Obesity is a complex and challenging global public health concern. It is a major disease involving excessive fat accumulation that may impair health. Obesity is dangerous and has been related to a range of long-term health issues that can impact adults and children. According to the World Health Organization, more than one billion people worldwide are obese as of March 2022. In the Libyan situation, the prevalence of obesity has increased among the public over the last decade. This cross-sectional survey-based study is conducted by using self-structured designed questionnaire to evaluate the use of anti-obesity drugs and herbal products among Libyan people. Additionally, considered as an indirect method, pharmacist performance in obesity management was also evaluated. The investigators collected interview data from three different cities in the Northwest of Libya over a period of five months, 2019. A total of 170 participants who use weight loss products were randomly selected to participate in the study after obtaining their verbal consent. The participants' experience with weight reduction agents revealed that more than half of the participants (52.3%) used herbal products while 32.0% of the participants have used drugs of chemical origin and 15.6% have used both (herbal and drugs). The majority of the participants (91.4%) used these products without medical consultation which in turn led to failure to lose and maintain weight with 74.2% gaining weight after stopping using these products. In conclusion, poor pharmacist intervention in obesity management was revealed where the majority of the participants reported that Libyan community pharmacists had not been offering weight management services, monitoring weight loss progress, or explaining the risks of being overweight or obese.
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
On January 2021, cases affected by coronavirus epidemic are constantly increasing, Libyan Ministry of Health provides the vaccine to the people those who are most at risk. The purpose of this study was to assess and verify the adverse effects of the first dose of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. The study conducted at the Aljmail city, west region of Libya. The study was cross-sectional study during the period of August 31st and November 5th, 2021. The method involved 133 adult Libyan participants of both gender ageing more than 18 years old. The preliminary data were 54.0% who developed post-vaccination symptoms. The participant's aged 60 years and more with chronic diseases were more likely to have adverse effects after receiving the first dose of vaccine. In conclusion, AstraZeneca vaccine was good and effective but this study indicates a need for a large and long period study to confirm the safety of the vaccine use in the adult people.
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Drug-drug interaction is an important issue for the development of safe pharmaceutical drugs. Propranolol is a non-selective, competitive antagonist at beta-adrenergic receptors. Propranolol is used to control hypertension, pheochromocytoma, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmias, angina pectoris and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Also, it is used to control symptoms of sympathetic overactivity in management of hyperthyroidism, anxiety disorders and tremor. Phenytoin is a voltage-gated sodium channel blocker, it is a major anti-convulsant drug that is very effective in controlling a wide variety of seizure disorders. In this study, elevated plus maze test was applied using five groups of male Albino mice, where each group consists of six mice. The first group is control and given 01.0% tween 80 with a dose of 5.0 ml/kg, the second group received propranolol 10 mg/kg, the third group received phenytoin 20 mg/kg, the fourth group received a combination of propranolol and phenytoin and the fifth group received diazepam (1.0 mg/kg) as a standard. It was found that propranolol alone produces anti-anxiety effect which is abolished when administered with phenytoin. Thus, the combined treatment of propranolol and phenytoin showed no significant difference compared to phenytoin alone or propranolol alone. It can be concluded that propranolol has anti-anxiety like effect an phenytoin antagonizes the propranolol anxiolytic effect when administered together. Propranolol, phenytoin and the combination of both decrease the spontaneous motor activity of mice. Propranolol and phenytoin partially antagonize each other on the spontaneous motor activity.
