A study of foreign direct investment in indian electronics industry

The present study focused on analysing the FDI inflow in Electronics industry form year 2007 to 2018 in country and role of FDI in development of the electronic industry in India. As well identify the current status of Electronics industry in world and the share of India in the same. The present research work also attempted to take overview of various policies introduced by Government of India to promote the FDI in Electronics industry. The FDI inflows statistics reveals that the separate category of Electronics sector is created in year 2007 by DIPP for recording FDI inflow. And sector specific data published in DIPP factsheet revels that this industry has attracted 0.55 % of total cumulative FDI inflow in country till December 2018 which is very negligible share of overall FDI in country. The overview of policies revels that NPE–2012 to New NPE-2018 had attempted to provide multiple incentives for Foreign Investors to establish their electronic manufacturing facilities in country but very negligible response has been seen in response of the same. Further results of study reveals that due to various FTA’s & being signatory of WTO’s ITA-1 in year 1996 leads toward reducing competitiveness of electronic manufacturing in India and country become net importer of approximately 50% of overall domestic need of electronics products.

ANSHUMAN VIJAY MAGAR Anshuman vijay magar

Knowledge and preventive practices regarding dengue fever in nepal

Dengue is an acute infection disease caused by a flavi virus (species Dengue virus of the genus Flavi virus), transmitted by female mosquito aedes mosquito, infection has globally become a major public health concern since the incidence of the dengue fever has increased more than 30-fold over the last decades. The dengue fever has been a most important public health problems since many years and the various outbreak of the dengue cases has been seen time to time. One of the reasons for the increasing and time to time outbreak of the dengue may be the reason of climate change, global warming, lack of knowledge about signs, symptoms, transmission, preventive measure and lack of ignorance or lack of the preventive practice of the dengue fever. Method: Descriptive, cross-sectional study on 192 head of household's was study population residing in Kanchan RM, Rupandehi Respondent was selected using Non probability judgmental sampling techniques by face-to-face interview was used. Result shows 58.3% good knowledge and 62% good practice. Knowledge was found to be associated with Age, Types of family, Size of family, educational level and Family suffered from dengue. Preventive practice was found to be associated with the Ever heard from health professional. Study will contribute towards development of appropriate policy strategies at local level that will tackle the problem associated with the knowledge and preventive practice of DF and provide a basis for future research on this area. Inferential analysis shows that there is significant association between the level of knowledge with age, types of family, size of family, educational level and family suffered from dengue and the level of preventive practice was associated with the ever heard from health professional.

Raju khanal

Effect of alhagi maurorum or gloularia alypum on lipid profile of experimentally induced hypercholesteremic rats and on blood pressure of experimentally induced hypertensive rats

In some countries, a high percentage of the population relies on traditional plants for treating certain diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of G. alypum extract (GAE) and Alhagj marorum extract (AME) on lipid profiles in experimentally induced hypercholesteremic rats and on the blood pressure of experimentally induced hypertensive rats. Male Wistar rats weighing 200 - 300 g were divided into five groups: group 1 received a normal diet (negative control), group 2 received a high lipid diet containing coconut oil (10 g/kg/day), cholesterol (4 g/kg/day) and cholic acid (0.20 g/kg/day) (positive control), group 3 received a high lipid diet together with clofibrate (50 mg/kg/day), group 4 received a high lipid diet together with AME (200 mg/kg/day) and group 5 received GAE (200 mg/kg/day). The experiment continued for two weeks, then the rats were sacrificed and blood samples were collected for estimation of cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein. To induce hypertension, rats were divided into two groups (n = 8 in each group). Group 1 received normal saline (control) and Group 2 received dexamethasone (0.40 mg/kg, i.p.) for seven consecutive days. Later, the rats were anesthetized using thiopental and the carotid artery was cannulated for recording blood pressure. AME (40 mg/kg) or GAE (40 mg/kg) were injected through a cannula placed into the internal jugular vein at a dose volume of 0.1 ml. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure were measured before and after plant extract administration. The results showed that clofibrate GAE extract and ANE extract significantly decreased cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein as compared to high-lipid diet-treated rats. Data also indicated that administration of GAE or AME extract significantly decreased systolic and diastolic blood pressure in experimentally induced hypertensive rats. In conclusion, GAE and AME have antihyperlipidemic and antihypertensive activities and further investigation is needed to clarify the mechanism of these effects.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Pathfinder core rulebook pdf - pathfinder 2e

