International Journal Of Agricultural And Applied Sciences (ijaas)

Evaluation of okra (abelmoschus esculentus l. moench) genotypes for important quantitative characters

  • Authors Details :  
  • Abdul Majid Ansari

Journal title : International Journal of Agricultural and Applied Sciences

Publisher : Agricultural & Environmental Technology Development Society

Online ISSN : 2582-8053

Page Number : 1-5

Journal volume : 1

Journal issue : 1

805 Views Research reports

An experiment was carried out during kharif 2017 at Zonal Research Station, Chianki using sixteen promising genotypes of okra with three replications in randomized block design. Observations on ten important quantitative characters were recorded. Analyzed data revealed that all characters showed significant effect. The genotype Ajeet-121 gave significantly highest yield with the yield of 135.12 q/ha followed by NS-862 and Super green with the yield of 134.75 q/ha and 134.02 q/ha, respectively. Average fruit weight (15.33 g) and yield of fruits per plant (245.67 g/plant) were recorded significantly highest in the genotype Ajeet-121. On the basis of these observations, it may be concluded that the genotype Ajeet-121 was found most suitable okra genotype for kharif cultivation in the western plateau region (sub zone-V) of Jharkhand.

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