Draft genome sequences of three rhizospheric plant growth- promoting bacteria

Here, we report the draft genome sequences of Bacillus subtilis A1, Sphingobacterium sp. strain A3, and Pseudomonas sp. strain A29; Sphingobacterium sp. A3 and Pseudomonas sp. A29 were identified as Bacillus velezensis strain A3 and Bacillus subtilis strain A29, respectively, after a quality control check of the wholegenome sequences deposited in the NCBI database. These bacteria exhibit tremendous production of siderophores and significant antimicrobial potential. When inoculated on maize, these isolates increase its yield

Oluwaseyi samuel olanrewaju

Purchase decision in e-commerce: utilising celebrity endorsement, advertising appeal, and e-word of mouth

Marketing has now adopted technologies in the attempt to increase brand recognition. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies suffer, yet many even reap more profits, such as e-commerce. The purpose of this research is to figure out whether Celebrity Endorsement, Advertising Appeal, and Electronic Word of Mouth have influence towards customer’s Purchase Decision in one of popular e-commerce in Indonesia called Bukalapak. Through the non-probability sampling type, particularly purposive sampling approach, one hundred respondents are taken as samples. The method in this research is descriptive and causal, and the research type is quantitative research. The data analysis methods used are descriptive statistics, coefficient of correlation, coefficient of determination, linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing through T-Test and F-Test. The T-test shows that Celebrity Endorsement, Advertising Appeal, and Electronic Word of Mouth partially influence the Purchase Decision. The F-Test result shows that all independent variables simultaneously influence Purchase Decision. Out of all, Celebrity Endorsement has the biggest influence on Purchase Decision. The value of coefficient of determination obtained is as much as 80.6% indicating that the customer’s Purchase Decision in Bukalapak is explained by Celebrity Endorsement, Advertising Appeal, and Electronic Word of Mouth. The recommendation given is to ensure the company uses talented and well-known celebrity endorsers, design attractive and unique advertisement, and maintain satisfactory performance to encourage complimentary reviews on its platform.

Lila Maria Kaban Lila maria kaban

Motherhood and switch in her leadership styles in parenting during pandemic – with special reference to child with special needs…

A leader is a person, who influences his followers. The role of leader is often associated with managerial concepts, where a leader leads a team of employees, guides them, motivates them and influences them, in such way that the organisational productivity is honed up. A lot emphasis is on the style of leadership, exhibited by the manager, in honing the productivity of the organisation. According to (Hanvey, 2002; Janus, Kopechanski, Cameron, & Hughes, 2007; Morinaka, 2012; Reio & Fornes, 2011), most parents have dreams and hopes about their children and their lives. But, parents of children with special needs, though have, such dreams and hopes, have a harder time meeting these goals. According to Hanvey (2002), these parents need to devote more time and responsibilities, when it comes to raising a child with special needs, like caring for the child’s physical requirements due to his/ her disability, helping them with their physical and social needs and also help them in developing relationships with the others, so that they get a feeling of belongingness. Families with children having special needs undergo a higher level of stress (Gottfried & McGene, 2013). Families that have children with special needs, go through enormous stress levels, at times even financially stressed are they … (Hanvey, 2002; Moriwaka, 2012). But, Current study focusses on the effective leadership role played by a mother during the Pandemic, which is helping the kids, especially the children with special needs in combating the stress, that they are undergoing. A case of a child, diagnosed with autism(a serious behavioural disorder among young children that now occurs at epidemic rates in developing countries like India), since she turned two and how her mother has been helping her adapt to the new normal of staying home for all her activities and coping up with the increased stress levels.

Nandini Nandini

Peran guru dalam peningkatan kualitas belajar peserta didik pada pembelajaran daring di madrasah ibtidaiyah

