Effect of resveratrol on total protein and albumin in type 2 diabetes wound healing in rats

Resveratrol, a polyphenol predominantly present in red grapes, has attracted interest due to its possible health advantages. The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and vasodilatory properties of this substance indicate that it may have a beneficial effect on wound healing in individuals with diabetes mellitus. This study aims to determine the role of resveratrol on type 2 diabetic wound healing on total protein and albumin levels in rats. 20 male adult Albino Wistar rats were rendered diabetic using a high-fat diet and an alloxan injection (120 mg/kg). The rats were grouped into four: non-diabetic control group (negative control), diabetic control group (positive control), diabetic treatment group 1 (resveratrol: 10 mg/kg) and diabetic treatment group 2 (resveratrol: 20 mg/kg). Excisional wounds were created and monitored for wound closure over a defined treatment period of 14 days. Studies were conducted and expressed using physical and biochemical indices. The data demonstrated wound healing activities via biochemical indices, and histological and macroscopic methods. There was a difference in fasting blood glucose between the diabetic control group with the treatment groups. There was a difference between the diabetic control group compared to the group treated with resveratrol 10 mg/kg and 20 mg/kg in the weight of the rats. There was no significant acceleration in total albumin and globulin levels in the diabetic wounded group treated with resveratrol (10 mg and 20 mg). The results suggest that resveratrol treatment does not affect on total albumin and globulin levels in diabetic rats.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Variation in fruit morphological traits of jatropha curcas at stand and tree level

Nine fruit morphological traits were studied in ten stands of Jatropha curcas spread in eight forest divisions of Uttarakhand. Variation was examined at stand level as well as at tree level. Significant differences were found among stands for fruit length, fruit diameter, pericarp weight per fruit, seed: fruit weight ratio, kernel: fruit weight ratio and pericarp: fruit weight ratio traits while all morphological traits showed significant differences among trees within stands. The estimation of the variance components, however, revealed that the fruit traits, especially weight traits viz. fruit weight, total seed weight per fruit and total kernel weight per fruit have negligible contribution from stands and small contribution from trees. Maximum variation was found among fruits within trees (i.e. at fruit level or error). Pericarp weight per fruit and fruit ratio traits (i.e. seed: fruit weight ratio, kernel: fruit weight ratio and pericarp: fruit weight ratio) were affected to small extent by stand per se. The repeatability of all fruit traits at tree level were also low to moderate (0.105 to 0.278)

Kshitij malhotra

Deprivation in education amidst covid-19 pandemic crisis

The education sector is one of the most affected areas by the pandemic. It caused a huge chasm that could affect the teaching-learning industry in the future. Although it is possible to have deprivation in education, the concept must not be embraced. Instead, HEI should focus on developing new and innovative ways of delivering education constructively. This paper focuses on the importance of both research and teaching in education. The two areas are identified and analyzed respectively to adopt innovative methodologies to enhance productivity in a higher learning institute. This paper intends to propose relevant teaching and learning methods to benefit the students, the university, and society. This paper utilizes several factors involved in the pandemic crisis and suggests ways to use several methods to regenerate the learning environment without hassle.

Santosh kumar Santosh kumar

Learner preference for different modes of learning

E-learning is the latest buzz word since the spread of Information Technology (IT). In a Country like India, a lot of jobs are being generated through IT. E-learning has contributed to this learning curve of the candidates. The students are still more familiar with the traditional mode of teaching which offline mode. Some have accepted both. The reach of online mode of learning needs to be assessed. This paper tries to find the learning preference of students in Kerala. Also certain factors that contribute to the preference of online learning has also been identified. Covid-19 has impacted the education sector in a big way. As we look into the future, the relevance of online learning has increased but the offline mode which was the traditional mode of learning and teaching, has not lost its place among this Information Technology era

Dr.ranjith somasundaran chakkambath

3. a cross sectional study to determine the prevalence of premenstrual syndrome and effect of jaggery tea to combat the premenstrual symptoms on students of al –ameen medical college, vijayapur.

