Crude methanol extracts of the leaves of Adenanthera pavonina L., Peltoforum roxburghii L, Prosopis cineraria L., and Prosopis juliflora DC., were evaluated for anti-emetic activity. Emesis was induced by the oral administration of copper sulphate 50mg/kg body weight to male chicks of four days age. The anti-emetic activity was determined by calculating the mean decrease in number of retching in contrast with those of control. All extracts (150 mg / kg body weight orally) showed anti-emetic activity when compared with standard drug Chlorpromazine at the same dose. Among all the extracts, Prosopis juliflora showed the highest (73.64%) and Adenanthera pavonina showed the lowest (50.17%) anti-emetic activity
ABSTRACT- Objective- The principal objective of the present investigation was the preparation of several analogs to further evaluate the binding site hypothesis. Aryl semicarbazides have also been reported to display excellent anticonvulsant activity in mice and rats. Method- In this project, the synthesis of semicarbazone derivatives was carried out. All molecules were synthesized using the common starting material –aniline. In all compounds, an intermediate was first formed by substituted phenyl urea using substituted aniline and potassium cyanate, and then it was hydrolyzed to get substituted phenyl semicarbazide, which was directly coupled with ketones. All the synthesized compounds were biologically screened for their anticonvulsant activity by the MES method. Result- Standard error mean was calculated concerning standard and control drug, Phenytoin sodium (25mg/kg.) and DMSO. The synthesized semicarbazone was characterized by using IR Spectroscopy. One another representative molecule compound was characterized using 1H NMR Spectroscopy. Conclusion- It can be concluded that designed semicarbazones were synthesized and characterized successfully. After synthesis of designed semicarbazones compounds were evaluated for anticonvulsant activity. Finally, two compounds have shown better activity in comparison to the other molecules.
The 2019 coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is spreading worldwide, with a spectacular increase in death missing any effective therapeutic treatment up to now. Molecular docking is a recognized computational tool to assist in early drug discovery and development. Molecular docking analysis was carried out using 2-(4-(aminomethyl)phenyl)isoindoline-1,3-dione Schiff base conjugates with SARS-CoV-2 protease enzyme and COVID-19 main protease in apo form 6M03). The compounds with the best normalized docking scores to protease enzyme (6LU7) were ARG3 (-8.1 kcal/mole), ARG7 (-8.1 kcal/mole) and ARG6 (-8.0 kcal/mole). The best docking ligands for main protease in apo form (6M03) were ARG7 (-8.7 kcal/mole), ARG6 (-8.6 kcal/mole) and ARG3 (-8.4 kcal/mole). The structural similarity between these conjugates inspired us to perform in silico studies to check their possible binding interactions with essential SARS-CoV-2 proteins. These studies provide insight into the potential binding between Schiff base derivatives and SARS-CoV-2 proteins to provide an insight for finding an effective therapy. Finally, ADMET calculations were performed for the Schiff base compounds to predict their pharmacokinetic profiles.
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Cryopreservation is a process that preserves intact living cells, tissues or any other biological constructs by cooling and storing the samples to very low temperatures in order to maintain their viability and to save them for future use. At very low temperatures, enzymatic and chemical activities that may cause harm to the biological material are effectively stopped. Cryopreservation methods look to reach very low temperatures without causing further harm caused by the creation of ice crystals during freezing. Cryopreservation human samples for storage including variety of diseases such as cancer, genetic and degenerative disorders and bio-banking. This review aims to describe and highlight dimethyl sulfoxide in cryopreservation. Dimethyl sulfoxide is a non-toxic solvent and is one of the most commonly used pharmaceutical agent with a varied range of pharmacological actions including membrane penetration, anti-inflammatory effects and local analgesia as well as weak bacteriostatic. The main use of dimethyl sulfoxide is a vehicle for some drugs to enhancing the action of the drug and helping penetration of other drugs into the skin. However, dimethyl sulfoxide has been the cryopreservative agent of choice in situation to its exceptional performance in mitigating freezing-related damages. It is frequently used in cell banking applications as a cryoprotectant. When added to media, it prevents intracellular and extracellular crystals from forming in cells during the freezing process. There has been a concern over the toxicity of dimethyl sulfoxide and its potential side effects in different highly concentration after administration to patients. Therefore, there has been growing demand for robust dimethyl sulfoxide for cryopreservation method that can improve safety and maintain potency and efficacy
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Impurity is something that is impure or makes something else impure. An impure substance may be defined as follows: a substance of interest mixed or impregnated with an extraneous or usually inferior substance, from the standpoint of its usage, the drug substance is compromised in terms of purity even if it contains another material with superior pharmacological or toxicological properties. The impurity may be developed either during formulation, or upon aging of both API’s and formulated API’s in medicines. The presence of these unwanted chemicals, even in small amount, may influence the efficacy and safety of the pharmaceutical products. The impurities are not necessarily always inferior. Highly sophisticated instrumentation, such as mass spectra meters attached to a Gas Chromatography or HPLC, are inevitable tools in the identification of minor components (drugs, impurities, degradation products, metabolites) in various matrices. Present article reveals different impurities found in the API’s, methods for identifying them and the possible measures to deal with the interferences caused by them in pharmaceutical analysis.
In this work a set of some cyclic peroxy ketals were tested for their antimalarial activities. Quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) analysis was applied to 20 organic compounds of the above mentioned derivatives using Physicochemical, informational and 2D-autocorelation parameters and modeled their antimalarial activity (logIC 50) values. The multiple regression analysis clearly indicates that 5 BIC, 1 IC, MATS4v and ST parameters yielded the best model having R 2 value of 0.9515. The predictive powers of the models were explained using LOO (Leave-One-Out) Cross validation procedure. The results are also discussed on the basis of ridge regression.
The present study is designed to determine the types of secondary metabolites in three selected seed powders using a fast, reliable, and non-destructive Near Infra Red spectroscopic analytical technique. NIRS analysis of Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc., Phaseolus lunatus Linn., and Phaseolus vulgaris Linn., seed flours were used to qualitatively evaluate secondary metabolites. The fine powder of crude drug was directly applied to FOSS XDS near the infrared Rapid Content Analyzer. The adequately filled powdered sample in a disposable glass silicate vial closed with a plastic lid was centrally placed onto the Foss Rapid Content Analyzer sample presentation glass. The scanning of samples at ambient temperature gives NIR spectra within 30 seconds. The major proposed compounds in M. uniflorum were 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, gallic acid, kaempferol, linolenic acid, niacin, quercetin, sinapinic acid, syringic acid, and vanillic acid. Whereas coumaric acid, fructose, galactose, L-serine, raffinose, stachyose, sucrose, threonine, and tyrosine were detected in P. lunatus, and the NIR suggested the presence of caffeic acid, ferulic acid, sinapinic acid, phytic acid, leucine, and valine in P. vulgaris. NIRS is an advanced innovative technology extensively used in chemical, food, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical industries for rapid and reliable standardization. The present study revealed an excellent correlation to conclude that flour samples of all three legume seeds could be added to the food system to achieve nutritional and functional benefits.
Ho Chi Minh City Open University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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