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Evidence demonstrates that inappropriate drug disposal creates a significant risk to global environmental safety. Study participants' knowledge, attitude and practice regarding the disposal of unwanted and expired medications were assessed. The study was carried out at Sebha city, in southwestern Libya, from October 2021 to April 2022. A self-administered questionnaire designed explicitly to be completed by a respondent without an interviewer's assistance was used. Out of 650, only 500 completed questionnaires was returned. The majority of the respondents admitted they have at least one medication stored at home (71.6%). Keeping expired drugs were reported by 28.2% of the respondents compared with unused medications in their house (51.2%). Almost half of the respondents (47.4%) declared that their medication were taking from the private pharmacies. “I’ll need it in the future” (48.8%), "Medicines change" (37.2%) and "Symptoms improve and recover" (32.6%) were the top three explanations given by participants. The majority of drugs reported were antibiotics (41.0%). This is followed by antipyretic and analgesic drugs, which were used by 29.8% and 27.8% of respondents, respectively. 52.2% of the respondents agreed that disposing of medicines in the garbage is the most appropriate method. Concordantly, the majority of them indicated they discarded unused or expired medicines whether they were solid (82.6%), liquid (58.4%), or semisolid (79.6%). The majority of participants indicated they were aware of the negative impact of drug waste on the environment (80.6%). More than three quarters of the participants said they had never been given instructions on how to properly dispose of medications and 60.8% thought a medical team would be the best source of knowledge. Despite acknowledging being aware of the harmful effects on the environment, the majority of participants admitted to keeping unneeded pharmaceuticals in their homes and throwing them out in the trash. The government should support the pharmacists' role in educating the public about how to properly dispose of their medications and establish the Return Unwanted Medicines Project in order to raise awareness and create cost-effective medication waste management programs.
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
A simple, precise, accurate, sensitive, specific and reliable stability indicating RP-HPLC method was developed for the simultaneous estimation of Miconazole (MIC) and Ornidazole (ORN) in pharmaceutical dosage form. The method was developed with mobile phase containing buffer (0.05M potassium dihydrogen ortho phosphate, ph3.5): Methanol in the ratio of 25:75, C18 (250 x 4.6mm, 5µm) as a stationary phase and flow rate was 1 ml/min. Detection was carried out at 236nm in UV-2000 detector. The selected chromatographic conditions were found effectively to separate Miconazole and Ornidazole at 6.58 and 3.26 min respectively. The proposed method has been validated for precision, accuracy, robustness. Thus, the statistical analysis confirms that developed methods were successfully used for analysis of formulation and thereby can be used for routine analysis of drugs in Quality Control laboratories.
Stability studies ensuring the maintenance of product quality, safety and efficacy throughout the shelf life are considered as pre-requisite for the acceptance and approval of any pharmaceutical product. These studies are required to be conducted in a planned way following the guideline issused by ICH, WHO and or other agencies. Importance of various methods followed for stability testing of pharmaceutical products, guideline issued for stability testing and other aspects related to stability of pharmaceutical products have been presented in a present review.
One must accept the complexity of modern society as a multifaceted influence which will direct the future of all social organizations. Technology has brought the people of the world into almost instant communication. Biomedical science has conquered most infectious, acute diseases and has provided several medicines for a successful maintenance therapy of chronic diseases. The life style of some people as smoking and drug addiction remain a strong factor to their achievement of health goals of the good life. Universally, economic inflation and international business have created an economic interdependence among nations and dealing of the economic problems of one country must take into account this interdependence. When one views the future within this technologic-social-economic framework, he has difficulty sorting out certain directing influences that may shape the future of pharmacy practice in Libya. Currently, the duties, functions and roles undertaken by pharmacists in Libya range from those limited to traditional dispensing duties to highly clinically oriented roles [1]. In this regard, the Libyan health service providers request for the expanded roles of pharmacists in the society. Many of them ask for a number of clinical and patient-oriented functions as oncology, patient counseling, chronic care, hypertension, pediatric, diabetes, psychiatric, cardiology and others. They also question for protocols, standing orders and procedures for pharmacist management of drug therapy and provide information to use as a basis for initiation of clinically oriented services. The treatment of chronic diseases will be refined and drug therapy in many instances will be improved through the application of pharmacokinetic principles and improved methods of monitoring. There is no doubt that pharmacy practice has made clear steps in its own professionalization in hospitals during the past years. With an increase in the number of pharmacists practicing in hospitals and drug stores has come other changes in pharmacy manpower. Technicians and assistant pharmacists now perform many of the routine tasks in drug distribution under pharmacist's supervision. The latter, therefore, is available to participate in clinical programs in inpatient areas and in outpatient clinics. The practice of technicians and assistant pharmacists both in and out of hospitals remains a controversial issue in Libya (absence of a clear national medical policy). Many pharmacists in Libya who provide services hold Bachelor degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Sciences or Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D) or have completed a short or long term diploma training in teaching hospitals or postgraduate academics. Some hold appointments in other health professions institutions. Libyan Association for Pharmacists (LAP) and Libyan Medical Board are currently planning for a program in clinical pharmacy in different clinical branches. Nevertheless, professional pharmacy personnel must be upgraded in the future in both educational background and competence if continued professionalization is to be achieved [2]. The future will see continued stratification of professional personnel according to specialized functions in management and clinical and other professional; services particularly in large hospitals. The scope of the educational function of pharmacy will expand and become an increasingly important activity in the future in Libya. Some hospitals will maintain health education facilities as part of their physical plant. Others will participate in the program of area health education centers. Pharmacy's responsibility in this effort will require not only an increased commitment, but likewise, increased capability and capacity to provide educational services.
