The impact of juveniles' ages and levels of psychosocial maturity on judges' opinions about adjudicative competence

Determinations of competency in adult criminal court have an extensive history, both procedurally and conceptually. Unlike criminal court, however, juvenile courts were designed for rehabilitation, rather than punishment, and, historically, the issue of competency was not often raised. Recently, however, as stakes for youth in juvenile court have begun to parallel those of defendants in criminal court, youths’ competence has become an important issue. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether defendants’ age and maturity affect judges’ ratings of juveniles’ adjudicative competence in juvenile and criminal court. Three hundred forty two criminal and juvenile court judges reviewed one forensic psychological report about a hypothetical defendant; only the age (12-17) and maturity level (less mature; more mature) of the defendant varied across reports. The judges then rated the juvenile’s adjudicative competence in both juvenile and criminal court, provided ratings of the individual competence components, rated their confidence in their decision, and rated the importance of various characteristics of the juvenile to their decisions. Judges also provided demographic information. Results revealed a main effect for age, with older juveniles generally deemed more competent, and a main effect for maturity, with more mature juveniles generally deemed more competent. There was no interaction between age and maturity. Results suggest that age and maturity play major roles in judicial determinations of juvenile competency

John Dolores John dolores

Synthesis and broad spectrum antibacterial activities of 2-pyrazolines synthesized from chalcones

2-Pyrazolines are well known, and important nitrogen-containing five-membered heterocyclic compounds which belong to the family of azoles and have been found to possess considerable activities, like anticancer, antibacterial, antifungal, immunosuppressant and antiamoebic activity. In the present work, ten novel pyrazolines were prepared from chalcones, characterized and evaluated for their antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli using Ciprofloxacin as standard and using DMSO as a solvent. Their activity was evaluated by measuring the zone of inhibition in mm. All the compounds exhibited antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Among ten derivatives of compounds synthesized, the derivative with 2-chloro and 4-chloro substituted phenyl rings attached to pyrazolines exhibited the highest activity against both types of organisms. The derivatives with an unsubstituted phenyl group attached to pyrazolines exhibited comparatively less activity. Thus it can be concluded that pyrazolines containing substituted phenyl groups are effective broad spectrum antibacterial agents, and they can be developed as effective antibacterial agents.

Vinod B Vinod b

Apoptosis induced by luteolin in breast cancer: mechanistic and therapeutic perspectives

Background: Breast cancer is a commonly found malignancy worldwide in women, and effective treatment is regarded as a substantial clinical challenge even in the presence of several options. Extensive literature is available that demonstrates polyphenols, the richly introduced phytopharmaceuticals, as anticancer agents. Among these polyphenols, resveratrol, silibinin, quercetin, genistein, and curcumin are reported to have tremendous potential against breast cancer. However, till now, no comprehensive survey has been found about the anticarcinogenic properties of luteolin against breast cancer. Scope and approach: This review targeted the available literature on luteolin in the treatment of breast cancer, its effects in combination with other anticancer drugs, and possible mechanisms. Key findings and conclusion: Lutein's outstanding therapeutic potential in the treatment of breast cancer has been recorded not just as a chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agent but also complemented by its synergistic effects with other anti-cancer therapies such as cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and NSAIDs such as celecoxib and possible underlying mechanisms. Ideally, this review will open new dimensions for luteolin as an effective and safe therapeutic agent in diminishing breast cancer.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

A review of rusle model

In this paper, we attempted to review the soil erosion studies conducted throughout the globe using Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). We searched the SCI, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar database and various theses for this study. Though RUSLE is the most widely used model for estimation of soil erosion, the factors, namely rainfall erosivity, soil erodibility, slope length and steepness, cover management and conservation practice; vary greatly over different climatic zones, soil properties, slope, land cover and crop phase, respectively. Depending upon those variations, researchers have developed various sets of equations for different factors of RUSLE. These equations can be useful to map soil loss for many places on this planet.

Kaushik Ghosal Kaushik ghosal

A study on work life balance of teaching faculities working in arts and science colleges

Work life balance of employees has become an important issue which discusses mainly about their carrer development and the family care, it is necessary to know how the employees balance the demand for their profession and also their domestic compulsions. Professional life is hat the aim to grow and earn respect in the workplace and the society they live-in. Personal life means taking care of family, spouse, children, health and spending the available leisure time effectively. According to work foundation, the term work-life balance is about individuals having a measure of control over when, where and how they work, leading them to be able to enjoy an optimal quality of life. It is defined as establishing a successful balance between working obligations and personal commitments. Work – life balance for teaching professional has become a challenge in recent years. Teachers work load demands their time both in the institution and also extends to their home. Teaching professionals need to focus on soft skills and life skills so that they should aim at producing good citizens for the country.


