Adolescent Health articles list

Importance of using basic statistics adequately in clinical research

Justificativa e objetivo: O uso inadequado da estatística básica é o maior responsável peloerro de interpretac ̧ão dos artigos científicos. O objetivo deste artigo de revisão foi rever algunstópicos básicos de estatística para alertar autores e leitores sobre a importância do relatoadequado da estatística básica.

Kamal Singh

A comparative study of social and economic aspect of migration

India is a country of immense diversity. It is home to people of many different racial, languages, ethnic, religious, and national backgrounds. Groups of people in India differ from each other not only in physical or demographic characteristics but also in distinctive patterns of behavior and these patterns are determined by social and cultural factors like language, region, religion, and caste. Apart from behaviour, economic development, level of education and political culture of the people in various social segments differ from region to region. More you can say that economy and cultures have been enriched by the contributions of migrants from round the globe. In an increasingly globalised world, migratory movements is continuously shaping the countries all over the world. Some countries like India and Ireland, which set the example of economic development and social integration, have the positive impact of the migration by globalisation and some countries like USA, which recently witness racism, xenophobia and discrimination have the negative impact on the migrants. It does not mean India do not face fragmentation and USA do not have cohesion. USA have many stories which show successful integration process, that facilitated the lives of immigrant communities, but being a developed country it still suffers from cultural alienation. In these countries, borders are built within borders to create cultural divides that do not allow people to integrate. Recently, this problem has become more prominent due to the rise of terrorism, clash of cultures in the world, leading to the glorification of stereotypes. People are becoming less accepting towards anyone who does not belong to their region. Migration does not stop after people move from one place to another place. The main question start after that ‘now what’ they will do. That is why this topic needs to be discussed thoroughly in order to find better solutions. This paper will begin with an analysis of different approaches to Migration, discuss the target groups for integration policies, provide indicators of the current situation of migrants and proceed to an analysis of integration tools: legislation, social policies and participatory processes. It will focus not only on the impact of migration but also on social integration, mix culture like indo-western culture in a comparative basis.

Ekta Meena

A comparative study of social and economic aspect of migration

India is a country of immense diversity. It is home to people of many different racial, languages, ethnic, religious, and national backgrounds. Groups of people in India differ from each other not only in physical or demographic characteristics but also in distinctive patterns of behavior and these patterns are determined by social and cultural factors like language, region, religion, and caste. Apart from behaviour, economic development, level of education and political culture of the people in various social segments differ from region to region. More you can say that economy and cultures have been enriched by the contributions of migrants from round the globe. In an increasingly globalised world, migratory movements is continuously shaping the countries all over the world. Some countries like India and Ireland, which set the example of economic development and social integration, have the positive impact of the migration by globalisation and some countries like USA, which recently witness racism, xenophobia and discrimination have the negative impact on the migrants. It does not mean India do not face fragmentation and USA do not have cohesion. USA have many stories which show successful integration process, that facilitated the lives of immigrant communities, but being a developed country it still suffers from cultural alienation. In these countries, borders are built within borders to create cultural divides that do not allow people to integrate. Recently, this problem has become more prominent due to the rise of terrorism, clash of cultures in the world, leading to the glorification of stereotypes. People are becoming less accepting towards anyone who does not belong to their region. Migration does not stop after people move from one place to another place. The main question start after that ‘now what’ they will do. That is why this topic needs to be discussed thoroughly in order to find better solutions. This paper will begin with an analysis of different approaches to Migration, discuss the target groups for integration policies, provide indicators of the current situation of migrants and proceed to an analysis of integration tools: legislation, social policies and participatory processes. It will focus not only on the impact of migration but also on social integration, mix culture like indo-western culture in a comparative basis.

Ekta Meena

Study of temperature variation in human peripheral region during wound healing process due to plastic surgery

In this paper, investigations are made to analyze the human body temperature during wound healing process due to surgery. Wound is considered after the skin graft. Skin graft is a technique used in plastic surgery. Skin is the first line of defense between the human and environment, it is very susceptible to damage. Internal body or core temperature (Tb) is one of the clinical vital signs along with pulse and respiratory rates. Any disturbance in body temperature will drive complexities in wound healing process. These studies are important in the mechanism of establishing the limits of thermal regulation of human body during the healing process in different situations and conditions. The Finite element method is used to analyze tissues temperature for normal tissues (donor site) and abnormal tissues (tissues after surgery). Appropriate boundary conditions have been framed. Numerical results are obtained using Crank Nicolson Method.