In the teaching and learning process, teachers are required to be able to carry out their role to the fullest as a motivator and initiator in an effort to maintain and at the same time increase the enthusiasm of students to learn. Especially in the Covid-19 pandemic situation which requires educational institutions to carry out online learning. This study aims to discuss the teacher's role as a motivator and the teacher's role as an initiator in improving the quality of student learning in online learning at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ma'arif Condro Jember. This research uses qualitative research methods and the type of research is a case study. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. The validity of the data using source triangulation and technical triangulation. Meanwhile, data analysis uses data condensation, data presentation and verification/conclusion. The results of this study indicate: 1) The teacher's role as a motivator in improving the quality of learning in online learning, namely: providing opportunities for students to play an active role in learning, providing reinforcement, praise or verbal appreciation, teachers listening to students' concerns and wishes to bond. good relationship between teachers and students. 2) The role of the teacher as an initiator in improving the quality of learning in online learning, namely: utilizing information and communication technology such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Google Meet and Google Form. Dalam proses belajar mengajar, guru dituntut untuk mampu melaksanakan perannya secara maksimal menjadi motivator dan inisiator dalam upaya menjaga dan sekaligus meningkatkan semangat belajar peserta didik. Terlebih dalam situasi pandemi Covid-19 yang menuntut lembaga pendidikan untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran secara Daring. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang peran guru sebagai motivator dan peran guru sebagai inisiator dalam meningkatan kualitas belajar peserta didik pada pembelajaran daring di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ma’arif Condro Jember. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan jenis penelitiannya adalah studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Sedangkan analisis data menggunakan kondensasi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi/kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: 1) Peran guru sebagai motivator dalam meningkatkan kualitas belajar pada pembelajaran daring yaitu: memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk berperan aktif dalam pembelajaran, memberikan penguatan, pujian atau apresiasi secara verbal, guru mendengarkan keresahan dan keinginan peserta didik agar terjalin ikatan yang baik antara guru dan peserta didik. 2) Peran guru sebagai inisiator dalam meningkatkan kualitas belajar pada pembelajaran daring yaitu: memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi seperti Whatsapp, Facebook, Google Meet dan Google Form.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

An application of modified path matrix approach for detection of isomorphism among epicyclic gear trains

The identification of isomorphism in epicyclic gear trains has been found a lot of attention by researchers for the last few years. Various methods have been suggested by different authors for the detection of isomorphism in planer kinematic chains and epicyclic gear trains (EGTs), but everyone has found some difficulties to address new issues. In this paper, a modified path matrix approach was presented in order to compare all the distinct geared kinematic mechanisms. A new method based on the matrix approach and corresponding train values is required to identify isomorphism among epicyclic gear trains and their mechanisms. The proposed method was examined on the basis of various examples from four-link, five-link, six links, and eight-link one-degree-of-freedom EGTs and six links two-degree-of-freedom EGTs. All the examples have been found satisfactory results with existing literature.

Jiyaul mustafa

Phytochemical constituent, cytotoxic activity and outcome on wheat growth parameters possessed by extracts of seaweed collected from libyan coast

Algae are used by human beings for food from ancient times, as they contain a wide range of elements. Using inexpensive, in-house bioassays for screening and monitoring of extracts where the aim of these bioassays is to provide a front-line screen that can be followed up by more specific and expensive bioassays. The phytochemical screening, assessment of toxicity and effects on growth parameters of Traticum sativum of ethanol and dichloromethane extracts of five macro-algal species (two green, two brown and one red) collected from Libyan coast were studied. The Brine shrimp lethality assay was conducted to determine the toxic effects of seaweed extracts on Artemia Salina nauplii larvae and this was to provide a front-line screen that can be backed up by specific and expensive bioassays once the active compounds have been isolated. The effect of seaweeds liquid fertilizer on growth parameters of Traticum sativum were examined using in vitro seed germination in petri dishes bioassay. Seed germination percentage, fresh and dry weight, shoots length and roots length were the parameters recorded in young seedlings post germination. Ethanolic and dichloromethane extracts of the five algae samples represented the presence of several chemical constituents. All extracts exhibited LC50 > 1000 μg per ml. In this study, all algal extracts are non-toxic according to Brine shrimp lethality assay so they may be considered as edible seaweeds. Different effects on growth parameters of Traticum sativum suggested the presence of micro-elements, macro-elements and different concentrations of plant growth hormones.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Penanaman karakter pada siswa melalui kegiatan intrakurikuler dan ekstrakurikuler di sekolah dasar terpadu islam