While playing the Pathfinder RPG, the Game Master describes the events that occur in the game world, and the players take turns describing what their characters do in response to those events. Unlike storytelling, however, the actions of the players and the characters controlled by the Game Master (frequently called non-player characters, or NPCs) are not certain. Most actions require dice rolls to determine success, with some tasks being more difficult than others. Each character is better at some things than he is at other things, granting him bonuses based on his skills and abilities. Whenever a roll is required, the roll is noted as “d#,” with the “#” representing the number of sides on the die. If you need to roll multiple dice of the same type, there will be a number before the “d.” For example, if you are required to roll 4d6, you should roll four six-sided dice and add the results together. Sometimes there will be a + or – after the notation, meaning that you add that number to, or subtract it from, the total results of the dice (not to each individual die rolled). Most die rolls in the game use a d20 with a number of modifiers based on the character's skills, his or her abilities, and the situation. Generally speaking, rolling high is better than rolling low. Percentile rolls are a special case, indicated as rolling d%. You can generate a random number in this range by rolling two differently colored ten-sided dice (2d10). Pick one color to represent the tens digit, then roll both dice. If the die chosen to be the tens digit rolls a “4” and the other d10 rolls a “2,” then you've generated a 42. A zero on the tens digit die indicates a result from 1 to 9, or 100 if both dice result in a zero. Some d10s are printed with “10,” “20,” “30,” and so on in order to make reading d% rolls easier. Unless otherwise noted, whenever you must round a number, always round down. As your character goes on adventures, he earns gold, magic items, and experience points. Gold can be used to purchase better equipment, while magic items possess powerful abilities that enhance your character. Experience points are awarded for overcoming challenges and completing major storylines. When your character has earned enough experience points, he increases his character level by one, granting him new powers and abilities that allow him to take on even greater challenges.

Kamal Singh Kamal singh

Organization behavior - tesco case

The chosen organisation for this research work is Tesco. Founded in 1919, Tesco is one of the most renowned retailing brands operating in the global market (Azad, 2018). It focuses on selling a wide variety of products to its customers at low prices. Since its inception, the organisation has focused on maintaining high efficiency in its internal management. This is done with the help of effective human resource practices and organisational behaviour. The organisation always seeks to maintain good relations with its employees to work hard to attain the organisational objectives. This research work will focus on understanding and analysing the concept of organizational behaviour. This will be done by applying the different concepts and theories of organisational behaviour in reference to Tesco. Concepts such as motivation, leadership, teamwork, change management, and many more will be discussed in this research work.

Zamzam Abdelazim Zamzam abdelazim

L’usage des langues maternelles dans le français chez ahmadou kourouma et maurice bandaman : insécurité dans la littérature francophone

Les études sur la langue française la présente souvent dans des situations où elle est en contact avec les langues africaines. Elle co-apparait avec les langues africaines dans les discours romanesques. Cette co-apparition n’est pas sans conséquences pour les deux langues en contact. Certains linguistes, surtout les sociolinguistes et les didacticiens, parlent d’insécurité linguistique. Ils la lient à toutes les situations linguistiques où deux langues entrent en contact. Ngamassu (2007, p.94) dit dans ce sens que « toute situation de contact des langues est source d’insécurité linguistique, car aucun locuteur/scripteur ne peut maîtriser toutes les variétés ou niveaux d’une langue ». Cette affirmation restreint l’insécurité au locuteur ou au scripteur. Les linguistes ignorent souvent l’impact négatif du contact des langues et s’intéressent à ses conséquences positives. Cet article a porté sur les manifestations de l’insécurité linguistique dans la prose romanesque de Kourouma et Badaman. Il a permis de voir que l’usage des langues maternelles dans le français constituait une menace de disparition et d’abâtardissement de la langue française.


De la rhétorique du politiquement correct dans le discours présidentiel algerien: éléments d’analyse discursive

Le discours du nouveau Président algérien, Monsieur Abdelmadjid Tebboune, se caractérise par une rhétorique différente de celle de ses prédécesseurs. Notre entreprise, dans le présent article, vise à rendre compte de cette spécificité discursive en interrogeant trois expressions ponctuant souvent son discours. Notre analyse se propose d’examiner des segments de discours collationnés à partir des différents entretiens périodiques accordés aux médias nationaux et internationaux ainsi que des allocutions du président lors des travaux réunissant le gouvernement et les walis. En guise de conclusion, nous déterminerons les motivations du choix de ces formules dans le discours présidentiel.


