Importance of action research

Action research is such a process by which B.Ed. pupil teacher attempt to study their problems scientifically in order to guide, correct and evaluate their decision andaction There are two important components of action research:(1) the consumer are the researches and (2) the research take place where there is a felt need of a solutionof a problem and when the results can be put in practice.The steps in action research are – identification of a problem area, the selection of a specific problem and the formulation of a hypothesis, the accumulation of evidence,the inference from this evidence and the continuous retesting.The importance of action research that its lies in the fact that this helps in finding quick solutions of immediate problems which search by b.ed. Students , administratorand teacher. Action research is a way to find problems and their solution S.M. Corey has developed this research technique. Objectives of action research are – processin school practice, progress of a teacher, improvement or curriculum, increase in knowledge of administrator or inspector. Need, interest, discipline, social problems,learning problem, curriculum and teachers are the field of action research. There are various steps of action research such as specific problem .Causes, hypotheses,experiment and conclusion. Outline the action research is also mentioned. Action research has been proven most beneficial in the field of diagnostic education

Kamal Singh Kamal singh

Transition from industry 4.0 to industry 5.0: opportunities, challenges and technology requirement

Industry 5.0 is still a developing concept, but it is expected to leverage a range of advanced technologies to facilitate human-machine collaboration and enable more customized and sustainable manufacturing.This research paper tried to discuss the opportunities and challenges in the implementation of Industry 5.0. It primarily explored the need to transform from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0. The research paper further studied the technologies needed for the implementation on Industry 5.0 and also the principles of Industry 5.0.

Dr. Kishor Bholane Dr. kishor bholane

Pengembangan bahan ajar tematik berbasis nilai-nilai keislaman kelas vi madrasah ibtidaiyah

Development of thematic teaching materials based on Islamic values, especially those related to the contents of the verses of the Alqur'an and / or hadith as the basis of all science. In the available books, there are no thematic teaching materials that are integrated with the Al-Quran and Hadith, as well as Islamic values ??that are able to implement the core competencies of the 2013 curriculum, namely the competence of spiritual attitudes in thematic learning. The formulation of this research is: (1) producing thematic teaching materials based on Islamic values ??theme 7 (Leadership) class 6 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 2 Jember. (2) to determine the effectiveness of thematic teaching materials based on Islamic values ??in learning. This study uses a research and development research type, the Borg and Gall model which is divided into 10 steps, namely: (1) research and data collection (2) planning, (3) product draft development, (4) initial field trials, ( 5) revising the results of trials, (6) field trials, (7) improving products from field tests, (8) conducting field trials, (9) improving product results, and (10) disseminating and implementing. The testing technique was carried out by comparing the pre-test and post-test values. The data was calculated using the t-test and processed using the SPSS application to determine the effectiveness of teaching materials. The results of this study indicate: the validation test produces an average of 88.79% with the criteria that the book is very suitable for use in learning. In terms of attractiveness, this book is very interesting to use for students, this is based on the results of the questionnaire data given to students with an average of 88.24% with very attractive qualifications. Meanwhile, from the results of the pre-test and post-test based on the t count which shows that it is greater than the t table, it means that the book is effective for use in learning. Pengembangan bahan ajar tematik berbasis nilai keislaman, terutama yang terkait dengan isi ayat Alqur'an dan/atau hadits sebagai dasar dari semua sains. Dalam buku yang telah tersedia tidak ada bahan ajar tematik yang terintegrasi dengan Al-Quran, dan Hadits, serta nilai-nilai Islam yang mampu mengimplementasikan kompetensi inti dari kurikulum 2013 yaitu kompetensi sikap spiritual dalam pembelajaran tematik. Perumusan penelitian ini yaitu: (1) menghasilkan bahan ajar tematik berbasis nilai keislaman tema 7 (Kepemimpinan) kelas 6 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 2 Jember. (2) mengetahui efektifitas bahan ajar tematik berbasis nilai-nilai keislaman dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian pengembangan Research and Development, model Borg and Gall yang terbagi menjadi 10 langkah, yaitu: (1) penelitian dan pengumpulan data (2) perencanaan, (3) pengembangan draf produk, (4) uji coba lapangan awal, (5) merevisi hasil uji coba, (6) uji coba lapangan, (7) penyempurnaan produk hasil uji lapangan, (8) uji pelaksanaan lapangan, (9) penyempurnaan produk hasil, dan (10) diseminasi dan implementasi. Teknik uji coba dilakukan dengan membandingkan nilai pre-test dan post-test. Data dihitung dengan uji-t dan diolah menggunakan aplikasi SPSS untuk mengetahui efektifitas bahan ajar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: uji validasi tersebut rata-rata menghasilkan 88,79 % dengan kriteria bahwa buku tersebut sangat layak untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Dari segi kemenarikan, buku ini sangat menarik untuk digunakan pada siswa, hal ini berdasarkan dari hasil data angket yang diberikan kepada siswa dengan rata-rata 88,24% dengan kualifikasi sangat menarik. Sedangkan dari hasil pre-test dan pos-test berdasarkan uji t hitung yang menunjukan lebih besar dari t tabel, berarti buku tersebut efektif untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