Character education is an effort to foster and shape student character according to school culture. The research objective was to describe the process of cultivating character in students through school intracurricular and extracurricular activities. The research method with qualitative, data collection with interview, observation, and documentation. The results showed (1) character planting through intracurricular activities with (a) strengthening learning, namely character building in accordance with the theme or material, and (b) spiritual paradigm by inserting Islamic values ??in the learning process. (2) character planting through extracurricular activities with (a) scouts, namely forming leadership characters, being independent, solving problems, and loving nature, (b) leadership, forming leadership characters, responsibility, and making decisions, (c) painting, forming detailed, focused, creative characters , (d) martial art, forming tough, skilled characters, (e) reciting recitation, forming religious, moral, orderly characters, (f) child preachers, forming brave characters, positive thinking, art of communication, influencing others. Pendidikan karakter merupakan upaya membina dan membentuk karakter siswa sesuai dengan budaya sekolah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan proses penanaman karakter siswa melalui kegiatan intrakurikuler dan ekstrakurikuler di sekolah. Metode penelitian dengan kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: (1) Penanaman karakter melalui kegiatan intrakurikuler dengan cara (a) Penguatan pembelajaran yaitu pembentukan karakter yang sesuai dengan tema atau materi, dan (b) paradigma spriritual dengan menyisipkan nilai keislaman dalam proses pembelajaran. (2) Penanaman karakter melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, (a) Pramuka yaitu membentuk karakter kepemimpinan, mandiri, memecahkan masalah, dan cinta alam, (b) Kepemimpinan, membentuk karakter kepemimpinan, tanggung jawab, dan membuat keputusan, (c) Melukis, membentuk karakter detail, fokus, kreatif, (d) Pencak silat, membentuk karakter tangguh, terampil, (e) Mengaji, membentuk karakter religious, akhlak, tertib, (f) Pendakwah cilik, membentuk karakter berani, berfikir positif, seni komunikasi, mempengaruhi orang lain.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Bioefficacy and persistency of insecticides against blister beetle, mylabris pustulata (thunb.) in pigeonpea, cajanus -cajan (l.) millsp

Blister beetle, Mylabris pustulata (Thunb.) is a polyphagous pest attacking flowers of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan), cotton (Gossypium sp), lady’s finger (Abelmoschus esculentus), mungbean (Vigna radiata), urdbean (Vigna mungo), ricebean (Vigna umbellata) etc. throughout the country. Because of its polyphagous feeding nature and hard protective adaptation against insecticides, long term management of this pest with a single molecule is difficult. Therefore, field cum laboratory experiments were carried out for three consecutive cropping seasons during kharif 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 to find out the persistence and efficacy of different insecticides. It was found that decamethrin 2.8EC was 3334 times toxic with lowest LC50 value (0.0000563) followed by monocrotophos 36SL as compared with endosulfan which was the least toxic with LC50 value (0.1877). Insecticides evaluated for their persistent toxicity during 2009-10 revealed that decamethrin and thiodicarb caused cent per cent mortality of adult blister beetle immediately after spray. At 8th days after spraying, decamethrin caused 60 per cent mortality. Insecticides evaluated for their efficacy during the year 2010-11 revealed that the plants were found free from adult blister beetle population in treatments involving decamethrin and cypermethrin even at ten days after spray. Among all the treatments, spraying of thiodicarb 75WP @ 625 g ha-1 provided the highest grain yield (18.87 q ha-1). Maximum cost-benefit ratio was observed in monocrotophos 36SL, cypermethrin 25EC and decamethrin 2.8EC

DR. BABU LAL JAT Dr. babu lal jat

“recession affects many factors”

Recession affects many factors; it affects the export, Slowdown of the industrial production, which result into slowdown of growth. Human resource management is responsible for how people are treated in organizations. It is responsible for bringing people into the organization, helping them perform their work, compensating them for their labours, and solving problems that arise. Recession presents a very difficult time for any existing organization in today’s corporate world and no company is exempted from this truth. The biggest challenge for companies and especially Human Resource in this economy downturn is to survive and to remain competitive, companies reorganized and reengineered to reduce waste. Recession poses unique challenges to the HR department. HRM strategies & innovations providing a wide selection of employees, employers, customers, suppliers etc. in all ranges This paper outlines the transformation of HRM strategies and innovations in Asia. Beginning with its inception, the paper is progresses towards its various HRM functions like recruitment and selection of employee, training and development, compensation and benefits, growth of Human communication, This paper also highlights HRM strategies to counter intensified competition and external conditions like global economic recession, the resultant credit crunch and its impact on employee performance.

Dr. Pankaj Shyamlalji Vishwakarma Dr. pankaj shyamlalji vishwakarma

L’usage des langues maternelles dans le français chez ahmadou kourouma et maurice bandaman : insécurité dans la littérature francophone

Les études sur la langue française la présente souvent dans des situations où elle est en contact avec les langues africaines. Elle co-apparait avec les langues africaines dans les discours romanesques. Cette co-apparition n’est pas sans conséquences pour les deux langues en contact. Certains linguistes, surtout les sociolinguistes et les didacticiens, parlent d’insécurité linguistique. Ils la lient à toutes les situations linguistiques où deux langues entrent en contact. Ngamassu (2007, p.94) dit dans ce sens que « toute situation de contact des langues est source d’insécurité linguistique, car aucun locuteur/scripteur ne peut maîtriser toutes les variétés ou niveaux d’une langue ». Cette affirmation restreint l’insécurité au locuteur ou au scripteur. Les linguistes ignorent souvent l’impact négatif du contact des langues et s’intéressent à ses conséquences positives. Cet article a porté sur les manifestations de l’insécurité linguistique dans la prose romanesque de Kourouma et Badaman. Il a permis de voir que l’usage des langues maternelles dans le français constituait une menace de disparition et d’abâtardissement de la langue française.


