Histology articles list

A comparative study of social and economic aspect of migration

India is a country of immense diversity. It is home to people of many different racial, languages, ethnic, religious, and national backgrounds. Groups of people in India differ from each other not only in physical or demographic characteristics but also in distinctive patterns of behavior and these patterns are determined by social and cultural factors like language, region, religion, and caste. Apart from behaviour, economic development, level of education and political culture of the people in various social segments differ from region to region. More you can say that economy and cultures have been enriched by the contributions of migrants from round the globe. In an increasingly globalised world, migratory movements is continuously shaping the countries all over the world. Some countries like India and Ireland, which set the example of economic development and social integration, have the positive impact of the migration by globalisation and some countries like USA, which recently witness racism, xenophobia and discrimination have the negative impact on the migrants. It does not mean India do not face fragmentation and USA do not have cohesion. USA have many stories which show successful integration process, that facilitated the lives of immigrant communities, but being a developed country it still suffers from cultural alienation. In these countries, borders are built within borders to create cultural divides that do not allow people to integrate. Recently, this problem has become more prominent due to the rise of terrorism, clash of cultures in the world, leading to the glorification of stereotypes. People are becoming less accepting towards anyone who does not belong to their region. Migration does not stop after people move from one place to another place. The main question start after that ‘now what’ they will do. That is why this topic needs to be discussed thoroughly in order to find better solutions. This paper will begin with an analysis of different approaches to Migration, discuss the target groups for integration policies, provide indicators of the current situation of migrants and proceed to an analysis of integration tools: legislation, social policies and participatory processes. It will focus not only on the impact of migration but also on social integration, mix culture like indo-western culture in a comparative basis.

Ekta Meena

A comparative study of social and economic aspect of migration

India is a country of immense diversity. It is home to people of many different racial, languages, ethnic, religious, and national backgrounds. Groups of people in India differ from each other not only in physical or demographic characteristics but also in distinctive patterns of behavior and these patterns are determined by social and cultural factors like language, region, religion, and caste. Apart from behaviour, economic development, level of education and political culture of the people in various social segments differ from region to region. More you can say that economy and cultures have been enriched by the contributions of migrants from round the globe. In an increasingly globalised world, migratory movements is continuously shaping the countries all over the world. Some countries like India and Ireland, which set the example of economic development and social integration, have the positive impact of the migration by globalisation and some countries like USA, which recently witness racism, xenophobia and discrimination have the negative impact on the migrants. It does not mean India do not face fragmentation and USA do not have cohesion. USA have many stories which show successful integration process, that facilitated the lives of immigrant communities, but being a developed country it still suffers from cultural alienation. In these countries, borders are built within borders to create cultural divides that do not allow people to integrate. Recently, this problem has become more prominent due to the rise of terrorism, clash of cultures in the world, leading to the glorification of stereotypes. People are becoming less accepting towards anyone who does not belong to their region. Migration does not stop after people move from one place to another place. The main question start after that ‘now what’ they will do. That is why this topic needs to be discussed thoroughly in order to find better solutions. This paper will begin with an analysis of different approaches to Migration, discuss the target groups for integration policies, provide indicators of the current situation of migrants and proceed to an analysis of integration tools: legislation, social policies and participatory processes. It will focus not only on the impact of migration but also on social integration, mix culture like indo-western culture in a comparative basis.

Ekta Meena

Study of temperature variation in human peripheral region during wound healing process due to plastic surgery

In this paper, investigations are made to analyze the human body temperature during wound healing process due to surgery. Wound is considered after the skin graft. Skin graft is a technique used in plastic surgery. Skin is the first line of defense between the human and environment, it is very susceptible to damage. Internal body or core temperature (Tb) is one of the clinical vital signs along with pulse and respiratory rates. Any disturbance in body temperature will drive complexities in wound healing process. These studies are important in the mechanism of establishing the limits of thermal regulation of human body during the healing process in different situations and conditions. The Finite element method is used to analyze tissues temperature for normal tissues (donor site) and abnormal tissues (tissues after surgery). Appropriate boundary conditions have been framed. Numerical results are obtained using Crank Nicolson Method.

Manisha Jain

Metapuf: a challenge response pair generator

Physically unclonable function (PUF) is a hardware security module preferred for hardware feature based random number and secret key generation. Security of a cryptographic system relies on the quality of the challenge-response pair, it is necessary that the key generation mechanism must unpredictable and its response should constant under different operating condition. Metastable state in CMOS latch is undesirable since it response becomes unpredictable, this feature used in this work to generate a unique response. A feedback mechanism is developed which forces the latch into the metastable region; after metastable state, latch settle to high or state depends on circuit internal condition and noise which cannot be predicted. Obtained inter hamming variation for 8 PUF is 51% and average intra hamming distance is 99.76% with supply voltage variation and 96.22% with temperature variation.

Abhishek Kumar

Intersection of caste and gender based subjugation

One of the unique features of Indian society is prevalence of caste system which was originated thousands of years back to demarcate the people engaged in different occupation or jobs. Initially it was not much rigid but gradually people belonging to upper castes for their own selfish means to maintain their monopoly made this arrangement hereditary and started treating people of lower castes disgracefully. For preservation of this system, people started controlling their women to prevent inter-caste marriages and the concept of endogamy came up. This robbed away many types of freedom from women. For women belonging to lower castes, this situation is worse as they are doubly subjugated on the basis on caste as well as gender. Men belonging to their own caste treat them as secondary beings. This paper throws light on this intersection. How intersection of these two kinds of inequalities place them at the lowest position in Indian society. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar rises as their leader who all his life worked for empowerment of downtrodden section of society. He argues that education is the primary tool for evading these differences among people. He further emphasizes to adopt the concept of exogamy to break the backbone of Indian caste system and to immediately leave a religion or culture which legitimizes such system of inequality among people of the same land.

