Hierarchical temporal memory (htm)approach for fault detection in transmission line

This study was conducted to proposea hierarchical temporal memory (HTM) approach for fault detection in the Onitsha-Alaoji transmission line in Nigeria. Using a mixed research method, the study employed the Hawkins HTM model with two objectives and their corresponding research questions. The study gathered primary and secondary data to detect and evaluate faults in the Onitsha-Alaoji transmission line in Nigeria using HTM and compares its efficacy to current fault detection methods. With the use of simulation and descriptive methods of data analysis, results showed that partial discharge (PD) is the fault type that is being detected and it is commonly found as a fault leading to transmission line errors. More so, fault detection simulations were conducted at 40 km using typical power spectral density analysis. The first fundamental shifted from about 10 kHz to roughly 13 kHz during a fault. The HTM model outperformed sequence learning methods, resulting in a 90% mean test classification accuracy (CA) over extreme learning machine(ELM) and online sequential learning–extreme learning machine (OS-ELM), with OS-ELM performing poorly.The study concluded and recommended that the proposed HTM model be used to identify various PD fault types that plague the Onitsha-Alaoji transmission line in Nigeria. With the increased efficacy and reliability of the proposed model compared to existing methods, it is recommended for future implementation in this transmission line and potentially other fault-prone power transmission lines in Nigeria.

FXintegrity Publishing Fxintegrity publishing

Effective key management in dynamic wsn

Recently, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been deployed for a wide variety of applications, including military sensing and tracking, patient status monitoring, traffic flow monitoring, where sensory devices often move between different locations. Securing data and communications requires suitable encryption key protocols. In this paper, we propose a certificateless-effective key management (CL-EKM) protocol for secure communication in dynamic WSNs characterized by node mobility. The CL-EKM supports efficient key updates when a node leaves or joins a cluster and ensures forward and backward key secrecy. The protocol also supports efficient key revocation for compromised nodes and minimizes the impact of a node compromise on the security of other communication links. A security analysis of our scheme shows that our protocol is effective in defending against various attacks.We implement CL-EKM in Contiki OS and simulate it using Cooja simulator to assess its time, energy, communication, and memory performance.

Dr H Shaheen Dr h shaheen

Incidence of gestational hypertension among pregnant women (2006-2015) in enugu state, southeast nigeria: a retrospective study

Background: Gestational hypertension (GHTN) is defined as a new rise in blood pressure (BP) ≥140/90 mm Hg, presenting at 20 weeks gestation without significant proteinuria. Worldwide, 4.4%-15% of all pregnancies are complicated by HTN. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of GHTN among pregnant women in Enugu State, Southeast Nigeria with a view to improving and strengthening antenatal services in the State to help reduce the proportion of maternal mortality and fetal outcomes attributable to GHTN and reduce the overall prevalence of HTN in the country. Methods: Records of BP, biodata and laboratory investigations (urinalysis, full blood count) of women who attended antenatal clinics in six selected state hospitals (2006-2015) were examined. Data were analyzed as proportions, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson product moment correlations using Maxstat (version 3.60) statistical software. Results: The overall incidence of GHTN was 5.9% with annual fluctuations with peaks in 2010 and 2014. There were significant differences in incidence among the age groups (<20>35 years) (p<0 p=0.0016).>35 years) and GHTN (r=0.932, p=0.0069). Between parity and GHTN, there was also positive, strong and significant correlation (r=0.813, p=0.0491). Conclusions: With an incidence of GHTN at 5.9%, there is need to improve and sustain adequate antenatal services in order to help reduce the proportion of the country’s maternal mortality attributable to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.

Emmanuel umegbolu

Libyan mother's awareness of natural products among infants

In Libya, mothers commonly use natural products for their infants. The purpose of this survey was to evaluate the level of awareness of mothers using natural products for their infants, a validated questionnaire-based survey was distributed for mothers in several hospitals, the selected random group included 152 mothers of infants aged from day one birth to one year old, an analysis of the data revealed that 68% of mothers were using natural products and the most predominant age was between 20 - 30 years, 63% were living in Tripoli and 52% were undergraduate level of education. Further statistical analysis was revealed a significant difference for measuring the degree of awareness of all the natural products combined together (p = 0.001) and a similar degree of significant difference to the degree of awareness of each natural product alone (p = 0.001). A correlation coefficient test by Spearman was preformed to evaluate if there is any association between participants’ demographic data and the question which measures the level of mothers’ awareness. The results showed that mothers have no awareness on how to use these natural products and no correlation between the participants’ demographic data and the way the mothers use these natural products, except between the fennel and the education level (p = 0.033, p < 0.05, respectively). In conclusion, mothers have no awareness on how to use natural products, an appropriate attention by health care providers should be given to nursing mothers for herbal use.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Impression techniques for presurgical nasoalveolar molding

