The current study explores creative cultural tourism as a new model of the relationship between cultural heritage and tourism. Cultural heritage with its tangible and intangible components represents an essential part of culture tourism. Many changes have been happened in tourism due to new forms of consumption patterns, tourism activities, and tourism products. These changes require shifting from traditional culture tourism to creative cultural tourism as a new concept of cultural heritage. Tourists face many problems in the traditional culture tourism which is a form of mass tourism, thus, creative cultural tourism came to solve these problems. In addition, this study explains the transformation from traditional culture tourism to creative culture tourism.
The purpose of this paper is to offer insights that can help researchers to link ontology, epistemology and research methodology. This paper outlines the links among ontology, epistemology and research methodology by exploring ontological, epistemological and methodological perspectives in the research. It discusses how ontological and epistemological issues influence research methodology by providing a clear understanding of different research methodologies based on ontology and epistemology. Furthermore, attention is given to research aspects such as the elements of the research process, research philosophy, research approach, research strategy, the choice of method, and research design
The aim of this study is to identify the move from cultural to creative cultural tourism as new model for meeting tourists' demands for creative experiences. Hence, traditional cultural tourism must reinvent itself as creative tourism for those creative tourists seeking more interactive experiences. This new trend in creative cultural tourism has emerged from the changes in the production of cultural tourist commodities, the skilled tourist activities, and new consumption patterns. Moreover, creative cultural tourism can solve those problems experienced by traditional cultural tourists. A literature review confirmed that a move to creative cultural tourism, or intangible heritage (i.e., linguistic diversity or gastronomy), from tangible cultural attractions (i.e., museums, monuments, and so forth) increases the attractiveness of tourism destinations. In addition, this study explains the transformation from traditional cultural to creative cultural tourism.
The purpose of this research was to examine the mediating effect of empowerment on the linkage between Total Quality Management (TQM) and service recovery performance in the hotel industry. Although much has been written about TQM, empowerment and service recovery performance, but the role of empowerment as a mediator in the relationship between TQM and service recovery performance has remained a relatively unexplored research area. A 93-item questionnaire is designed to measure TQM, empowerment and service recovery amongst employees in five-star hotels in Jordan, and 254 usable questionnaires were used in this study. Principal components analysis determined the factor structure and regression analysis determined the relationships between the study’s variables. The results revealed that the TQM implementations have positive effects on empowerment and service recovery performance. Moreover, the study found the full mediating effect of empowerment in the relationship between TQM and service recovery performance. Implications, limitations and future research are discussed at the end. This study proposes model of influence of TQM in service recovery performance, whereby empowerment fully mediates this relationship.
Service quality is a key factor for success in any hotel. Many researchers have conducted studies on service quality, but only a few studies have been conducted on internal service quality (ISQ) in general, and in the hotel industry in particular. Since there is no general agreement among researchers on the measurement of ISQ, many studies have used SERVQUAL instrument to measure the employees’ perceptions of ISQ. The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of ISQ on employee’s job satisfaction in five-star hotels in Jordan. The current study was carried out by measuring the data gathered through a seven-point Likert scale. The quantitative survey method was applied, and therefore the SERVQUAL instrument was used to measure ISQ, and the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) was used to measure job satisfaction. Data obtained from a sample of 238 respondents drawn from 14 five-star hotels in Jordan were analysed with the SPSS software based on descriptive statistics. The study’s findings indicated that the ISQ of five-star hotels in Jordan has a significantly positive influence on an employee’s job satisfaction. These findings support the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between ISQ in the hotel industry and industry employees’ job satisfaction.
A focus group is an investigative tool for social research based on a structured and focused discussion with a small group of people, run by a facilitator (moderator) to generate qualitative data through a set of open-ended questions. The focus group technique is a qualitative research methodology popularly used in social research in a wide range of sectors. A researcher uses a set of open-ended questions on a specific topic to generate qualitative data. The focus group is an efficient way of gathering data about particular opinions or attitudes by covering a large number of people in the same group. This entry explores the methodology and processes of focus groups as well as the analysis of data from focus group research.
