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Experimental trials were conducted on the compatibility of urea 2% with insecticides of different groups viz., monocrotophos 36SL @ 500 ml/ha, cypermethrin 25EC @ 125 ml/ha, quinalphos 25EC @ 1000 ml/ha and novaluron 10EC @ 375 ml/ha against larval population of Helicoverpa armigera in the field conditions on chickpea cultivar “HC-1” during Rabi season 2011-12 and 2012-13 at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (Haryana). These insecticides were found compatible with urea. Minimum larval population of H. armigera was recorded in novaluron 10EC @ 375 ml/ha at 3, 7 and 10 days after spraying. Monocrotophos 36SL @ 500 ml/ha, quinalphos 25EC @ 1000 ml/ha and cypermethrin 25EC @ 125 ml/ha could not provide consistent results against H. armigera. The larval population, pod damage and incidence were statistically at par with insecticides and their combination. No phytotoxicity effect was observed on the leaves with urea application in combination with insecticides. Minimum per cent pod damage (7.3%), maximum grain yield (14.6 q/ha) and monetary returns (` 6265/ha) was realized from novaluron 10EC @ 375 ml/ha plus 2% urea as compared to other treatments.
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Background: the legume pod borer, helicoverpa armigera (hübner), is one of the most damaging crop pests, including pigeonpea. host plant resistance is a component of pest managemen...
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