Presurgical Nasoalveolar molding have become an important procedure before proceeding with the surgical procedures for cleft lip and palate patient. PNAM reduces the size of the cleft which helps in better approximation and minimal scar formation.. To achieve this all proper tray selection is necessary and is a basic step in taking the impression of an infant. This article attempts to describe the various impression trays that can be used for the cleft patients routinely.


Blue brain technology

How great would it be if you never forgot anything or never lost the ability to think and be creative? And just imagine how much more great it would be if your brain can be reconstructed so that it can stay young forever and be used to create wonders even after your death? It would be a great leap in the field of science if the brains of great minds like Steve Jobs or Albert Einstein can be recreated. That is exactly what the blue brain does. The blue brain project is an attempt to reconstruct the brain piece by piece and building a virtual brain in a supercomputer. It began in 2005 with an agreement between the EPFL and IBM, which supplied the Blue Gene/L supercomputer acquired by EPFL to build the virtual brain. The computing power needed is considerable. Each simulated neuron requires the equivalent of a laptop computer. A model of the whole brain would have billions. Supercomputing technology is rapidly approaching a level where simulating the whole brain becomes a concrete possibility. The main aim is to update the brain into a computer. As a first step, the project succeeded in simulating a rat cortical column. Efforts are now being made to simulate the human brain. In five years of work, Henry Mark ram’s team has perfected a facility that can create realistic models of one of the brains essential building blocks. This process is entirely data driven and essentially automatically executed on the supercomputer. This modeling will expand to all the areas of the brain and if successful, shed light on the relationships between genetic, molecular and cognitive functions of the brain. These models will be basic building blocks for larger scale models leading towards a complete virtual brain.

Dr H Shaheen Dr h shaheen

Plants of family lamiaceae: a promising hand for new antiurolithiatic drug development

Urolithiasis has been a common problem for centuries and has a high recurrence. This review covers the forty-nine (49) antiurolithiatic plants of the family Lamiaceae used in 11 countries. Hopefully, this review will be helpful for the general public and attract the scientific world for antiurolithiatic drug discovery.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Marine cyanobacterial peptides in neuroblastoma: search for better therapeutic options

Neuroblastoma is the most prevalent extracranial solid tumor in pediatric patients, originating from sympathetic nervous system cells. Metastasis can be observed in approximately 70% of individuals after diagnosis, and the prognosis is poor. The current care methods used, which include surgical removal as well as radio and chemotherapy, are largely unsuccessful, with high mortality and relapse rates. Therefore, attempts have been made to incorporate natural compounds as new alternative treatments. Marine cyanobacteria are a vital source of physiologically active metabolites, which have recently received attention owing to their anticancer potential. This review addresses cyanobacterial peptides' anticancer efficacy against neuroblastoma. Numerous prospective studies have been carried out with marine peptides for pharmaceutical development, including research on anticancer potential. Marine peptides possess several advantages over proteins or antibodies, including small size, simple manufacturing, cell membrane crossing capabilities, minimal drug-drug interactions, minimal changes in blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity, selective targeting, chemical and biological diversities, and effects on liver and kidney functions. We discussed the significance of cyanobacterial peptides in generating cytotoxic effects and their potential to prevent cancer cell proliferation via apoptosis, the activation of caspases, cell cycle arrest, sodium channel blocking, autophagy, and anti-metastasis behavior.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Mechanics insights of curcumin in myocardial ischemia: where are we standing?