The effect of free senior high school policy on the lives of parents and wards in ghana

The free senior high school policy is one of the best social and economic intervention policies that openly affect both parents and their wards in senior high school. This realisation is reached on the backdrop of the policy’s role in redeeming parents from their economic and financial burden. This study, therefore, looks at the effect of introducing the free senior high school policy on the economic and social lives of parents and students respectively. A correlational cross-sectional descriptive design was used. Questionnaires were administered to three hundred and thirty-six (336) parents of wards in three senior high schools in the North East and Upper East Regions of Ghana. The study confirms that the introduction of the free senior high school policy relieved the financial burden of parents, especially guardians from rural settlements. Besides, there was a lack of adequate stakeholder consultation, hence saddled with implementation challenges. Delay in disbursement of funds for feeding and learning materials presented yet another problem. It is important that governments find sustainable sources of funding for the educational system and also ensure the double-track system is regularised into a single-track system by expanding academic user facilities and increasing the numerical strength of both teaching and non-teaching staff in various senior high schools.

Juabin matey

Emerging technological tools and services to building world class paper less library information &management system [lims]

Library automation is just not a book inventory where hold, issue and receiving of books by using technological tools and services. Our applied research was found that most of the library administrative functionalities such as ‘Acquisition and Accessioning’, ‘auto Indexing & Classification’ and auto Cataloging (Books & Non books materials)’, inventory with real-time OPAC facilities and many more library science concepts are still missing constructs in Universities/College libraries across the country. In this modern era the concept of eLibrary is more popular because availability and accessibility of digitized content sharing through IT/ICT infrastructure is huge. During our research we found that cognizance of Library automation was completely ignored and focused on only talking and establishment of eLibrary. As we all know that “Physical Library” is not a substitute for “eLibrary”. In fact eLibrary is part of a Physical Library to share authenticated digitized content through IT/ICT infrastructure. After a decade of our applied research in the area of Library science, eventually we recorded a lot of findings based on our survey and discussion with senior researchers and Librarians. Our serious and consistent effort makes to succeeds in designing comprehensively effective and efficient operational strategies to build a “world class Library Automation and Paper less Library Management System” for Universities/College libraries. This paper emphasizes about the comprehensive real-time architecture and operational modules and their effectiveness to achieve the user’s satisfaction (flow of functionalities as per the exact need of the Library Management system). This dealt with how emerging technological tools and services are effectively integrated for designing new strategies in the area of library science includes various automation process and security concepts (using Barcode/RFID). Eventually, our dream comes true in building Use of Emerging Technological Tools and Services to building world class Paper less Library Information &Management System [LIMS]. presently deployed and use of this software product in more than 300 satisfied and client locations in INDIA, this product popularly named as “eLib” by AarGees Business Solution, Hubli, India. Though, our research is still on and continuing for further development to build “Global knowledge sharing Centre”.

