Dr H Shaheen Profile Dr H Shaheen

Secured data transmission in vanet using vehicular digital hash gen model

  • Authors Details :  
  • Rajasekar Rangasamy,  
  • H. Shaheen,  
  • T. Sreenivasulu,  
  • Nartkannai. K

Journal title : International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology

Publisher : Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP

Online ISSN : 2249-8958

Page Number : 1008-1011

Journal volume : 8

Journal issue : 6S

0.9K Views Research reports

Vehicular adhoc structures (VANETs) handle the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) for their security. In any PKI structure, the check of a got message is performed by checking if the check of the sender is joined into the current CRL, Verifying the reliability of the certification and standard for the sender. In this paper, it has been propose a Vehicular Digital Hash Gen show up (VDHG) for VANETs, which replaces the dull CRL checking process by a profitable revoking checking process. The renouncing check process in VDHG uses a Private Key Infrastructure (PKI), where the key used in finding the VDHG is shared particularly between On-Board Units (OBUs). In like manner, VDHG uses a novel probabilistic key stream, which extras with OBUs to trade and revive an issue key. VDHG can on a very basic level lessen the data torment in light of the message declaration deferral pulled back and the standard assistance structures using CRL

Article DOI & Crossmark Data

DOI : https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.F1192.0886S19

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