Melilotus officinalis (l.) pallas: ethnopharmacology, biological and phytochemical investigation

Natural products the most significant source for pharmaceutical development have been investigated and utilized to alleviate diseases since early human history. Natural compounds from both terrestrial and marine organisms have been extensively used for the treatment of many diseases either in their natural form or as a template for synthetic modification. A variety of new chemical entities from natural resources at present are undergoing clinical trials. The government sector, industries and academic institutions also play an important role in the natural drug development for human health enhancement.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Knowledge, attitude and practice of pharmacists and pharmacy assistants toward covid-19 outbreak in libya: an online based cross-sectional study

The COVID-19 was announced as pandemic by WHO on March 11th, 2020. Five days later, on March 16th, 2020 prevention measures to prevent the outbreaks had been taken by authorities in Libya. The health care institutes were working during the quarantine and until now. Pharmacists as health care professionals have a critical role in COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to access the levels of knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of community pharmacists, hospital pharmacists and pharmacy assistants toward COVID-19 in Libya. A cross-sectional online survey was conducted in period from November, 2020 to January, 2021. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi-square to measure the differences and association within socio-demographic variables. Pearson correlation was used to measure the relationship between KAP of pharmacists. A total of 205 responses were received. The majority of respondents were from the eastern part of Libya. The percent of good knowledge score was 61.5%, the percent of adequate attitude score was 59% and the percent of sufficient practice score was 56.6%. There was an association between knowledge score and respondent’s professional and educational level with P=0.008 and P=0.028, respectively. There was an association between score of attitudes and working setup, professional level and educational level with p = 0.003, 0.011 and 0.002, respectively. There was also an association between practice score with regard to gender, age educational level and work place with P=0.004, P=0.017, P=0.002 and P=0.027, respectively. There was a positive relationship between knowledge and attitude (P>0.05). In conclusion, the KAP of community pharmacists, hospital pharmacists and pharmacy assistants were low but acceptable. Therefore, KAP should be improved among pharmacists by implanting an effective health education programs in Libya.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Application of hofstede’s model to study the role of indian culture for sustenance during covid-19”

The COVID-19 crisis has impacted all dimensions of our lives say it as the public health, the labour system, the social interaction, the political debate, the use of public spaces, the economy, the environment, and last but not the least it has proved to be a major contributor to the cultural value system of the individual living in society. This research paper is to analyse and understand the changes enforced by this pandemic on Indian culture and individual of the society. It also analyses the context of COVID-19 scenario with special reference to Indian culture and Hofstede’s theory of cultural dimension. This research paper is an attempt to emphasize the changes in culture and value system during the COVID-19 pandemic faced by India. India is enriched enough in cultural dimensions to combat COVID-19. The Hofstede’s model analysed in depth also leads to this finding that it also fits well in the present context. Thus, it is hereby summed up that as India is enriched in its cultural values it has posed itself as a fighter for this pandemic

mamta gaur Mamta gaur

Antiurolithiatic plants: formulations used in different countries and cultures

: About 12% of the world population is affected by different forms of urolithiasis, the recurrence rate of which is 47-60% in females and 70-80% in males. According to WHO, 75% of people rely on traditional medicines to prevent and cure different ailments. Similarly, the majority of the world population uses several plants to treat problems related to the urinary tract system, of which urolithiasis is the primary cause. The review aims to collect data on the plants used in different parts of the world and cultures against urolithiasis, including their parts, mode of preparation, dosage, and administration. A literature review was conducted for traditionally used antiurolithiatic plants. The articles mentioning plant, parts, mode of preparation, dose and route of administration were selected. This information was extracted to compose Mono and Polyherbal antiurolithiatic formulations used in Appalachia (a region in the Eastern United States), Canada, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Latin America, Pakistan, Turkey and Yemen. The review provides essential data about plants used as antiurolithiatic in different parts of the world. The information is not only useful for ordinary people but also for the scientific community to carry out further phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological studies for discovering new, effective, safer molecules against urolithiasis.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

An analysis of south africa’s readiness for analogue to digital terrestrial television migration