Creative tourism has been stimulated as new form of tourism by more skilled forms of tourism activities, by the growth of new consumption patterns, and by changes in the production of tourism products. It can solve that problems experienced by tourists in the conventional tourism. Creativity has many definitions and that based on the function of creativity, it was historically related to creative person, but the recent research in creativity focused on creative product. However, creativity can be located in four areas, and they are: creative person, creative product, creative process, and creative environment. Creativity means “the production of novel and useful ideas in any domain”, which refers to the generation of ideas. Today, creativity becomes as a strategy that promoting individual skill development and innovation, this strategy has been followed by many cities and regions around the world in order to obtain the growth throughout commodification, knowledge development, globalization and increasing competition. Creativity can play a significant role in the mainstream tourism experiences that can be added to the places’ atmosphere, creativity is considered as an attractive policy for stimulating other creative activities and outcomes of social, economic and cultural through spilling knowledge and networking. Indeed, creativity can impact tourism in many ways such as: tourism itself as a creative area, tourism products, skills development and performance development. Thus, the important role of creativity in tourism has been incarcerated in many trends
Service quality in the hospitality industry becomes one of the most important factors for gaining a sustainable competitive advantage and customers’ confidence in the highly competitive marketplace, and therefore service quality can give the hospitality industry a great chance to create competitive differentiation for organisations. It is thus considered as a significant core concept and a critical success factor in the hospitality industry. A successful hotel delivers excellent quality service to customers, and service quality is considered the life of hotel. Many benefits can be achieved by service quality such as establishing customer satisfaction, contributing to business image, establishing customer loyalty, and providing a competitive advantage to a business. Service quality performance can mean different to different people, for example, employees may show higher perceptions of service quality than customers perceived, and thus managers and their employees never like to identify deficiencies in service quality
This study aims to explore the impact of Employee Service Innovation Behavior (ESIB) on New Service Development (NSD) among hotels’ employees. A research model was proposed in which one hypothesis was developed. The empirical data were collected from employees who are working in four- and five-star hotels in Jordan. A total of 332 questionnaires were returned and the data were analyzed using a single regression to determine the relationship between ESIB and NSD. The results supported the proposed model that there is a significant relationship between ESIB and NSD, and it also found that service innovation performance is exited in the hotel industry. The theoretical and managerial implications were drawn based on the study findings, and recommendations for future researchers were made, and limitations and conclusions are discussed.
Although the importance of service quality has been recognised, few studies have addressed service quality in hotels from the perspective of employees. Therefore, this study aims to measure the service quality of four and five-star hotels in Jordan from the employees’ perspective based on the SERVQUAL model. The current study was carried out by measuring the data gathered according to a five-point Likert scale. A quantitative survey method was applied, and therefore the SERVQUAL instrument was used to measure service quality. Data obtained from a sample of 238 respondents drawn from ten four- and five-star hotels in Jordan were analysed with the SPSS software based on descriptive statistics. The study’s findings indicated that service quality of five-star hotels in Jordan was higher than that of four-star hotels.
This paper examines the influence of empowerment on job satisfaction in five-star hotels in Jordan. The influence of empowerment on job satisfaction remains a relatively unexplored area. A 52-item questionnaire, measuring empowerment and job satisfaction, was distributed to 332 employees in 12 five-star hotels in Jordan with a 56% response rate. Principal components analysis determined the factor structure and regression analysis determined the influence of empowerment on job satisfaction. The results revealed both structural and psychological empowerment have significant individual influences on job satisfaction, but more significant when structural and psychological empowerment are combined. Most of previous studies were conducted in western economies and little in the Middle East generally and Jordan in particular. This research contributes to the literature by including both dimensions of empowerment where previous scholars used only one.
