Dr. Salman Ahmed

Antiurolithiatic plants: multidimensional pharmacology

  • Authors Details :  
  • Salman Ahmed,  
  • Muhammad Mohtasheemul Hasan ,  
  • Zafar Alam Mahmood

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Urolithiasis has been a common problem for centuries and has a high recurrence. This review aims to provide comprehensive information about traditionally used antiurolithiatic plants and their scientifically proven pharmacological activities like analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, astringent, demulcent, diuretic, litholytic, lithotriptic, antiurolithiatic, antispasmodic, ACE inhibition and Phospholipase A2 inhibition as a plausible mechanism of action. A total of 503 species, 365 genera and 119 families were cited for treating kidney stones. The most cited families are Asteraceae (41), Fabaceae (34), Lamiaceae (26), Apiaceae (21), Rosaceae (19) and Poaceae (16). The most commonly used plant parts are root and rhizome (25%), mode of preparation decoction (62%), and oral administration route in all cases. This review will provide the opportunities for the future research and development of new natural antiurolithiatic compounds.

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