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The development of science and technology proves once again how infinite human needs are. The concentration of the population in large cities, on the one hand, accelerates the process of urbanization and affects the level of development of the state. On the other hand, the state of the environment has a negative impact on urban ecology. From ancient times the population has been striving to create favourable conditions for themselves and such a process is still going on, especially when the negative consequences of this are clearly felt in the health of the population living in cities. Solving this problem is one of the main tasks of urboecology. The development of modern methods of geo-ecological monitoring of the ecological condition of cities, especially in areas with high industrial specialization. The development of measures to improve the health of the population in ecologically critical areas is of a great importance today. To this end, this article discusses in detail the industrialized Navoi region and its urban and ecological situation, the factors affecting it.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6397892
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