Dr. Chandrashekhar Uppin Dr. chandrashekhar uppin

In vitro microscopic study of calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate crystals growth patterns

The study aims to explore the possible morphological features of calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate (brushite) crystals on a glass slide. The study was conducted on a glass slide under a microscope to observe the growth patterns. As a result, needle, platy, star shape, and tetragonal bipyramidal crystals were observed. Different patterns of platy crystals, like plates with spatial branches and radiating assemblages of platy crystals, were also found.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Visual merchandising and consumer impulse buying behavior: an empirical study of delhi & ncr

The current scenario of retailing is characterized by huge cut throat competition and almost undifferentiated merchandise on sales. Today retailers are utilizing visual merchandising to differentiate their offerings from others’ as well as to improve the visibility and desirability of products. Too many researches have been performed for defining and measuring the concept. The various factors which affect impulse buying have not been determined much. The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between consumer impulse buying behaviors and visual merchandising. Efforts have also been employed to understand the visual merchandising technique that influences the consumers at most. This study also intends to provide information on why visual merchandising should be considered an important component of a strategic marketing plan in support of sales increase and positive store/company image.The finding of the current study reveals that there is a very strong association between consumer impulse buying behaviors and two types of visual merchandising practices: in-store form/mannequin display and promotional signage.This study also provides insights to retailers about types of visual merchandising that can influence consumers’ impulse buying behaviors

Abu Bashar Abu bashar

Prevalence and associated factors of overweight and obesity among persons with type 2 diabetes in africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Background Type 2 diabetes and obesity are serious public health concerns globally and a growing burden in Africa. Both conditions have serious repercussions on health when they co-occur, yet the extent of their co-occurrence in Africa remains unknown. Therefore, this review aimed to identify the prevalence and associated factors of overweight and obesity among persons with type 2 diabetes in Africa. Method A systematic search was conducted on PubMed, MEDLINE, Embase, African Index Medicus (AIM), and African Journals Online (AJOL) for observational studies that reported the prevalence of overweight and/or obesity among type 2 diabetes patients in Africa. The prevalence data from individual studies were aggregated through a random-effects meta-analysis. The I2 statistic was used to evaluate between-studies heterogeneity, while subgroup analysis and mixed-effects meta-regression were performed to identify sources of heterogeneity. We assessed publication bias using funnel plots and Egger’s test. This review adhered to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Results Of 1753 records retrieved, 80 articles were eligible for this review, with 74 cross-sectional studies included in the meta-analysis. The pooled prevalence of overweight and obesity was 35.6% and 25.6% respectively, while the overall prevalence of both overweight and obesity was 61.4%. Also, the pooled prevalence of both overweight and obesity across the five geographical areas in Africa ranged from 56.9% in East Africa to 88.5% in Southern Africa. Nineteen factors were significantly associated with overweight and obesity among patients with type 2 diabetes. Conclusion The high prevalence of overweight and obesity among patients with type 2 diabetes is a significant public health concern that transcends geographical boundaries within Africa. The findings from this review highlight the need for innovative weight management interventions that are tailored to the cultural context of the African setting

Emmanuel Ekpor Emmanuel ekpor

Algae as nutrition, medicine and cosmetic: the forgotten history, present status and future trends

Marine algae have been known and utilized since the ancient era. It is the source of chemical compounds mainly useful as a food for their richness in protein, fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. Physiologically active compounds also have a great potential to play an important role in cosmetics, medicine and pharmaceutical aid. In this review, the information provided will play an essential role in future medicinal and cosmeceutical production.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Global business environment - healthy eating

This Document addresses the main trends around healthy eating in the global, Latin American, and Peruvian environment related to the proposed business plan. Analysis shows that with an increase in the population around the world it is important for food producing organizations to introduce new food products in order to be in the race of famous food brands. Based on qualitative and quantitative data from various sources, it is possible to know the opportunities for a plant-based burger business. This assignment aims to recognize if there is a favorable evolution for the proposal of this business plan at the different levels of the environment. The brand focused on this assignment in KFC. A plan for introducing green burgers in Peru and other regions of Latin America was developed in this paper.

Zamzam Abdelazim Zamzam abdelazim

An overview of research study designs

The choice of the study design is a major determinant of scientific quality and clinical value of a research study. To select an appropriate study design is a perplex task for novice as well as veterans in research. AYUSH systems of medicines have evidence database showing the effectiveness in a wide range of clinical conditions, yet improving the quality of trials by well- designed studies is indispensable to demonstrate widespread utility on more scientific grounds. This article describes the structured classification of research designs done on the basis of a selective literature search concerning medical research. The study design and type that can best answer the particular research question at hand must be determined not only on a scientific basis, but also in view of the available resources, ethical issues and practical feasibility of study.

