1.8K Views Research reports
In an era where technology prevails, entrepreneurs as well as marketers see the need to keep up with the fast pace of change or risk being outdated. Gone are the days when a pure-bricks business model will thrive well in current market scenario. It is practically impossible to design a marketing strategy without considering social networks. Social media had become really important gradient in today’s marketing mix in general and in promotion mix in particular. Adapting some form of marketing online through social media is a key node for all businesses, especially in an industry where trends constantly change such as fashion and handicrafts. The paper carries out empirical research to understand the effectiveness of social media as a marketing tool and an effort has been made to analyze the extent social media helps consumers in buying decision making. In addition strategies have been suggested for maximizing the effectiveness. Various statistical tests have been applied to support the research hypothesis.
The main purpose of the paper is to determine the correlation of consumers' demographic factors on the impulse buying behavior with respect to a number of single impulsivity indica...
The current scenario of retailing is characterized by huge cut throat competition and almost undifferentiated merchandise on sales. today retailers are utilizing visual merchandisi...
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