Behavioural effects of vitamin c with haloperidol in mice

Vitamin C causes a significant change in pharmacological effects of some drugs which may lead to unpredictable responses. Vitamin C-haloperidol interaction has not been confirmed in vivo. This study was aimed to investigate the influence of vitamin C on some pharmacological effects of haloperidol (extrapyramidal side effects caused by the antipsychotic haloperidol). Albino male mice (n = 24, body weight of 20 - 40 gm) were divided into four groups and each of consists of six mice. Group I (control): given 1% Tween 80 solution, group II: given vitamin C in a dose of 100 mg/kg, group III: given haloperidol (2 mg/kg), while group IV: given a combination of vitamin C and haloperidol. All the treatments were given by intraperitoneal route of administration. Three sub-acute doses of different treatments were given at 24:0, 5:0, 1:0 hour before scoring. Parameters scored were catalepsy, ptosis, rigidity and akinesia. The experiment was repeated using vitamin C in a dose of 500 mg/kg. Both doses of 100 and 500 mg/kg of vitamin C significantly antagonized the effect of haloperidol by decreasing all the tested parameters. The results indicate that vitamin C decreases extrapyramidal side effects caused by the antipsychotic haloperidol and show that it successfully decreases catalepsy, ptosis, rigidity and akinesia in mice.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Strategic international business management - lidl plans

Will discuss how the German giant Lidl plans to take expansionary steps in a Mexican or Norwegian market to add to its success records in the European and North American markets. Lidl began modestly in 1973 with a small shop that runs three members and offers 500 products to 10,500 stores in 29 countries. Lidl has many pros, plus the disadvantages to consider when evaluating the components available in each country, both the pros and cons of this analysis will be reviewed using PESTLE, five- force models, internal value-activities, international business being able to. Accordingly, the next targeted expansion decision will be made.

Mohamed Sorogy Mohamed sorogy

Bank liquidity risk and bank credit risk: implication on bank stability in ghana

Bank sector crisis across the globe is largely blamed on the joint effort of bank liquidity and bank credit risks. And so, the twin concepts of liquidity and credit risks have come under keen academic scrutiny, especially in investment finance. Contributing to the extant literature on these developments, secondary data were obtained from the websites of nine banks in Ghana, spanning 2008 to 2018, to determine how liquidity and credit risks separately and interactively impact bank stability in Ghana. Analysis of data was done using a panel regression through the fixed effects model after running the Hausman Test. The study confirms an inverse liquidity risk-bank stability relationship, emphasising the need to channel idle funds into interest-earning securities to consolidate bank profits. Although a further revelation suggests an insignificant negative relationship between credit risk and bank stability, it re-echoes the need to implement policy recommendations made by the Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Institutions’ ACT 2016 (ACT 930), section 62 of Ghana, on the threshold to lend funds to clients. The bank-size-stability relationship was positive. Increasing bank size through establishing more branches nationwide is encouraged but to a precautionary level since banks tend to suffer diseconomies of large scale operations due to unregulated expansion. There is the need to observe the Basel III provisions on maintenance of a 30-day optimum liquidity threshold of up to 100% and above. Besides, banks should tighten up their credit requirements and also ensure loan repayments history is monitored to benefit clients who are in good standing.

Juabin matey

A comprehensive glimpse on globally used antiurolithiatic plants of convolvulaceae, costaceae, ebenaceae, fagaceae, hypericaceae, lauraceae, liliaceae and lythraceae

Urolithiasis is a common worldwide problem with high recurrence. This review covers Convolvulaceae seven (07), Costaceae four (04), Ebenaceae four (04), Fagaceae six (06), Hypericaceae eight (08), Lauraceae nine (09), Liliaceae twelve (12) and Lythraceae three (03) plants used globally in different countries. Hopefully, this review will be helpful for the general public and attract the scientific world for antiurolithiatic drug discovery.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Ethnopharmacology- drug discovery from treasure house of ancient wisdom

