Application of cooperative learning type of student team achievement divisions in fiqh subjects at mima 42 wuluhan

Learning is a process of interaction that occurs between teachers and students. The learning process requires a way or method so that interaction occurs reciprocally and can achieve the desired learning goals. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach, and the type of research is a case study. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. While the data analysis with an interactive analysis model (interactive analysis)—the validity of this research data uses the triangulation technique. The results of this study indicate (1) Planning for STAD Type Cooperative Learning Methods in Fiqh Subjects at MIMA 42 Wuluhan, namely: The teacher makes a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), makes observation sheets and score assessment sheets, choose learning media, makes materials and questions. group and individual assignments, and designing study groups. (2) Implementation of STAD Type Cooperative Learning Method in Fiqh Subjects at MIMA 42 Wuluhan: Initial activity: the teacher explains the material that will be given to students. The core activities are: The teacher explains the method to be used, divides students into several groups, plays videos as material, asks students to observe pictures/videos of people, and discusses the material in the video. And all groups present the results of their discussions. Closing activities, namely: providing reinforcement to the material presented by students, the teacher and students reciting prayers, and the teacher planning follow-up learning. (3) Evaluation of STAD Type Cooperative Learning Method in Class Fiqh Subjects at MIMA 42 Wuluhan Jember, namely: Evaluation of observation and performance (demonstration) on group performance. Meanwhile, individual evaluation is in the form of homework (PR).

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

The role of indian higher education in economic development

The aim of the paper is to develop Indian economy growth and its impact of upcoming scenario. In the modern world education is becoming the most important resource for economic and social development of countries, improving well-being and individual development of citizens. Education in every sense is one of the fundamental factors of development. No country can achieve sustainable economic development without substantial investment in human capital. Education enriches people's understanding of themselves and world. It improves the quality of their lives and leads to broad social benefits to individuals and society. Education raises people's productivity and creativity and promotes entrepreneurship and technological advances. In addition it plays a very crucial role in securing economic and social progress and improving income distribution. Our higher education institutions serve and enrich society in many ways and their role in modern Ireland is multi-faceted

Dr Gedam Kamalakar Dr gedam kamalakar

Power outages inport harcourt city: problems and solutions

Frequent power outages arising from poor state of electricity infrastructure is hindering Nigeria’s socio-economic growth. Port Harcourt is one of the foremost cities in Nigeria where business and social activities are becoming rapidly more dependent on electricity. Any power outage, even of the shortest duration, in Port Harcourt City has severe socio-economic impacts and there is no likelihood that the phenomenon would abate even in the nearest future. This research investigated the causes of incessant power outages in Port Harcourt City and suggested remedial measures to reverse the trend. The researcher relied on datacollected from primary sources through personal observations, interviews and discussions with residents of the City and from secondary sources such as the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) and current scholarly literature relating to this research, over a period of twelve months. The study used a descriptive and the non-parametric simple percentages technique in analysing the data so collected and in drawing conclusions. It was found that inadequate power generating capacity, shortage of gas, weak and dilapidated electrical transmission and distribution network, inadequate power infrastructure facilities, etc. are the chief causes of incessant power outages in the Port Harcourt metropolis. The paper recommends, among others, immediate upgrade of existing power infrastructure facilities, review of government policy on domestic gas supply and stiff statutory legislation on vandalism as measures to stabilise electricity supply in the Port Harcourt city.

Dr. Hachimenum Amadi Dr. hachimenum amadi

Junk food-induced obesity- a growing threat to youngsters during the pandemic

Introduction: Obesity has been declared an epidemic that does not discriminate based on age, gender, or ethnicity and thus needs urgent containment and management. Since the third wave of COVID-19 is expected to affect children the most, these children and adolescents should be more cautious while having junk foods, during covid situations due to the compromise of Immunity in the individuals and further exacerbating the organ damage. Methodology: A PAN India survey organized by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) among 13,274 children between the ages 9–14 years reported that 93% of the children ate packed food and 68% consumed packaged sweetened beverages more than once a week, and 53% ate these products at least once in a day. Almost 25% of the School going children take ultra-processed food with high levels of sugar, salt, fat, such as pizza and burgers, from fast food outlets more than once a week. Children and adolescents who consume more junk food or addicted to such consumption might be even more vulnerable during the third wave, which will significantly affect the younger category. Conclusion: There is an urgent need to spread awareness among children and young adults about these adverse effects of junk food. There is no better time than now to build a supportive environment nurturing children and young adults in society and promising good health.