ABSTRACT The 2006 International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio World Conference treaty concluded that all countries should migrate from analogue to digital terrestrial television by June 2015, starting with region one countries, comprising Africa, Europe, the Middle East and the Republic of Iran (Agona & Otim, 2012). The purpose of this research was to explore the technology adoption model (TAM) to address challenges associated with digital terrestrial television migration, and analyse the readiness of South Africa to migrate. A quantitative research was conducted in order to determine the relationship between dependent and independent variables. Digital television offers many benefits for broadcasters, network operators, spectrum regulators, and consumers. In most countries, the transition was slower than expected, even though most European countries managed to migrate. The digital migration is not an easy transition and analogue switch-off can also be much more difficult. Studies have shown that analogue switch off (ASO) needs to be carefully planned and well budgeted for, and it also needs a good publicity campaign which must involve all relevant stakeholders, such as broadcasters, viewers, manufacturers, network operators, manufacturers and retailers. Even though studies conducted previously identified obstacles of digital migration to include; a) lack of awareness b) lack of information, c) influence of politics and d) influence of corruption.

Luyolo Mahlangabeza Luyolo mahlangabeza

Anti-inflammatory potential of medicinal plants

Inflammation is said to be a healthy component of the body immune system's reaction. Inflammation is characterised by four key symptoms: pain, redness, heat or warmth and swelling. As secondary metabolites, plants may produce a wide range of phytochemical compounds, which possess anti-inflammatory characteristics. Herbal remedies are important therapies for a wide range of ailments all over the world. There are around 7 500 species of medicinal plants, including representatives from over 17 000 flowering plant species. Even when synthetic chemistry has developed out their expectations, the use of natural ingredients in the manufacture of drugs used in contemporary medicine is unparalleled. By interfering with the biology of inflammation, anti-inflammatory medications may assist to minimise tissue damaging and increase patient’s comfort. Because of the bulky figure of species reachable for study, the effective development of novel naturally taking place anti-inflammatory drugs is mostly dependent on a multidisciplinary approach to discovering new chemicals. Despite the statistic that many review papers have been produced in this field, the conventional of them simply examined the issue from an area perspective. Several non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have been shown to reduce inflammation and pain by decreasing the isoform of the cyclooxygenase enzyme's digestion of arachidonic acid, hence lowering prostaglandin production. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a host of harmful effects. There are, however, medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory pharmacological properties that have few or no negative effects.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Tithonia diversifolia (hemsl.) a. gray: ethnopharmacology, biological and phytochemical investigation

The purpose of the presented monograph is to provide scientific information on the botanical features, traditional uses, active or major chemical constituents and pharmacology of Tithonia diversifolia. Studies on purified principles, mechanism of action and structure-activity relationship are relatively few and warrant further attention as traditional literature assures Tithonia diversifolia for the discovery of novel therapeutic agent(s). The safety, efficacy, quality control/quality assurance, clinical applications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, potential adverse reactions, and posology is not the part as very little data is available regarding the discussed plant. However, it helps in facilitating information exchange among practitioners Of orthodox and traditional medicine, pharmacists, and other health professionals, manufacturers of herbal products and research scientists and assist in developing their monographs or formularies.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

A study to assess the effectiveness of infrared radiation therapy on pain perception and wound healing among primi postnatal women with episiotomy

Motherhood has true nobility and unique capacities. Pregnancy and childbirth are special events in women’s lives. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of Infra-red radiation therapy on pain perception and wound healing among primi postnatal women with episiotomy in Christian mission hospital, Madurai. The study was conducted among 60 postnatal women, 30 in experimental group and 30 in control group, who were selected by using purposive sampling technique. Data collection was done as planned 6 weeks were taken for data collection procedure. The data gathered were analyzed and the interpretation was made on the study objectives. The paired‘t’ test and independent‘t’ test were used to find out the effectiveness of infrared radiation therapy. Comparison of pain perception and wound healing status values between pre-test and post-test, experimental and control group showed a significant difference at 0.05 levels. The study concluded that the infrared radiation therapy was effective in reducing episiotomy pain and wound healing. Therefore, infra-red radiation therapy should be used to augment the therapy of episiotomy. Keywords: Pain perception, Wound healing, Episiotomy, Infrared lamp

Elsi Queen Elsi queen

Strategic international business management - lidl plans

Will discuss how the German giant Lidl plans to take expansionary steps in a Mexican or Norwegian market to add to its success records in the European and North American markets. Lidl began modestly in 1973 with a small shop that runs three members and offers 500 products to 10,500 stores in 29 countries. Lidl has many pros, plus the disadvantages to consider when evaluating the components available in each country, both the pros and cons of this analysis will be reviewed using PESTLE, five- force models, internal value-activities, international business being able to. Accordingly, the next targeted expansion decision will be made.