Dr deepthi gilla

Structural geological atlas

This book presents more than 600 eye-catching structural geological photographs and explanatory descriptions, from different Indian terrains. This book will enable easy identification of deformation features, one of the most important tasks in structural geology at the meso- and micro-scales.

Rajkumar Ghosh Rajkumar ghosh

Unveiling the sustainability of lean production

For many decades, the lean concept has been praised for improving efficiency, maximizing productivity, and minimizing waste in manufacturing operations. Lean production is expected to create an industrial ecosystem that is more cost-efficient and accountable for optimizing resources and processes. However, in the context of lean manufacturing, new challenges have emerged as a result of the recent emphasis on sustainability. This study aims to show several criticisms of lean implementation and propose a holistic approach to achieve a more sustainable operation. The green-lean model, sustainable manufacturing, agile supply, and Lean 4.0, are approaches for integrating lean practices and sustainability. This will foster a culture of continuous improvement, employee empowerment, long-term collaboration with suppliers, added value for customers, and increased innovation in the economy.

Lila Maria Kaban Lila maria kaban

Effect of life skills training on emotional distress: a comparative study between adolescent boys and girls

Adolescence is considered as a crucial stage for emotional development. It is also seen as a time of hyper-emotionality, emotional conflict, and volatile mood states. Given that adolescents lack skills for emotional management, emotional distress during these years can hamper their immediate growth and adversely affect their transition to the next stage of life. Interventions that promote positive emotional development during adolescence are the need of the hour. Keeping this in focus, the present study investigated the Effect of Life Skills Training on Adolescent boys and girls with high Emotional Distress. The study used pre- and post-test experimental design with a control group to examine the stated objectives. 160 adolescent boys and girls (n=80), with a mean age of 16.44 years, were selected for the study using Positive and Negative Affect Schedule. Of these, 80 in the experimental group (boys=40, girls=40) were trained in life skills. Descriptive statistics, independent sample ttest and repeated measures of ANOVA were used to analyze obtained results. Major findings of the study indicate that Life Skills training has significant effect in reducing emotional distress and improving emotional health in adolescents. And the significance of it was found to be higher in girls compared to boys.

Hita claudia rao

What really matters: experiences of emergency remote teaching in university teaching and learning during the covid-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic and related lock downs have accelerated the need for online and remote teaching within university settings. However, due to the abrupt nature of the pandemic, many academic staff were not prepared for this forced transition. This study aimed to understand how the pandemic affected academics at a New Zealand university, with regards to their transition to emergency remote teaching. Specifically, it explores the challenges as well as benefits academics experienced during this transition. Recommendations for future online learning are also made. Academic staff (N 67) at a New Zealand University completed an anonymous online survey. Quantitative data were analyzed statistically using descriptive and inferential statistics, while qualitative data were analyzed thematically. Major challenges experienced included miscommunication from the university, concerns about student access to technology, finding a quiet space to work, lack of digital competence skills, too much screen-time, managing work hours, and work/ life balance. Benefits included enhanced flexibility, enhanced teacher creativity, increasing autonomy of learners, and reduced commute time. Looking forward, academic staff desired future teaching to include blended learning and virtual immersion. New strategies of working remotely are being explored to facilitate teaching and learning while catering to the preferences and skills of both educators and students. Our findings honor the considerable agility of academic staff who sought to sustain and enhance excellence in remote education. At an institutional level our findings point to the need for staff to be supported by their institutions as they further refine their work within new-found spaces

Gwen Erlam Gwen erlam

Analgesic activity of leaves, flowers and fruit peel of luffa cylindrica (l.) roem.