Manisha Jain

Metapuf: a challenge response pair generator

Physically unclonable function (PUF) is a hardware security module preferred for hardware feature based random number and secret key generation. Security of a cryptographic system relies on the quality of the challenge-response pair, it is necessary that the key generation mechanism must unpredictable and its response should constant under different operating condition. Metastable state in CMOS latch is undesirable since it response becomes unpredictable, this feature used in this work to generate a unique response. A feedback mechanism is developed which forces the latch into the metastable region; after metastable state, latch settle to high or state depends on circuit internal condition and noise which cannot be predicted. Obtained inter hamming variation for 8 PUF is 51% and average intra hamming distance is 99.76% with supply voltage variation and 96.22% with temperature variation.

Abhishek Kumar

Relationship between culture and gender inequality in india

This paper throws light on the role played by culture and traditions specifically of Hindu religion in legitimising the subordinate position of women in Indian society. Along with presenting a brief account on the status of women from ancient times to contemporary situation, the sex-gender binary has also been explored. How a child after his birth socialised to behave in a certain way on the basis of his/her sex has been noted. This process of socialisation is based on the age old customs and traditions which are discriminatory in nature. The male child is taught to be strong, dominating and aggressive in nature and henceforth assigned laborious work to do for managing the finances of house. On the other hand, female child is taught to be sensitive, loving and caring and therefore assigned to manage household work, child nurturing and motherhood related responsibilities.

Swati sharma

Intersection of caste and gender based subjugation

One of the unique features of Indian society is prevalence of caste system which was originated thousands of years back to demarcate the people engaged in different occupation or jobs. Initially it was not much rigid but gradually people belonging to upper castes for their own selfish means to maintain their monopoly made this arrangement hereditary and started treating people of lower castes disgracefully. For preservation of this system, people started controlling their women to prevent inter-caste marriages and the concept of endogamy came up. This robbed away many types of freedom from women. For women belonging to lower castes, this situation is worse as they are doubly subjugated on the basis on caste as well as gender. Men belonging to their own caste treat them as secondary beings. This paper throws light on this intersection. How intersection of these two kinds of inequalities place them at the lowest position in Indian society. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar rises as their leader who all his life worked for empowerment of downtrodden section of society. He argues that education is the primary tool for evading these differences among people. He further emphasizes to adopt the concept of exogamy to break the backbone of Indian caste system and to immediately leave a religion or culture which legitimizes such system of inequality among people of the same land.

Swati sharma

Intersection of caste and gender based subjugation

One of the unique features of Indian society is prevalence of caste system which was originated thousands of years back to demarcate the people engaged in different occupation or jobs. Initially it was not much rigid but gradually people belonging to upper castes for their own selfish means to maintain their monopoly made this arrangement hereditary and started treating people of lower castes disgracefully. For preservation of this system, people started controlling their women to prevent inter-caste marriages and the concept of endogamy came up. This robbed away many types of freedom from women. For women belonging to lower castes, this situation is worse as they are doubly subjugated on the basis on caste as well as gender. Men belonging to their own caste treat them as secondary beings. This paper throws light on this intersection. How intersection of these two kinds of inequalities place them at the lowest position in Indian society. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar rises as their leader who all his life worked for empowerment of downtrodden section of society. He argues that education is the primary tool for evading these differences among people. He further emphasizes to adopt the concept of exogamy to break the backbone of Indian caste system and to immediately leave a religion or culture which legitimizes such system of inequality among people of the same land.

Swati sharma

Influence of demographic and socio-economic factors on locus of control on residents of select suburbs in mumbai city

The orientation he/she chooses has a bearing on his/her long-term success. This orientation is known as your "locus of control." Its study dates back to the 1960s, with Julian Rotter's investigation into how people's behaviours and attitudes affected the outcomes of their lives. Locus of control has been defined as the degree to which an individual perceives having control over the environment (Rotter, 1966). According to Rotter (1975), there are two types of control, internal and external, which anchor a continuum that approximates a normal distribution. People are said to have an internal locus of control when they believe reinforcements are contingent upon their own behaviour or stable personal characteristics. External locus of control results when people believe that reinforcements are due to luck, fate, or powerful others outside of their control. Current study focuses on investigating the influence of demographic variables (age, gender, education level), marital status and socio economic status (occupation, income) on the level of internal/ external locus of control with the help of data collected from residents (aged between 20 and 50) of a select suburbs in Mumbai city. On analysing the data so collected, it is found that age has a major influence on an individual’s level of internal locus of control.