Ankul singh

Ecological niche modeling to assessment of potential distribution of neodiprion abietis (harris, 1841) (insecta, hymenoptera, diprionidae) in eurasia

In the article first assesses the potential distribution in Eurasia of Neodiprion abietis (Harris, 1841) first time assessed. The species id a widely distributed in North America fir and spruce defoliator, intercepted in 2016 in the Netherlands. Analysis of the literature data on the known distribution and host plants of the species is given. Insufficient data for ecological modeling is shown, which causes a high degree of uncertainty in assessment of potential range. The results of modeling the potential range of the species using several algorithms are presented. The reliability of the obtained models and the importance of bio-climatic environmental variables for species distribution are assessed.


Implementasi strategi cooperative learning tipe jigsaw dalam pembelajaran akidah akhlak kelas v min bangka belitung pontianak

Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya permasalahan yang terjadi pada MIN Bangka Belitung Pontianak seperti guru kurang melibatkan siswa dalam materi pembelajaran, guru cenderung menyampaikan materi dengan menggunakan metode ceramah tanpa adanya variasi sehingga menyebabkan kejenuhan dalam belajar, guru kurang memahami dalam tentang memilih dan menentukan strategi cooperative learning tife jigsawyang tepat sehingga berdampak pada terciptanya proses pembelajara yang lebih baik. Penelitian bertujuan untukmengetahui: perencanaan, langkah-langkah, dan evaluasi dalam pembelajaran Materi Aqidah dengan Strategi Cooperative Tipe Jigsaw dalam pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak Materi Sikap pada guru di Kelas V MIN Bangka Belitung Pontianak Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Perencanaan Strategi Cooperative Learning Tipe Jigsawdalam Pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak Pada Materi Akhlak Tercela di Kelas V MIN Bangka Belitung Pontianak dengan lebih baik dan siswa lebih aktif dalam proses pembelajaran; langkah-langkah strategi cooperative learning tipe jigsaw dalam materi sikap siswa di sekolahdi kelas V MIN dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok, setiap kelompok diksih materi pembelajaran, dan siswa mendiskusikan dengan materi tersebut; Pelaksanaan evaluasi proses dan hasil kegiatan pembelajaran yang menggunakan langkah strategi cooperative learning tipe jigsaw dalam materi sikap siswa di sekolahdi kelas V MIN Negeri Bangka Belitung Pontianak adalah menggunakan tes tertulis dan tes lisan juga mengunakan penilain proses dari observasi siswa saat proses pembelajaran atau setelah mata kuliah selesai.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

A study to assess coping strategies adopted by adolescents studying in selected schools of distt. mohali, punjab.

The study was conducted by researcher on Coping strategies adopted among adolescents in selected Schools, Distt. Mohali, Punjab. The main aim of this study was to assess on Coping strategies adopted among adolescents, to find out the association between coping strategies adopted among adolescents with their selected socio demographic variables.Descriptive Research design has been used to assess the Coping strategies among 400 adolescents studying in Golden Bell’s school,Sector-77 and Shemrock School, sector 69, in Distt Mohali,Punjab. The sample was selected by Systematic random sampling technique. Pilot study was conducted on 10% of population and sample consists of 40 adolescents. Data on Coping Strategies adopted among adolescents were collected under two sections, Section A- Socio demographic variables and Section B- Coping Strategies Scale of Prof. A.K. Srivastava to assess coping strategies adopted among adolescents. Data was analyzed through Descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The results showed that majority of adolescents were adopting moderate Coping Strategies.There was significant association between Coping Strategies adopted by adolescents with their selected demographic variable such as Class of study, Occupational Status of Mother and Monthly Family Income.Based on the findings of the study, recommendations were drawn on nursing service, nursing education, nursing administration and nursing research.