The prevalence of PMS (prevalence of pre most common disorder among the women’s. It has high impact on women’s health, emotions and behaviours during certain days of menstrual cycle. Aim: To determine the symptoms of PMS. Material and methods: PMS.The sampling frame is comprised individual aged 18 was used. Then respondents were given information regarding benefits of jaggery tea consumption to over PMS. Preparation of jaggery tea: add the one cup of water for boiling, and then add the requirement amount jaggery. Add filter to discard the solids. Study subjects were asked to consume jaggery tea five days prior and after the date of menstrual cycle continuously for 3 months. Study subjects were ask premenstrual syndrome screening toll before and after jaggery tea consumption. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics and effect of jaggery tea was evaluated using paired t Result: from PMS, 120(61.5%) of them had mild PMS, 55(28.2%) had moderate PMS and only few 20(10.3%) of then had sever PMS. Conclusion: role in curing PMS

Shwetha hitnal Shwetha hitnal

Essential employee knowledge management and re-skilling within the 4ir in the south african automotive industry towards

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), internet definition is considered as growing out of the third industrial revolution, but is considered a new era rather than a continuation because of the explosiveness of its development and the disruptiveness of its technologies. It is not a new phenomenon that many South African manufacturers are facing important talent challenges when organising their business. Diverse IT skill sets, improved skills blend and a rearrangement of skills are necessary. It is undisputed that 4IR requires a highly skilled workforce, and one which South Africa, regrettably, has been struggling to produce. It was the purpose of the study to gain an understanding of what Essential Employee Knowledge Management and Re-Skilling is needed in the South African Automotive Industry towards 2030 with regards to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Methodology: Firstly, an environmental scanning was performed, examining pertinent literature, thereafter a case study approach was used was used to describe the true experiences of assembly workers and their immediate supervisors in a South African automotive plant. Results: The automotive industry is extremely robust and skilled employees are essential. From the study, the major solution to remedy low competence was continuous skills transfer through highly structured cross-functional skill development programmes. Conclusion: The study results cannot be generalised but do give an insight into what the current situation is in an automotive industry in South Africa.

Luyolo Mahlangabeza Luyolo mahlangabeza

In-silico drug design, synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of 2-azetidinone derivatives for antileukemic activity

2-Azetidinone shows biological activities like anti-bacterial, anti-microbial activity, anti-tubercular activity, and anti-cancer activity. 2-azetdinone derivatives were synthesized by simple procedures. The first step is synthesis of benzohydrazide through nucleophilic substitution reaction between methyl benzoate and hydrazine hydrate. The above formed compound is then treated with substituted aromatic aldehydes in the presence of catalytic amount of concentrated hydrochloric acid with stirring for one hour to give benzohydrazone which results in the formation of Schiff bases.Schiff bases undergone cyclisation in the presence of chloroacetylchloride and diethylenediamine by using ethanol as a solvent upon stirring for 4 hour’s yielded 2-azetidinone derivatives. The in-silico anti-leukemic activity was determined by using the computational tools i.e. “PASS Online”, “AutoDock4.2” and “ADMET” properties by online software’s. Among these six derivatives compounds (AZT-6) was shown more activity when compared with the other five compounds.

M. yaswanth

The role of technological innovation in the effective economic performances of enterprises

At present, numerous approaches have been verified and suggested in relation to the innovation policy formulation of the enterprise. However, less attention is paid to regions in the developing world. An attempt is made in this thesis towards that direction. I argue that from the system of innovation theory perspective, innovation policy practice for regions in the developed world is a problem solving based process, due to the path dependency of innovation policy and the development level of advanced economies. For this purpose, the article proves the possibility of every company’s making much more profit by realizing and improving effective innovative management in the developing economy. And, it will be calculated and assessed the correlation link between the costs of innovation and total revenues of the world’s most innovative companies. In the end, it will be done some conclusions and discussions of nowadays innovators practice.