Ethnopharmacology is an information exchange and understanding about people's use of plants, fungi, animals, microorganisms and minerals to discover a a wealth of helpful therapeutic agents and explore their toxic potential passed On by oral tradition or in written documented form Materia medica. This study area provides a scientific backbone for developing active therapeutics based on the traditional medicine of various ethnic groups. It is the interdisciplinary scientific exploration of biologically active agents traditionally employed or observed by man. The broad spectrum Of this domain covers social (anthropology), chemical (chemistry), biological (botany, biochemistry, microbiology) and pharmaceutical sciences (pharmacognosy, pharmacology and clinical therapeutics). Many valuable drugs of today (e.g., atropine, ephedrine, tubocurarine, digoxin and reserpine) have been used by studying indigenous remedies. Chemists continue to use plant-derived drugs (e.g., morphine, taxol, physostigmine. quinidine and emetine) as prototypes in their attempts to develop more effective and less toxic medicines. Currently, USP and BP contain many active ingredients/excipients from natural sources. Its objectives include the preservation of indigenous medical knowledge to understand the pharmacological basis Of herbal medicine; scientific study of indigenous drugs to contribute in the long run to promote or improve primary health care in regions of study; search for pharmacologically unique principles from existing indigenous remedies; finding a valid reason to guard the rainforests or to engage in conservation; establish gene banks and libraries of plant extracts for future biological evaluation: well-established germplasm banks for essential crops. Ethnopharmacology can be an innovative and powerful discovery engine for newer, safer, and more affordable medicines from the treasure house (traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples) of ancient wisdom.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

The reliability and validity of the vietnamese translation of same-sex marriage scale

Vietnam, in many ways, remains a Confucian nation. The Confucian heritage touches many aspects of people’s lives. In this context, homosexuals do not face severe punishments, but face social stigma or public misunderstanding. Same-Sex Marriage is also not accepted because of limited legal support. Therefore, there is a need to study attitudes towards same-sex marriage in Vietnam. The purpose of this article was to validate a Vietnamses version of the Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Marriage Scale (ATSM) designed by Pearl & Galupo (2007) in a Vietnamese population. The sample in this study was 570 students from six universities in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The data collection method used was face-to-face questionnaire. Students completed the Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Marriage Scale and other variables in the questionnaire. The respondent’s characteristics also explored through the survey include: gender, what year students are from, religion of the students, what region students are from and their ethnicity. The study found the Vietnamese translation of the ATSM scale both reliable and valid and suitable for research use.

Le Minh Tien Le minh tien

Dosing in the neonatal intensive care unit

Over the years, pharmacy has developed from a simple floor stock system to a complex unit dose, I.V. additive, and clinical pharmacy program. This development would have never been possible without the support of the nursing, medical, and administrative staff. The support of obtained slowly by developing services that increase the pharmacist's credibility as a team member concerned with the pediatric and neonate patients. These services include a unit dose program, I.V. additive program, drug information services, and pharmacy medication program. One area in which pharmacist does not obtain a background from generalized training is the area of pediatric dosing. Pediatric pharmacists must learn in clinical practice the proper dosing of the pediatric patient and neonate patient. The dose must be checked periodically. In the premature or newborn infant, the pharmacist must consider the immature renal and hepatic function so that he/she does not overdose initially and then underdose as the infant grows and matures. Neonates are a special group of children, they are less than 30 days, and within this group preterm babies (that means less than 37 weeks). Determining the correct dose for drugs used to treat neonates is a critically vital factor. Prematurity affects kidney and liver function and the proper adjustment of drug doses is crucial [1]. The absence of drug level necessitates the adjustment of drug doses and the presence of qualified oriented dependable pharmacists. Drug doses are not numbers, or decimals used within the therapeutic range. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) needs a system for the calculation and preparation of drugs [2].

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

The beginnings of the organization of the kosovo liberation army in the lap operational subzone december 1995 – june 1998

The study, “The beginnings of the organization of the Kosovo Liberation Army in the Lap Operational Subzone December 1995 – June 1998,” as its object of study has the period of the Kosovo Liberation War in the years 1998-1999. This study touches upon the historical dimension of the efforts and sacrifices of Albanians found in the Serbian-Yugoslav area against their will.This study’s main topic is the beginnings of the organization in the Lap Operational Subzone (LOSz) as a significant part of the KLA. The study has undergone a scientific analysis based on sources of all kinds. The analysis included LOSz’s position in the KLA structure: the mission and duties during the liberation war, the governing bodies at the beginning of the LOSz organization and their functional organization, as well as the battles and downfalls of the freedom fighters. Historical literature, feuilletons, scientific papers, as well as interviews with famous personalities, were used to shed more light on the organization and the war in LOSz. This topic covers an essential segment of the Kosovo Liberation War period 1998-1999 And contributes towards the complete enlightenment of this historical period, especially in this region. Therefore, hopefully, this study will build interest and create perspectives for new studies of this nature.