Parental perception about western cartoon on child’s mental health in pakistan

The purpose of this study is to explore the impacts of foreign cartoons programs on the social behavior and attitude of Pakistani Children. It is forecasting different cartoon programs 24/7; hence, children spend most of their leisure in front of the television. All these cartoon characters affect the social life and psyche of the children and induce positive and negative mannerism in their daily lifestyles. It has found that one of the most disturbing factor is that the ferocity in children today is increasing rapidly due to following their favorite violent cartoon characters which are even different from their culture and societal norms. The issue is violence is what they see in every cartoon program in one or the other way. Their Guardians are unaware that these cartoons they let their children watch are destroying their parenting as negative forces are attacking the innocent minds of this generation. The study gives the insight of why and what is happening with non-parametric statistics studied and used for thorough analysis. The behavioral outcome of the kids like, imitating their preferred animation character, utilizing various dialects, watching the TV as opposed to deciding on outdoor games and being difficult about getting precisely the same outfits and embellishments as their adored character. This contextual analysis features the disturbing circumstance that guardians are uninformed of. There is something other than mimicking the particular character. The only traits of watching these foreign cartoon characters is that it might damage their own customs and they wildly become to believe these characters as their role models.

Zaki Hasan

Effect of educational intervention on osteoporosis among tribal premenopausal women

Background:- Tribals are weaker section which holds in outstanding number of tribal population in our country. They are not having proper knowledge on osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a significant problem in aging population especially in females, it impacts structural and social burden on health care services in tribals. Objective:- Aim of this study is to determine the knowledge regarding osteoporosis among tribal premenopausal women in tribal area of Guntur Dist. Andhra Pradesh Methods:- This study is descriptive quantitative study conducted among 177 Sugali women & 23 Chenchu women of tribal area in Guntur Dist. Andhra Pradesh from 2015 November to December 2015. A self-administered questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge on osteoporosis by conducting Pre-Tests on this group of people. After Educational Intervention was given with the help of self-instructional module and also conducted a Post Test on these same Group of people Results:- The mean age was 40 to 50 years. Majority of the participants are 177 (100%) Sugali women and 23 Chenchu women in these 177 in which n.150 (84%) women are having poor knowledge and remaining 27 (16%) women have average knowledge. In Chenchu women 20 (86%) women were having poor knowledge and remaining 3 (14%) women have average knowledge on all five aspects of questions regarding Osteoporosis, Menopause, Diet, Exercises and Preventive Methods. After Educational Intervention was given their knowledge was improved by a fraction on Osteoporosis. In the Post-Test 101 (57%) women gained average knowledge but remaining 76 (43%) women remained with poor knowledge among Sugali Women. Out of 23 (100%) women of Chenchu tribe 7 (30%) women got average knowledge and the remaining 16 (70%) women remained with poor Knowledge on Osteoporosis Conclusion:- Although majority of participants had low level of knowledge on Osteoporosis in all aspects regarding Menopause, Diet, Exercises and Preventive methods of Osteoporosis. They perceived a little knowledge on Osteoporosis in all aspects towards preventing Osteoporosis. Comparitively Sugali women are having better knowledge than Chenchu women in all aspects of Osteoporosis. Key words:- Osteoporosis, Knowledge, Effect, Pre-Menopausal, Tribal Women.

Mangeswari K

Practices towards artificial fruit ripening among fruit vendors in rivers state

This study investigated the practice of artificial fruit ripening among fruit vendors of banana, plantain, mango and pawpaw in Rivers State. The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional survey design. Two objectives, corresponding research questions and null hypotheses guided the study. The population for the study comprised all the accessible 1,810 fruit vendors in Rivers East senatorial district. A sample size of 472 fruit vendors was drawn using multi-stage sampling procedure. A validated self-structured questionnaire titled ‘Practice of Artificial Fruit Ripening’ with inter-scale reliability co- efficient of 0.896 was used as instrument for data collection. The descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions, while inferential statistics of Z-test and One-Way Analysis of Variance were used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level. It was found that fruit vendors in Rivers State sometimes practiced artificial fruit ripening using chemical and non-chemical methods. It was also discovered that regardless of their level of education and years of experience in the fruit business, the fruit vendors sometimes indulged in unhealthy practice of artificial fruit ripening. More so, the study revealed significant difference in practice among the fruit vendors in Rivers State based on level of education and years of experience. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the current practice of artificial fruit ripening in Rivers State is not in tandem with global best practices and therefore portend danger to the wellbeing of Rivers people and other Nigerians. The study therefore recommended among others that; community health workers should carry-out regular and effective health awareness campaigns concerning the dangers of using chemicals to ripen fruits. The Government of Rivers State through the Ministry of Agriculture should organise training programmes for fruit vendors on faster, safer, and economically feasible methods of fruits ripening and other post-harvest management techniques