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Background: The determinants of medication adherence in people with diabetes may differ between populations of an area due to social environment, cultural beliefs, socioeconomic conditions, education, and many other factors differences. Objective: Therefore, this study aims to explore, identify and classify the determinants of medication adherence in several Asian regions. Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted to gain insight into the determinants of medication adherence. Seven relevant databases (EBSCO, ProQuest, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Wiley, dan Taylor, and Francis) and hand-searching methods were conducted from January 2011 to December 2020. Keywords were compiled based on the PICO method. The selection process used the PRISMA guidelines based on inclusion, and the quality was assessed using Crowe’s critical assessment tool. Textual summaries and a conceptual framework model of medication adherence were proposed to aid in the understanding of the factors influencing medication adherence. Results: Twenty-six articles from countries in several Asian regions were further analyzed. Most studies on type 2 diabetes patients in India used the MMAS-8 scale, and cross-sectional study is the most frequently used research design. The medication adherence rate among diabetic patients was low to moderate. Fifty-one specific factors identified were further categorized into twenty-three subdomains and six domains. Furthermore, the determinants were classified into four categories: inconsistent factors, positively related factors, negatively related factors, and non-associated factors. In most studies, patient-related factors dominate the association with medication adherence. This domain relates to patient-specific demographics, physiological feelings, knowledge, perceptions and beliefs, comorbidities, and other factors related to the patient. Several limitations in this review need to be considered for further research. Conclusion: Medication adherence to diabetic therapy is a complex phenomenon. Most determinants produced disparate findings in terms of statistical significance. The identified factors can serve various goals related to medication adherence. Policymakers and health care providers should consider patient-related factors.
