Journal title : The Gazette of Medical Sciences
Publisher : Inovacus Publication
Online ISSN : 2692-4374
Page Number : 31-39
Journal volume : 2
Journal issue : 5
514 Views Original Article
Background Covid-19 pandemic has hit many countries and put the majority of the public health system to test globally. Mandatory use of face mask was among policies set by the government to contain the spread of the novel disease. But citizens’ attitudes and compliance with these policies are important in controlling the pandemic. We assessed gender-based compliance to Covid-19 protocol (use of face mask) in Jos South, Plateau State, Nigeria. Methods Perception regarding Covid-19 and the use of face masks were assessed among participants using a questionnaire-based survey. In a cross-sectional study, ninety (n=90) questionnaires were administered to willing participants directly. A Chi-square test was used to determine the descriptive analysis of all responses, P-values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Result Out of 90 participants, 55.6% (50/90) were male and 44.4%(40/90) were female. Forty-two (84%) males deny the existence of the pandemic while in females, 14 (35%) deny that Covid-19 exist. Thirty-seven (74%) of the male respondents do not comply with to use of the face mask and use a single face mask multiple times without decontamination. In females, 28 (70%) comply with the use of the face mask. Unlike the men, 20 (50%) of the females always decontaminate the face mask. The middle-aged adult (26-45 years) uses the face mask more than the young (18-25 years). There was a significant association of gender in relation to the perception of Covid-19 and the use of facemask (p< 0.05). Conclusion Male respondents showed an irresponsible attitude complying to Covid-19 protocol than the females, therefore, enlisting them as a risk factor for the continued spread of the virus. We recommend that public health awareness and campaigns should focus and employ greater influence on men and young adults in their compliance with the preventive protocols.
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