Ikboljon Odashev Mashrabjonovich Ikboljon odashev mashrabjonovich

Iot based system on chip for multiple applications

The rapid growth of wireless devices introduces a diverse range of applications and requires intelligent hardware platforms that integrate computing, sensing, and wireless connectivity in a compact systemon- chip (SoC). This paper presents a low-power, high-performance SoC platform that supports dynamic power management and secure communication. The SoC platform consists of 16-/32-bit programmable ARM9 cores, a power management unit with multiple low-power modes, analog and digital peripherals, and security engines. A complete tool-chain with an automatic platform generator has also been developed to ease and accelerate the application development. Fabricated in a 65 nm CMOS technology, an implementation of the proposed platform occupies an area of 1.0 × 1.7 mm2.

Dr H Shaheen Dr h shaheen

Implementasi reward dan punishment dalam membentuk karakter disiplin peserta didik di madrasah ibtidaiyah al-hidayah jember

Giving stimulus from educators in the form of giving appreciation and punishment will greatly affect the way of thinking and behavior of students in achieving the goals of character education that have been set. This study aims to describe the implementation of reward and punishment in shaping the character of students' discipline. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study. Methods of data collection using interviews, observation and documentation. The validity of the data used source triangulation and technical triangulation. The results of this study indicate: (1) The implementation of rewards in shaping the discipline character of students is done by giving rewards in the form of praise and giving appreciation in the form of gifts. (2) The implementation of punishment in shaping the disciplinary character of students is carried out by giving gradual warnings, giving spontaneous warnings and written warning letters. (3) Evaluation of the implementation of rewards and punishments in shaping the character of students' discipline is using process evaluation, which is an assessment carried out during the learning process by observing the attitudes of students everyday when they are in the madrasa environment.. Pemberian stimulus dari pendidik berupa pemberian apresiasi dan hukuman akan sangat mempengaruhi cara berpikir dan tingkah laku peserta didik dalam mencapai tujuan pendidikan karakter yang sudah ditetapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi reward dan punishment dalam membentuk karakter disiplin peserta didik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi tehnik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: (1) Implementasi reward dalam membentuk karakter kedisiplinan peserta didik dilakukan dengan memberikan reward dalam bentuk pujian serta memberikan apresiasi dalam bentuk hadiah. (2) Implementasi punishment dalam membentuk karakter kedisiplinan peserta didik dilakukan dengan cara memberi peringatan secara bertahap, memberi teguran spontan dan surat peringatan tertulis. (3) Evaluasi implementasi reward dan punishment dalam membentuk karakter kedisiplinan peserta didik adalah menggunakan evaluasi proses, yaitu penilaian yang dilakukan di saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung dengan mengamati dari sikap peserta didik sehari-hari ketika berada di lingkungan madrasah.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

In vitro antagonistic activity of some actinomycetes and fungal spp. isolated from rhizosphere of maize against fusarium sp. by bio-control dual inoculation method

Rhizosphere actinomycetes are promising biocontrol agents for use in agriculture and have been isolated from various plant species. In the present investigation, actinomycetes were isolated from rhizospheric soil of maize to test antagonistic activity against Fusarium verticillioides and fungal strain (T. viride) were procured from National fungal culture collection of India (NFCCI), T. harzianum and A. niger were isolated from soil to test their antagonistic effects against Fusarium verticillioides. In the present study bio-control dual inoculum method were followed to evaluate the bacterial and fungal strains against the pathogen and reveals that Single Bacterial Inoculum (SBI) of S. cinereus shows more effective in controlling the growth of Fusarium verticillioides (28 mm in treated plate) compare to control (45 mm fungal growth). But in Dual Bacterial Inoculum (DBI), the combination of S. albosporous and S. cinereus shows more effective (08 mm fungal growth in treated plate) compare to control (52 mm fungal growth). Similarly, in Single Fungal Inoculum (SFI), T. harzianum were more effective (18.8 mm fungal growth) and in Dual Fungal Inoculum (DFI), T. viridae and T. harzianum act as a more effective (2.5 mm fungal growth) against Fusarium verticillioides compare to controls (60 mm and 52 mm fungal growth respectively). Overall interpretation of the present work reveals that DBI and DFI were more effective than SBI and SFI against Fusarium verticillioides.