La théorie des intelligences multiples dans la formation initiale des enseignants

Dans notre système éducatif, l’accès à la formation pédagogique pour l’enseignement primaire est accessible aux personnes dotées du certificat de l’école primaire. Or, le système éducatif les plus performants organisent un dis- positif de pré-sélection afin de former les meilleurs pour assurer un enseigne- ment de qualité. Le recours à la théorie des intelligences multiples, est salutaire pour le recrutement des futurs enseignants dans notre système éducatif. A partir de cette théorie, la formation initiale des enseignants et leurs recrutements sont spécifiquement bordés de trois axes à savoir : interpersonnel, linguistique et lo- gique/mathématique, pourquoi mettre de côté les autres formes d’intelligences ? Or l’enseignant du primaire doit bénéficier aujourd’hui d’une formation totale.


Effects of rapeseed oil (rapus indicus) supplementation on omega-3 fatty acid concentration and carcass characteristics in broiler chicken

Dietary fatty acid composition in broiler influences carcass quality by altering fat deposition and fatty acid profile. Thus, the study was carried out to evaluate the effect of incorporation of rapeseed oil in broiler ration on omega-3 fatty acid concentration of carcass and its traits in broiler chicken. A total of 160 day-old straight run broilers (Vencobb 400) were randomly divided into four treatment groups (G1, G2, G3 and G4) having four replicates of ten chicks each. The basal diets (G1) were prepared to meet BIS (2007) nutrient requirements with palm oil at 1.5, 3, and 4.5 per cent in pre-starter, starter and finisher diets, respectively. The experimental diets were broiler rations prepared with rapeseed oil replacing 25, 50 and 100 per cent of palm oil in G2, G3 and G4 diets, respectively. The diets were fed ad libitum till 6 weeks of age. Six birds from each group were randomly selected and slaughtered on 42nd day to study omega-3 fatty acid concentration of carcass and its characteristics. The crude fat content of breast and thigh muscle was significantly (P<0.05) reduced in the group fed rapeseed oil included diets. However, carcass yield, processing yield and meat to bone ratio of cut up parts was not significantly affected. The colour and pH of breast and thigh muscles were similar among the treatment groups. Omega- 3 fatty acid concentration was significantly (P<0.01) increased in both breast and thigh muscle of G4 group broilers compared to G1 group. Thus, rapeseed oil inclusion in diet significantly increased omega-3 fatty acid concentration and significantly reduced crude fat concentration breast and thigh muscles with no effect on the carcass yield and its quality when included in the diet replacing palm oil at different proportion

SENTHIL MURUGAN Senthil murugan

Assessment of health-related quality of life and medication adherence in tuberculosis patients

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The disease mainly affects lungs and causes pulmonary tuberculosis. It can also affect intestine, meninges, skin, bones and other tissues of the body. Although the drugs alone can cure TB, it still remains a major public health problem worldwide. The aim of the study was to assess the quality of life and medication adherence in TB patients. The Quality of life was assessed using SF-36 in patients receiving DOTS treatment in initial or continuous phase while the medication adherence was analyzed using Morisky Green Levine Scale. Subjects were also counselled about their disease during their first visit and a follow up was done after a month. A total of 152 subjects were enrolled in the study of which majority of the subjects had Pulmonary TB (55.26%). Diabetes was found to be the most common comorbidity followed by HTN. The average Physical Component Summary (PCS) and Mental component summary (MCS) were found to be 44.34 and 39.60 respectively. Females had a better quality of life scores compared to males. High adherence was seen in 32.24% of patients while 28.29% had low adherence. Follow up was done for 135 subjects. 15 subjects defaulted and 2 of them died. There was a significant increase in the QoL scores and medication adherence after one month. A significant association was found between the Physical functioning (p=0.001) and emotional wellbeing (p=0.01) with Duration of treatment indicating that subjects who had completed more than one month of their treatment had marked improvement in Physical functioning and emotional well-being scores

Dr mahendrakumar r

Aggressive behavior among higher secondary students in rural, semi-urban and urban areas: a review of literature