Anu sharma Anu sharma

The roles of stethoscopes and sphygmomanometers in hospital-acquired infections: a case study of some district hospitals in enugu state, southeast nigeria

Background: Hospital acquired infections (HAIs) are infections that patients acquire while receiving treatments for other conditions. Studies have shown that stethoscopes and sphygmomanometers can act as potential sources of these infections in patients accessing treatment in healthcare facilities. This study aimed to increase awareness among health workers in Nigeria of the potentials of stethoscopes and sphygmomanometers to transmit HAIs. Methods: Moist swab sticks were used to collect samples from 38 randomly selected stethoscopes and sphygmomanometers from some departments of four district hospitals. Collected samples were cultured using standard microbiological techniques. In addition, self-designed questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge and practice of doctors and nurses on the roles of stethoscopes and sphygmomanometers in HAIs. Results: About 83.8% of the health workers demonstrated some awareness of the roles of stethoscopes and sphygmomanometers in HAIs. 42.5% cleaned their stethoscopes, while 5% their sphygmomanometers. Staphylococcus aureus, (65.9% of stethoscopes), proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (67.6% of sphygmomanometers), Streptococcus and Coliform species were isolated. There was no significant difference between the contamination of stethoscopes and sphygmomanometers by the isolates, except for Pseudomonas aeruginosa (t=3.49, p=0.04). Conclusions: Awareness did not match practice in cleaning the stethoscopes and sphygmomanometers in the four facilities. Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were the two most common organisms isolated with a significant difference (t=3.49, p=0.04) between stethoscopes and sphygmomanometers in isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. To curb HAIs, health workers need to improve on their practice of cleaning stethoscopes and sphygmomanometers.

Emmanuel umegbolu

Virtual reality based therapy and parkinson's disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative disorders worldwide. It is mainly associated with a loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta

Nagarjuna narayanasetti

Challenges faced by teachers of learners with learning disability

This Research Paper elucidates the challenges faced by teachers while teaching learners with learning disability. This has been conducted as a research study by the Research Scholar which explores multifaceted aspects of ‘challenges based on the responses given by the participants in the interview. It is a study designed to identify multifaceted dimensions of challenges faced by teachers while teaching learning disabled children. The research study analyzes the impact of challenges on teachers and how they are overcoming these challenges. This descriptive study was carried out as qualitative research under an Indian scenario based on Primary data available on the subject. The research enquiry focused on several research questions: What is the teacher’s understanding of learning disability? What challenges do remedial teachers face while teaching children with learning disability and how do they overcome them? What are the teaching approaches and methodology used to teach children with learning disability? The study will try to highlight the challenges faced by teachers to address them in front of the school administration. The challenges faced by teachers while teaching learning disabled children, i.e., ‘Teaching material and Curriculum structure’, ‘Behavioural issues’, ‘Lack of time’, ‘Parental expectations and Parental issues’, ‘Motivation’, ‘Self-esteem’ and ‘Emotional issues. The methods used to overcome these challenges were pointed out and analyses. Each teacher was using their own methods to tackle these challenges but some methods were used generally and an individual tailored method were developed and used according to respective learners.

Hashir Ahammed A V Hashir ahammed a v

Characteristics-centered cryptography with cloud revocation authority and its applications

Identity-based encryption (IBE) is a public key cryptosystem and eliminates the demands of public key infrastructure (PKI) and certificate administration in conventional public key settings. Because of the absence of PKI, the revocation drawback could be a crucial issue in IBE settings. Many rescindable IBE schemes are planned relating to this issue. Quite recently, by embedding associate outsourcing computation technique into IBE, Li et al. planned a rescindable IBE theme with a key-update cloud service supplier (KU-CSP). However, their theme has 2 shortcomings. One is that the computation and communication prices are above previous rescindable IBE schemes. The opposite disadvantage is lack of measurability within the sense that the KU-CSP should keep a secret worth for every user. Within the article, we have a tendency to propose a replacement rescindable IBE theme with a cloud revocation authority (CRA) to resolve the 2 shortcomings, namely, the performance is significantly improved and the CRA holds only a system secret for all the users. For security analysis, we demonstrate that the proposed scheme is semantically secure under the Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) assumption. Finally, we have a tendency to extend the planned rescindable IBE theme to gift a CRA-aided authentication theme with period-limited privileges for managing an outsized range of varied cloud services.

