Journal title : EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education
Publisher : IAIN Jember
Print ISSN : 2716-1021
Page Number : 119-134
Journal volume : 2
Journal issue : 2
603 Views Case Report
Each student has different potentials from one another, because each person is indeed born with a variety of different talents and has brought out his or her own nature, namely good nature that encourages tawhid and other natural qualities in the form of various innate potentials such as talents, intellectual abilities and others. The research approach used is a descriptive qualitative approach with the type of case study. The techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. While the validity of the data used triangulation of techniques and sources. The results of this study indicate: (1) Mina talents at MI Miftahul Muna through recruitment where students choose and register themselves to take part in the extracurricular program. Such as: drumband, dance, qiroat, scout, Pencak Silat, Chess, Volleyball, football, hadrah, singing, fashion, culinary, and calligraphy. (2) Interest talent planning, namely: Learning Implementation Plan, preparing experts who are competent in their fields as well as students recruited through extracurricular registration. Except for the drum band in this case bringing in experts from outside. (3) Implementation of talent and interest development at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Miftahul Muna Kesilir, which is carried out once a week every Friday unless the drumband is held on Fridays and Sundays and if you want to appear at certain events, you can adjust the trainer's schedule or not. (4) Supervision is carried out directly at the time of the activity and some is carried out in an indirect way such as in this drumband activity because it brings in a trainer and is reported to the Madrasah Head.
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