This study aims to examine and compare the levels and patterns of aggressive behavior among higher secondary students in rural, semi-urban, and urban areas. Aggression among adolescents is a significant concern, and understanding its variations across different settings can provide valuable insights for intervention and prevention strategies. The study employs a review-based research design, using articles published between 1993 and 2023 to collect data on aggressive behavior of higher secondary students. For this purpose, a review of the literature was performed by using the search words “aggressive behavior”, “higher secondary students”, “rural”, “semi-urban”, “urban” in the databases like Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Academia, Shodhganga, PubMed, JSTOR and Elsevier for articles. The results will shed light on the prevalence, types, and potential factors influencing aggression in these areas, informing the development of targeted interventions and policy recommendations and statistical analyses will be employed to examine the relationships between variables. Importance and Scope of the Topic: Aggressive behavior is a topic that affects us all. From playground bullies to road rage enthusiasts, aggressive behavior has a significant impact on our daily lives. Understanding the causes and consequences of aggression is crucial in finding ways to prevent and manage such behavior. After all, the world would be a much better place if we all knew how to calm down and express our frustrations in healthy ways.

Abdul Jaleel Kuzhiyengal Mambra Abdul jaleel kuzhiyengal mambra

The effect of transformational leadership and competence on employee performance with job satisfaction as intervening variable

This study aims to see and determine the effect of transformational leadership and competence of PT Waruna Shipyard Indonesia on employee performance through job satisfaction as intervening variable. This research was conducted at PT. Waruna Shipyard Indonesia, located on Bagan Deli Street, Medan Belawan District, North Sumatra. This research was conducted of the month of August 2019-January 2020. The data analysis tool by structural equation modeling (SEM) with smartpls program. The population is employees at PT. Waruna Shipyard Indonesia in 2019, namely as many as 134 employees. This study used slovin formula for the sampling, calculations sample were respondents is 100 permanent employees of PT. Waruna Shipyard Indonesia. Thus taken 30 respondents outside of the sample to validity and reliability test instrument for testing questionnaires. Based on structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis, transformational leadership and competence have positive and significant effect on employee performance with job satisfaction as intervening variable at PT. Waruna Shipyard Indonesia. The contribution of transformational leadership, competence, and job satisfaction explains the employee performance variable of 0.724 or 72.40%. The remaining 0.276 or 27.60% is effect by other independent variables not examined in this study.

Lila Maria Kaban Lila maria kaban

Effects of industrial wastewater on vegetative growth and pigmentation of oil yielding and vegetable crops

When we tested various industrial wastewater samples collected from different industries they shown high amount of toxic chemical components, and the samples are unfit for irrigation or for any kind of activity. Irrigation of untreated wastewater for long time leads to soil pollution by accumulating toxic salts in the soil. The regular growth of plant get effected by this water like improper growth, low chlorophyll content, low carotenoids content, low yield, etc. Three different types of oil yielding plants (Mustard, Ground nut and Sunflower) and three different types of vegetable crops (Tomato, Chilly and Brinjal) has grown by using different industrial wastewater samples. The primitive parameters of vegetative growth (imbibition, seed germination and vigour index) and nutritional components (chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids) have been observed in all the samples after growing for a particular time period. The imbibition test of seed samples in industrial wastewater samples have not shown significant variation compared to imbibition in distilled water sample. All the seeds in all wastewater samples absorbed almost negligible difference but in the percentage of germination there is significant difference. The tests for nutritional compositions have also shown significant decrease in chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids in all varieties.

Veerabhadraswamy AL Veerabhadraswamy al

Vitamin c and human diseases: an overview

Vitamin C is associated with history of the cause of the ancient hemorrhagic disease scurvy. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient with important antioxidant properties. It is required by the body for normal physiological function. The body cannot synthesize vitamin C, it is present in nature through foods and other natural sources and it exists as a nutritional food supplement. The antioxidant activity of vitamin C protects the body from free radical damage. Vitamin C is essential for the development and maintenance of connective tissues. It is used as therapeutic agent in many diseases and disorders. Vitamin C plays an important role in several metabolic functions, as the conversion of the amino acid, tryptophan, to the neurotransmitter, serotonin, and the conversion of cholesterol to bile acids. Vitamin C supplementation resulted in a significant increase in vitamin C levels in populations; its high intake is associated with positive effects on cardiovascular risk factors. Vitamin C protects the immune system, reduces the severity of allergic reactions and helps to fight infections. It has an important role in bone formation, wound healing and the maintenance of healthy gums. There is profound beneficial effect of vitamin C in respect to human diseases as cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease and many metal toxicities. Several vitamin C analogs have been produced as anticancer and antioxidant activity. Vitamin C is useful if it is used as adjuvant therapy for several chronic diseases. Thus, this review summarizes the importance of vitamin C in the body’s physiology and biochemistry, in addition, the different mechanisms that vitamin C is implicated to treat different acute and chronic diseases. Future exploration should pay attention to chronic disease management by vitamin C.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Complete similarity measure mathematical model for cell layout design

