, user-centric frameworks, and user vulnerability models are examples of current social engineering attack prevention techniques, models, and frameworks. Guidance is required to examine cybersecurity as super-recognizers, possibly acting as police for a secure system, for the human as a security sensor architecture. This research aims to critically and systematically analyze earlier material on social engineering attack prevention strategies, models, and frameworks. Based on Bryman & Bell's methodology for conducting literature reviews, we carried out a systematic review of the available research. Using a protocol, we discovered a novel strategy to stop social engineering assaults in addition to approaches, frameworks, models, and assessments, based on our review. We discovered that the protocol can successfully stop social engineering assaults, including health campaigns, the susceptibility of social engineering victims, and co-utile protocol, which can control information sharing on a social network. This comprehensive evaluation of the research is what we're presenting in order to suggest safeguards against social engineering assaults.

Mahesh Donga Mahesh donga

Project management - gantt chart

The Gantt chart below presents the activities that must be done to complete the project related to the creation of the company's management information system. The total project duration is three months, and it can be seen that the timeline reflects this target.

Zamzam Abdelazim Zamzam abdelazim

L’expression de la solitude à travers les chansons funéraires dans l’aire culturelle ajatado

Dans toute société, l’homme nait, grandit et meurt. Ces étapes marquant la vie de l’être humain sont des passages obligés dans le parcours existentiel de tout être vivant. Si le premier et le deuxième éléments sont des moments de réjouissance pour les parents, les amis et la famille, le troisième par contre attriste, alite et est parfois source de discorde et de séparation des membres d’une même communauté. A la mort d’un parent, des soutiens de toutes natures viennent de toute part. Ces soutiens sont la manifestation de la solidarité au sein de nos communautés. Des chansons sont scandées avant, au cours et après l’inhumation. Comme on le constate dans plusieurs communautés linguistiques, ces chansons funéraires assument, dans la société, des fonctions diverses. Cette étude qui analyse quelques chansons aussi bien sur le plan social que linguistique, vise à montrer la valeur de la chanson et le sens qu’elle véhicule dans la communauté ajatado prenant en compte le Bénin, le Togo, le Ghana et le Nigéria sans oublier ses différentes fonctions dans la société.


A state-of-the-art analysis of android malware detection methods

Smartphones are constantly changing in today's world, and as a result, security has become a major concern. Security is a vital aspect of human life, and in a world where security is lacking, it becomes a concern for mobile users' safety. Malware is one of the most serious security risks to smartphones. Mobile malware attacks are becoming more sophisticated and widespread. Malware authors consider the open-source Android platform to be their preferred target as it came to lead the market. State-of-the-art mobile malware detection solutions in the literature use a variety of metrics and models, making cross-comparison difficult. In this paper various existing methods are compared and a significant effort is made to briefly address android malwares, various methods for detecting android malwares and to give a clear image of the progress of the android platform and various malware detection classifiers.

Jebin Bose S Jebin bose s

An application of modified path matrix approach for detection of isomorphism among epicyclic gear trains

The identification of isomorphism in epicyclic gear trains has been found a lot of attention by researchers for the last few years. Various methods have been suggested by different authors for the detection of isomorphism in planer kinematic chains and epicyclic gear trains (EGTs), but everyone has found some difficulties to address new issues. In this paper, a modified path matrix approach was presented in order to compare all the distinct geared kinematic mechanisms. A new method based on the matrix approach and corresponding train values is required to identify isomorphism among epicyclic gear trains and their mechanisms. The proposed method was examined on the basis of various examples from four-link, five-link, six links, and eight-link one-degree-of-freedom EGTs and six links two-degree-of-freedom EGTs. All the examples have been found satisfactory results with existing literature.

Jiyaul mustafa

The potential of truffle bioactive compounds for benefitting human health

Over the last few years, Libyan scientists and researchers have investigated most of the native wild plants from various regions of Libya. Since tens of years, research groups from Libyan universities, especially at Faculty of Pharmacy and Biotechnology Center, have assessed the native wild plants for their detailed biochemical and pharmacological active composition in order to identify their biologically active compounds with health and therapeutic benefits and economical values. Recent scientific reports stated that several wild Libyan plants carry various bioactive compounds which have a substantial role in treating certain human diseases such as diabetes mellitus, inflammations, microbial infections, cancer, etc

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

L’usage des langues maternelles dans le français chez ahmadou kourouma et maurice bandaman : insécurité dans la littérature francophone

Les études sur la langue française la présente souvent dans des situations où elle est en contact avec les langues africaines. Elle co-apparait avec les langues africaines dans les discours romanesques. Cette co-apparition n’est pas sans conséquences pour les deux langues en contact. Certains linguistes, surtout les sociolinguistes et les didacticiens, parlent d’insécurité linguistique. Ils la lient à toutes les situations linguistiques où deux langues entrent en contact. Ngamassu (2007, p.94) dit dans ce sens que « toute situation de contact des langues est source d’insécurité linguistique, car aucun locuteur/scripteur ne peut maîtriser toutes les variétés ou niveaux d’une langue ». Cette affirmation restreint l’insécurité au locuteur ou au scripteur. Les linguistes ignorent souvent l’impact négatif du contact des langues et s’intéressent à ses conséquences positives. Cet article a porté sur les manifestations de l’insécurité linguistique dans la prose romanesque de Kourouma et Badaman. Il a permis de voir que l’usage des langues maternelles dans le français constituait une menace de disparition et d’abâtardissement de la langue française.


