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The article devote to strategic planning of transport and logistical infrastructure development in territory of Siberia and Far East areas, network of regional terminals and the Multimodal transport logistical centers creation incorporated in regional logistical transport and distributive systems on the basis of formation uniform organizational-economic, information, scientific and technical and normal laws is expedient. It is the first in the literature that the multimodal logistical centers, which functions on the commercial basis, providing the coordinated interaction of all transport types and other participants of the logistical process, considered as basic elements of a International transport corridors logistical infrastructure and strategic points of Russia economy growth. Formation and development Purposes of International transport corridors in Russia territory are integration providing with the Russian transport in the European and world transport systems as the equal in rights partner.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.24411/2713-2242-2020-00002
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