Dr H Shaheen Dr h shaheen

Investigating students’ attitudes toward poverty and impoverished persons - a case study: ho chi minh city open university, data of vietnam

Efforts to understand the causes of poverty, how poverty is perceived have become important in the fight to mitigate poverty. In Vietnam, studies on the attitudes of poverty in specific populations, such as Vietnamese students, are rare. Thus, this dataset reports the results collected from 180 social work students and non-social work students of Ho Chi Minh City Open University through attitudes toward poverty and poor people in Vietnam. The Attitude toward Poverty Short Form 21-item scale, developed by Yun & Weaver, was used for the data collection. The survey results showed that when looking for causes of poverty, social work students and non-social work students put the most emphasis on structural factors of poverty. However, social work students, compared with non-social work students, consider personal deficiency and stigma more important. In future, this dataset can serve as a reference source for comparative studies on student’ attitudes toward poverty and impoverished persons and for social work education.

Le Minh Tien Le minh tien

Geotextile can be worth their cost in pavement

Geotextiles have been successfully used for reinforcement of soils to improve the bearing capacity. In this study geotextile as a tensional material have been used for reinforcement of granular soils. Laboratory California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests were performed to investigate the load-penetration behavior of reinforced soils with geotextile. Samples of granular soil are selected and tested without reinforcement. Then CBR tests were performed by placing geotextile in one or two layers at various depths in soil sample. The effect of the number of geotextile on the increase in bearing capacity of reinforced granular soil is discussed.


In-silico drug design, synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of 2-azetidinone derivatives for antileukemic activity

2-Azetidinone shows biological activities like anti-bacterial, anti-microbial activity, anti-tubercular activity, and anti-cancer activity. 2-azetdinone derivatives were synthesized by simple procedures. The first step is synthesis of benzohydrazide through nucleophilic substitution reaction between methyl benzoate and hydrazine hydrate. The above formed compound is then treated with substituted aromatic aldehydes in the presence of catalytic amount of concentrated hydrochloric acid with stirring for one hour to give benzohydrazone which results in the formation of Schiff bases.Schiff bases undergone cyclisation in the presence of chloroacetylchloride and diethylenediamine by using ethanol as a solvent upon stirring for 4 hour’s yielded 2-azetidinone derivatives. The in-silico anti-leukemic activity was determined by using the computational tools i.e. “PASS Online”, “AutoDock4.2” and “ADMET” properties by online software’s. Among these six derivatives compounds (AZT-6) was shown more activity when compared with the other five compounds.

M. yaswanth

Surface modification of anhydrous borax with stearic acid by wet coating method

The wet coating of anhydrous borax powders with stearic acid (SA) to reverse their inherent hydrophilic surface properties was investigated. The coating procedure was based on the results from a previous study that revealed that the stearic acid solution (2 wt. % SA) mixed for 60 minute at 750 rpm on the magnetic stirrer was sufficient for the surface modification of anhydrous borax. For the experiments, stearic acid powders were first dissolved in water at 80 °C. The mixture obtained by adding anhydrous borax powders to this solution was vigorously mixed on a magnetic stirrer to initiation and completion the surface modification. Each of these solutions was then filtered using a filter paper to separate the undissolved particles, and the residue on paper was dried at 50 °C for 48 h until constant weighing was obtained. Wettability has been accepted as a key parameter for success in wet coating treatment. This parameter gained via the experimental characterization technique was used for an evaluation of the powder properties. The degree of wettability of anhydrous borax powders was measured and compared both after their surfaces were coated with stearic acid and after they were treated with water for a certain period of time in an aqueous environment. The stearic acid coating made the powder hydrophobic and this property was highly preserved after washing.

