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Importance of action research

  • Authors Details :  
  • Dr. Vijay Luxmi Mishra

1.5K Views Research reports

Action research is such a process by which B.Ed. pupil teacher attempt to study their problems scientifically in order to guide, correct and evaluate their decision andaction There are two important components of action research:(1) the consumer are the researches and (2) the research take place where there is a felt need of a solutionof a problem and when the results can be put in practice.The steps in action research are – identification of a problem area, the selection of a specific problem and the formulation of a hypothesis, the accumulation of evidence,the inference from this evidence and the continuous retesting.The importance of action research that its lies in the fact that this helps in finding quick solutions of immediate problems which search by b.ed. Students , administratorand teacher. Action research is a way to find problems and their solution S.M. Corey has developed this research technique. Objectives of action research are – processin school practice, progress of a teacher, improvement or curriculum, increase in knowledge of administrator or inspector. Need, interest, discipline, social problems,learning problem, curriculum and teachers are the field of action research. There are various steps of action research such as specific problem .Causes, hypotheses,experiment and conclusion. Outline the action research is also mentioned. Action research has been proven most beneficial in the field of diagnostic education

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