Kepatuhan terhadap terapi farmakologi merupakan kunci utama pengobatan penyakit diabetes, tetapi belum mendapat perhatian penuh oleh para klinisi. Beberapa systematic review faktor kepatuhan telah dilakukan di beberapa kawasan negara. Namun, tidak menampilkan studi dari Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau secara sistematis faktor-faktor yang dapat memengaruhi kepatuhan minum obat diabetes melitus (DM) di Indonesia. Systematic literature review dilakukan melalui pencarian pada database jurnal Nasional (Garuda dan Sinta) dan Internasional (PubMed dan Science Direct). Penelitian yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan dipublikasikan pada Januari 2011 – Desember 2020. Kualitas penelitian dinilai menggunakan panduan SQAT. Metode pelaporan penelitian menggunakan pedoman PRISMA. Faktor kepatuhan diklasifikasikan berdasarkan domain faktor kepatuhan menurut World Health Organization (WHO). Sebanyak 370 artikel ilmiah penelitian dari database Garuda (n=36); Science Direct (n= 108); PubMed (n= 18); Sinta (n= 208). 341 artikel penelitian dieksklusi, 29 artikel skrining full text, dan 16 artikel penelitian memenuhi kriteria inklusi untuk dianalisis. Faktor yang memengaruhi kepatuhan minum obat diabetes adalah faktor sosial dan ekonomi (penghasilan, tingkat pendidikan, dan pekerjaan), faktor tenaga dan sistem kesehatan (tenaga kesehatan), faktor terapi pasien (jumlah obat diabetes, frekuensi minum obat, dan produk obat), faktor penyakit pasien (kadar gula darah, durasi penyakit), faktor pasien (jenis kelamin, faktor emosional, dukungan sosial, tingkat pengetahuan, dan kepuasan pengobatan), dan faktor pengelolaan penyakit (konseling dan edukasi farmasi). Faktor yang memengaruhi kepatuhan minum obat DM di Indonesia sangat beragam, dan multi faktor. Faktor tersebut dapat berfungsi sebagai target intervensi yang relevan. Para klinisi perlu mempertimbangkan penyesuaian frekuensi minum obat dan pemberian dukungan sosial kepada pasien DM.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is considered as ”the mother of all diseases" because it causes many complications. Knowing and measuring medication adherence may have a greater effect on DM patients. Several studies in Indonesia used a questionnaire scale to measure adherence, however they do not validate the study population, so it could still be found anomalous correlation analysis between adherence and clinical data even though it measured in the same country and scale. This study measure the adherence level of type 2 diabetes patients, evaluates the validity of the medication adherence scale, and analyze the correlation with the clinical outcome of type 2 diabetes patients in four health centers in Banyumas district. The study uses a cross-sectional design in Prolanis type 2 DM patients of January -April 2020. The adherence is measured by MARS-10, backward-forward translation method followed by content and internal validation. Clinical outcome is evaluated based on fasting blood glucose measurement. The results of the MARS-10 Gregory index analysis showed content validity in the high category (IG ≥ 0.8). The content validity showed the results of 9 questions with the value of r count> r table (n = 30, r table = 0.361). Reliability analysis showed Cronbach's Alpha 0.747> 0.6. The measurement showed 80.3% were adherent patients and 19.3% were non-adherent patients. Correlation analysis showed that there was no significant relationship (p> 0.05) between patient adherence and clinical outcome. Those results showed that type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in 4 health centers were categorized as adherent but not correlated with the clinical outcome. This was enabled due to the clinical outcome was simultaneously influenced by several factors: general factors, individual factors, and unpredictable factors.
Adherence to pharmacological therapies are keys to effective treatments in diabetic patients. Previous reviews found that most adherence measurement studies on chronic diseases used a self-reported scale. However, there is no consensus on the best scale to measure adherence in diabetic patients. The purpose of this systematic review was to identify the potential self-reported scale that could be considered for measuring medication adherence in diabetic patients and to provide recommendations for researchers or clinicians to determine appropriate adherence self-reported scales in diabetic patients. This review follows general guidelines in the implementation of systematic reviews. After further review, it was found that 33 studies met all inclusion criteria from 4 databases (Wiley, Science Direct, Scopus, and PubMed). The articles were done by the PRISMA, while the keywords were determined by the PICO method. Most research was conducted in Asia (69.7%) and America (18.2%) on patients with type 2 diabetes (81.3%), patients in hospitals (54.5%), suffering for 1–6 months (54.5%), and using a cross-sectional study design (78.8%). HbA1c clinic data (57.6%) were used in most studies as biological markers of adherence. The measurement scales of medication adherence in diabetic patients are MMAS-8 (57,.5%), MMAS-4 (12.1%), BMQ (9%), MCQ (6%), ARMS (3%), ARMS-D (3%), GMAS (3%), LMAS-14 (3%), and MARS-5 (3%). This review provides information on the different self-reported scales most widely used in diabetic medication adherence research. Various aspects need to be considered before choosing the scale of adherence.