Cardiovascular disorders are known as one of the leading health problems which are associated with mortality worldwide. Myocardial ischemia (MI) is the improper blood supply to the myocardium, which leads to severe complications to life-threatening problems like AMI, atherosclerosis, hypertension, cardiac hypertrophy, as well as diabetic-associated complications such as diabetic atherosclerosis/cardiomyopathy/hypertension. Despite several efforts, the current therapeutic platforms are unrelated to significant results. Hence, it seems that developing novel therapies is required. Increasing evidence indicates that curcumin (CRC) acts as a cardioprotective agent. Given that CRC and its analogues exert their cardioprotective effects via affecting various cardiovascular disease-related mechanisms (i.e., Inflammation and oxidative stress). Herein, we have highlighted the protective impacts of CRC against MI for the first time. This review might be a stepping stone for further investigation into the clinical implications of the CRC against MI. Furthermore, it highlights a legitimate concern for the scientific community, seeking novel techniques and characteristic dynamic biopharmaceuticals against myocardial ischemia.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Barriers affecting uptake of cervical cancer screening in low and middle income countries: a systematic review

BACKGROUND: Cervical cancer is the second‑most common cancer among women in the developing world and approximately 500,000 cases are diagnosed each year. In developed countries, cervical cancer (CCa) accounts for only 3.6% of newly diagnosed cancers. OBJECTIVE: The present study aims to identify the most effective barriers associated with CCa screening uptake in low and middle-income countries (L and MICs) and aid to adopt effective measures to overcome prevailing barriers to the attainment of CCa uptake in the community. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Health sciences electronic databases like MEDLINE, PubMed, Cochrane library, and Google Scholar were searched for studies published until August 2017. Keywords used for the search were ("cervical cancer screening"), ("barriers"), AND ("low income countries" OR "Middle income countries"). Articles were reviewed and data were extracted by using Mendeley Desktop Software (V‑1.17.10). Income-level classification of countries was done as per the World Bank 2017 report. Statistical software like SPSS‑V.23 and Medical‑V.14 were used for the statistical application. RESULTS: A total of 31 studies met the inclusion criteria with a total of 25,650 participants. The sample size of the included studies ranged from 97 to 5929 participants. Articles majorly reported data on participants from African region (51.6%) and minimally in the Western Pacific region (3.2%). Sampling methods among studies varied from convenience sampling‑12 (39.7%) to consecutive sampling‑1 (3.2%). Besides, two studies (6.5%) did not discuss their sampling procedures. It was observed that “Lack of information about CCa and its treatment” (Barrier of lack of knowledge and Awareness); “Embracement or shy” (Psychological Barrier); “Lack of time” (structural Barrier); and “Lack of family support” (Sociocultural and religious barrier) were the most commonly reported among all 22 barriers. CONCLUSION: There is a need of policies advancement of CCa screening programs by focusing on aspects of accessibility, affordability, CCa education, and the necessity of screening to improve screening uptake to control the CCa morbidity and mortality rate in L and MIC’s.

Nagarjuna narayanasetti

Pengembangan karakter mandiri melalui pembelajaran tematik pada kelas iii di madrasah ibtidaiyah negeri 5 jember

Fungsi pendidikan adalah untuk mengembangkan karakter peserta didik. Oleh karenanya, guru dituntut agar dapat mengembangkan karakter melalui proses pembelajaran diantaranya melalui pembelajaran tematik. Salah satu sikap yang dapat dikembangkan melalui pembelajaran tematik adalah karakter mandiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perencanaan, pelaksanaan serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan karakter mandiri melalui pembelajaran tematik pada kelas III di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 5 Jember. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis fenomenologis. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1) perencanaan pembelajaran tematik dalam pengembangan karakter mandiri di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 5 Jember diwujudkan dalam RPP yang disusun secara sitematis dan berbasis karakter dengan memasukkan karakter mandiri pada komponen kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, indikator, kegiatan pembelajaran, dan penilaian; 2) pelaksanaan pengembangan karakter mandiri pada pembelajaran tematik dilakukan melalui kegiatan pembelajaran mulai dari kegiatan pendahuluan, inti dan penutup. Namun kegiatan inti lebih dimaksimalkan dengan menggunakan model learning by doing dengan melakukan lima aktivitas belajar yaitu menanya, mengamati, mengumpulkan informasi, mengasosiasi, dan mengkomunikasikan; dan 3) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan karakter mandiri yaitu lingkungan keluarga, lingkungan sekolah dan lingkungan masyarakat.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Identification of predatory conference

In addition to predatory journals and publishers, researchers now need to be wary of predatory conferences as well with the checklist given here to really check yourself.Because the predatory journals and publishers make target to the new researchers there must be need of that type of articles

Dr.Ved Nath Jha Dr.ved nath jha

Strategic international business management - lidl plans

Will discuss how the German giant Lidl plans to take expansionary steps in a Mexican or Norwegian market to add to its success records in the European and North American markets. Lidl began modestly in 1973 with a small shop that runs three members and offers 500 products to 10,500 stores in 29 countries. Lidl has many pros, plus the disadvantages to consider when evaluating the components available in each country, both the pros and cons of this analysis will be reviewed using PESTLE, five- force models, internal value-activities, international business being able to. Accordingly, the next targeted expansion decision will be made.