Swati sharma

Intersection of caste and gender based subjugation

One of the unique features of Indian society is prevalence of caste system which was originated thousands of years back to demarcate the people engaged in different occupation or jobs. Initially it was not much rigid but gradually people belonging to upper castes for their own selfish means to maintain their monopoly made this arrangement hereditary and started treating people of lower castes disgracefully. For preservation of this system, people started controlling their women to prevent inter-caste marriages and the concept of endogamy came up. This robbed away many types of freedom from women. For women belonging to lower castes, this situation is worse as they are doubly subjugated on the basis on caste as well as gender. Men belonging to their own caste treat them as secondary beings. This paper throws light on this intersection. How intersection of these two kinds of inequalities place them at the lowest position in Indian society. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar rises as their leader who all his life worked for empowerment of downtrodden section of society. He argues that education is the primary tool for evading these differences among people. He further emphasizes to adopt the concept of exogamy to break the backbone of Indian caste system and to immediately leave a religion or culture which legitimizes such system of inequality among people of the same land.

Swati sharma

Dan-nucnet: a dual attention based framework for nuclei segmentation in cancer histology images under wild clinical conditions

Nuclei segmentation plays an essential role in histology analysis. The nuclei segmentation in histology images is challenging in variable conditions (clinical wild), such as poor staining quality, stain variability, tissue variability, and conditions having higher morphological variability. Recently, some deep learning models have been proposed for nuclei segmentation. However, these models rarely solve the problems mentioned above simultaneously. Most of the information in Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stained histology images is in its channel, and the remaining information is in the spatial domain. We observed that most problems could be solved by considering channel and spatial features simultaneously, e.g., the spatial and channel features provide the solution to the morphological variability and staining variability, respectively. Therefore, we propose a novel spatial-channel attention-based modified UNet architecture with ResNet blocks in encoder layers. The UNet baseline preserves coarse and fine features, thus proving the solution to the tissue variability. The proposed method significantly improves the segmentation performance compared to the state-of-the-art methods on three different benchmark datasets. We demonstrate that the proposed model is generalized for 20 cancer sites, more than any reported literature. The proposed model is less complex than most state-of-the-art models. The impact of the proposed model is that it will help improve further procedures such as nuclei instance segmentation, nuclei classification, and cancer grading.

Ibtihaj Ahmad

The effect of formaldehyde on the liver of adult male albino rats and possible protective role of vitamin c

Background: Formaldehyde is found in different kinds of medicine and industrial products, cigarette smoke, and even numerous vegetables, fruits and seafood that have been illegally preserved with formalin. The water soluble vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that scavenges free radicals and other reactive nitrogen and oxygen species. Even in small amounts, vitamin C can defend nucleic acids, lipids and proteins against oxidative damage. Objectives: the aim of this study is to elucidate the possible changes that take place in the liver of adult male albino rats after intraperitoneal injection of formaldehyde and the possibility of oral vitamin C’s hepatoprotectivity against it. Design: forty-five adult male albino rats were utilized in this work. These animals were allocated randomly into three main groups. Group I (control groups) included 3 subgroups each contained 9 rats : –ve control received no treatment , +ve control which were injected intraperitoneally by 1 ml of distilled water for 10 days and vit.C +ve control group which received a daily dose of ascorbic acid (100mg/kg bw) dissolved in distilled water by gavage for 10 days. Group ΙΙ: contained 9 rats, which were injected intraperitoneally with a daily dose of formaldehyde (10mg/kg BW) for 10 days. Group IΙΙ: contained 9 rats that were injected intraperitoneally with a daily dose of formaldehyde (10mg/kg BW) concomitantly with daily dose of ascorbic acid (100mg/kg BW) by gavage for 10 days. By the end of the experiment, blood samples were collected for biochemical study of ALT (Alanine aminotransferase), AST (Aspartate aminotransferase) and albumin and all animals were anaesthetized by ether inhalation. Liver specimens were dissected out and weighed then subjected to histopathological, immunohistochemistry, and morphometrical examination. Results: Administration of formaldehyde at a dose of 10 mg/kg caused increase in serum activities of ALT and AST ,but regarding albumin ,it remained unaffected .It caused increase in the liver weights and induced several histopathological changes in the liver of adult male albino rats as congested dilated central veins, portal veins and blood sinusoids with increase in the thickness of the wall of the portal vein. Meanwhile, some hepatic lobules showed multiple necrotic foci around central and portal veins. On the other hand, vit.C partially improved the state of oxidative stress as evidenced by iNOS (inducible nitric oxide synthase) immunohistochemistry. It also reduced the degree of hepatic fibrosis as evidenced by Mallory trichrome histochemical staining. Conclusion: Exposure to formaldehyde led to pronounced hepatic damage which is partially limited by vit.C coadministration. Recommendations: Many special precautions should be taken to limit the occupational and environmental exposure and the level of food and water contamination with formaldehyde and use vit.C as a supplement to limit the toxic effects on the liver.

Samar Mortada Mahmoud