The presented mathematical model is used to form machine cells, optimize costs of exceptional elements and design the shop floor layout for various demands of components. The complete similarity measure algorithm forms machine cells and part families in a refined form. Later, exceptional elements are eliminated in linear programming optimization model by using machine duplication and part subcontract. Then the shop floor layout is designed to have optimized material movements between cells and within a cell. The performance evaluation of cell formation algorithm is done on case studies of various batch sizes to give the process capability compared with other similar methods. The result from a linear programming optimization model is cost savings, machines duplicated, parts subcontracted, inter intra cellular movements. Finally, the output of inbound facility design is the floor layout which has machine cell clusters with optimized floor area.

S RAMESH S ramesh

Phycochemical and pharmacological studies on ulva fasciata delile

Phycochemical and pharmacological studies were carried out on Ulva fasciata Delile. The ash content was found to be 20.4812 % dry weight, moisture content 14.5514 %, and total fat content as 0.1878% and 0.49341 %. Total carbohydrate was found to be 54.5301-54.2246% dry weight, phenolic content was found to be 0.022%, flavonoids were found to be 0.0313%, and tannins were 0.00003 %. Ulva fasicata showed central analgesic activity and significant anti-inflammatory activity at 400 mg/kg bw.

Dr. Salman Ahmed Dr. salman ahmed

Covid19 vaccine production in india – changing market scenario

India is in the midst of a severe second wave of Covid-19. As per the Global Commission for Post-Pandemic Policy by mid-April of 2021, India had manufactured nearly 17 percent of all Covid-19 vaccine doses globally. It was the world’s fourth-largest producer, after China (about 36 percent), the United States (about 22 percent) and the European Union (more than 17 percent). Even so, following a shortage of vaccines and with insufficient local production, Government of India decided to import more foreign vaccines with quicker approval process for vaccines accepted in US/EU markets. India is currently using made-in-India vaccines, namely, Covishield manufactured by Serum Institute India and Covaxin of Bharat Biotech in its COVID-19 immunisation programme. The shortcoming in the production of vaccines and its dissemination within the country urges one to understand who the local producers are and how the market is playing out. This paper looks at the evolving market structure of vaccine production in India in the textbook framework of an oligopoly market. We use secondary data sources and daily newspaper briefs.

Nandini Nandini

Internalisasi nilai-nilai nasionalisme dalam pembelajaran ppkn di madrasah ibtidaiyah maarif condro jember

Nilai-nilai Nasionalisme yang diterapkan peserta didik dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Maarif Condro Jember seringkali terkesan dikesampingkan. Hal ini dilihat dari kurangnya kesadaran peserta didik terhadap nilai moral dan Nasionalisme, seperti tidak mentaati peraturan sekolah, tidak menghargai teman, membolos, tidak mampu menghafal sila pancasila serta lagu Indonesia raya. Masih dijumpai peserta didik berperilaku dan bersikap belum baik atau masih rendah terhadap nilai-nilai nasionalisme. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: 1) Strategi internalisasi nilai nasionalisme pada pembelajaran PPKN di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Maarif Condro Jember. 2) Penerapan nilai karakter nasionalisme yang dilakukan pada pembelajaran PPKN di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Maarif Condro Jember. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Strategi internalisasi nilai-nilai nasionalisme dalam pembelajaran PPKN ini adalah mamasukkan nilai-nilai nasionalisme dalam pembelajaran PPKN melalui pendekatan-pendekatan yang mampu diterima oleh peserta didik agar peserta didik bisa menjadi warga negara yang baik dan bisa memberikan kontribusi dalam memajukan bangsanya dimasa depan. 2) Penerapan nilai karakter nasionalisme dalam pembelajaran PPKN melalui mediator keteladanan guru dan kegiatan praktik langsung melalui pengalaman belajar seperti model pembelajaran, metode pembelajaran, bahan ajar, dan evaluasi pembelajaran. Perilaku berkarakter nasionalis yang diaktualisasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di sekolah oleh siswa yaitu disiplin, cinta tanah air, semangat kebangsaan, cinta damai, peduli lingkungan, menghargai prestasi, dan toleransi.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education Educare: journal of primary education