The government has implemented the Healthy Living Community Movement (GERMAS) program by promoting the pharmaceutical sector related to drug storage at home. However, many problems still exist in storing household medicines in the community. This activity was carried out through a community empowerment approach using the community capacity-building method for a community organization, Aisyiyah, which consists of Muslim women in the Grendeng village, Purwokerto. This activity was carried out in stages, namely pre-test methods, lectures, group teaching, self-empowerment through peer teaching and training, and measuring the success of activities using post-tests. Based on the activities, partners' knowledge about storing medicines at home has increased in a good category.
Compliance with pharmacological therapy is the primary key to treating diabetes, but it has not received full attention from clinicians. Several systematic reviews of compliance factors have been conducted in several regions of the country. However, it does not feature studies from Indonesia. This study aims to systematically review the factors that can influence adherence to diabetes mellitus (DM) medication in Indonesia. A systematic literature review was conducted by searching the National (Garuda and Sinta) and International (PubMed and Science Direct) journal databases. Research that met the inclusion criteria was published from January 2011 to December 2020. The quality of the study was assessed using the SQAT guidelines. The research reporting method uses the PRISMA guidelines. Compliance factors are classified based on the domain of compliance factors, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). A total of 370 scientific research articles from the Garuda database (n=36); Science Direct (n = 108); PubMed (n = 18); Sinta (n= 208). Three hundred forty-one research articles were excluded, 29 full-text screening articles, and 16 research articles met the inclusion criteria for analysis. Factors that influence adherence to taking diabetes medication are social and economic (income, education level, and occupation), factors of personnel and health systems (health workers), factors of patient therapy (amount of diabetes medication, frequency of taking medication, and drug products), factors patient's disease (blood sugar levels, disease duration), patient factors (gender, emotional factors, social support, level of knowledge, and treatment satisfaction), and disease management factors (pharmacy counseling and education). Factors that influence adherence to taking DM medication in Indonesia are very diverse and are multi-factor. These factors can serve as relevant intervention targets. Clinicians must consider adjusting the frequency of taking medication and providing social support to DM patients.
Lifelong learning is becoming part of the philosophy of professional education. Continuing medical education is the responsibility of all personnel who are responsible for the delivery of components of the health care delivery system. Continuing education is becoming increasingly obvious for medical universities, hospitals, and health care providers. Pharmacists who practice in a community pharmacy and hospital, and who are participating in residency recognize that the traditional role of the pharmacist is changing. Over the last decades, a host of new services have been identified as a function of the pharmacist [1]. A review of these services revealed a personal commitment to continuing education. It is the absolute need to develop a level of competence that will improve patient care. In Libya, pharmacists working in the community practice setting are pharmacists with a diploma of pharmacy or with a Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science, Master of Science, and Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D). The main objective is that the graduates possess the knowledge and skills needed to perform optimally to man the pharmaceutical services [1, 2]. Patient's expectations from pharmacists are that the medicine should be effective, safe and affordable. Other expectations from Libyan pharmacists would be to dispense the drugs according to the rules with the right advice on how and when the medicines should be used, and what to do in the case of adverse drug reactions, and the provision of advice on common illnesses. Nevertheless, it is an undeniable fact that the pharmacist has failed to provide all these patient-oriented services [3]. It should be noted that the quality of pharmacy education and training can be improved through certain processes of accreditation.
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Trace elements are minerals present in living tissues in small amounts. Some of them are known to be nutritionally essential, others may be essential, and the remainder are considered to be nonessential. Trace elements such as zinc, copper, selenium, iron, chromium and, others are essential elements for growth and body health. They form an integral part of many enzymes and bioactive centers that are responsible for biochemical reactions such as metabolism, protein and, DNA synthesis. They are said to contribute to the development of cancer based on epidemiologic evidence. The blood level of trace elements in the human body is affected by cancer and drug treatment. The low trace elements level is a sign of leukemia patients, where cancer cells consume body nutrients and essential elements for growth. The Libyan patients were divided into four age groups and were either newly or old diagnosed with leukemia, including patients with acute leukocyte leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia, and aplastic anemia. The samples were tested for direct aspiration onto inductively coupled plasma spectrometry at specific wave lengths. The findings showed the blood level of trace elements in leukemia patients is lower than in the healthy individuals. A negative correlation between copper and zinc levels in leukemia patients was found. The copper level increases in leukemia patients as they get older.