This study aims to assess tourists‟ perceptions towards quality tourism services provided at Petra historical site, and to measure tourist satisfaction by examining the impact of quality tourism product on overall tourist satisfaction. In this study, four hypotheses were developed are proposed a study model. The empirical data were collected from tourists via a survey that yielded 180 usable questionnaires, these data were analysed using a series of multiple regressions to determine the relationship between service quality and tourist satisfaction. The findings confirmed that service quality directly impacted tourist satisfaction throughout destination facilities, destination accessibility and destination attraction. As a result, this study argued that there is a significant impact of the service quality on tourist satisfaction, and therefore service quality plays an important role in tourism by increasing the level of tourist satisfaction. The results in this study supported the evidence that there are positive impacts of components of tourism product on tourist satisfaction. This study provided some theoretical and managerial implications based on the findings to academicians and tourism sector, the researcher presented recommendations for further studies and he discussed the main limitations in this study
This study aims at classifing hotels in Jordan into groups based on their Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation. Using a survey methodology, the TQM questionnaire was designed to measure the level of TQM implementation throughout Critical Success Factors (CSFs) which are necessary for TQM implementation. A total of 345 TQM questionnaires were distributed to managers, working in 17 four- and five-star Jordanian hotels. The researcher obtained 227 usable TQM questionnaires. The results classified Jordanian hotels based on the CSFs for TQM implementation. More specifically, using cluster analysis on the CSFs of TQM resulted in two groups of hotels: ‘low TQM adopters’ and ‘high TQM adopters’. These two groups showed significant differences across the TQM CSFs
e purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of leadership style on employee job satisfaction in five-star hotels. A questionnaire consisted of 57 items based on five-point likert scale (from strongly disagree to strongly agree) was used to measure both leadership style and job satisfaction from employees’ perspectives. Using random sampling, the researcher distributed 350 questionnaires, 220 of which were completed. The obtained data from the questionnaires are investigated through the SPSS statistical packaged software. The empirical results indicated that two types of leadership styles, namely, democratic and laissezfaire were found to have direct positive significant relationships with employees’ job satisfaction. The findings showed that the dominant leadership style was democratic and employees were moderately satisfied with their job. This implies that democratic leadership is deemed suitable for managing hotels. The study’s results show that different leadership style will have different impacts on employee job satisfaction. An interesting finding is that democratic leadership has a stronger influence on job satisfaction than laissez-faire leadership does. As a result, by adopting the appropriate leadership styles, leaders can affect employee job satisfaction.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate activities of the corporate citizens in Tanzania and find the best way of aligning CSR initiatives to attain mutual benefits between the organizations and general public. A total of 45 organizations, both for profit and not for profit, were engaged in this study from four different industries. The study used semi-structured interview guide to collect data and a focused group discussion was organized. Contents analysis was used to categorize the responses into five major themes, as discussed in the main document. The findings reveal that CSR is still at its initial stage and much has to be done for the corporations to draw the best out it. Keywords Strategic CSR Value Organization and Society
With the emergence of HR Analytics in organizations; gathering, interpreting, and measuring of HR data has become easy. HR Analytics act as a tool which is a combination of statistical techniques that enable collection, interpretation, measurement, and forecasting of data. HR analytics enlightens solution to the organizational problems and make accurate decisions. HR analytics hence aligns HR strategy with overall business strategy to obtain a competitive advantage. HR analytics has passed through phases of measuring the Sub HR functions. HR Analytics provides various opportunities to business as it forecasts workforce requirements, enables HR to achieve corporate goals, and improve organizational performance which helps businesses in finding success. Despite the success, the business faces some big challenges like data governance, skill gap among employees, top management support, and many other such challenges in implementing and using the HR Analytics tool in business. Various research scholars have discussed HR analytics from so many years. So many papers have come focusing on the conceptual part of HR analytics, past present and future scenario of HR analytics, acceptance of HR analytics in organizations, the extent of its utility, rise of HR analytics, and various other related studies. This paper aims to find out the challenges and opportunities faced by the business firm in implementing HR analytics as a tool in organizations. This study also gives the theoretical concept of HR analytics based on secondary data collected from previous research papers, journal of the year 2016- 2019 given by various research scholars, blogs, and websites that provide HR analytics recent data. The study will provide the pros and cons of implementing and using HR analytics.