A study on the cause of stress among employees in private banking sector

Purpose of this study is examining the cause of stress among selected private banking employees. Stratified sampling method was used to carry out the data collection. For this employee of various private banks were chosen. A questionnaire with 12 items with dichotomous (Yes-1, NO-2) were developed and tested for reliability and prior to the distribution of questionnaire. 253 respondents were selected from various private banks in Mysore district, Karnataka state India. The survey questionnaire was sent via email, requesting to complete it. The questionnaire includes 11 demographic information’s and statements to measure. Chi-Square analysis was carried out to examine the cause of stress among employee using SPSS21. We found that designations have significant influence on employee and The other factors of do not have any significant influence on employee. Therefore we concluded that in private banks demographic variable such as designation creates stress in all aspects. Future research should consider a larger sample from leading sectors where job natures are similar. Analysis should be more rigorous, where Amos could be used for analysis.

Dr MANJUNATHA M K Dr manjunatha m k

Antiemetic activity of tithonia diversifolia (hemsl.) a. gray leaves in copper sulfate induced chick emesis model

The current study was designed to explore the antiemetic effect of the methanolic extract of Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray., leaves using chick emesis model to validate their folk use in G.I. disorders. Emesis was induced by the oral administration of copper sulfate 50mg/kg body weight to male chicks of four days of age. The antiemetic activity was determined by calculating the mean decrease in the number of retching compared to the control. Tithonia diversifolia leaves extract (150 mg/kg orally) showed a significant (p <0.05) antiemetic effect and was compared with the reference drug chlorpromazine.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Axiology of gender bias- and compliments of empowerment in the life of women empowerment.

Gender Bias is an ambivalent issue all over the world. Understanding the values of being a man on women by one another may solve many consequences in future. Gender Bias will be dismissed by empowering women in the society. Because of the Gender Bias particularly women are in despaired state. UNO and many organizations have taken many decisions and efforts to empower women which will reduce the impacts of Gender Bias. Even though women are empowered we didn’t get remarkable result yet. Even our society is ridicule get ride from traditional customs but women themselves are opponent for accepting new rules and liberations. Empowering women is a mandated one; it is not implemented properly empower must bring the equal rights to women.

Priya darshini Priya darshini

Vendors on the streets: their situation and issues (with special reference of lucknow district, uttar pradesh)

Vending on the street is a worldwide fact and the most able to be seen component of the casual economy. Street vending, like other informal sectors, is characterised by low pay, ease of entrance, self-employment, and a huge number of individuals. Millions of individuals make a livelihood selling a variety of products and services on the street in cities and towns all over the globe. Despite the popular assumption that street selling would decline as the economy improves and wealth rises, it is on the rise in many areas. Because of their poor level of education and abilities, street sellers are often individuals who are not capable to get usual employment in the remunerative recognized sector. They attempt to address their financial issues by relying on their own limited financial resources. They are primary sharing route for a wide range of the daily-use goods, such as fruits, vegetables, ready-to-wear clothes, home appliances, stationery, toys, newspapers, magazines and shoes among others. If they be removed from the urban marketplaces, it would create serious problem for vegetable and fruit growers and small-scale businesses that couldn't afford to sell their goods via the formal sector's costly distribution networks. The significance of this industry can not be overstated, particularly given the government's inability to offer employment to India's millions of jobless and underemployed citizens. Even the corporate sector can only absorb a small part of our growing workforce. Overall, employment in the official sector is decreasing, leaving the majority of Indians to fend for themselves. If governments wish to decrease unemployment and poverty in our nation, they should support people in the informal sector to develop and thrive. They play an important part in the economic development and growth of local economy. Municipal authorities see street sellers as nuisances and the encroachers on sidewalks pavements and they are unappreciative of the important services that the street vendors offer to the world's common public. Vendors on the street offer essential services to urban people while surviving on their own business, limited resources, and labour. The state government and municipal authorities have been asked to provide security for street sellers so that they may make a living without fear.