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Worldwide, the threat created by antibiotic resistance to public health calls for immediate action. Antibiotic resistance is one of the main causes of the emergence and spread of dispensing of antibiotics without a prescription. This study aims to investigate the dispensing of antibiotics without a prescription and the reason behind that in the community pharmacy in Libya. The study was randomized analytical conducted between March and April 2023 among pharmacists and assistant pharmacists employed by community pharmacies in various Libyan areas Tripoli, Zawia, and Sabratha. The data were analyzed by Fisher's exact and Chi-square tests to predict the determinations of dispensing antibiotics without prescriptions. In this study, a total of 293 participants were included, 63 had been excluded because they did not meet the inclusion of the study. The remaining 230 were enrolled for final analysis, most of them were female subjects (70.7%). Findings showed that 78.7% of the participants consulted with patients about the reason for requesting a specific type of antibiotic, while 68.7% dispensed antibiotics with probiotics. Study participants with 2 - 4 years' work experience were 76.6% higher toward dispensing of antibiotics without a prescription (P=0.683). The major reason for dispensing antibiotics without prescriptions were pharmacists knowledgeable enough to give a patient antibiotics without a prescription (68.3%). In Libya, misuse of antibiotics by the public is widespread. People can purchase antibiotics without prescription. Thus, dispensing of antibiotics without a prescription in community pharmacies is an alarming issue in Libya which can increase antibiotics resistance. Pharmacists' knowledgeable is high in dispensing patients antibiotics without a prescription, but patient pressure and financial issues are the major reasons behind dispensing antibiotics without a prescription. It can be recommended that the importance of antimicrobial stewardship and the need for ongoing education support for community pharmacy professionals is of importance.
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
The drug-drug interactions (DDIs) are actions or events that occur when two or more drugs administered together, may cause a clinical significance or not. There are certain factors that may affect the severity of DDIs such as age, gender, number of drugs prescribed, and physician specialists. This study aims to answer: Is there DDI in Libyan community pharmacies? In addition, to explore the factors that might be affecting DDI. Drug Interactions Checkers are used. 200 prescriptions were collected randomly from two different areas ( high and low income),100 from each one and were used to investigate the DDIs by using two different sources (Drugs.com and BNF platforms), bearing in mind, age, gender, prescribers’ specialty, and drug number (prescription size). A personal interview questionnaire with pharmacists for investigate a source of DDI knowledge was considered. The correlation test was used to analysis the findings. The randomly selected sample has 316 drug combinations. The study has revealed a minimum of three drugs (46.0%). In general, Drugs.com was the richer source of DDI than BNF (66.5% and 34.5%, respectively). It is found that 66.5% (67.0% of this is moderate DDI) of these combinations have DDI by Drugs.com. A significant correlation between DDI and gender (male > female, p = 0.035) was found. In a state of residential areas, the results are similar in both selected pharmacies. Most moderate DDIs (21.0% and 15.0%) are prescribed by orthopedics and psychiatrists, respectively. The observational interview questionnaire indicated that 100% of the participating pharmacists had no source of knowledge regarding DDI, 100% of 200 prescriptions had no chick it regarding DDI and 100% of found DDI is released to use by community pharmacies to patients. More than half of the prescribed drug combinations have DDIs (classified as moderate DDIs), and all of them are released for use by pharmacists.