Ethanol extracts of leaves, male flowers and fruit peel of Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem., were evaluated for analgesic effect using the analgesy meter test, a mechanically induced pain model. Extracts at 500 mg/kg, p.o., were tested and compared with diclofenac sodium 50mg/kg as a standard analgesic drug. The mechanical force was applied to the rat's paw and continuously increased. The point at which the rat can’t bear further pressure and starts to struggle to free the paw was taken as a nociceptive response. Readings were taken before and after 1, 2 and 3hr following drug administration. The analgesic response was continuously increasing till 3hrs. Tested extracts produced significant and comparable analgesic effects as with diclofenac sodium.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Hr analytics: a study on training and development of it employees with special reference to chennai city

The Training and Development is considered as most important task to reach organizational goals. HR Analytics in Training of employees helps to understand better what is required among their Employees to increase Motivation and Skills which ultimately improves the employee Performance. HR Analytics is a method used to measure and organize information related to employee that give clean insights about the requirement of an employee. It also helps the Organisations to maintain record and analyse information of specific employee with specific skill sets, this helps in motivating, gaining efficiency and improving talent quality. For every organization, their employees are very precious asset. Thus, it is extremely essential to analyse, assess, and predict employee requirements. In this competitive world where new innovations come as a hurdle, it is very important to implement the new technology in organisation. This paper highlights the importance of providing training to the employees in organisation and its influence on employee’s better performance, organisational achievement and employees satisfaction.


A study on picture recognition using pre-processing and decision making

Abstract should be times new roman with 9 fount single spacing.The main focused of Watermarking is developing and i Image Recognition is the idea of simulating the visual functions of human brain which uses human eyes as the source of input to recognize and make decisions on the objects it sees. This became possible with the advent of cameras and advanced processing technologies. The idea is to copy the features exactly present in the pattern, that the brain uses to recognize images [6]. The image in the real world are captured and pre-processed in the desired format and stored in large chunks of memories. This is to provide the recognition program to compare the new image taken with the ones that has been pre-processed and stored. The comparison is done at the pixel level of the image which is expressed in a matrix form. The image is compared with the data set stored at pixel level and the decisions are made recognizing the image. This picture recognition method becomes a smarter solution with the availability of more number of data sets. With large number of trail and errors the system will get familiar and intelligent providing best solution for computer and robot vision technologies.

Dr H Shaheen Dr h shaheen

Assessment of drug prescribing pattern and prescription errors in elderly patients

The rate of aging is rapidly increasing and the term of geriatric refers to offer a medical care to elderly people. Drug consumption study on geriatric population is a vital issue since this group is totally neglected in Libya. The aim of this study was to assess drug utilization pattern among elderly patients in terms of world health organization core prescribing indicators and to evaluate the treatment cost. A total of 106 prescriptions were randomly collected from different community pharmacies located in Tripoli during the summer 2019, and were evaluated (total number of prescribed drugs is 359) for their clinical efficacy and safety. The findings revealed that 60 drugs acting on GIT (16.7%), 50 antimicrobial drugs (13.9%), 31 antihypertensive drugs (8.6%) and 30 drugs for respiratory diseases (8.4%) were prescribed to patients who are 65 years old or more. With regard to disease pattern in the elderly Libyan patients, 27 drugs were prescribed for diabetes mellitus (7.5%), 24 drugs for cardiovascular drugs (6.7%) and 14 drugs for anti-hyperlipidemia (3.9%). According to the WHO core drug use indicator pattern, the average number of drugs prescribed per encounter was 3.3. Prescription by generic name was low (41.5%). Antibiotics were 36.8% while injections were 26.6%. Thus, this study suggest that geriatric medicine and rational drug use should strongly be implanted in medical schools and teaching hospitals. Besides, a drug pattern use of the Libyan community is urgently required to avoid drug prescribing errors.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Management of saline and sodic soils

Saline and sodic (alkali) soils can significantly reduce the value and productivity of affected land. By estimation, slightly more than one-fourth of irrigated farmland in the United States is affected by soil salinity. Ions most commonly associated with soil salinity include the anions chloride (Cl–), sulfate (SO4=), carbonate (HCO3–), and sometimes nitrate (NO3–) and the cations sodium (Na+), calcium (Ca++), magnesium (Mg++), and sometimes potassium (K+). Crops differ in ability to tolerate salt accumulation in soils, but if levels are high enough (more than 16 mS/cm), only tolerant plants will survive. As salts accumulate in soil, the soil solution osmotic pressure increases. Reclamation of sodic soils is different; excess sodium must first be replaced by another cation and then leached. Sodic soils are treated by replacing the sodium with calcium from a soluble source.


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