For many decades, the lean concept has been praised for improving efficiency, maximizing productivity, and minimizing waste in manufacturing operations. Lean production is expected to create an industrial ecosystem that is more cost-efficient and accountable for optimizing resources and processes. However, in the context of lean manufacturing, new challenges have emerged as a result of the recent emphasis on sustainability. This study aims to show several criticisms of lean implementation and propose a holistic approach to achieve a more sustainable operation. The green-lean model, sustainable manufacturing, agile supply, and Lean 4.0, are approaches for integrating lean practices and sustainability. This will foster a culture of continuous improvement, employee empowerment, long-term collaboration with suppliers, added value for customers, and increased innovation in the economy.
Research Aim: This study investigates the influence of workload and work environment on employee performance, with work stress serving as the mediator Approach: The study employed a quantitative approach using SEM-PLS analysis. The sample included 75 factory workers selected through census sampling conducted from February to June 2023 at PT PSB, a manufacturing firm in Medan, North Sumatra Findings: Findings reveal that workload and work environment positively impact employee performance, mediated by work stress Theoretical Contribution/Originality: This research contributes to the literature by exploring work stress as a mediator in enhancing the understanding of employee performance within the manufacturing sector Policy Implication: Recommendations include PT PSB and similar companies prioritizing plant workers' stress levels, monitoring workload, and fostering a healthy workplace environment Research Limitation: The scope of the study was limited by the number of respondents and the factors considered in assessing employee productivity
Family businesses must harness the full potential of their human resources and maintain employee loyalty to achieve the companies’ objectives effectively. This study examines the influence of transformational leadership on employee commitment through work-life balance and workplace social support. The research was conducted from August to December 2023 using an online questionnaire distributed to employees in a family firm in Medan, Indonesia. The data were then analyzed using PLS-SEM. The results show that transformational leadership significantly effects employee commitment, work-life balance, and workplace social support. However, although workplace social support mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and employee commitment, work-life balance fails to do so. It was also found that work-life balance has no direct influence on employee commitment. Using an IPMA analysis, this study highlights the importance of transformational leadership and workplace social support in the family business environment. Transformational leadership has also been shown to have the best performance and effect on employee commitment. Managers should prioritize these aspects to reduce employees’ stress levels, improve psychological well-being, and increase job satisfaction, leading to a more committed, high-performance workforce.
Youth entrepreneurship contributes to the social, cultural, and economic development of society, especially in many developing countries. The idea of encouraging young people to start businesses for a variety of reasons is now widely encouraged. However, there are many challenges and doubts faced in starting a business particularly after the Covid-19 is over. Therefore, the community service was carried out by lecturers at Business School, Universitas Pelita Harapan Medan Campus, providing the onsite seminar and training to 70 high school students at Santo Nicholas School in February 2023. The purpose of the community service was to encourage the students to plan their business projects by presenting data and information on the latest trends and issues in entrepreneurship and finance, as well as conducting one-to-one sessions with the students. Most of the students were enthusiastic throughout the activities resulting in several business plans and proposals being created at the end of the community service. It is implied that young people are indeed motivated to begin their entrepreneurship journey and school is the right place for them to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. Teachers and parents are suggested to continue to assist the students by providing the commitment and funding required to begin and sustain the business.
Penggunaan aplikasi smartphoneuntuk memasarkan produk industri rumah tangga telah mendapatkan perhatian yang signifikan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Aplikasi seluler adalah alat yang efektif untuk pengembangan kewirausahaan, khususnya bagi wirausahawan muda, dengan potensi signifikan untuk meningkatkan jangkauan pasar dan keterlibatan pelanggan. Pengabdian masyarakat ini berlangsung di Rumah Rahpia, sebuah panti asuhan bergaya keluarga yang berperan penting dalam pengasuhandan pengembanganremaja di Medan, Indonesia. Kegiatan penyuluhan dan pendampingan dalam pemasaran produk dilakukan selama 4 bulan mulai dari Maretsampai Juni2022. Pemberdayaan generasi muda di panti asuhan dengan keterampilan kewirausahaan diyakini dapat berkontribusi terhadap pengembangan pribadi dan kesuksesan masa depan mereka. Selain itu, menumbuhkan kewirausahaan pada usia muda dapat membantu mereka membangun jalur karier yang realistis dan beradaptasi dengan tren global. Oleh karena itu, mendidik generasi muda di panti asuhan tidak hanya membekalimereka dengan keterampilan dan pengetahuan penting namun juga berkontribusi terhadap kesejahteraan dan prospek mereka secara keseluruhan. Melalui hasil wawancara dengan peserta menunjukkan bahwa penjualan produk meningkat dengan kualitas produk lebih baiksetelah dilakukannya kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini.
Department Of Mathematics, National University Of Skills (nus), Tehran, Iran.
Police Academy, Egypt