Globalization and chinese higher education

The cross line movement according to the two labor and products is the thing to take care of in the present worldwide economy. Worldwide exchange labor and products has for some time been a standard, for different advantages that gather from it. There have been numerous respective and multilateral arrangements comparable to cross line exchange dealings. The development of administrations area that decidedly influences the everyday daily routine and guidelines of experiencing or personal satisfaction. The World Trade Organization (WTO), of which in excess of 156 nations are individuals, has an understanding according to global administrations exchange. The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) is the WTO's arrangement that administers exchange 12 sorts of administrations, including 'instruction administrations'. One of the basic inquiries or issues in such manner would be corresponding to the sort of college to be permitted to set up its grounds or branch or in any case offer training administrations. This paper would endeavor to give some potential experiences into this issue. Internationalization and globalization are the two Global ideas terms conversely utilized as far as higher education. Most impressively, the test to set up colleges will come from the worldwide monsters of the interchanges, data innovation and mixed media ventures worldwide suppliers, packed with capital, ready to get to remarkable global researchers and educators, talented in giving in situ understudy support at the same time in numerous nations, and equipped for expediting proficient accreditation and acknowledgment all throughout the planet. Quality in the subsequent 'worldwide virtual colleges' will be high, normalization will make cost structures that are powerfully serious, brand acknowledgment will be acquired, maybe by accepting one of the incomparable Ivy League organizations as an accomplice, or on the other hand by moving into advanced education a prevailing brand from the correspondences or processing ventures.

Dr Gedam Kamalakar Dr gedam kamalakar

Equity and equality in higher education-india calling…

Abstract Higher education in India is always a socio-political way and a powerful engine of social mobility. It adds to the benefits to society as more people earning Higher Education credentials. It is proven that college graduates earn more. They are less likely to be unemployed. They are more likely to vote, more likely to volunteer, and more likely to maintain good health. India as a Globalised and developing nation has been little systematically progressing on the educational front since its independence. The government is making progress in reaching out to all the classes of its society. The improvement in the country’s economic front has resulted in the upscaling of communication technology. The advent of the internet, have vastly leveraged the promotion of education across all verticals. But at the same time, the idea of Equity and Equality needs to be redefined in the present context of the newly established notion of ‘Inclusivity’. This paper deliberates on the various ideas and approaches of Higher Education in India on ‘Inclusivity’ in general and Equity and Equality in particular.

Dr. Preeti oza Dr. preeti oza

Toenail fungal infection: a case report

Fungal infection of the nails (onychomycosis) is a common condition that is hard to cure. The fungus hidden in the nail is difficult to treat with antifungal medications, and infected nails take months to heal. Antifungal nail polish can occasionally be used to treat mild cases, but blood-stream-permeable medications are required to treat more serious infections. We need something better because even these are not always successful and can have negative side effects like skin rash or liver issues. Additionally, onycholysis (the separation of the nail plate) creates a moist environment that can encourage the growth of fungi. Moreover, immunosuppressive medication use may worsen onychomycosis. In this example, the diseased entity's clinical presentation in an adult patient was described.

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mediterranean journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Preparation and physicochemical and in-vitro evaluation of lomustine nanoparticles

In the present study nanoparticles of lomustine were fabricated using chitosan polymer crosslinked with different crosslinking agents like sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium hexametaphosphate. Different formulations of nanoparticles were prepared using different concentrations of crosslinking agents and polyethylene glycol 6000. The average particle size ranged between 112 nm to 942 nm. Zeta potential of nanoparticles ranged between 29.0 mV up to 56.0 mV. Encapsulation efficiency was variable from 58%-96%. The nanoparticles were solid spherical. In vitro drug release study was carried out in phosphate buffered saline solution pH 7.4 for 10 h. The analysis of regression values of Higuchi plot suggested diffusional mechanism and follows Fick's law of diffusion. Drug polymer interaction was absent as evidenced by FT-IR spectra and DSC thermograms. With polyethylene glycol inclusion shows interaction between lomustine and PEG. Cell viability assay (MTT Assay) showed that the lomustine nanoparticles were able to reduce the tumour cell proliferation and increased cell viability significantly (p< 0.05) as compared to pure drug in L 132 human lung cancer cell line

Archana Mehrotra Archana mehrotra

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