Mohamed Sorogy Mohamed sorogy

A framework for using satellite images to estimate pv systems' generating capacities

Numerous initiatives to rely on new renewable energy sources, such solar electricity, have been sparked by the increased interest in global warming. With an increase in home photovoltaic (PV) panels that are available to the public, more precise calculations of energy generation are now possible. Segmenting satellite images offers a straightforward and inexpensive way to categorize solar panels..This work suggests a method for classifying and segmenting solar panels that combines the watershed algorithm with deep learning approaches. First, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture with the ResNet, EfficientNet, and Inception architectures is used for classification. Through the fine-tuning of pre-trained networks on a heterogeneous dataset of solar panels, transfer learning improves performance. The categorization model recognizes solar panels in a variety of settings with accuracy, making maintenance and monitoring easier. After classification, the watershed method uses intensity gradients to precisely delineate solar panels from the background. Tasks like defect detection and layout optimization are made easier when deep learning-based classification and watershed segmentation are combined. The outcomes of the experiments show how well the suggested method performs in terms of segmenting and classifying solar panels under various circumstances. A flexible automated solar panel management solution is provided by the combination of deep learning and the watershed algorithm, which promotes increased sustainability and efficiency in solar energy systems.

Bakka arun kumar

Anti-emetic activity of some aromatic medicinal plants

Anti-emetic activity Of four aromatic medicinal plants (Curcuma caesia Roxb., Piper longum Linn., Piper nigrum Linn., and Syzygiunt aromaticum (Linn.) Merr. & Perry) was studied in chicks. The ethanol extracts of these plants were administered at 150 mg/kg BW orally. All the extracts showed a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in retches induced by copper sulphate pentahydrate given orally at 50 mg /kg BW. Domperidone was given at 100 mg/kg as a reference drug.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Synthesis, characterization and dielectric properties of k1-xnaxnbo3

The samples of K1-xNaxNbO3 (X=0.4, 0.2, 0) ceramics (PSN) have been prepared by the conventional solid state reaction method and sintering process. The prepared samples have been characterized by XRD. All the prepared samples show orthorhombic structure at room temperature. Dielectric and Electrical properties of PSN system have been investigated in the temperature range 450C-2450C, and at 1MHz frequency. It is observed that dielectric constant, loss tangent and electrical conductivity increases with increasing temperature. Near the transition temperature dielectric constant, loss tangent and electrical conductivity of these samples show anomalous behaviour with temperature.

Manish uniyal

An iot based system to detect a person/wheelchair fall

Keeping an in depth tab of recent folks or folks on chair with bound health conditions for his or her health and safety is a very important task. With maturity, weak bones and weakness because of alternative health connected problems could lead to will increase risk of falling. A supervisor might not continually be on the market with them and if correct assistance is not provided at the correct time it should cause larger health considerations which will need extra resources for treatment. For this purpose we've projected a wise IOT Fall Detection System exploitation acceptable sensors that square measure integrated facilitate|to assist} report these incidents to assist avail help at the correct time to forestall additional injury to health. The same system uses sensors like associate degree measuring system to live the speed of the person, a rotating mechanism to live the person’s orientation so as to live their stability, a load sensing element once the system is employed by an individual employing a chair to live their weight, a Wi-Fi module and a microcontroller that sends the general readings to alert the involvedthose that shall give with the right suggests that to assist the person in want. The microcontroller receives all the info from the sensors and perpetually transmits and monitors the acceleration and also the orientation of the person. Any fast abrupt modification within the system which will result from a fall is taken into account as a ‘fall’ and is reported . a serious concern would be that not all fast movement may end up from a fall and be thought of as a matter of concern. To avoid this warning a napbutton is provided to snooze the system. This button will be ironed before a definite time say 15-30 seconds to prevent the system from causation the alert, thus avoiding any confusion and panic. this method will be mounted to the person’s chair or will be created compact to be created into a wearable device which will be worn on the hand.

Dr H Shaheen Dr h shaheen

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