Vartika Agarwal
Network resource allocation security techniques and challenges for vehicular communication network management
- Authors Details :
- Vartika Agarwal,
- Sachin Sharma,
- Gagan Bansal
Journal title : Intelligent Systems Reference Library
Publisher : Springer International Publishing
Online ISSN : 1868-4408
Page Number : 123-137
Internet of things describes the network of physical objects such as sensors, receivers, transmitters and other technologies which are used in VCN. In Vehicular communication network two or more vehicles are communicate with each other. VCN use advanced technologies to solve transportation related problems like long traffic delays, road accidents and air pollution. IOT based technologies make vehicular network smart. In this chapter we reviewed about network resource allocation security techniques, challenges and also discuss how we can make vehicular communication network smarter. We reviewed about different models and schemes for V2V communication. These schemes were developed to ensure a fair, efficient and transparent allocation of resource in an intelligent transportation system.
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Article References
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