Dr. Amarjeet Singh Dr. amarjeet singh

A study on corporate social responsibility – a case study with reliance industries

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially accountable—to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. Reliance Foundation (RF) is a not-for-profit organization established by RIL to bring about changes in Indian society seamlessly. CSR is for the community, it is equally valuable for a company. CSR activities can help forge a stronger bond between employees and corporations, boost morale and help both employees and employers feel more connected with the world.

Vidya Bhat Vidya bhat

Feedback mechanisms of school heads on teacher performance

The use of performance feedback in the workplace has gained popularity over the years, yet school heads have been challenged in providing it to teachers. In the initial interview, they shared that evaluation results can impact teachers’ motivation, and that feedback should be done carefully. However, they failed to clearly articulate a specific mechanism that had been applied in this vital role. Also, no studies have provided clear detail on the feedback mechanism used by school heads in the past. For this reason, a study explored the feedback mechanisms employed by school heads in conveying the performance evaluation results to teachers. This study employed a narrative inquiry, and interviews were conducted with five school heads and five teachers who were chosen purposively for this research. Responses were recorded using a voice recorder. These responses were transcribed and analyzed using thematic narrative analysis. Based on transcripts, the study identified six emergent themes, such as conversational (one-on-one), relational, reflective, technical, reinforcing, and properly situated mechanisms in conveying performance evaluation results to teachers. Thus, a new feedback mechanism framework was developed.

Manuel Caingcoy Manuel caingcoy

Mechanism of ibuprofen release from chitosan granules

Attempts have been made to formulate controlled release drug dosage forms using chitosan as a release controlling polymer. Granules of combination of chitosan, hydroxylpropyl cellulose, lactose, starch and Ibuprofen were prepared by wet granulation method using 1.0% lactic acid solution. The granules were physico-chemically characterized in terms of density, porosity, angle of repose, carr’s index and housner ratio and was found to be free flowing with good compressibility. FTIR spectroscopy was used and confirmed that there is no interaction between the drug and the added polymers. In vitro release of Ibuprofen, in phosphate buffer at pH 7.4, showed a steady and slow increase in the percentage of drug released over 24 hours as the percentage of chitosan was increased in the formulations compared to that from commercial tablets which released over 80.0% of their content in only two hours. The kinetic analysis using different mathematical models of the data revealed that the release kinetics of the drug form these formulations is somewhere between diffusion controlled, Fickian (anomalous) and non-Fickian which refers to a combination of diffusion and erosion controlled release. Thus, the high correlation coefficient of the data of drug release from most granules when zero order kinetics was applied revealed that there is a constant drug release with time for 24 hours.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Phosphate type kidney stone (brushite) formation in gel: a morphological study on growth patterns to evaluate natural antiurolithiatic drugs

Brushites are the most commonly found phosphate stones in the kidneys, ureters and urinary bladder. The study was conducted to observe the possible growth patterns of brushite crystals in the gel for 14 days. The crystal formation was observed as a bullet, needle, platy, columnar shaped and their aggregates. Magono and Lee's meteorological classification further explained these shapes. Besides the morphology, the average size, number and weight of crystals were also observed on the 7th and 14th days. Energy Dispersive X-ray, Fourier Transform Infra Red spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy were used to characterize the crystals. These results can help to determine the promotion, modulation and inhibition of the crystals, which will be helpful in evaluating the risk factors and prophylactic management of brushite-type urinary stones.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Mokhtar r. haman: a dedication to his memory

It is with more sorrow and tremendous sadness we remember the death of our colleague the Libyan pharmacist, professor Mokhtar Ramadan Haman, at his home in Tripoli, Libya after long-suffering from brain cancer. He died on 02, February 2017 and his immaculate corpse was buried on the following day at the Souk-Al-Ahad cemetery, Bin Ghashir Palace. Professor Haman, was born in Tripoli, Libya, on January 1, 1957. He obtained his Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences in 1981 at the University of Tripoli and his Ph.D. in Pharmacognosy in 1989 at Cardiff University, UK.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Cryptogenetic ischemic stroke : the role of patent foramen ovale closure

Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is an embryonic interatrialdefect potentially associated withischemic cerebralstrokes. One option is the occlusion of the atrial shunt byendovascular means. This procedure is recommendedfor patients with a history of cryptogenic strokes.Patent foramen ovales (PFOs) are common in the general population (prevalence 20-30%) and do not constitute a pathology in their own terms. Nevertheless, a association has been established between the occurrence of certain cryptogenic ischemic strokes and the presence of a PFO. The risk appears higher when septal patency is associated with atrial septal aneurysm (ASA). The aim of this presentation is to study the association between the PFO and the occurrence of ischemic stroke, and the benefits of its closure.

Kalkoul hamza Kalkoul hamza

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