Veerabhadraswamy AL Veerabhadraswamy al

A natural language processing approach to determine the polarity and subjectivity of iphone 12 twitter feeds using textblob

Sentiment analysis and opinion mining is a branch of computer science that has gained considerable growth over the last decade. This branch of computer science deals with determining the emotions, opinions, feelings amongst others of a person on a particular topic. Social media has become an outlet for people to voice out their thoughts and opinions publicly about various topics of discussion making it a great domain to apply sentiment analysis and opinion mining. Sentiment analysis and opinion mining employ Natural Language Processing (NLP) in order to fairly obtain the mood of a person’s opinion about any specific topic or product in the case of an ecommerce domain. It is a process involving automatic feature extractions by mode of notions of a person about service and it functions on a series of different expressions for a given topic based on some predefined features stored in a database of facts. In an ecommerce system, the process of analyzing the opinions of customers about products is vital for business growth and customer satisfaction. This proposed research will attempt to implement a model for sentiment analysis and opinion mining on Twitter feeds. In this paper, we address the issues of combining sentiment classification and the domain constraint analysis techniques for extracting opinions of the public from social media. The dataset that was employed in the paper was gotten from Twitter through the tweepy API. The TextBlob library was used for the analysis of the tweets to determine their sentiments. The result shows that more tweets were having a positive subjectivity and polarity on the subject matter.

Dr. Chandrashekhar Uppin Dr. chandrashekhar uppin

Nutritional background of low-income pulmonary tuberculosis patients on anti-tuberculosis therapy at infectious disease hospital, calabar, nigeria: a case-control study

Background: Poverty and malnutrition are associated with the risk of developing tuberculosis (TB). Nutritional reintegration with anti-TB therapy may improve treatment success rate. Aim: To investigate the nutritional status of low-income pulmonary TB patients in relation to the different anti-TB treatment phases. Methods: Forty five pulmonary TB patients and 40 controls aged 19-54 years, receiving treatment at Infectious Disease Hospital, Calabar, Nigeria, between September 2018 and July 2019 were studied. Serum total protein, albumin, iron and vitamin A were determined by colorimetric and HPLC methods respectively. Height and weight were measured and BMI computed, and data analysed using Student’s t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson’s correlation at P<0 P=0.001).>0.05) respectively. Albumin and iron were significantly lower in CPAT-HIV compared with CPAT patients. Albumin correlated positively and significantly with iron (r=0.405, p=0.006) in TB patients. Conclusion: Tuberculosis is associated with decreased BMI, albumin, iron and vitamin A, and higher total protein, and globulin, suggesting that malnutrition may be associated with TB risk, poor treatment compliance and outcomes

Eworo Raymond Eworo raymond

A comparative financial study on selected companies in automobile industry in india

India’s automobile industry is the fourth largest automobile industry in the world. The researcher selected the automobile companies of 2 and 3 wheelers based on group A companies listed in the Bombay Stock Exchange. The selected automobile companies are Bajaj Auto ltd, Eicher Motors ltd, Hero MotoCorp ltd and TVS Motor Company ltd. The main target of this analysis is to compare the financial positions of the selected automobile companies for the time of a long time from 2016-2020. This study proved that financial position of Eicher Motors ltd financial position is superior to other selected automobile companies. Current ratio, quick ratio, debt-equity ratio, net profit ratio, return on assets ratio of Eicher Motors ltd is better than other selected automobile companies.