FXintegrity Publishing

Credit risk analysis- a case study of canara bank

All the people who need loan may turn to their local banks, credit unions or peer to peer lenders. Every lending institution has its own advantages and drawbacks. In this scenario credit risk management becomes increasingly important element as the same is concerned with managing the financial debts and safeguarding the interest of the banks. The purpose of credits given by banks is to earn interest and make profits. The important function of credit management is to decide how much credit should be given to the borrower and ensuring compliances with the credit terms of repayment and avoid Non-Performing Assets (NPA) to the banks. Credit risk is the biggest risk the bank faces by the virtue of nature of business, inherits. The ability of commercial banks to formulate and adhere to policies and procedures that promote credit quality and curtail non-performing loans is the means to survive in the stiff competition. Inability to create and build up quality loans and credit worthy customers leads to default risk and bankruptcy as well as hamper the economic growth of the country

Shaila Kamath

A comparative study of credit risk management: a case study of canara bank and karnataka bank.

Banks need finance to carry out their day to day activities smoothly. There will be times where the borrowers fail to repay the money leading a risk to the lenders. There are various types of risks faced by the banks such as financial and non-financial risk in the unstable environment. These risks may be a threat for the existence and achievements of banks. A Credit risk is the risk which arises when the borrower fails to make required payments. It is a huge loss to the lender where he loses both the principal and interest which leads to the interruption of the cash flows and increase in collection costs. Banks usually follow a certain framework while lending loans so that they can manage the credit risks. The main purpose of credit risk management is to find out how much credit should be provided to the borrowers and the different ways to collect the amount back. The success of banks depends on the formulation of the policies and procedures of lending the loans and collecting the amount back and avoid Non-Performing Assets (NPA) to the banks. When banks collect their debts systematically and avoid the Non- Performing Assets (NPA), they can survive in the competitive market. The study is focused on the comparison of two banks such as Canara Bank and Karnataka Bank with regard to loans, advances, interest received and expended and the variation in the levels of Non- Performing Assets. Methodology used is the secondary source of data where the balance sheet of the banks and the income and expenditure statement of the banks are being used to explore the credibility and the capacity of the banks in managing the credit risk.

Shaila Kamath

Junk food-induced obesity- a growing threat to youngsters during the pandemic

Introduction: Obesity has been declared an epidemic that does not discriminate based on age, gender, or ethnicity and thus needs urgent containment and management. Since the third wave of COVID-19 is expected to affect children the most, these children and adolescents should be more cautious while having junk foods, during covid situations due to the compromise of Immunity in the individuals and further exacerbating the organ damage. Methodology: A PAN India survey organized by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) among 13,274 children between the ages 9–14 years reported that 93% of the children ate packed food and 68% consumed packaged sweetened beverages more than once a week, and 53% ate these products at least once in a day. Almost 25% of the School going children take ultra-processed food with high levels of sugar, salt, fat, such as pizza and burgers, from fast food outlets more than once a week. Children and adolescents who consume more junk food or addicted to such consumption might be even more vulnerable during the third wave, which will significantly affect the younger category. Conclusion: There is an urgent need to spread awareness among children and young adults about these adverse effects of junk food. There is no better time than now to build a supportive environment nurturing children and young adults in society and promising good health.

Ankul Singh

A study to assess coping strategies adopted by adolescents studying in selected schools of distt. mohali, punjab.

The study was conducted by researcher on Coping strategies adopted among adolescents in selected Schools, Distt. Mohali, Punjab. The main aim of this study was to assess on Coping strategies adopted among adolescents, to find out the association between coping strategies adopted among adolescents with their selected socio demographic variables.Descriptive Research design has been used to assess the Coping strategies among 400 adolescents studying in Golden Bell’s school,Sector-77 and Shemrock School, sector 69, in Distt Mohali,Punjab. The sample was selected by Systematic random sampling technique. Pilot study was conducted on 10% of population and sample consists of 40 adolescents. Data on Coping Strategies adopted among adolescents were collected under two sections, Section A- Socio demographic variables and Section B- Coping Strategies Scale of Prof. A.K. Srivastava to assess coping strategies adopted among adolescents. Data was analyzed through Descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The results showed that majority of adolescents were adopting moderate Coping Strategies.There was significant association between Coping Strategies adopted by adolescents with their selected demographic variable such as Class of study, Occupational Status of Mother and Monthly Family Income.Based on the findings of the study, recommendations were drawn on nursing service, nursing education, nursing administration and nursing research.

