OA Profie Id : OA-0000-00763
B.A.(Hons.), M.Com.
1 - Pemanfaatan aplikasi smartphone untuk mengembangkan produk industri rumah tangga
2 - Small business management and financial literacy for young entrepreneurs
3 - The risk perception as a mediator between herding and overconfidence on investment decision by gen z in indonesia
4 - Linking transformational leadership and employee commitment: intervening role of work-life balance and workplace social support
5 - The mediating role of stress between workload, work environment, and performance of factory workers
6 - Unveiling the sustainability of lean production
7 - The antecedents of purchase decision at online travel agent (tiket.com)
8 - Dynamic capability for digital transformation in family-owned company
9 - Study on compensation, organizational commitment, and work motivation for employee retention at a local hospital
10 - Purchase decision in e-commerce: utilising celebrity endorsement, advertising appeal, and e-word of mouth
11 - Student satisfaction with placement for internship in management study program
12 - Peningkatan mutu pengajaran sekolah dasar melalui pemanfaatan teknologi integratif
13 - Analysis of online purchase intention using scarcity and liking as the persuasion marketing strategies
14 - The importance of employees' motivation and training on company performance in a family business
15 - Dampak kualitas, persepsi konsumen dan brand image terhadap keputusan pembelian produk endorsement
16 - Visitor motives of culinary and shopping festival event at lippo plaza medan
17 - The effect of supply chain management and competitive advantage on company performance at pt ahlindo perkasa alam
18 - The effect of transformational leadership and competence on employee performance with job satisfaction as intervening variable
19 - Effect of transformational leadership style to job satisfaction at pt musim mas, medan
20 - Analysis of the effect of communication, competence and work discipline on job satisfaction at pt tribahtera srikandi