Early diagnosis model of alzheimer’s disease based on hybrid meta heuristic with regression based multi feed forward neural network

Alzheimer Disease is a chronic neurological brain disease. Early diagnosis of Alzheimer illness may the prevent the occurrence of memory cellular injury. Neuropsychological tests are commonly used to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease. The above technique, has a limited specificity and sensitivity. This article suggests solutions to this issue an early diagnosis model of Alzheimer’s disease based on a hybrid meta-heuristic with a multi-feed-forward neural network. The proposed Alzheimer’s disease detection model includes four major phases: pre-processing, feature extraction, feature selection and classification (disease detection). Initially, the collected raw data is pre-processed using the SPMN12 package of MATLAB. Then, from the pre-processed data, the statistical features (mean, median and standard deviation) and DWT are extracted. Then, from the extracted features, the optimal features are selected using the new Hybrid Sine cosine firefly (HSCAFA). This HSCAFA is a conceptual improvement of standard since cosine optimization and firefly optimization algorithm, respectively. Finally, the disease detection is accomplished via the new regression- based multi-faith neighbors’ network (MFNN). The final detected outcome is acquired from regression-based MFNN. The proposed methodology is performed on the PYTHON platform and the performances are evaluated by the matrices such as precision, recall, and accuracy.

Dr. Rajasekhar Butta Dr. rajasekhar butta

An application of modified path matrix approach for detection of isomorphism among epicyclic gear trains

The identification of isomorphism in epicyclic gear trains has been found a lot of attention by researchers for the last few years. Various methods have been suggested by different authors for the detection of isomorphism in planer kinematic chains and epicyclic gear trains (EGTs), but everyone has found some difficulties to address new issues. In this paper, a modified path matrix approach was presented in order to compare all the distinct geared kinematic mechanisms. A new method based on the matrix approach and corresponding train values is required to identify isomorphism among epicyclic gear trains and their mechanisms. The proposed method was examined on the basis of various examples from four-link, five-link, six links, and eight-link one-degree-of-freedom EGTs and six links two-degree-of-freedom EGTs. All the examples have been found satisfactory results with existing literature.

Jiyaul mustafa

Faktor-faktor kesulitan belajar matematika siswa madrasah ibtidaiyah da’watul falah kecamatan tegaldlimo kabupaten banyuwangi

Salah satu mata pelajaran yang dianggap sulit oleh siswa adalah matematika. Sehingga pelajaran ini kurang diminati siswa. Permasalahan inilah yang menyebabkan banyak siswa mengalami kesulitan belajar matematika. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu: Kesulitan Belajar Matematika Siswa MI Da’watul Falah Kecamatan Tegaldlimo Kabupaten Banyuwangi Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019? Sedangkan tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kesulitan belajar matematika siswa MI Da’watul Falah Kecamatan Tegaldlimo Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian fenomenologi. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan analisis data menggunakan model analisis Miles, Huberman dan Saldana yaitu data Condensation, data Display, serta Conclusion drawing/verivication. Adapun pengecekan keabsahan data yang digunakan adalah triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kesulitan belajar matematika siswa disebabkan salahnya mindset yang dibangun dari awal oleh siswa, sehingga mereka kesulitan dalam memahami materi yang diajarkan di kelas. Adapun faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kesulitan belajar terdiri dari faktor internal dan faktor eksternal.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Symmetric key cryptosystem based on randomized block cipher

Multimedia data encryption attempts to prevent unauthorized disclosure of confidential multimedia information in transit or storage. Security of multimedia files attracts more and more attention and many encryption methods have been proposed in literature. If we call a multimedia data stream (message) plaintext , the process of transforming the plaintext into unintelligible data stream is referred to as multimedia encryption (MME) where the encrypted message (data stream) is often named ciphertext. The process of transforming the ciphertext back into plaintext is termed decryption. We propose a new block cipher based on randomized key of size n × n where n is the block size and the block undergoes n 2 iterations with the plaintext. Every iteration generates the pseudo cipher text. The encryption process generate the ciphertext C with the help of the randomized key. The decryption apply the key in reverse order on the cipher text, to get back the plain text. This work deals with the problem of efficient multimedia data encryption.