Dr. Jeyalakshmi P Dr. jeyalakshmi p

Propranolol effect on behaviour of mice in the presence of phenytoin using elevated plus maze

Drug-drug interaction is an important issue for the development of safe pharmaceutical drugs. Propranolol is a non-selective, competitive antagonist at beta-adrenergic receptors. Propranolol is used to control hypertension, pheochromocytoma, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmias, angina pectoris and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Also, it is used to control symptoms of sympathetic overactivity in management of hyperthyroidism, anxiety disorders and tremor. Phenytoin is a voltage-gated sodium channel blocker, it is a major anti-convulsant drug that is very effective in controlling a wide variety of seizure disorders. In this study, elevated plus maze test was applied using five groups of male Albino mice, where each group consists of six mice. The first group is control and given 01.0% tween 80 with a dose of 5.0 ml/kg, the second group received propranolol 10 mg/kg, the third group received phenytoin 20 mg/kg, the fourth group received a combination of propranolol and phenytoin and the fifth group received diazepam (1.0 mg/kg) as a standard. It was found that propranolol alone produces anti-anxiety effect which is abolished when administered with phenytoin. Thus, the combined treatment of propranolol and phenytoin showed no significant difference compared to phenytoin alone or propranolol alone. It can be concluded that propranolol has anti-anxiety like effect an phenytoin antagonizes the propranolol anxiolytic effect when administered together. Propranolol, phenytoin and the combination of both decrease the spontaneous motor activity of mice. Propranolol and phenytoin partially antagonize each other on the spontaneous motor activity.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Global supply chain management - automotive industry

This paper explores the topic of supply chain management using case studies of companies from the automotive industry. Focus is given to the manner in which supply chain strategies in the automotive industry are designed and implemented, and how automotive companies configure their supply chains through collaboration, lean principles and agility. The paper also explores how advanced technologies, notably Big Data analytics and the Internet of Things, are utilised in the automotive industry to maintain a competitive advantage. Key findings made in the discussion are that success in supply chain management is greatly enhanced if firms seek to integrate the different components making up the supply chain. Additionally, the collaboration between entities fosters trust, which is a vital ingredient in the application of lean principles. The automotive industry shows that companies should pursue flexibility and efficiency, which are captured in the notions of agility and leanness, respectively. The paper identifies collaboration and advanced technologies as two critical sources of sustainable competitive advantages to organisations primarily in reference to supply chain management.

Mohamed Sorogy Mohamed sorogy

Vitamin d deficiency and anemia among pharmacy students

Prevalence of hypovitaminosis D is not restricted to the elderly and hospitalized population. Worldwide, the rate of prevalence of vitamin D deficiency has grown up rapidly in adults over the past decades. Among Libyan population including young students may has a high risk of vitamin D deficiency. The aims of this study were to examine vitamin D status among pharmacy students of Sebha University and to study the hematological profile as well as correlation of vitamin D deficiency with incidence of anemia among the students. This study was carried out on Pharmacy students from 13th January to 12th March, 2020. This is a cross-sectional study designed to determine vitamin D status among healthy young pharmacy students studying at the Sebha University. The blood samples were collected randomly from 62 pharmacy students to analysis complete blood count and 25-hydroxyvitamin D. The concentration of hemoglobin on total student was 12.5 ± 1.9 g/dl which was normal according to the WHO level (12.0 g/dl). Out of total, 36 students (59.1%) were found to have normal hemoglobin concentration (13.7 ± 1.4 g/dl) and 26 students (40.9 %) were found to have low hemoglobin concentration (10.8 ± 1.1 g/dl). Other blood profile as HCT, MCV, MHC and MCHC where statistically significant lower but the counts of RBCs, WBC and platelets were not on anemic group comparing to normal group. The present study reported that majority of pharmacy students in male and female blood donors have low vitamin D levels which represent (87.0%). Out of the total participants (n = 54) who have low vitamin D (n = 49, 79.0%) were classified under vitamin D deficiency category while (n = 05, 08.0%) of students had vitamin D insufficiency. In conclusion, prevalence of hypovitaminosis D (low 25-hydroxyvitamin D) among the pharmacy students at Sebha University was highly occurrence with concomitant a high rate of prevalence of anemia. Thus, vitamin D deficiency at this age represents a public health problem that should be addressed.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Educational intervention on knowledge of hypertension and lifestyle/dietary modification among hypertensive patients attending a tertiary health facility in nigeria