Mohamed Sorogy Mohamed sorogy

Prevalence and predictors of traditional medicine use among persons with diabetes in africa: a systematic review

The utilization of traditional medicine (TM) is prevalent among the general population in Africa; however, its use among individuals with diabetes in the region remains underdocumented. This review aimed to synthesize the available literature to identify the prevalence and predictors of TM use among persons with diabetes in Africa. A systematic search was conducted across multiple databases, including MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, and AMED, covering studies published from 2000 to April 2023. Of 1560 records identified, 24 articles met the inclusion criteria. The prevalence of TM use varied significantly, ranging from 12.4% to 77.1%, with a median prevalence of 50%. TM was commonly used concurrently with conventional medicine (CM) (35.4–88.4%), with a majority (63.8–91.3%) not disclosing TM use to healthcare providers. Female gender, long diabetes duration, use of oral antiglycaemic medication and family history of diabetes emerged as the most common factors that predicted the use of TM. This review highlights the widespread use of TM among individuals with diabetes in Africa, often in conjunction with CM. The high prevalence of undisclosed TM use emphasizes the urgent need for healthcare providers to actively inquire about TM use during clinical consultations to address potential herb–drug interactions and adverse effects.

Emmanuel Ekpor Emmanuel ekpor

Improving quality work by infusing a “sense of belongingness” in lowest-level workers.

Objective: Improving quality work by infusing a “sense of belongingness” in lowest-level workers. The present work focuses on the management of human resources in an enterprise where contract workers are involved in carrying out quality work related to the parent organisation. In today’s world, where the number of supervisors has reduced significantly, it is a challenge to maintain the quality of work at a satisfactory level. The paper proposes to enhance the quality of work by infusing a “sense of belongingness” into lowest-level workers. Methodologies adopted: Case studies. The first case study was conducted between 2007-2011 during a project related to Rural Electrification Work in the Bokaro district under the scheme RGGVY. The author was deputed to supervise the rural electrification work of 300 villages with thousands of kilometres of 11kv and 415V distribution lines, along with over 400 distribution transformers in four blocks of the Bokaro district in Jharkhand. Contractors engaged local workers for erection of all infrastructure. The author explained the process of erection to local communities and brought about a sense of belongingness in them towards the infrastructure being developed. The second case review was conducted between 2013-16 at Chandrapura, Bokaro, during the operation and maintenance work of the 220KV switchyard. Six workers were involved in the maintenance work of the switchyard. They rectified faults during emergencies and took care of housekeeping. However, they only followed orders and never worked proactively. The author divided the workplace into eighteen parts, each maintaining three parts. During monthly walk-in inspections, one worker was awarded as the best contractor’s employee of the month of that section, which introduced a sense of competition among them. Analysis: During the first case study, after pointing out the benefits of the infrastructure being developed and how the quality of work will help in its sustainability for an extended period, villagers realised its importance in their well-being. As a result, they kept vigil over the contractor’s work during the erection process. In second case study, the repetitive external motivation (awards and appreciation) infused a “sense of belongingness” in them. Thus, all employees started functioning proactively. As a result, the occurrence of electrical faults was reduced drastically, and housekeeping improved. Findings: These two case studies lead the author to coin the term “sense of belongingness”, which can lead to improve the quality of work by the lowest-level workers in a company. There are five ways to develop a “Sense of Belongingness” (SOB) among workers- external motivation, which can lead to internal motivation; mutual respect; a sense of duty (every person has their own responsibility); brainstorming sessions (to make them feel as an integral part of the department); encouraging them to do more than expected. Conclusion: All these steps help to develop a “sense of belongingness” among the lowest-level workers in an organisation. Without these principles, it will be a challenge to achieve quality work. The paper addresses all the processes in detail to improve the work culture in a department and, ultimately, an organisation.