Anu sharma

3. a cross sectional study to determine the prevalence of premenstrual syndrome and effect of jaggery tea to combat the premenstrual symptoms on students of al –ameen medical college, vijayapur.

The prevalence of PMS (prevalence of pre most common disorder among the women’s. It has high impact on women’s health, emotions and behaviours during certain days of menstrual cycle. Aim: To determine the symptoms of PMS. Material and methods: PMS.The sampling frame is comprised individual aged 18 was used. Then respondents were given information regarding benefits of jaggery tea consumption to over PMS. Preparation of jaggery tea: add the one cup of water for boiling, and then add the requirement amount jaggery. Add filter to discard the solids. Study subjects were asked to consume jaggery tea five days prior and after the date of menstrual cycle continuously for 3 months. Study subjects were ask premenstrual syndrome screening toll before and after jaggery tea consumption. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics and effect of jaggery tea was evaluated using paired t Result: from PMS, 120(61.5%) of them had mild PMS, 55(28.2%) had moderate PMS and only few 20(10.3%) of then had sever PMS. Conclusion: role in curing PMS

Shwetha hitnal

A study on the utilization and health services provision by community clinics of jashore, bangladesh

Background: As Bangladesh has gained the reputation of improving the health sectors, much health related sites still require improvements. Community clinic services (CCS) may contribute to this sector with its foremost importance. So this study was conducted to investigate the utilization and health services provision by community clinics (CCs) in rural area. Methods: A descriptive longitudinal study was conducted among three community clinics of Jashore and a structured questionnaire was developed on which most of the questions were developed to find out the contributions of these community clinics. Here for data analysis we used SPSS version 25.0 software. Results: Here we analyzed health service related data from three randomly selected community clinics (CCs). We found an average of 15 patients got antenatal care every month by the Komlapur CC throughout the year. About 140 patients received health services per month from Dogachiya CC. About 634 children were benefited by Saziyali CC throughout the year. By this study we came to know that average 67-75 patients were provided iron supplementations each month by Saziyali CC. All of the CCs had active referral system and online reporting system. Conclusion: From our study we came to know that majority % of rural people are now dependent on community health care services. But most of the community clinics have many limitations regarding infrastructure, training, medicines, financial etc. So the government should take necessary steps regarding this.

Arafat Hassan Razon

Assessment of dietary habits, nutritional status and common health complications of older people living in rural areas of bangladesh

Background: Old age is one of the vulnerable and prone stages in terms of health status. So this study aimed to assess the nutritional status and common health complications of older people. Methods: Simplified Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire (SNAQ), Anthropometric measurements, Diet History Method, and Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) tools were used to measure the nutritional status. Data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16. Results: Out of the total 320 elderly participants the mean SD value for the age of male and female was 67.25 6.5 and 67.32 7.7 years respectively. According to BMI classification, it was noticed that with advancing age the percentage of underweight was also increased such as for 60–75 years old age group the underweight percentage was 30.0% where for 76 to 85 and >85 years old age group the underweight percentage was 45.0% and 60.0% respectively. According to the MNA score, 97 elderly respondents were malnourished and a total of 172 respondents had SNAQ scores below 14. This study found a statistically significant (P < 0.05) correlations among various health complications with nutritional status according to MNA score. In addition 56.6% (OR ¼ 1.24, 95% CI ¼ .799–1.939), 63.8% (OR ¼ 1.18, 95% CI ¼ .745–1.857) and 64.7% (OR ¼ 1.14, 95% CI ¼ .720–1.804) respondents had diabetes mellitus, hypertension and cardiovascular disease respectively. The risk of musculoskeletal pain (OR ¼ 1.073, 95% CI ¼ .684–1.681), bedsore (OR ¼ 1.884, 95% CI ¼ .903–3.934) and decreased sense of thirst (OR ¼ 1.278, 95% CI ¼ .821–1.991) were higher among females than males. A little number of the elderly used to take milk, meat, and fish daily. Conclusion: During this cross-sectional study, significant correlations among nutritional changes with health complications were determined. To prevent malnutrition among the elderly a proper health policy as well as periodical nutritional screening should be conducted

Arafat Hassan Razon

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