Journal of Characterization Journal of characterization

Mechanism of ibuprofen release from chitosan granules

Attempts have been made to formulate controlled release drug dosage forms using chitosan as a release controlling polymer. Granules of combination of chitosan, hydroxylpropyl cellulose, lactose, starch and Ibuprofen were prepared by wet granulation method using 1.0% lactic acid solution. The granules were physico-chemically characterized in terms of density, porosity, angle of repose, carr’s index and housner ratio and was found to be free flowing with good compressibility. FTIR spectroscopy was used and confirmed that there is no interaction between the drug and the added polymers. In vitro release of Ibuprofen, in phosphate buffer at pH 7.4, showed a steady and slow increase in the percentage of drug released over 24 hours as the percentage of chitosan was increased in the formulations compared to that from commercial tablets which released over 80.0% of their content in only two hours. The kinetic analysis using different mathematical models of the data revealed that the release kinetics of the drug form these formulations is somewhere between diffusion controlled, Fickian (anomalous) and non-Fickian which refers to a combination of diffusion and erosion controlled release. Thus, the high correlation coefficient of the data of drug release from most granules when zero order kinetics was applied revealed that there is a constant drug release with time for 24 hours.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Utilization of consumer health informatics in health promotion among staff of tertiary institutions in rivers state

Background: This study investigated the utilization of consumer health informatics in health promotion among the staff of tertiary institutions in Rivers state. Subjects & Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive research design was used. Two research questions guided this paper. The population of this paper comprised all the 13,046 staff of tertiary institutions in Rivers state. A sample of 1226 staff was drawn using multi-stage sampling techniques. An instrument titled, “Utilization of Consumer Health Informatics in Health Promotion Questionnaire” (UCHIHPQ) was adopted for data collection. The instrument was validated and reliability yielded an index of 0.80. Mean and Standard Deviation statistics were used to answer the research questions. The statistical analysis was performed with the use of SPSS v23. Results: The result revealed among others that to a very large extent, the respondents accepted that consumer health informatics was used to improve their nutritional and physical health status. Conclusion: It was therefore concluded and recommended among others that staff of tertiary institutions in Rivers state should regularly use intelligent informatics applications to attain a healthy balance between self-reliance and seeking professional help concerning nutritional and physical health matter

FXintegrity Publishing Fxintegrity publishing

Screening and selection of potential beneficial rhizosphere fungi from medicinally important plant species in tamil nadu, india,

The problem of chemical fertilizers and pesticides can be solved by the action of plant growth promoting fungi (PGPF). The indigenous fungal isolates obtained from the rhizosphere soil can be used as they are said to solubilize the insoluble zinc, phosphorous, potassium etc. They are known to control the different fungal pathogens and thus promoting the plant growth and health. In the present study, attempt was made to isolate soil beneficial fungi from the rhizosphere soil samples of important medicinal plants such as Aegle marmelos, Azardirachta indica and Citrus limon. A total of 22 fungal isolates was isolated and screened for their efficacy on phosphate and zinc solubilization and antagonistic potential against selected plant pathogenic fungi under in vitro condition and the isolates were identified up to species level.

Dr. SARANYA DEVI K Dr. saranya devi k

Primary hydatid cyst of the small intestine masquerading as intestinalhydatid cyst

Hydatid disease or hydatidosis is a worldwide zoonosis disease caused by the tapeworm of Echinococcus granulosus and still widely endemic in Tunisia especially in rural areas where the sheep-dog cycle is dominant. It is an important public health problem in the pediatric age group causing significant morbidity and mortality. We report a case of primary hydatid cyst of the small intestine in a child and we want to highlight the difficulty that we meet in the diagnosis despite the contribution of imaging.

Sameh Sameh

Analyzing game strategies of the don’t get angry board game using computer simulations

In the research described in this paper, we used computer simulations to analyze and compare different types of game strategies in the popular board game Don't Get Angry. Following a brief introduction, we summarized a few previous research papers examining similar board games' game strategies. Next, after a review of the Don't Get Angry game's official rules, we outlined four strategies that can be applied to increase the likelihood of winning. We simulated 50,000 games in which all four players made their moves randomly and 50,000 games where each used a different strategy. We tracked how frequently each player finished first, second, third, or last during the simulations. Furthermore, we recorded how many rounds were needed to complete the game for each player, how many times the players’ pawns were kicked out and returned to their houses by other players, and the number of players’ remaining steps during every gameplay. From the analysis of the recorded data, we could conclude that significant differences exist in the chances of winning the game for the examined strategies when all players use different strategies. The results improve the specific domain knowledge for the Don't Get Angry board game. It may help create more vigorous computer opponents and encourage further study to create a tool for evaluating students' strategic thinking while playing.

Ladislav Végh Ladislav végh

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