RAJIV RANJAN SINHA Rajiv ranjan sinha

Use of over the counter medications among adolescents

Improper use of medicines may carry possible health dangers and more evidence continues to stand that adverse drug reactions to medicines are common but often preventable. Self-medication phenomena with over the counter medicines is common among people. It is regarded as essential issue of self-care. Over the counter medicines use such as analgesics among children and adolescents is continuously increasing in Libya. This constitutes an important public health concern. The aim of this study is to focus on adolescent's self-medication phenomena about the over the counter medicines that teens frequently used to treat minor and serious diseases. This work collected information throughout survey-comprised number of questions for the teenagers bought medicines from private pharmacies at two different secondary schools in Benghazi city, Libya, without prescription. The sample size was 120 students, 58 males and 62 females in age range of 15-18 years. Data collected from questionnaire were analyzed for pattern of medicine use. Male adolescents bought toothache and muscle-spasm medicines more frequently than female adolescents. On the other hand, female adolescents administered more over the counter medications monthly than males. The use of over the counter medicines has been found highly rated and exaggerated among secondary school teenagers. In conclusion, adolescents have to be educated regarding over the counter medicine use in Libya. The need for promoting the appropriate use of medicines healthcare system is an important issue. This can be achieved through an educational strategy involved different public sectors such as health and education authorities.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Strain improvement studies for the production of l-asparaginase by beauveria bassiana ss18/41

Strain improvement studies were conducted for the production of L-asparaginase from a marine fungus Beauveriabassiana SS18/14 by employing physical and chemical mutagens, in a systemic manner to obtain mutants that have higher L-asparaginase production. The wild strain produced 6.32 IU/mL of L-asparaginase activity while the UV mutant UVF-4 yielded 8.34 IU/mL and nitrous acid mutant UVF4-N-2 exhibited 10.44 IU/mL enzyme activity. The overall strain improvement programme increased L-asparaginase activity 1.65 times with respect to the parent wild strain.

Dr.P.V.Kamala Kumari Dr.p.v.kamala kumari

Business strategy - automotive business case - tesla

Because of globalisation's intense change and competition pressure, businesses are driving from the company's dimension of individual management to collaborative cooperation approaches aided by the anticipated business strategy. A business strategy is a decision or action of a business or organisation to attract customers and achieve the organisation's objective. These strategies are the master plan for securing a competitive position of the firm market area of the competitors. Through business strategies, organisations will carry their business operations and fulfill the customers' desires and demands. Multination organisations and firms establishing subsidiaries and business entities in international markets or foreign countries must adopt different strategies during the integration process. The macro-economic and intercultural factors are the epicenter for change and must be considered in complex ventures. In the modern competitive market, multinational firms must collaborate and communicate with the partners, suppliers and customers through a complicated and temporary product supply chain. Business strategies involve complex processes requiring information on the diverse sources that need simultaneous changes by the managers of entrepreneurs. I this report, I choose Tesla Inc or Tesla Motors to explore the key strategies they have anticipated to inherit the global motor vehicle sector within the past few decades. The organisation was founded in 2003 by a group of various engineers. Tesla Motors deal in the automotive industry and has transformed its services to the global society.

Zamzam Abdelazim Zamzam abdelazim

The mediating role of stress between workload, work environment, and performance of factory workers

Research Aim: This study investigates the influence of workload and work environment on employee performance, with work stress serving as the mediator Approach: The study employed a quantitative approach using SEM-PLS analysis. The sample included 75 factory workers selected through census sampling conducted from February to June 2023 at PT PSB, a manufacturing firm in Medan, North Sumatra Findings: Findings reveal that workload and work environment positively impact employee performance, mediated by work stress Theoretical Contribution/Originality: This research contributes to the literature by exploring work stress as a mediator in enhancing the understanding of employee performance within the manufacturing sector Policy Implication: Recommendations include PT PSB and similar companies prioritizing plant workers' stress levels, monitoring workload, and fostering a healthy workplace environment Research Limitation: The scope of the study was limited by the number of respondents and the factors considered in assessing employee productivity

Lila Maria Kaban Lila maria kaban

An improved scheme for organizing ecommercebased websites using semantic web mining

In the running of the Internet world, Ecommerce industry has its own benchmark in terms of its rapid growth and has made itself an established sector that is indispensable for every industry to trade and do transactions online. As the world is rushing in a rapid manner, India is slogging in the improvisation of the online market, leading to the lack of customized needs of the customers. Bigger companies are trying to put in a different strategic approach taking that into consideration an approach of blended emining along with ecommerce has been devised. It would be a design of the semanticand neuralbased page ranking algorithm [2]. This tool upon launching would be a welldefined approach for ecommerce website ranking [1]. It would also facilitate the customers to find the relevant websites on the top of the page during their search for any particular product orbusiness. It would be further customized with all the relevant comparison of the other websites in terms of the product quality and price.

Dr H Shaheen Dr h shaheen

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