S arul jothi

N-gram-based machine learning approach for bot or human detection from text messages

Social bots are computer programs created for automating general human activities like the generation of messages. The rise of bots in social network platforms has led to malicious activities such as content pollution like spammers or malware dissemination of misinformation. Most of the researchers focused on detecting bot accounts in social media platforms to avoid the damages done to the opinions of users. In this work, n-gram based approach is proposed for a bot or human detection. The content-based features of character n-grams and word n-grams are used. The character and word n-grams are successfully proved in various authorship analysis tasks to improve accuracy. A huge number of n-grams is identified after applying different pre-processing techniques. The high dimensionality of features is reduced by using a feature selection technique of the Relevant Discrimination Criterion. The text is represented as vectors by using a reduced set of features. Different term weight measures are used in the experiment to compute the weight of n-grams features in the document vector representation. Two classification algorithms, Support Vector Machine, and Random Forest are used to train the model using document vectors. The proposed approach was applied to the dataset provided in PAN 2019 competition bot detection task. The Random Forest classifier obtained the best accuracy of 0.9456 for bot/human detection.

Chandra sekhar sanaboina

Improvement of injection conditions for zone electrophoresis of proteins in capillaries coated with n, n-didodecyl-n, n-dimethylammonium bromide

Fused silica capillaries treated with N, N-didodecyl-N, N-dimethylammonium bromide was used in capillary electrophoresis to separate basic proteins using ammonium acetate as BGE at pH 4.0, 70 mM. This surfactant forms a semi-stable coating that provides a strong anodic electroosmosis; however, such coating must regularly be regenerated to maintain efficiency and reproducibility. The temporal stability of the coating was greatly improved by a new procedure as described in previously study by our group. In this study, it is found such experimental conditions that the starting zone could be enriched without loss of sample. The injection of a short plug of the BGE diluted 100 times for 3 sec in 50 µm i.d. capillaries behind the sample zone at 15 kV gave the best performance, whereas, a plug of lower dilution degree (10 times) in 25 µm i.d injected for 3 sec at the same field strength gave the optimum results for this dimension. In conclusion, those conditions were found to effectively decrease the loss of sample and to give a higher separation performance in regard to peak efficiency and resolution compared to injecting the sample without a plug.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

A review of rusle model

In this paper, we attempted to review the soil erosion studies conducted throughout the globe using Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). We searched the SCI, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar database and various theses for this study. Though RUSLE is the most widely used model for estimation of soil erosion, the factors, namely rainfall erosivity, soil erodibility, slope length and steepness, cover management and conservation practice; vary greatly over different climatic zones, soil properties, slope, land cover and crop phase, respectively. Depending upon those variations, researchers have developed various sets of equations for different factors of RUSLE. These equations can be useful to map soil loss for many places on this planet.

Kaushik Ghosal Kaushik ghosal

Occurrence of haemoparasites in cattle slaughtered at jalingo abattoir, north-eastern nigeria

Livestock plays a significant role in the economy of a nation but its productivity can be hampered by numerous haemoparasites thereby leading to economic losses to the livestock industry. The prevalence of haemoparasite in cattle slaughtered at the Jalingo abattoir was investigated. A total of four hundred blood samples were collected at the point of slaughter, processed, and screened for haemoparasites by examining Giemsa-stained thin blood smears. An overall prevalence of 12.25% was recorded. Four haemoparasites of cattle with prevalence rates of 5.0%, 6.75%, 0.25%, and 0.25% for Anaplasma, Babesia, Microfilaria and Trypanosoma respectively were observed. The prevalence of haemoparasite in relation to sex, revealed higher infection in females (13.75%) than in males (10.0%) which were not found statistically different (P > 0.05). All breeds encountered during the study were infected with haemoparasites with the highest prevalence of 13.91 % recorded in White Fulani, Red Bororo (10.94%), and Sokoto Gudali (10.00 %), while Adamawa Gudali had the least prevalence of 0.5%. There was no statistically significant difference in the prevalence of haemoparasite in relation to breeds (P > 0.05). High prevalence was observed in the young (14.29%) more than the adult (11.59%) and older (12.14%). The current study has revealed the haemoparasites status in cattle slaughtered at Jalingo abattoir. Therefore, there is a need for effective preventive and control policy of these haemoparasites to enhance livestock productivity