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
In this article, a systematic flow of contents was provided with regard to the synthesis of Atovaquone 1a on critical examination of the prior-arts. Several patents and study articles were published, disclosing different synthetic methods for the preparation of Atovaquone 1a at various scales. Based on the starting materials used, there are a few one-step, two-step and multi-step synthetic routes were reported with varied yields. In this work, we have put in our sincere effort to collect all the synthetic routes of Atovaquone 1a in detail with distinct and elaborate reaction schemes for a better and collective process clarity. From this review, global researchers will get a platform to re-design or re-work on the synthetic approach of Atovaquone 1a with better atom economy and purity. In addition, the drug commercialization angle could also be looked in during the design stage itself alongside green chemistry concepts. We have done the chronic analysis of study articles to highlight the commercial feasibility of the disclosed synthetic methods. A special emphasis was given to the synthetic routes with process development initiatives towards, recovery/reuse of costly starting materials/reagents/solvents and their feasibility for large scale manufacturing of drug Atovaquone 1a.
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Hybanthus enneaspermus, traditionally used as an aphrodisiac was investigated for its potential to reverse antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction in female rats. The aqueous extract was evaluated for secondary metabolite, amino acid and mineral constituents. Alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, anthraquinones, steroids, terpenoids, phenolics, calcium, potassium, sodium, glutamine and leucine are some of its notable constituents. 60 healthy, sexually responsive female albino rats (144.7±5.9 gm) were divided into six groups (A-F) of 10 rats each; of which 50 were induced into sexual dysfunction. Rats in group A were administered distilled water throughout the experimental period and served as a control group, while rats induced into sexual dysfunction (Groups B-F) by fluoxetine were given water, the reference medication (Tadalafil) and oral doses of the extract (250, 500, and 1000 mg/kg body weight) once daily for seven days, respectively. When administered to sexually active rats, fluoxetine significantly decreased the frequency of darting, hopping, lordosis, genital grooming, and licking behavior by 57.4%, 42.5%, 43.9%, 64.0%, and 41.8%, respectively. However, the latency of darting, hopping and lordosis were significantly increased by 50.6%, 47.7%, and 54.9%, respectively. Hybanthus enneaspermus aqueous extract administered at doses of 250, 500, and 1000 mg/kg significantly reversed fluoxetine-mediated changes in all sexual behavior parameters. The extract's ability to reverse the characteristics of sexual behavior at 1000 mg/kg was comparable to those of tadalafil-treated rats. Additionally, all the extract dosages reversed the levels of blood luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, progesterone, prolactin and estrogen after it has significantly been altered by fluoxetine. The results indicated that the aqueous extract of Hybanthus enneaspermus improved the proceptive, receptive and orientational behavior of rats. The extract also enhanced reproductive hormone concentration by restoring sexual competence in sexually-impaired female rats. The findings of this study provide further evidence in favor of Hybanthus enneaspermus widespread usage in the management of female sexual dysfunction.
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Datura arborea Linn is a sacred plant known for over 3000 years to have been used for magical and curative purposes. It was shown to have a central nervous system depressant effect. The active substances identified were tropane alkaloids: atropine, scopolamine, and hyosine. Therefore, we aimed to find out whether the ethanol extract of Datura arborea Linn has sedative and hypnotic activity. The extract was subjected to a thiopental sodium-induced sleep test and diazepam was used as a standard drug. The plant possesses sedative-hypnotic qualities, the findings indicate that doses of 35 mg/kg (2.70.24 min), 70 mg/kg (3.80.19 min), and 140 mg/kg (4.30.20 min) decreased the control's (9.2 min) latency to fall asleep. In comparison to the control, the length of sleep was increased by 23.46 minutes for 35 mg/kg (99.002.99 min), 70 mg/kg (132.605.53 min), and 140 mg/kg (118.606.04 min), respectively. The present study established the acute toxicity of Datura arborea Linn to be less than 600 mg/kg in mice. This study indicated that the ethanol extract of Datura arborea Linn has a sedative-hypnotic activity in the diazepam-induced sleep test. It is safe to suggest that the extract acts via either β-receptor by causing hyperpolarization or a decrease in spike activity in the cell, leading to relaxation, but these effects were not blocked by β-antagonist or α2-receptor to decrease acetylcholine release, leading to relaxation of the smooth muscle.
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Mgm University
University Of International Business And Economics
Dhanamanjuri University