Patients’ knowledge of hypertension and treatment has been found to affect health outcomes of hypertension. This study aimed to assess the impact of therapeutic patients’ education on knowledge of hypertension and lifestyle/dietary modification among hypertensive patients in Nigeria. The study was conducted among 317 hypertensive patients randomized into controlled and intervention groups (158 vs 159, respectively) between March 2021 and February 2022. Baseline knowledge of the patients was assessed and intervention was provided for the intervention group with a structured educational program at a baseline and six months. Descriptive data were presented with a frequency table in percentage while the chi-square test and univariate logistic regression were used to determine the association between categorical variables. Out of the total number of 318 patients, 275 completed the study (response rate: 86.8%) with 136 in the control group and 139 in the intervention group. The mean age of the patients was 59.5 (±12.5) and patients > 60 years (49.5%) were the most frequent age category. The baseline knowledge score of hypertension was 9.8 (±2.6) and 9.3 (±2.6) on a scale of 16 points in the control group and intervention group, respectively (P = 0.060) while at six months 11.9 (±2.3) vs 10.8 (±2.4) (P < 0.001) and 12 months 12.6 (±2.5) vs 9.5 (±2.0) (P < 0.001), respectively. Knowledge of lifestyle/dietary modification in the control group and intervention group at baseline was 7.0 (±2.1) and 6.6 (±2.0), respectively, while at six months 7.5 (±1.5) vs 9.9 (±1.3) (P < 0.001) and at 12 months 7.2 (±1.5) vs 10.4 (±1.2), respectively. Marital status, body mass index, and family history of hypertension were associated with knowledge of hypertension and lifestyle/dietary modification (P < 0.001). The educational intervention provided was found to be associated with a significant improvement in knowledge of hypertension and lifestyle/dietary modification. The marital status of the patients, body mass index and family history of hypertension influenced patients’ level of knowledge.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Nonstop mutation in the kisspeptin 1 receptor (kiss1r) gene causes normosmic congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

Purpose: Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) is a rare genetic disorder mostly characterized by gonadotropins release and/or action deficiencies. Both isolated (idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism) and syndromic (Kallmann) forms are identified depending on the olfactory ability. Clinical and genetic heterogeneities of CHH have been widely explored, thus improving our understanding of the disease's pathophysiology. This work aims to (1) provide a detailed clinical and hormonal description of normosmic CHH patients and (2) identify the mutation linked to the studied phenotype. Participants and methods: We investigated three affected patients with normosmic CHH, belonging to a consanguineous Tunisian family. Patients underwent an insulin-induced hypoglycemia test. We performed whole exome sequencing to identify the causal mutation. Results: At first diagnosis, a total gonadotropic deficiency was identified in all patients. The insulin-induced hypoglycemia test has also revealed a reduced cortisol secretion and complete growth hormone deficiency. At 20.8 years, one female exhibited a spontaneous recovery of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function, unlike her affected siblings who still depend on corticosteroid replacement therapy. Herein, we identified a novel homozygous nonstop mutation (c.1195T>C) in KISS1R gene in all affected subjects. This mutation led to the substitution of the physiologic stop codon by an arginine (p.X399R). Conclusions: Our study highlights the importance of the KISS1R signaling, in gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons, in the control of reproductive function. Additionally, our data suggests a complex central and peripheral metabolic control of puberty, through the hypothalamic KISS1R signaling. We suggest a mutual link between the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal, -adrenal, and -somatotropic axes.

Mariam moalla Mariam moalla

Recent improvements in mrna and immunogenicity

Vaccines avoid many illnesses and save many lives every year. As a result of common vaccine use, the smallpox virus has entirely been eradicated and the occurrence of measles, polio and other childhood diseases have considerably been abridged around the world. Classical vaccine strategies, for instance inactivated pathogen, live attenuated and subunit vaccines, offer strong protection against diversity of hazardous diseases. In spite of this achievement, there remain chief obstacles to vaccine development against a diversity of infectious pathogens, part-icularly those better able to avoid the adaptive immune response. Furthermore, for most emer-ging virus vaccines, the main barrier is not the efficiency of usual approaches but the requirements for more rapid development and large-scale use. Nucleic acid therapeutics have appeared as hopeful option to classical vaccine approaches.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

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