Profile Pic of Dr Gedam Kamalakar Dr Gedam Kamalakar

Ai is transforming education technology and education system in india

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  • Dr Gedam Kamalakar

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Scholars who apply artificial intelligence to political questions seek, most generally, to expand the scope and relevance of political model analysis. By incorporating the effects of variable human notions, traditions, and meanings, they seek to humanize political models. Most early applications of artificial intelligence in political science research address substantive issues pertaining to political decision making. Most of these works apply production-system technology to construct choice models in for eign-policy decision contexts. In recent years, political applications have begun to diver sify. Today, lively research efforts flourish in widely varied application areas, such as computational text analysis, logic programming, computer learning, and conflict sim ulation. The works reviewed here constitute the early steps of a nascent program of study. Much remains to be accomplished. Nevertheless, the efforts conducted thus far suggest many potentially fruitful research avenues. Youth are the most essential and promising segment of every country’s population. India has a larger advantage over other countries in terms of becoming a global leader because we effectively tap into the youth’s potential. Quality education is the only way to achieve this. With artificial intelligence’s potential growth in India, now is the ideal time to incorporate AI in education to reap its benefits and prepare India’s young for the future. Artificial intelligence has great potential in India. India’s AI technology has the potential to make it a world leader in artificial intelligence. In India, AI technology is used effectively in nearly every area, including agriculture, healthcare, education, infrastructure, transportation, retail, manufacturing, and

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