Phosphorus and potassium availability and uptake in rice and wheat crop under conventional and conservation agriculture practices

Conservation agricultural (CA) practices prove to be beneficial in terms of resource utilization and maintenance of soil health. Rice-Wheat cropping system (RWCS) is the majorcropping system in Indo-Gangetic plains of India. CA practices are becoming popular in this cropping system as sustainable agricultural management practices. Phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are important primary nutrients and are required for crop growth. A field experiment was conducted during the period of 2015-2017 at Taraori village of Karnal district in Haryanato study the effects of conservation agricultural practices on P and K availability as well as uptake in rice-wheat cropping system. The experiment comprised of four treatments i.e. Transplanted rice + Conventionally tilled wheat (T1), Direct seeded rice + Zero tilled wheat with residue retention (T2), Transplanted rice + Zero tilled wheat (T3) and Transplanted rice + Zero tilled wheat with residue retention (T4). Results showed that P uptake was highest in T4 treatment in wheat crop. P uptake in rice was highest in T4 treatment while direct seeded rice (T2) showed lowest P uptake. CA practices also increased K uptake in both the crops. Practicing zero tillage in wheat increased the availability of soil phosphorus as compared to conventionally tilled treatment with highest value (34 kg ha-1) recorded in T3 treatment. But direct seeded rice soil showed lower values of soil available P. Similar to phosphorus, available potassium of soil also increased in all treatments. Highestvalue (341.5 kg ha-1) of available K was recorded in T4 treatment while it was minimum (307.2 kg ha-1) in T1. Residue incorporation in soil led to more availabilityof K in T2 and T4 treatment. This study features the significance of conservation agricultural practices over conventional practices in terms of increasing the uptake and availability phosphorus and potassium in soil. Key words : Conservation agriculture,

Dr.renu dhupper

Anti-emetic activity of root extract of acalypha ornata hochst

The current study used the chick emesis model to explore the anti-emetic effect of the methanolic extract of Acalypha ornata Hochst—roots. Emesis was induced by the oral administration of copper sulfate to male chicks. Acalypha ornata root extract (150 mg/kg orally) showed an anti-emetic effect and was compared with the reference drug chlorpromazine

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Pharmaceutical situation of the pharmacological treatment of hospitalized patients with covid-19 in libya

By January 2020, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 has spread internationally to a pandemic that mainly targets the respiratory system. The relevant infectious disease has been identified as coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) by World Health Organization and declared as a global pandemic. In Libya, National Center for Disease Control reported the first case of coronavirus disease-2019 on 24th March, 2020. The authorities decided to close borders and activate designated treatment centers to deal with COVID-19 cases and contain the outbreak of SARS-COV-2. This study aimed to assess and evaluate the pharmaceutical situation of medications used in pharmacological management of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Tripoli, Libya. Three WHO availability indicators were selected to be studied and reported. A comprehensive list of medicines used in the management of hospitalized COVID-19 patients was constructed after reviewing and comparing seven national and international pharmacological management protocols and guidelines for hospitalized COVID-19 patients. This comparison revealed that nearly 50 medications are intended for use in COVID-19 inpatient pharmacological management. They all agreed about the use of three medications, representing one from each main class. This list was used to cross check their availability at the chosen designated COVID-19 treatment center. This study proved that local treatment center’s protocol is more in line with international guidelines than the national treatment guideline. The later was issued on March 2020. The Libyan National Essential Medicines’ List contained 25 out of 50 medications of the comprehensive list based on the last update in April 2019. This study recommends that national treatment guidelines and National Essential Medicines’ list require updating. Not all medications used in COVID-19 inpatient management were available in local treatment centers, although, the Emergency Management Department of Ministry of Health in Libya is responsible for the supply of the required medical supplies and medications to the COVID-19 treatment centers.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Synthesis, characterization and dielectric properties of k1-xnaxnbo3

The samples of K1-xNaxNbO3 (X=0.4, 0.2, 0) ceramics (PSN) have been prepared by the conventional solid state reaction method and sintering process. The prepared samples have been characterized by XRD. All the prepared samples show orthorhombic structure at room temperature. Dielectric and Electrical properties of PSN system have been investigated in the temperature range 450C-2450C, and at 1MHz frequency. It is observed that dielectric constant, loss tangent and electrical conductivity increases with increasing temperature. Near the transition temperature dielectric constant, loss tangent and electrical conductivity of these samples show anomalous behaviour with temperature.

Manish uniyal

Anti-emetic activity of some leguminous plants

Crude methanol extracts of the leaves of Adenanthera pavonina L., Peltoforum roxburghii L, Prosopis cineraria L., and Prosopis juliflora DC., were evaluated for anti-emetic activity. Emesis was induced by the oral administration of copper sulphate 50mg/kg body weight to male chicks of four days age. The anti-emetic activity was determined by calculating the mean decrease in number of retching in contrast with those of control. All extracts (150 mg / kg body weight orally) showed anti-emetic activity when compared with standard drug Chlorpromazine at the same dose. Among all the extracts, Prosopis juliflora showed the highest (73.64%) and Adenanthera pavonina showed the lowest (50.17%) anti-emetic activity

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

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