Woman constitutes the family, which leads to the development of society and Nation. The social and economic development of women is necessary for the overall economic advancement of any society or a country. Entrepreneurship comprises venture activities that are the center of the recognition of various opportunities, creativity, and innovation in the production process and development of new business models and ventures. Entrepreneurship plays a major role in developing society of a fastdeveloping country like India. In comparison to other countries, the event of women entrepreneurship is extremely low in India, especially in rural areas. However, middle-class women aren't too eager to alter their roles because of fear of social backlash. The growth is more visible among high families in urban areas. Rural women frequently have primary responsibility for agricultural production, additionally to domestic responsibilities and childcare. In developing countries like India where the economic status of women is extremely pathetic especially in rural areas and opportunities of earning are very less. For establishing self-esteem and recognition in society, women are attracted to entrepreneurship. To sustain within the competitive market, businesses administered by women are mainly hooked into internal resources and their capabilities supported which they struggle to compete with the external environment. The present paper endeavors to study the opportunities and challenges of women entrepreneurs. The study aims to analyze the factors that encourage women entrepreneurs. This study is based on secondary data collected from previous research papers, journals given by various research scholars, blogs, and websites. This study concludes that women entrepreneurs should be provided with special training facilities to overcome challenges and for developing their skills and talents.
The COVID-19 crisis has impacted all dimensions of our lives say it as the public health, the labour system, the social interaction, the political debate, the use of public spaces, the economy, the environment, and last but not the least it has proved to be a major contributor to the cultural value system of the individual living in society. This research paper is to analyse and understand the changes enforced by this pandemic on Indian culture and individual of the society. It also analyses the context of COVID-19 scenario with special reference to Indian culture and Hofstede’s theory of cultural dimension. This research paper is an attempt to emphasize the changes in culture and value system during the COVID-19 pandemic faced by India. India is enriched enough in cultural dimensions to combat COVID-19. The Hofstede’s model analysed in depth also leads to this finding that it also fits well in the present context. Thus, it is hereby summed up that as India is enriched in its cultural values it has posed itself as a fighter for this pandemic
The objective of this research paper is to assess the mediating effect of Hygiene and motivator factors of Herzberg’s theory in motivating employees with special reference to retail industry and estimate their level of job satisfaction through them. The research being descriptive in nature is based on Primary as well as Secondary data. Structured and standard Questionnaire based on motivatorshygiene has been used for data collection. The respondents (retail executive) respondents were contacted through online Google form and questionnaires were distributed by the researcher personally . The final sample size was 180. Factor analysis is the main statistical tool used to identify underlying variables, or factors, that explain the pattern of correlations within a set of given variables. Researcher has used Principal component method of extraction. The KMO Test was carried out for finding sampling adequacy and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity was carried along with approx. Chi-Square test to test the hypothesis. It is identified from the analysis that out of the eight factors six factors are hygiene factors. Out of these six hygiene factors 3 are money based- Monetary gains attracts, Pay Satisfaction and Love of Money. The results have showed that hygiene factors dominated over motivators in terms of job satisfaction (retail executives in NCR. ) . Herzberg’s two factor theory is applicable but not all factors influence or impact and few are becoming obsolete.
Object: In the competitive world of the market economy, every economic unit tries organizing everyday activities. Creating a set of suitable and cost-efficient organizational structures and making competitive products and services, top managers should find the mechanisms of building alternative ways of organizational structures. Methods: This paper presents the traditional and modern management structures, their historical steps, and developed methods. In this footfall of the market economy, companies in developing countries should build their management system’s organizational structure. They should advance a management system, managerial behaviours, and new management styles of developed ones. For this purpose in this research has learned organizational structures of developed companies. The investigation discusses the emergence, formation, and modern appearance of management structures that evaluate organizational structures’ importance in enterprises and companies’ activities, using vivid examples. Findings: Then, it has shown some forms of developed organizational structures of companies with the assessment of their highest role in management. In the conclusions and recommendations, we offer our approaches to solving existing organizational problems using the historical period of development to this day.
Asociate Profesor
Bharathidasan University
Independent Researcher
Svyasa Deemed To Be University