Bitrus Inuwa Bitrus inuwa

Classic and alternative disinfection practices for preventing of hospital-acquired infections: a systemic review

Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection technologies are well-known tools for microbial prevention in indoor public places which are frequently employed for disinfecting air, surfaces, and water. Such technologies have drawn a great deal of interest due to its potential application, especially in the domain of healthcare. This article discusses the shortcomings of chemical disinfectants and analyzes the current research standing on the development of various types of UV disinfection technologies for their prospective usage in the healthcare industry. Furthermore, the article provides a thorough analysis and in-depth evaluation of the current antibacterial studies using UV lamps and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for the treatment of frequently encountered pathogens associated with healthcare. According to the systematic review, UV-LEDs have shown to be a potential source for delivering disinfection which is equally efficient or more effective than traditionally used UV lamps. The findings also provide valuable considerations for potentially substituting conventional lamps with LEDs that would be less expensive, more efficient, more robust, non-fragile and safer. With greater effectiveness and advantages, UV-LEDs have shown to be the potential UV source that could fundamentally be able to transform the disinfection industry. Therefore, the study supports the employment of UV-LED technology as a better and workable approach for effective disinfection applications. The study also offers insightful information that will help to direct future studies in the domain of hygienic practices used in healthcare facilities.

Jahanzeb Jahanzeb

Rice bean (vigna umbellata) the forgotten gold: unraveling the commercial, nutritional and medicinal value

Rice bean (Vigna Umbellata), a traditional crop cultivated across South, Southeast, and East Asia, is characterized by its wild variety spanning the tropical monsoon forest climatic zone. Despite its vast nutritional and production potential, falling within the leguminous family Fabaceae, the rice bean represents one of many underutilized crops. Indigenous to South and Southeast Asian regions, particularly hilly areas, rice bean is cultivated alongside crops like maize, forming an integral part of impoverished farming communities' livelihoods. Despite its extensive utilization in traditional practices, its commercial significance remains largely unrecognized. However, recent attention has been drawn to the rice bean's nutritional richness, bioactive compounds, and various medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antidiabetic effects. This significant attention underscores its potential for commercialization and contribution to improving the livelihoods of underprivileged populations. Furthermore, its cultivation and processing give rise to diverse products, reflecting its cultural significance and adaptability across different regions.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Yield analysis of maize hybrids lenient to turcicum leaf blight disease in southern districts of karnataka

Yield Analysis of Maize Hybrids Lenient to Turcicum Leaf Blight Disease in Southern Districts of Karnataka

Veerabhadraswamy AL Veerabhadraswamy al

Research capability of teachers: its correlates, determinants and implications for continuing professional development

Recently, research capability has received an overwhelming and remarkable interest among academics and practitioners. This is timely since the Department of Education had institutionalized research and encouraged teachers to engage in it to support evidence-based practice, decision-making, policy, and program development. On these premises, a study was carried out to assess the research capability of public teachers in Malaybalay City, determine its correlates and determinants. It utilized descriptive, correlational, and explanatory designs. It administered survey questionnaires to 92 participants. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed that teachers were slightly capable of conducting research and having neutral attitudes toward it, motivated to write research, had a high level of difficulties in research processes, and moderately capable of action planning. They also show evidence of potential in mentoring. Further, mentoring and action planning skills, motivation to write research, attitudes toward research, and the number of studies completed by teachers were the correlates of their research capability at different magnitudes of the relationship. Notably, the research capability of teachers had a low, negative but significant relationship with their age and accumulated years of service. Thus, this capability deteriorates as they age and accumulate years of service. The motivation to write research, the number of studies completed, and age were the determinants of research capability. It was concluded that research capability can be determined and predicted by how motivated teachers are to write research, how productive they are in research, and how young they are when they engage in this rigorous endeavor. The study identified and recommended topics for continuing professional development.

Manuel Caingcoy Manuel caingcoy

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